ISpur and helical gear production has never been in better shape Gleason Pfauter's new GP BOS CNC Gear Shaping Machine gives you '[he next-generation technology you need to take valuable time and cost out of the production of internal and external purand helical gears. Bul: that's not. ,aU. You'lI also benefit from the GP Series' revolutionary "common platform. modular-de ign" approach. which reduces co t, shortens delivery leadtirnes, and promi es a faster Return on Investment. BoU.omline? No other machine in its, cia s delivers 0 much, so fast, for so little. For example: • II's equipped with a standard thermal compensation system that automatically adj u ts pari, size in response to machine thermal changes. Advanced FEA d sign tools IWefe used to nelp optimize' • Its unique cast machine frame is designed weighl and strength. with highangle slopes for highly efficient chip removal, • An axial slide provide automatic stroke _ U_ ,_t position adjustment. IBooth ',5742, • The workspindle is equipped with a direct-drive CNC servo-splndle motor . w~-~~C"DD • 1The optional tail tock is motorized, eliminating the limit switch setup required with hydraulic cylinders . • 1 Gear tools to ujt any application requirement are available from Gleason Pfauter HIJI'IhCutling Tools. For more inrormation, contact: 1000 University Ave., P.O. Box 22970 Rochester, NY 14607-]282 U.S.A. Phone: 716/473-1000 Fax: 7~'6/461-4348 Web site: www.gleaon.com .E-Mail: sales@gleason ..com THEtAT£ST INNOVATION IN HOSSING. SUPERIOR QUAUn; SE.RVlCE. AND DE.lIVER)': JANUARV/FEBRUARY 2000 The'Journal of Gear Manufacturing FEATURES llow Vibration Design ,on a H!elital Gea,r Pai'r' A discussion of tooth modification and shaft deflection and their effects on vibral:ion 18: IMillennium Outloo'k Gear manufacturing's past, present, and future 26, Gear Expo follow-up , , , 3~ Reverse Engineering ,of Pure Iinvolute, Cylindrical Gears Using Conventional Measuremen1 Tools, U ing mea urement over wires and 31 span measurement to determine geometry 32 Management Matters: Shop, Floor Safety What you need to know about maki,ng your gear hop safe l~ Software Bilts Our peeial edition of product. news devoted to gear software 43 DEPARTMENTS Publ,isher~s, P'ag;e' Tile Bigger Picture 1' Rev,o~lutions Rainbow Coating. lndexabl Carbide In ert Hob and a Survey 011 Machinist Training, '11'1 11 Technicall Ca'ienda'r Make plans now for these upcoming events 16 Advertiser Index Try Rapid Reader Response for nearly In milt info:nnation 11' Industry News Whafs new in the gear industry? 48: lruiteratule !Mart Free brochures and catalogs from our advertisers , 501 Produc1 N'ews New tools for gear manufacnirers , 52 Coll.',lrt IClassilieds caurtlQ'II' Services. Help Wanted and mOI1e ,. 54, R'8~car Gear 1& _lcblDe. Rockford. IL Addendum The Saginaw Gears " ,..56, GEAR TEC8NJ!~flQt EDITORiAl Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Michael Goldstein Managing Editor William R. Ston Senior Editor Charles M. Cooper 'Ieehnlcal Editors Robert Errichello Don Mcvinie Robert E. Smilh Dan Thurman ART AFt Director Jean Bartz ADVERTISING Advertising Man.ager Patricia Flam Advertising Coordlnator Susan Brandt CIRCULATiION I Circulation Coordinator Jennifer Beale Ii INTERNET Enternet Editor Daniel Gonsiorowski Gear Industry Home P,age™ Sales Patricia. Flam RANDALIL PUBUSIHING STAff President Michael Goldstein Vil;e President Richard Goldstein Controller Patrick Nash Accounting Laura Manion rt Consultant Marsha Goldstein Phone: 847-437-6604 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.geartechnology.com www.powertransmission.com BPA~T-. W VOL. 17. NO.1 'GEAR TEUIiNOLOGY, Tho J",rr ".I Qr Gear M.nur.<I1IrlnG (ISSN m43~858) is published himomh- Iy by Randall Publishing. Inc .• 1425 L>JI" Avenue, P.O. Box 1426. Elk. Greve Village.IL 60007. (847) 437-6604. Cov... price $5.00 U.S. Periodical postage paid at Arlinglml Heights, ,IL. and ai, additional mailing effice. Randall Publishing makes every effort to ensure thut the P"""'''''' described in GEAR TECHNOLOGY conloem 10 round engIDcenng pracrtce. Netrber 1he smh:orJ, nor the publisher an be held responsible for injuries l=:Elilulined while foUowing the procedures described, Posrmasterr Send address changes 10 GEAR TECHNOLOGY. The Joomal of Gear MonllfBduri'l\, 1425 LUIlt Avenue. P.O. B". 14Z6,EI~ D,u" Village. IL. 60007. ec""tomL' c"PY- nglued by RAND ....LL PUBLISHING. !Nc.. 1'l1l'i No part or this publication may be reproduced or transmiued in any Iorm or by any means. electronic or mechanical, inclw:ting photocopying, recording. or by '"'~ inFormntiOll lilur..igc lind ~eYIll sYh;ltm. 'id,-U.l'lDUl pernlJssiun In writ- ing from Lh;e [lubUF.her. Cornems of Bd~ are suhjfX'1 to Publisher's approval. CIRCtE 173 ,4 GEAR TECHNOLOGY CIRClIl: 186 SAM 'UTENS!IILI RI1370 • Form Gnnding' • Flexibility • integrated dressing systems for ceramic • Unlimited Forms Bxtemal Gears 01' dressable CBN wheels for unlimited Internal Gears wheel profiling • High Quality and Finish Rotors • Integrated inspection system for lead • No Helix Angle Limitation Worms inllO/ute and index checking Screws • Prototype or Large Lot Sizes during the work cycle Ifred Youlng President of Forest City Gear SU AMERICA INC. RO. Box 80 8775 ICapital1 Avenue 11 71 5 Main Street Oak Park, MI 48237 FOREST ,CITY GEAR ,Roscoe, It 61 ,073-,0080 PII.: ,(248) 548-7177 Ph.: f815) 623-2168 Fax: (248) 548-4443 CIRCLE 138 Fax: ,{BI 5J 623-662,0 :SAMPUTEN5IU E-Mall: [email protected] E~Mail.:www.fcgeal..com ------- -------------- PUB'LISHER,'S PAGE -- __ ruMIL~LE;MNNUUJmMruDllUUTlIJJLIDlY]OH~-. --------.....,.ICTURE lleamed much of what I know about tho! machine tool busi- nicians and field service people who develop, design, build and ness from my father, who learned it from h.s father before him. troubleshoot the machines. For those who fell they needed even One of the lessons he taught wasthat no matter how important the more gear knowledge, SME offered a series of gear clinics at details seem, it's equally important to look at the bigger picture. the show. For example, before Winspected a machine, I would study the The value of these experiences cannot be overstated. The catalogs and make lists of all the features and sizes that. load to information, contacts and business opportunities made the trip check. My father would tell me that after completmg my check- to Nashville not only worthwhile, but essential to compete suc- list, I should step back from the machine, walk around it. away cessfully in today's marketplace. By looking at Gear Expo as from the details, and see it as a whole, He aid forcing yourself to more than a collection of exhibitors, Iwas able to reap the ben- look froma biggerperspective often lets you see what you wouLd efit of everything the show had to offer. AIl opportunity not otherwise mi s. seen i an opportunity missed. Very often, he was right, Once, when I in pected a cylin- The gear industry is changing faster than ever, and acce 10 drical. grinder, I forgot this le on. Somehow, I overlooked the mformation may be the key to ucce in the years 10 come. With fact that the machine was built special, without a reciprocating this Millennium Outlook issue, we've tried to walk around the table-the bed and the table were one piece. I had covered all gear industry as if it were one of my father's machine tools, the details but overlooked what some might say was obvious. We've examined ourselves from different perspectives to see how Sometimes the obvious is the hardest thing to see. Today Ireal- other industries and global. events have shaped the changes in our ize thai using a bigger perspective allows me to see problems little industrial niche and how these factors will affect our future. and opportunities I wasn't expecting 10 find or didn't. think to Ourtalks with some of the leaders in the gear industry have look for. revealed how dependent we are on the rest of the world and, in m was reminded of my father' wisdom at this year's Gear some case, how defenseless we Me against it. The whims of Expo. As many of you know, Gear Expo i~the worldwide gear economy, politics, war and industry can ei ther carry us or bury industry's premier event. and it has grown with each incarnation. us, depending on how quickly we adapt to change. There were far more exhibitors al. this how than we've ever seen The pace of change will continue to accelerate in the com- before. This means more money for the AGIVIA, which translates ing years, and our industry will have to keep up with these into' more and better services for the industry as a whole. changes in both traditional and novel ways. We must challenge But while the number of exhibitors has grown, the number ourselves to view our com- of visitors dropped dramatically this year. Most people view the panies and our industry with show as a machine tooL show-a place to see, compare and buy fresh eyes and from differ- gear manufacturing equipment. Wben I was down on the show ent points of view. We can't floor, walking througb the aisles, thi is how .I saw it, too. But allow the comfortable, then Itried a different perspective. familiar perspective of our The Nashville Convention Center. where Gear Expo was everyday routine to restrict heidi, ha a viewing area above the show thor. From there, you what we're able to see, can ee the entire show. While I was up there, it struck me that because what will seem this was much more than a machine tool stow.
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