Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Vol 5 No 1 Spring 2015 incorporating Islington History Journal Threat to Angel landmarks Crossrail is called on to change its plans, so Angel’s historic buildings – including its former inn – will not be demolished to make way for the new railway How language affects how we understand history l Film to show changes in a square over 50 years l Visit the Clerks’ Well l Growing up in postwar Islington l Dolls’ houses reflect architecture and society l The industrious inventor Mr Coan l Bedlam burial records go online l Stepping in for Shoreditch l Books and events l Your local history questions answered About the society Our committee What we do: talks, walks and more Contribute to this and contacts heIslington journal: stories and President Archaeology&History pictures sought RtHonLordSmithofFinsbury TSocietyishereto Vice president: investigate,learnandcelebrate Wewelcomearticlesonlocal MaryCosh theheritagethatislefttous. history,aswellasyour Chairman Weorganiselectures,tours research,memoriesandold AndrewGardner,andy@ andvisits,andpublishthis photographs. islingtonhistory.org.uk quarterlyjournal.Wehold Aone-pagearticleneeds Membership, publications 10meetingsayear,usually about500words,andthe and events atIslingtontownhall. maximumarticlelengthis CatherineBrighty,8 Wynyatt Thesocietywassetupin 1,000words.Welikereceiving Street,EC1V7HU,0207833 1975andisrunentirelyby picturestogowitharticles, 1541,catherine.brighteyes@ volunteers.Ifyou’dliketo butpleasecheckthatwecan hotmail.co.uk getinvolved,pleasecontact reproducethemwithout Treasurer ourchairmanAndrew infringinganyone’scopyright. PhilipAnderson,phlpandrsn6 Gardner(detailsleft). Thejournalispublishedin @btopenworld.com www.facebook.com/ printandonlineinpdfform. Committee members 8www.islingtonhistory.org.uk groups/islingtonhistory.org.uk Deadlineforthesummer KathleenFrenchman issueis30April. MichaelHarper DerekSeeley Journal back issues and extra copies Ever wondered…? Academic adviser Doyouhaveanyqueriesabout LesterHillman,former Journaldistributionis Islington’shistory,streetsor visitingprofessor,London overseenbyCatherine buildings?Sendtheminfor MetropolitanBusinessSchool, Brighty(detailsleft). ourtirelessresearcherMichael LondonMetropolitan Contactherformore Readingandotherreadersto University copies,backissues,ifyou answer.Pleasenotewedonot Journal editor movehouseandabout keepanarchiveorcarryout ChristyLawrance,christy@ membership.Backissues familyresearch. islingtonhistory.org.uk, canalsobedownloaded lSeeLetters,page6 c/o6Northview,TufnellPark viaourwebsiteatwww. Road,N70QB islingtonhistory.org.uk Copyright Copyrightofeverythingin $ (photocopiesacceptable) thisjournallieswiththe Join the Islington Archaeology & History Society creatorunlessotherwise stated.Whileitcanbedifficult Membershipperyearis:£12single;£15jointatsameaddress;concessionssingle£8/joint£10; totracecopyrightownership corporate£25;overseas£20;life:£125(renewalformssentoutwhendue) ofarchivematerials,wemake everyefforttodoso. I/Wewouldlikesingle/joint/concession/jointconcession/corporatemembershipandenclose achequepayableto“IslingtonArchaeology&HistorySociety”for....................... Contacts ContacteditorChristy Name(s)..................................................................................................................................... Lawranceaboutarticlesand picturesforthejournal Address...................................................................................................................................... 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ISSN2046-8245 Pleasereturnthisform(photocopiesacceptable)to:CatherineBrighty,IslingtonArchaeology &HistorySociety,8WynyattStreet,LondonEC1V7HU PrintedbyPrintSet,15 Palmer Wewillnotgiveyourdetailstothirdpartiesunlessrequiredtobylaw Place,London, Cover: Ewan Munro/Wikimedia Commons Munro/Wikimedia Ewan Cover: N78DH,www.printset.co.uk 2 JournaloftheIslingtonArchaeology&HistorySociety Spring2015 Vol5 No1 JournaloftheIslingtonArchaeology&HistorySociety IncorporatingIslington History Journal Vol 5 No 1 Spring 2015 We may yet mourn loss of 1970s offices he cranes continue to rise over London, a sign of renewed Teconomic vigour – but almost Contents every construction site is also a site of demolition of our architectural heritage. The scale of the demolition taking News 4 place in London is staggering. Call to act to save Angel’s heritage, Bedlam burial records made available and former Architecturally important buildings are Islington planner steps in for Shoreditch being razed – as are vast quantities of unheralded office blocks, industrial units Yourlettersandquestions 6 and housing developments. The hoard by the coal hole, the disappearance of Canonbury Avenue and the In central London alone, 9.2 million street houses that joined a square square feet of office space is under construction, so existing office buildings, ThreattoAngellandmarks 9 many built in the 20th century, will have Historic buildings, including the former Angel Coaching Inn are under to be come down to make way for it. Postwar housing estates are being Languageandhowweunderstandhistory 10 replaced by new homes. History texts can be misinterpreted if we fail to consider how language is used now The Spitalfields Trust, with the support and in the past of Sir John Betjeman, stopped the redevelopment of part of Spitalfields’ Asquare’shalfcentury 12 historic Norton Folgate area in the 1970s. A film is to show the phenomenal changes in a square in Barnsbury over 50 years Today, there are proposals to demolish around three-quarters of the buildings in TheClerks’Well 13 the area and replace them with office The well that gave Clerkenwell its name is open for viewing towers several times their height. Norton Folgate has plenty of unusual, GrowingupinpostwarIslington 14 historic buildings. The demolition of It was a time of freedom to play, learning to dance, film shows and holidays by newer ones of the type we see every day the seaside for Patricia Payne is unlikely to cause as much outrage. Some readers may rejoice that postwar Livesinminiature 16 buildings are being torn down. Many Dolls’ houses reflect architecture over the years, as well as society and home were built cheaply and sometimes owners’ aspirations shoddily. Many people find them unattractive. TheindustriousinventorMrCoan 18 We should, however, remember that The aluminium foundry owner who was a skilled craftsman and a prolific inventor Georgian and Victorian family homes and factories were torn down in huge Publications 18 numbers. While several postwar office Filthy London, a social history of buses, daily life during the Napoleonic wars, a blocks were listed earlier this year, the garden suburb, days out in London, agony aunts plus special offers continuing assault on London’s 20th century everyday buildings indicates that Eventsandexhibitions 24 we are repeating the same mistake. Directoryofsocieties,museumsandresources 28 Tom Lorman Researcher, University College London IslingtonArchaeology&HistorySocietyevents 31 Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Spring 2015 Vol 5 No 1 3 news In brief Bedlam burial records available online Market Estate tenants and staff tell their story Thenamesandbackgrounds ofmorethan5,000Londoners AnoralhistoryoftheMarket buriedinBedlam’sburial Estatetoldbyresidents, groundatLiverpoolStreet councillorsandhousingstaff, havebeenmadeavailablebya describes“acommunityfailed Crossrailresearchproject. bysocialhousingpolicies”. Thousandsofpeoplewere The1960sestatewasbesetby buriedinthegroundsover antisocialbehaviourandpoor some150years.Theyincluded maintenance.Itwasknocked paupers,religious downin2010andreplacedby nonconformistsandpatients theParksidescheme,which atBedlamHospital. wasdevelopedinconsultation Bedlamdidnotkeepits Bedlam did not hold burial records; parish churches recorded withresidents,withmoreopen ownburialrecords.Parish which of their parishioners had been buried at Bedlam space,gardensandbalconies. churchesrecordedwhichof lhttps://market2parkside. theirparishionerswereburied establishedin1569tohelp industry,plagueandthe wordpress.com/film/ atBedlam. parishescopewith GreatFire.” LastJune,16volunteers overcrowdingduring Thearchaeological Postwar office blocks wererecruitedbyCrossrailto outbreaksofplagueandother excavationsatLiverpoolStreet listed grade II scourparishrecordsfrom epidemics;plaguewasthe arebeingcarriedoutby acrossthecapitaltocreatethe mostcommoncauseofdeath MuseumofLondon Fourteenpostwarofficeblocks firstextensivelistofpeople givenintherecords,followed Archaeologystaff. gainedgradeIIlistedstatusin buriedatBedlaminthe16th byinfantmortalityand Theforthcomingdigis January.Theoffices,built and17thcenturies. tuberculosis. expectedtouncovermedieval between1964to1984,include Thedatabasewillinform CrossrailarchaeologistJay andRomanartefacts. 1FinsburyAvenueandCivil Crossrail’sarchaeological Carversaid:“Thisresearchis Skeletonswillbeanalysedto AviationAuthorityHousein excavationoftheeastern awindowintooneofthemost
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