Afw Miss America ' Carter Denies Reports Carter^s Appearance Youth Prevails in U,S, Was Healed, hy Faith Ted Asked Him to Quit Highlights Emmy Show Open Tennis Tourney Page 2 , Page 6 Page 14 Page 11 Hanrltrstfr Cloudy Tonight, Sunny Tuesday £u ftttn 5 Detail* on page 2 Faster Tempo President Carter’s Middle East Vol. XCVIII, No, 289 — Manchester, Conn., Monday, September 10, .1970 > A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 * 20$ Single Copy > 15$ Home Delivered envoy Robert Strauss and Egyp­ tian Prime Minister Mustafa Khalil reported a general accord today to “step up the tempo” of the negotiations with Israel on Dragnet Hunts Escapee Palestinian autonomy. I: ^ Strauss, who returned to the NEW HAVEN (UPI) - State Middle East Sunday for his second Purolator Security Inc, garage/ in matter of seconds and made no move charged with one count of capital police today threw out a dragnet for visit in less than a month, met for Waterbury, If convicted, he faced to threaten her. felony murder because one of the escapee Lawrence J. “Buddy" electrocution under the state’s new three hours in Cairo with Khalil, It was "scary to see him drop guards killed in the ambush was an who leads the Egyptian side at the Pelletier, charged in the slayings of death penalty statute. down,” she said, A correctional off-duty Hartford police officer. They autonomy negotiations. three guards in an armored car heist. He, his common-law wife Evelyn guard tried unsuccessfully to catch also were charged with three counts S C S O S O N m n Pelletier, 36, squirmed his way Vega, and Donna and Donald Couture him. Local and state police and FBI of felony murder. B MMon; hnpoMibto Strauss, who leaves Tuesday for Israel, said afterward: “I think through air ducts at the New Haven were arrested within 24 hours of the fanned out in the neighborhood. Ms, Vega, 26, and Couture’s wife, B B m y H M Community Correctional Center Sun­ aotcfcVanlM* we leave here with a general ac­ pre-dawn raid. Most of the money, “ Everybody’s out looking for Donna, 23, face three counts of felony day night, dropped down into the gCMooAndTiwMan cord that will serve us well.” jewelry and checks were recover^ him," said a police detective in murder, which is not a capital Q) Bw t Of Bums And Allan guarded lobby in a shower of ceiling at Couture’s home in Wallingford. Waterbury, Pelletier’s hometown. offense. Both women testified before "This is the time for our con­ fragments and fled into the night. Pelletier was returning from the “We’re all on the lookout, all the men a grand jury and are free on bond. 11:30 tinuing. stepping up the tempo, if £ M ovis "The Jayhawkers" “We are looking for him, but I hospital section of the Whalley have pictures of him.” Waterbury police declined com­ you will, for actions around the 0 1959) Jeff Chandler, Fess don’t want to-give any details of Avenue jail at 10:30 p.m, Sunday His lawyer, public defender Ray­ ment when asked if they were guar­ ■arker. (negotiating) table beween now exactly what we are doing,” said when he went into a utility room to D M ovie "On A Clear Day You and next May," he said. mond Quinn, said Pelletier had been ding Ms. Vega, who reportedly "told state police spokesman Adam wash clothes. He pried open a door Ian See Forev^" (1970) Barbra Negotiations on autonomy for very depressed recently, mostly everything she knew" to the grand itreisand, YveS^ontand. Berluti. He said there was no specific underneath a sink and knocked out a the 1.1 million Palestinians who because of a court order forbidding jury that returned the capital murder B Second C ity TV search planned “because we don’t plasterboard partition. him from seeing Ms, Vega. indictment against Pelletier and 9 IB 8 Tonight inhabit the Jordan West Bank and know where he is.” The 6-foot-6 suspect crawled "He had been in the hospital facili­ Couture. 9 M ovie "The Red Dragon" Gaza Strip opened last May 25 and 1946) Sidney Toler, Benson “It’s not a question of cordoning off through a maze of ceiling air ducts ty, he lost 45 pounds," (juinn said. Pelletier, who now faces an ad­ ong. have a target duration of one a wooded area and going in with and dropped into the jail’s lobby, “My understanding is that he ditional charge of unlawful flight to 9 Alan King Qoet Nashville year. , police dogs," Berluti said. State using blankets tied together as a couldn’t keep any food in his stomach avoid confinement, escaped from 3 Captioned ABC News police called off a search in the im­ rope. He ran through the lobby onto and had no appetite. Norwich State Hospital — a mental 2:00 Storm Stalls mediate New Haven area after County Street, disappearing in the “It certainly is a surprise, but this institution — in 1965. He has been in [) M ovie "The BeasI From 0,000 Fathoms" (1953) Paula MIAMI (iJPI) — Tropical Storm tracking dogs failed to pick up a darkness. type of thing happens and it’s an’un­ and out of jail since he was a teen­ laymond, Paul Christian. Frederic was stalled over Cuba scent. Ellen Flagg, an employee who was fortunate thing all around," he said. ager. D M ovie "My Favorite Wile" early today and hurricane Pelletier, as well as three other sitting in a glassed-off section 20-feet “I don’t know what'bearing it will Currently, Pelletier was awaiting 1940) Cary Grant, Irene Dunne. forecasters quickly revised their suspects, was being held on $750,000 away from where Pelletier dropped have on my case." tests by a psychiatrist to determine if S Dr. Scott On Hetirawt advisories to tell the Florida Keys Lawrence J. Pelletier bond in the April 16 robbery of a from the ceiling, said he fled in a Pelletier and Couture. 26, were he was mentally competent to stand 00 trial in the Purolator case. 9 B 8 Midnight Special and southwest Florida to be es­ pecially watchful. 30 ) Nawa (Tbna Approximata) "The threat to the Keys was decreasing as the storm moves 43 west-northwest," National D M ovie "My Reputation" 1946) Barbara Stanwyck, Eve Hurricane Center Forecaster Cuba Diplomacy Faces Test rden. Miles Lawrence said Sunday :00 night. “That’s not the case WASHINGTON (U P I)- The “firm A U.S. spokesman announced from the naval base at Guantanamo ministration not only would endanger SALT II would be defeated if it came D Joe Franklin anymore. That doesn’t piean it’s diplomacy” President Carter said he Dobrynin’s return and said he would Bay in return, but any such proposal ratification of the arms limitation up for a vote now because of the :30 increasing - we’re in a holding would employ to deal with the Soviet meet Vance today at the State is likely to fall on deaf ears. treaty, but would invite trouble in Soviet troops. D News pattern. We just don’t want to let troops in Cuba was to have its first Department. The time of the meeting The correspondent questioned a other parts of the world if the Soviet "If we do not insist the combat i M ovla "On The Riviera" the Keys off the hook.” real test with the return to was not announced. State Department spokesman about troops were not withdrawn. troops be removed, then I think we re 951) Danny Kaye, Gene Tier- borrowing trouble against the 9y- Once Frederic, which has 50 Washington of Soviet Ambassador The United States had requested the numbers and rationale for U.S. “I think they must be withdrawn," mile an hour winds, clears the Anatoly Dobrynin. Dobrynin’s early return in order to troops at Guantanamo. Church said in a television interview future," Church said. He said an in­ :46 3 Ja ck Banny coast of Cuba “I see no reason Dobrynin has been in Russia, push forward with the “firm But the United States has made on CBS-TV’s Face the Nation. “In sufficient U.S. response would invite why it couldn’t intensify into a where his father recently died, but he diplomacy” President Carter said he clear over the years the only my judgment, the Senate will not “ further adventurism " by the :15 i M ovie "Stars And Stripes very respectable hurricane," returned Sunday and was called to a planned to use to resolve the issue of American military installation on ratify the SALT treaty while Soviet Soviets and the Cubans. irever" (1952) Cillton Webb, Lawrence said’ meeting today with Secretary of the Soviet combat brigade from communist territory is not combat troops remain in Cuba. That He said the method used to per­ ebra Paget. State Cyrus Vance, signaling Cuba, negotiable, and the spokesman said is just a truthful assessment of my suade Moscow to remove the troops Long Record \ heightened negotiations over-the A Soviet correspondent at the daily that position is unchanged. reading of the mood of the Senate." must be left to the president, but troop issue that is clouding prospects State Department news briefing last Sen. Frank Church, D-Idaho, chair­ Church said he had hoped the arms suggested the United States could use NEW YORK (UPI) - A for SALT II ratification and U.S.- week hinted his country might man of the Senate Foreign Relations treaty could be considered on its own favorable trade status or the deploy­ Manhattan man arrested for Soviet relations generally.
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