06APR11 2011 Scotties Tournament of Hearts Charlottetown, PEI TEAM AND PLAYER IDENTIFICATION 1 Team Canada (Jones) CAN St. Vital Curling Club Winnipeg Player no. 1 - Dawn Askin normally throws lead rocks. Player no. 2 - Jill Officer normally throws second rocks. Player no. 3 - Kaitlyn Lawes normally throws third rocks. Player no. 4 - Jennifer Jones normally throws last rocks. Player no. 5 - Janet Arnott is a spare. Team Coach - Earle Morris 2 Alberta (Kleibrink) AB Calgary Winter Club Calgary Player no. 1 - Chelsey Bell normally throws lead rocks. Player no. 2 - Bronwen Webster normally throws second rocks. Player no. 3 - Amy Nixon normally throws third rocks. Player no. 4 - Shannon Kleibrink normally throws last rocks. Player no. 5 - Crystal Webster is a spare. Team Coach - J.D. Lind 3 BC (Scott) BC Kelowna Curling Club Kelowna Player no. 1 - Jacquie Armstrong normally throws lead rocks. Player no. 2 - Sasha Carter normally throws second rocks. Player no. 3 - Jeanna Schraeder normally throws third rocks. Player no. 4 - Kelly Scott normally throws last rocks. Player no. 5 - Shannon Aleksic is a spare. Team Coach - Gerry Richard 4 Man(Overton-Clapham) MB Fort Rouge Curling Club Winnipeg Player no. 1 - Raunora Westcott normally throws lead rocks. Player no. 2 - Leslie Wilson normally throws second rocks. Player no. 3 - Karen Fallis normally throws third rocks.(LH) Player no. 4 - Cathy OvertonClapham normally throws last rocks. Player no. 5 - Breanne Meakin is a spare.(LH) Team Coach - Rob Meakin 5 NB (Kelly) NB Gage Golf & Curling Club Oromocto Player no. 1 - Lianne Sobey normally throws lead rocks.(LH) Player no. 2 - Jillian Babin normally throws second rocks. Player no. 3 - Denise Nowlan normally throws third rocks. Player no. 4 - Andrea Kelly normally throws last rocks. Player no. 5 - Jodie deSolla is a spare. Team Coach - Daryell Nowlan 6 NL (Devereaux) NL Bally Haly Golf & Curling Club St. John's Player no. 1 - Heather Martin normally throws lead rocks. Player no. 2 - Sarah Paul normally throws second rocks. Player no. 3 - Stephanie Guzzwell normally throws third rocks. Player no. 4 - Stacie Devereaux normally throws last rocks. Player no. 5 - Julie Devereaux is a spare. Team Coach - Craig Withycombe 7 NS (Smith-Dacey) NS Mayflower Curling Club Halifax Player no. 1 - Teri Lake normally throws lead rocks. Player no. 2 - Blisse Comstock normally throws second rocks. Player no. 3 - Danielle Parsons normally throws third rocks. Player no. 4 - Heather Smith-Dacey normally throws last rocks. Player no. 5 - Melanie Comstock is a spare. Team Coach - Mark Dacey ©Copyright 2011 Canadian Curling Association - 1 - 06APR11 2011 Scotties Tournament of Hearts Charlottetown, PEI TEAM AND PLAYER IDENTIFICATION REPORT CONTINUED 8 NT/YT (Galusha) NT/Y Yellowknife Curling Club Yellowknife Player no. 1 - Shona Barbour normally throws lead rocks. Player no. 2 - Wendy Miller normally throws second rocks.(LH) Player no. 3 - Dawn Moses normally throws third rocks. Player no. 4 - Kerry Galusha normally throws last rocks. Player no. 5 - Sharon Cormier is a spare. Team Coach - Fred Koe 9 Ontario (Homan) ON Ottawa Curling Club Ottawa Player no. 1 - Lisa Weagle normally throws lead rocks. Player no. 2 - Alison Kreviazuk normally throws second rocks. Player no. 3 - Emma Miskew normally throws third rocks. Player no. 4 - Rachel Homan normally throws last rocks. Player no. 5 - Sherry Middaugh is a spare. Team Coach - Andrea Ronnebeck 10 PEI (Birt) PE Charlottetown Curling Club Charlottetown Player no. 1 - Leslie MacDougall normally throws lead rocks. Player no. 2 - Robyn MacPhee normally throws second rocks. Player no. 3 - Shelly Bradley normally throws third rocks. Player no. 4 - Suzanne Birt normally throws last rocks.(LH) Player no. 5 - Tricia Affleck is a spare.(LH) Team Coach - Paul Power 11 Quebec (Larouche) QC Club de curling Etchemin St-Romuald Player no. 1 - Veronique Brassard normally throws lead rocks. Player no. 2 - Veronique Gregoire normally throws second rocks.(LH) Player no. 3 - Annie Lemay normally throws third rocks. Player no. 4 - Marie-France Larouch normally throws last rocks. Player no. 5 - Joelle Sabourin is a spare. Team Coach - Camil Larouche 12 Sask (Holland) SK Kronau Curling Club Kronau Player no. 1 - Heather Kalenchuk normally throws lead rocks. Player no. 2 - Tammy Schneider normally throws second rocks. Player no. 3 - Kim Schneider normally throws third rocks. Player no. 4 - Amber Holland normally throws last rocks. Player no. 5 - Jolene Campbell is a spare. Team Coach - Merv Fonger ©Copyright 2011 Canadian Curling Association - 2 - 06APR11 2011 Scotties Tournament of Hearts Charlottetown, PEI ATTENDANCE REPORT DRAW ATTENDANCE TOTAL 1 2727 2727 2 2074 4801 3 1916 6717 4 2598 9315 5 2384 11699 6 1746 13445 7 1373 14818 8 3278 18096 9 1181 19277 10 2100 21377 11 2057 23434 12 1628 25062 13 1977 27039 14 2175 29214 15 1834 31048 16 1444 32492 17 2436 34928 --- END OF ROUND ROBIN --- 18 1823 36751 19 2233 38984 20 2157 41141 21 2477 43618 22 2027 45645 23 2828 48473 ©Copyright 2011 Canadian Curling Association - 3 - 06APR11 2011 Scotties Tournament of Hearts Charlottetown, PEI GAME SCORES BY DRAW DRAW A B C D 1 *ON 9 NT/Y 2 *PE 7 MB 6 NS 3 *AB 9 NB 9 *SK 8 2 MB 7 *BC 7 *QC 6 *NB 7 *NT/Y 4 NL 2 CAN 7 NS 8 3 NL 10 *NS 5 BC 6 *CAN 12 *NB 4 QC 10 *MB 4 NT/Y 1 4 AB 7 *SK 9 *ON 7 *QC 5 *BC 6 CAN 3 NL 1 PE 10 5 SK 10 NB 9 NS 8 AB 7 *PE 6 *MB 3 *NT/Y 2 *ON 10 6 *ON 8 *AB 6 PE 2 SK 8 7 NB 3 NL 5 MB 6 *NS 12 *CAN 9 *NT/Y 6 *QC 7 BC 6 8 NL 5 *QC 6 *BC 5 PE 8 *AB 8 SK 7 ON 6 *CAN 6 9 NS 8 CAN 10 *NB 4 NL 6 *MB 7 *BC 2 NT/Y 7 *QC 10 10 BC 7 PE 7 *NL 4 ON 5 *QC 5 *AB 5 CAN 10 *SK 8 11 *NT/Y 7 NB 1 *NS 3 AB 6 SK 9 *ON 8 PE 6 *MB 5 12 CAN 7 *SK 10 QC 4 *BC 4 *ON 4 NL 2 *AB 9 PE 3 13 *AB 7 *NT/Y 7 *ON 6 *SK 4 NB 3 PE 6 MB 10 NS 7 14 *NS 11 MB 8 NT/Y 2 QC 5 NL 3 *CAN 6 *BC 7 *NB 8 15 *PE 8 *AB 7 *SK 7 NT/Y 3 MB 5 NS 8 NB 6 *ON 9 16 QC 10 *BC 6 *CAN 9 *MB 8 *NT/Y 8 NB 4 NS 4 NL 7 17 *SK 5 ON 5 PE 10 *CAN 8 BC 8 *QC 4 *NL 5 AB 5 --- END OF ROUND ROBIN --- 18 *NS 9 BC 8 19 CAN 10 *SK 9 20 *ON 13 NS 5 21 ON 5 *SK 7 22 *ON 7 NS 9 23 *CAN 7 SK 8 ©Copyright 2011 Canadian Curling Association - 4 - 06APR11 2011 Scotties Tournament of Hearts Charlottetown, PEI TEAM STANDINGS AFTER 17 DRAWS TEAM WINS LOSSES RANK Sask (Holland) 9 2 1 Team Canada (Jones) 8 3 2 Ontario (Homan) 8 3 3 NS (Smith-Dacey) 7 4 4 BC (Scott) 7 4 5 PEI (Birt) 6 5 6 Alberta (Kleibrink) 6 5 7 Quebec (Larouche) 4 7 8 Man(Overton-Clapham) 4 7 9 NT/YT (Galusha) 3 8 10 NB (Kelly) 3 8 11 NL (Devereaux) 1 10 12 ©Copyright 2011 Canadian Curling Association - 5 - 06APR11 2011 Scotties Tournament of Hearts Charlottetown, PEI TEAM WIN/LOSS GRID AFTER 17 DRAWS CAN AB BC MB NB NL NS NT/Y ON PE QC SK CAN * W W L W W W W W L W L AB L * W W W W L W L L W L BC L L * W W W L W L W W W MB W L L * L W L W W L L L NB L L L W * L L L L W W L NL L L L L W * L L L L L L NS L W W W W W * W L L L W NT/Y L L L L W W L * L W L L ON L W W L W W W W * W W L PE W W L W L W W L L * W L QC L L L W L W W W L L * L SK W W L W W W L W W W W * ©Copyright 2011 Canadian Curling Association - 6 - 06APR11 2011 Scotties Tournament of Hearts Charlottetown, PEI POSITIONAL CUMULATIVE PERCENTAGES REPORT DRAW-----> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 AVG LEADS + Tricia Affleck PE ** ** ** **100100 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 100 + Janet Arnott CAN ** ** 88 ** ** **100 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 96 1 Dawn Askin CAN ** 71 92 88 ** ** 88 96 96 97 ** 92 ** 90 ** 93 85 90 + Breanne Meakin MB ** ** ** ** 88 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 88 2 Chelsey Bell AB 84 ** ** 83 81 86 ** 87 ** 82 81 93 95 ** 89 ** 86 86 3 Lisa Weagle ON 73 ** ** 83 94 91 ** 85 ** 91 ** 76 90 ** 80 ** 90 85 3 Heather Kalenchuk SK 69 ** ** 88 81 85 ** 84 ** 83 84 94 92 ** 91 ** 85 85 5 Veronique Brassard QC ** 76 89 81 ** ** 76 79 83 85 ** 89 ** 94 ** 88 89 84 6 Teri Lake NS 88 80 92 ** 90 ** 64 ** 74 ** 83 ** 88 75 85 93 ** 83 7 Leslie MacDougall PE 85 ** ** 80 88 70 ** 86 ** 86 94 85 69 ** 72 ** 76 81 7 Heather Martin NL ** 74 77 77 ** ** 78 79 86 89 ** 89 ** 70 ** 88 85 81 9 Shona Barbour NT/Y 86 81 75 ** ** ** 66 ** 95 ** 89 ** ** 77 70 80 ** 80 9 Jacquie Armstrong BC ** 78 84 78 ** ** 64 88 88 78 ** 73 ** 86 ** 75 91 80 + Sharon Cormier NT/Y ** ** ** ** 75 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 80 ** ** ** ** 78 + Sherry Middaugh ON ** ** ** 0 ** ** ** ** ** 50 84 ** ** ** ** ** ** 76 11 Lianne Sobey NB 62 66 84 ** 77 ** 73 ** 96 ** 83 ** 61 69 90 76 ** 76 12 Raunora Westcott MB 68 86 79 ** 79 ** 71 ** ** ** 74 ** 81 78 75 68 ** 75 + Jodie deSolla NB ** ** ** ** ** ** 75 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 75 + Karen Fallis MB ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 69 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 69 + Crystal Webster AB ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 50 ** ** ** ** ** 50 + Jolene Campbell SK ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 46 ** ** ** ** ** ** 46 + Joelle Sabourin QC ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** SECONDS 1 Jill Officer CAN ** 81 95 80 ** ** 81 86 88 92 ** 81 ** 83 ** 75 83 84 + Sharon Cormier NT/Y ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 83 ** ** ** 83 2 Tammy Schneider SK 81 ** ** 84 82 79 ** 84 ** 90 81 82 76 ** 86 ** ** 83 3 Alison Kreviazuk ON 70 ** ** 79 84 91 ** 76 ** 83 75 81 92 ** 80 ** 90 82 4 Bronwen Webster AB 73 ** ** 84 73 79 ** 88 ** 81 78 89 83 ** 83 ** 86 81 4 Robyn MacPhee PE 74 ** ** 72 83 75 ** 94 ** 82 79 76 80 ** 80 ** 91 81 + Jolene Campbell SK ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 80 80 6 Sasha Carter BC ** 76 78 69 ** ** 51 ** 64 81 ** 85 ** ** ** 83 86 75 6 Veronique Gregoire QC ** 66 78 58 ** ** 75 65 84 81 ** 83 ** 79 **
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