Island Wheels The Green PAGES A16-19 Edition SEE PAGES 81-5 BRUCE FIANDER 153 TRIPP RD SALT SPRING ISLAND BC V8K 1 K5 12/28/12 Wednesday, April15, 2009- YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1960 49TH YEAR- ISSUE 15 GARBAGE illegal dumping commg• to light ·. Perpetrators face hig h costs if caught BY ELIZABETH NOLAN DR IFTWOOD STAFF The third report of illegal dumping in less than three months has some island­ ers concerned the practice is becoming a common occur­ rence without consequence. Caprice Heights resident Elna Gravelle came home from a trip to Victoria last week to find a load of refuse dumped into the ditch near the top of Garner Road. The pile included scrap metal, a roll of stucco wire, carpet ends and cush­ ions. Gravelle and her husband PHOTO BY DERRIC K LUNDY regularly take walks to pick up FUNDING FOOD: Serving hamburgers to ra1se funds for the local gymnastics club at Country Grocer last weekend were: Lily Campbell, Darby Mcin­ empty b~er cans that have been thrown into the ditch. Last fall tyre, Anita Esqu ivel, Taylor Adams and Kasea Campbe ll. See Page fo r a Sal t Spri ng gymnastics story and more photos. Bl6 they filled up two garbage bags with cans all from one brand PROVINCIAL POLITICS of beer, and all dumped at this same particular site. This is the first time they've noticed such a blatant garbage dump, how- . ever. And they're off ... candidates gear up "It's disappointing," Gravelle said Monday. May 12 provincial election campaigning gets underway in 46 ridings compared to the NDP's 33 seats and "It was really quite a surprise 41 per cent share of the vote. The Green party to see it there. If it was a spill, BY SEAN MCINTYRE May 6 and 9 between 8 a. in. and 8 p.m. Qualified won no seats despite receiving votes from nine surely someone would have DRIFTWOOD STAFF electors may also contact Elections BC to vote by per cent of the province's population. picked it up and it would be on Candidates from across British Columbia set mail or obtain information about absentee vot­ Voters in this year's election will get another the road. But this was placed out on the campaign trail Thesday in the lead-up ing requirements. opportunity to cast their vote in a referendum on· deliberately in the ditch." to the May 12 provincial election. For the first time in a B.C. election, all voters electoral reform. Electors will be asked to decide Recent complaint letters to As of Tuesday, Saanich North and the Islands will be required to present one piece of photo between the existing electoral system (first-past­ the Driftwood reported eight incumbent Liberal MLA Murray Coell and NDP identification or two documents containing the-post) or the single transferable vote (BC­ toilets dumped on private candidate Gary Holman of Salt Spring Island their name before they are given a ballot. STV) electoral system proposed by the Citizens' property off Musgrave Road were the only official candidates listed with Elec­ Murray Coell won the seat in 2005 after gar­ Assembly on Electoral Reform. In 2005, a similar and of persistent dumping off tions BC. nering 13,781 votes, only 1,939 votes more than referendum failed to receive the required sup­ the bend in Stewart Road. Tom Bradfield announced his intention to run former NDP candidate Christine Hunt. The port. Sixty per cent of all voters, and at least 50 The apparent rash of occur­ for the Green Party ·of British Columbia earlier Green party's Ken Rouleau received 4,846 votes per cent in 51 of B.C.'s 85 ridings, must vote for rences has residents like this year and is expected to file his candidacy and Democratic Reform BC candidate Ian Bruce BC-STV for the referendum to pass. Gravelle wondering if illegal documents before the April 24 deadline. obtained 1,092 votes. More information and an opportunity to dis­ dumping is becoming more of People unable to vote on May 12 can partici­ On a province-wide level, B.C. Liberals received cuss the BC-STV system will be provided at an a probfem. That's not necessar­ pate in advance voting opportunities held from 46 per cent of the popular vote and were elected ELECTION continued on A2 TRASH continued on A2 LOWEST INSERTS INDEX MORTGAGE RATES! oyst~r~~~sbe Ask Arlene! • Thrifty Foods Arts .......... ............................................. 87 Horoscope .... ... ..... .... .. ... ... ...-A23 • Mark's Work Wear house Classifieds ... A20 Letters ... .. ... .. ..... ....... ....... A9 BRUNCH • Country Grocer SAT & SUN lOam - 4 pm • Home Hardware EditoriaL .... .. .......... ... ......... ... ........ ... ... .. .AS Sports ........ ... ..... ......... ... .... .... ... .. ......... .. 814 pancakes & french toast • Rona Ferry Schedules ... ...................... 814 What's On ........................................... 86 eggs benedict & omelets email: [email protected] website: www.gulfislandsdriftwood.com NEW SCHEDULE, WITH MID DAY FLIGHTS VALID FROM MARCH 1 TO APRIL 30,2009 Direct Ganges to Downtown 7:30am Mon &7:40am Mon-Sat, 10: 30am &4:10pm daily, 4:40pm Fri Direct Ganges to Van airport 7:40am Mon-5at, 10:30 am &4 :10pm daily &rn e Direct Van airport to Ganges Gauged Black Slate 8:45am Mon-Sat, 11:35 am &5:15pm daily 99 Direct Downtown to Ganges $2 sq.ft. 8:20am Mon &8 :30am Mon-Sat , 11 :20 am &5 :00pm daily, 5:30pm Fri- 250-537-9736 -r- A2 I WEDNESDAY., APRIL 15, 2009 I GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD CALL GAIL, SEAN OR AMY IF YO U ICBC CLAIMS - NEWSBEAT SEE NEWS HAPPENING - 250-537-9933 PERSONAL INJURY • 25 years successfully representing injured persons $100 • NO FEE until you collect Garbage dumpers can face fines • Free confidential q:msultation TRASH PAUL B. JOYCE con tinu ed from A1 ily the case, according to Salt Barrister & Solicitor Spring's CRD bylaw enforce­ 250-537-4413 (24 hours) ment officer Wolfgang Brun­ nwieser. ' "It seems to be the same over time," Brunnwieser said about the incidents. "But I guess some people are just too cheap to pay to get rid of their garbage." The main problem with dumping, the bylaw officer said, is that others can be encouraged to use a location if they see it's already been done. "If everybody starts doing it, pretty soon the island is going to be one big dump," said Brunnwieser. For that reason, his office "follows through to the fullest extent." The cost of bringing a bag of PHOTO CONTRIBUTED regular garbage to the Black- Garbage dumped on Garner Road. burn transfer station - one of the island's options - is just up bill if they don't do it them­ of Environment or the Minis­ illegal dumping, they should $3, while the pick-up service selves. That cost can include try of Highways, which carries report it immediately, Brun­ comes in at $3.75 a bag. But the time spent by the highways a minimum $2,000 fine. And if nwieser said. The more evi­ cost of being caught dumping maintenance crew, machin­ it is reported to law enforce­ dence the better, he stressed. illegally can be much higher. ery time and the fee for legal ment and the perpetrator has If possible, get a licence plate Brunnwieser is authorized dumping. a criminal record, it can even number or a vehicle descrip­ to fine dumpers $100, and to The offence can then be result in jail time. tion. Brunnwieser can b e present them with the clean- reported either to the Ministry If people find or witness reached at 250-537-9414. FERRY ISSUES Elected reps' motion seeks ferry fare review POWER Strategy to keep fa res province to reassess ferry fare The decision means the ties comprises 48 elected rep­ fair hits UBCM agenda increases.. motion will be on the agen­ resentatives from communi­ EVENT "Our motiOn was to encour- da at this fall's meeting of the ties on Vancouver Island, the age the provincial government Union of British Columbia Sunshine Coast, Powell River Islands Trust Council chair to act on the Ferry Advisory Municipalities. and the central coast. Sheila Malcolmson hopes Committee Chairs' request "If it's approved at that point J '· Malcolmson said the prov­ unanimous support from par­ [made in 2008] for a strategy to it gets quite a lot of weight," ince's willingness to renegoti­ ticipants at an April 4 Asso­ work on what's not working," Malcolmson said. "We don't ate fare forecasts on northern ciation of Vancouver Island Malcolmson said last week. win everything but it certainly routes in 2008 proves rising Coastal Communities con­ "The vote gives the signal that raises the profile." ferry fares need not be the vention will breathe new life this is really important to our The Association of Vancou­ status quo for coastal resi­ into an initiative asking the communities." ver Island Coastal Communi- dents . STV vote scrutinized prior to referendum ELECTION STV proposal. name appears on the voters' list visit continued from A1 The Ministry of Attorney General has http:/ /www.elections.bc.ca or call the dis­ also set up a Referendum Information trict electoral office on Vancouver Island April 27 event sponsored by the pro-STV Office to provide neutral information at (250) 544-4421. side at Gulf Islands Secondary School about the upcoming referendum. For Keep reading the Driftwood or visit from 7 to 8:30 p.m. more information, call 1-800-668-2800 or www.gulfislandsdriftwood.com for up­ Tide Tables To promote a better understanding of visit the group's website at www.BCrefer­ to-date campaign news and informa­ AT FULFORD HARBOUR what's at stake, Elections BC has provided endum2009.ca.
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