WARS B ETWEEN THE DAN ES AND G ERMAN S IN F LE FOR TH E POSSESS O O SCH SWIG . IR T P ART F S . ’ On feint d ignorer que le Slesvig est une ancienne partie intégrante de la M onarchi e Danoise dont ’ l union indi ssoluble avec la couronne de D anemarc est consacrée par les garanties solennelles de s ’ an es Pui ssance s de l Eur o e et oh la an e et la ationali anoises e i s e de ui sl es em s l gr d p , l gu n té D x t nt p t p es ‘ - mem e et au m on e en ie u une n us ecu s. On ou r ai se cache asc i a e artie de l l r lé v d t r d t r, q gr d p a popu I ' l ‘ pa i on du esvi es e a tach e a ec un e fide hte mébranlable aux iens on amen a nissan le t Sl g r t t é , v , l f d t ux u t a s a ec le D anemarc e t ue ce e o ul ation a cons amme o es de l a mani ére la us éner p y v , q tt p p t nt pr t té pl ’ i ue con r e une inco o a io ans la confederation G e mani ue inco o a io on en m g q t rp r t n d r q , rp r t n qu prét d édi er n ommes — emi - ci al article moyenna t une armée de cinquante mill e h l S qfi . TH E ic the e t political question with regard to the nation blind to vidences of his ory, relations of the duchies of Schleswig and faith, and justice . D enmark which n - t Holstein to the kingdom of , The Da o Germanic contes is still at the present time has excited so great a going on ' Denmark cannot yield ; she has e alread lost t t mov ment in the North , and called the yj so much tha she canno submit n to - Scandinavian ations arms in self defence to any more losses for the future . The issue against Germanic aggression , is not one of a of this contest is of vital importance to her ; i s recent date . This dispute has for centuries she already fighting for her existence . t w h let n been the cause of des ructive feuds, and Nor ill her Nort ern brethren her si k, R during later years the subject of public nor ussia, who has pledged her guaranty no t discussions and violent debates , only for the integrity of the Danish monarchy, m in rm a ong the parties more immediately pe it its further dismemberment . On terested , but in the public and private as the final settlement of this war may per semblies in E Germany, and in a flood of haps depend the peace of urope . And publications , all breathing hostility against yet it has excited but very little attention e D nmark, and showing both a want of and sympathy in this country . The duchy of knowledge as to the points in dispute , and Schleswig has generally been supposed a scornful disregard of the just rights of to stand in the same relation to Denmark t its that injured coun ry . This old quarrel has as that of Holstein , and inhabitants to “ no w be - n , by the general agitation in Europe , true bor Germans, who were impa suddenly taken its ancient form of a c asus tiently waiting for the moment when they belli , by the open rebellion of Holstein , might break loose from the small peaceful k and the invasion of Denmark by the army ingdom in the North , and join the glo t un of the Germanic Confederation . The ille rions destinies of the grea ited German lit ' a v Fatherland . g y, injustice , and iolence of these pro It has been said and t e ceedin s se eated g are obvious to every ob rver p that , since the late revolution in o f who , without prejudice , has followed the France , the voice the people has be am — course of events . And yet have the come the voice of God , that it has torn bitious authors of the sedition and the to shreds the worm - eaten scrolls of feudal i t attack, attempted to envelope themselves r ghts and treaties , and freely permi ted the w r in an out ard show of ight ; the secret different tribes , German, Slavonic , and r sp ings which moved the whole machinery Italian , to group , form , and constitute - were left in the back ground , but still made themselves without any regard to kings their appearance now and then amidst the and cabinets . Let this principle be carried presumptuous confessions and boastful out where foreign governments have impos prognostications which , all at once, have ed oppressive laws upon conquered nations , n l i toxicated the forty mil ions of Germans whose history, development, and prosper with hopes of conquest on land and sea, ity they have disregarded , and whose na ional tics t i . and thus made that pensive and philosoph they have crushed Such may, VOL . 11 . N O . N EW SE RIE S 3 0 v . 2 Wars bet een the anes and G er ans w D m , “ ' th e t more or less , have been conduct of essay with a picture of the presen war, R . r ussia in Poland , and of Austria in Italy faithfully drawn up from authentic sou ces, But with regard to Denmark, her relations and direct communications both from Den f n e . n to the duchies hav been entirely dif ere t mark and Germa y . Her paternal rule had ever truly respected the nationalities and rights of her subjects . t - m Her presen liberal minded onarch , on s his uccession to the throne, had given a The peninsula of Jutland, known by R m C free constitution, and such had been his the ancient o ans as the hersonesws w vi Cimbri ca desire to allo equal pri leges to every , is bounded on the east by the t t t part of his dominions , that he had pro Ka tega , the little Bel , and the Baltic to on ' , and . posed to give Schleswig and Holstein i the west by the North Sea It is u b E der tho gh the smaller population , the same divided from Germany y the river y , representation and advantages which he and extending northward for two hundred his . , conceded to Danish people _ The con and seventy miles terminates at the low cessions freely granted by the enlightened headland of Skagen ' Its breadth from v a t t to ni sovereign , from his own con iction, in the e st to wes is from thir y nety miles . t h midst of profound peace, and without a sign The middle par of t is low peninsula, l of disorder, had been hailed with universal nearly in its fu l length, consists of dreary i o satisfact on and afterwards , when violent heaths and mo rs, intermixed here and s s ' commotion began to hake all Europe, there with some patches of arable lands nd a the general vertigo reached Holstein, and good pastures for cattle and flocks of ‘ the majority of the people in Schleswig, sheep and goats . The northwestern coasts who had ever been sincerely attached to are low, sandy, and full of dangerous shoals . - t their mother country, ins antly stood for The violent west wind , sweeping across t ward , and in the most energetic manner hat inhospitable region , impedes the n t t protested against the separatio , and the grow h of forest rees, and renders the dreaded union with Germany . climate damp , cold , and disagreeable ~ u the t L . ooking from a distance pon rapid throughou the year Farther south , in of t he course events , and the steadfast opposi Schleswig , western coast consists of _ n w ff tion of all Scandinavia, united , with one meadow la ds, hich o er t heart and hand , agains the attacks and rich pastures, and are defended by dikes ’ “ pedantic boastings of the German Parlia against the swell of the North Sea . Q uite the v f o ment, we may, through dim ista of dif erent is the character f the eastern o r The futurity, with c nfidence proclaim the vic pa t of the country . shores of the tory of the righteous side ; and in the Baltic and Kattegat are high and often mean time historically and impartially prove covered with fine forests . They sometimes that the cause of the Danes is as good as present romantic and picturesque scen ery — t the m their swords hat rebellion in Holstein from the any deep indentations of the sea, u the o ds was bro ght about, not by the desire of called fj r , or friths, which for miles run w mass of the people in the duchies, but by into the land , here they expand into exten a l the ambition of few ring eaders, directly sive sheets of water, and are bordered by supported by Friederich Wilhelm IV . , the beautiful oak and beech woods ascending - f 0 . hare brained King o Prussia, who by gradually to the t ps of the hills .
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