![Dm 265, S. 2021](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Blprblir oI tr! $lritrlpittre, Departuefi of Gtuation Redotr IV-A SCHOOLS DMSION OF OUEON PROVINCT 06 May 2021 DtvtstoN uElioRAt{Duu DM No, 10J . g,2021 LIST OF RESEARCH PRESENTERS TO ESRA 2021; t't DlvlsloN ULTIITISCIPUNARY RESEARCH COT{GRESS FOR SET.IIOR HIGH SCHOOL To: OIC-Assistanl Schools Division Superintendents SGOD and CID Chief Educalion Program Supervisore and Specielbts Public Schools Districl Supervisors and District Research Commillees Congressional Districl Research Committee Officers senior High School Heads All Others Concemed 1. ln reference to DMsion Memorandum No.180 8.2021 or the Explorrtiqn ol StudentE Research Ablllds. (EsRAl 2021: lst DIVISION ULTlDlSclPLll{ARY RESEARCH CONGRESS FOR SENTOR HIGH SCHOOL, this Office rel€asea the list of Senior High Sdrool Studer{s who ly€re endorsed by their respedive Congr€6aional Distric'l Research Committee for the reeearch presentetion on ay l3-14 2021. 2. Attached is the tentative Fogram and the schedule of research preeentations. 3. ln preparation ior ESRA 2021, members of the Technical Working Group and Panel ql Evaluators (pleas€ fiM Attachment 'l ) are invited for an online meeting on May 1 I , 2021 , 1 :00 p.m. Meeting link rYill be sent to lhe concemed. 4. Conduc't of this aclivity should follo'r. sEinger adh€renc€ to health and safely proiocols. 5. Wdest dissemination r11 ! lT SupennGnd€nt q.*eolrtkr2o2t oEPEOOUEZOT{-TI+SDS4+@$@3 " Cr e ot i n 9 F'o ssi bil it i e s, t n sp i r i n g t n n o w r i o n s " Addr€ss: Sitio tori, SGy.Ia ipan, PaShilao, Quezon HE Trunl ne {: (042) 784-0366,1042) 7A4-A$4,l142l784-0391, i042) 784 0321 Em. il Add.ess: q u pzo n @deped.sov. ph Webs;te: www.depedquezon.com.ph Brlllbttu ot tt. Bfitilrirrd Deprrtmefi ot Gtutrtion Rcglor IV-A SCIIOOLS DMSION OF QUEON PROVIT{CE Att chment I XE*BERS OF THE TECHiIICAL }VORKIIiIG GROUP 1. Dr. Juanito A. Mede 2. Mlchelle G. Duma 3. Leah B. Bemudez 4. Dr. Guadalupe C. De Jesus 5. Ryan C. Sulivas 6. Marbin JeramilD. Fragata 7. Mary Joyc6 P. Salamat 8- Wilbe.t B. Porteza 9. Rommel T. Ozcon 10. Edilbert M. Cadelina 1 1. Ma. Ayesa C. UBabia 12. Remrena Veneaha O. Santamina 13. Apple V. Orejola DEPEDAUEZON-Tt+SOS-o+@G 'keot i ng Pot slb il iti es, I n s p I ri h g I h nov d tions " Address: Sitio Fori, Br8y. Tallpan, Pagbilao, Queton rrunkline l: (042)784 0365. (0421784-0154, (042) 7A44391,lO42\ 7a4{371 BU Emell Add r€ss: quezon @dep€d.Cov.ph Webslte: www.depedquezon.co .ph ael[[tir ol tte FriliHirri Dqirtfiert ot Glurtrion ReSlon lV-A scHoots DMSIoN oF QUEZOT{ PROVI CE Att chmont 2 PROGRAX OF ACTMTIES trlay 13, 2021 (D.y 1) Ry t C. Sulivas - Ptqnn M ager Nlchatle G. Duma - Emcee 7:3{l e,m" - PEliminrry Activhi6s National Anthem Opening tuayet DepEd Quality Pdicy Stalement CALABARZON Hymn Aoezon Hvmn Rdl-Ca of Patticipants LG5,h B. B0rmude2 SDRC Secretdiat Mambet Statefient of Putpose Gltbe,l C. Atv" SEPS for Planninq and Research Opening Rema,,l's Gr€godo A" Co, L o/aasDs SDRC ChafiDerso, Slaternert of the ESRA 2021 : 1' Division RW C. Sulivas Muftidi*iplinary Resealc Coflg.ess forSHS SDRC Secrctaiat Member ComDalilion Gu IeIineI lnspirational Message E ias A. Alicaya, Jr, EdD orc- sDs 9,(n a.m, - g:lN e.m. - Br.alFout Gtoupa Calegpry 1 - Aocguntancy, Business and E ltlbarl lr. Ca.hlina - Facilitdtor Managsnent s/rand Category 2 - Humdnities and Social Sciences na. AyEsa C. Ursabla - Facililator Strand Calegw 3 - Techvoc Brccket A - Home Remf9loe llenosha O, San',,n na - Facilitdlor Econcrnics Catqroru 4- Sao s and Desion ADole V- O,?iola - Facilitator Closing Ptogram per Grcup Ptwram Managet - G,tad.l.qe C. De Jssus Xay la, 2t Zl (Day 2) Emcee - Edltbaft n, Cadelina Naliooalistic Satrg AVP Opening Pnyer DEPEDOUEZOT+TM-SOS4|{OII{03 "Cteoting Pottibiliti.s, lntpiing lnnovorions" Addresa:sirio Fori, 8r8y. Taiipan, Patbilao, Qlezon Trunkline fi (042) 784 03 66,l042l 184-0164, l,042) 784-0391, (042) 784-0321 He Email Addr€ssr [email protected] website: www.dep€dqueion.com.ph BElubtir oa tbe }[itilniruJ )Ee$!ffiert of €lutataor Reglon lV-A SCTIOOLS DMSIOI{ OF QUEON PROVING ln34,irational Mes.sage Itotba,l D. Pdez otc - ASDS Grwotio f. Nu€fo o/c - AsDs g:ln - 3:0o o.m. - E .*out GrouDs Categtory 5 - Sc,brce, Technology, Engineering Appte V. Ot Jol, - Facilitatu and Mathematics Category 6 - Techvoc Eracket B - AgrinAlCT Romrona Ve,'6sh, D, Sarrtamina - Facilitatot Categary 7 - General Acddemic slrand lre. Avo€a C. llrselia - Facilitdot i:Olt - 5:AO p.m. - Clo.eing Pmg/,rn ,nd Ledt B. B*mtde - Emceo Awardlns lnspintional Massag€ Elizabeh .DcV la SGOD Cl,,ef Lorena S, Walangawnb4 EdD CID Chief Awading of c6rlificate of Pafticipation Gllbott C. Nve Awading ot Cediftcate ol Reagnition SEPS for Planning and Resarch Awardlno ol lMnners Closing Rematus Juanito A. ,leda, E.rD Educailon Prcoram SuDaryisor oEPEDOT EZON-TFSDS{{{O€{3 'crcoling Possib ilies, lnspiring lnnovolions" Add.€ssi sitio Fori, 8r8y. Talipan, Pagbilao, Queron gE Trun kltne #: (042 ) 784-03 66, lO42) 784-0164, l142l 7 84-0391, (042) 784-0321 Em.ll Addressr q u ezo n @dep€d.gov. ph W€brlte: wwv..d epedq uezon.com. ph ,,**s TU Itrruhti( ol tre Flriuspimi De{armert of Gtutdtion Regloir Iv-A SCHOOLS DMSION OF QUEON PROVINCE Att chment 3 SCHEOULE OF RESEARCH PRESEI{TATIONS Accountrncy,Bulinassrrd lnagomcnt f,ty 13, Tltl6 ol R*o.rch Pltsontor Co.chr^dvi..r School 20/1 9:oGg:20 em Challenges and Ricaros€ L. Rodelits P. Villalobos, PaaElarg Opportun ities of 6rade Domingo DBA Sekundarya ng '12 Strdenh in Shaping Lucben their Enlrapr9n€urial ht€grEted Mindset SY 201S-2020 s('lool Lucban District 9:2G9:40 sm The Perception ol Online Brian Pebr S. Guadelupe C. De R6clo Memorial Shop Owners in laong Dalisay Jo6us. Ph.D. NHS E-Tindahan in Uing a Business Looo Tiaono I Dblrict 9:40-10:00 The Promotionel Kristine lvy H. Loma C. Arenal Gumaca afi Strategjes of Edma/s Duhapa Nalional High Hoanemade Tikoy in Sch@l BEy. Plogrcso, GurDaca. Quezon Guma.a Distri.t 10:0G'10:20 Entrepren€urship Skills: Canene E. Angeline T. Almazan Elias A. Salvador am A Close Look to Salaguba.E NHS Knowledge and Skills of /'lcaounteney, Eusiness and Managefient Agdangan Sludents in Elies A Distric{ Salvador National High School, Agdangan, Quezoar 10:20:10:40 Enbepreneu rship Elyzza l. Garcja Guadalupe C. De R€c1o Mqmorbl am Preference Level for E- Jesus, Ph.O. NHS Businqss Amidst Covid- 19 among Gmde 12 fiaong I DiBtrid Shrd€nts 10:4G11:00 ItB Nice to Be Wis€: The Ma. Junlth M. L€e Ann O. D€ TagkauEyan sm Efiec{s of Finanoial H€mogeno Chav6z National High Literacy on he School Budgeting and Planning Plac{ice3 of The Tagkawayan I S€lected Studentr8 in Di6t ict Tagka!./eyen National Hhh School oEPEOOUEZOI+Ti -Sa'S-(x-{IxHh3 'C.eoting Posslb lttet hsphihg Innovdtiols" Addreta: Sitio Forl, Br8y. Talipan, Pa8bilao, Quezon Trunklin€{: {042) 784"0366, (042) 784,0164, (042) 784-039X, (042) 784,0321 BE Email Add resr: q! ezon@d e ped.gov. p h Webrile: www.depedque.on.com.ph atlrfli. ol t!,e FDillsiru, De0ertrrent of Gtutstion Reglotr lv-A sc[toots DMstoN oF QUaoN PRovINcE '11:0G'11:20 Efbctit€ne8s of Miko Andrc R. Rod€lila P. Villaloboe, Psralang am htsgratiog lnto,Ecti'/6 Villenas DBA s1d(Undarya ng Digital Technology in Lucban Teeching Accounting lnt€grabd Subjecl School Lucben Districl '11:2Gl 1:4o The Prefured Food Hazel Joy A. Gu.dalupe C. De Relo Memorhl 9m Businea Strategies Amorlizado Jesus, Ph.D. NHS Among Online Selle.6 in Tiaong, Ouezon Tiaong I Oi8trict 11:4G12:00 Sari-Sari Stcres duriog Jomalyn D. Bernal Joy M. Belmonte Lopez National nn Pandemic: lmpacls of CompEhensive Covid-19 io Business in High Sch@l Calauao, Ouezon Lop€z Wsst Oisbirt 'I i0G1:20 pm The lnlluerce of Mercel R. Polborido lrene Recholle R. Buenevista NHS Collaboralion and Faiarito St'ahgies of Business Bueflavis{a I o1xneIs as an lnsplradon Dlstri.[ to the ABM Students in Buenaviste Ouszon 1:20-1:40 pm Academic Skess Jill B. Ddlano Mildro D- Abaricie Paaralang Atuing the Sekundarya rE Perbmance ot Grede Lucban 11 Accountancy lnbgrated Blrsin6s and Scilool Management Stud€nts Lucban District 1:4G2:00 pm Chalbnges Encountered Baby Shane C. Cherry S. Ona Tagkswaysn by Propri€to.s of Newly Lodlla Nstional High Established Food Stalls Sdrool in Metro Tagkawayan Tagkawayan I Distnict 2:0G2:20 pm Psnt€wid Pamilya John M.Ik C. Ryan B. Collantes Bofldoc Pilipino Program (4p's): Patello Peninsula Its lmpact to the Quality Agriculturdl HS of Living of lts Recipients in 8.9y. Abuyon, San Mul8my I DiEtil Narciso. Cluezon 2'.20-2t4O W The Difltculties Layden Diaz Glenda V. Lumanta, Canda NHS Expen€noo by ABM Arlene M. Diamante Siudents in Answerino oEPEOOUEZOiLTT/ISDS{4-Oog-ln3 "Cr.oting Posslbllities, hspiring tnnovctions" Addr$s:sitio Fon, 8rgy. Talpan, P.Bbltao, eue?on Trunklinal: (042) 784-0366, 1042) 784,0164, (042) 784,0391, (M2) 784-0321 Be Emall Addre$: q u ezon @de ped.tov.p h WebsitP: www.depedquezon.com.ph ltrtublir oI tlE PtiLphri Departmefi of G[utatiotr R.Elon IV-A soroors DMsroi oF QUEoN PRovINcE Modul€: Ba6i6 for Ssdaya East lnterventi,l Progmm District 2:40-3:00 pm Para Dito, Para Doonl Ne3|€en M.
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