Patented July 15, 1941 2,249,023 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,249,023 METHOD OF PRE PARING COLLODAL, SL VER, ODOE COMPOSITION AND THE PRODUCT Michael G. Miinaeff, Metuchen, John P. Greze, Plainfield, and Rudolf J. Priepke, New Bruns wick, N. J., assignors, by mesne assignments, to A. C. Barnes Company, Inc., New Brunswick, N. J., a corporation of Delaware No Drawing. Application December 10, 1938, Seria No. 244,920 Claims. (C. 252-313) This invention relates to improvements in United States Patent No. 1,610,391, issued colloidal silver iodide compounds and/or prepa December 14, 1926. rations such as are used in medicine as imidiy No. 3. Silver iodide compound prepared by us antiseptic or bacteriostatic agents. Such prep from “Silvol’ by the method described in the arations Commonly contain about 20% of silver 5 United States Patent No. 1,610,391, issued iodide which is present in colloidal form. December 14, 1926. There are several such preparations in actual No. 4. Silver iodide compound prepared by us use at the present tirne. It is generally advised in accordance With United States Patent No. that such preparations in solution be freshly 1,783,334, issued December 2, 1930. prepared for use and that they should not be O No. 5. Silver iodide compounds prepared by employed after standing for several days or more us by the Well known method of direct inter than one week. change of ions between Soluble Silver salts and We ilave found that colloida Silver iodide Soluble iodides, such as Silver nitrate on the one compounds made by the ordinary well known hand and Sodium iodide or potassium iodide on methods are lacking in chemical stability and the other, in the presence of protective colloids, also that such solutions are subject to mold such as powdered egg albumen, gelatin, gum growth. karaya, and Russian isinglass. We have found that solutions of commercial With all of these silver iodide preparations as Silver iodide compounds lack the stability men listed above we found that their solutions when tioned, and also that molds would grow when : inoculated with spores of Aspergillus fumigatus their spores are introduced in solutions of these or Penicillium italicum, and incubated at room preparations. We prepared colloidal silver io-, temperature (25-30 C.) will develop mold dide compounds by the well known methods and growth. We found further that incorporation found that Such preparations were not fungi in each of these silver iodide compounds of a static or resistant to mold growth. 2 5 quantity of colloidal zinc compound (1% zinc We disclose as the essence of this invention in dry colloidal silver iodide compound is often our discovery that the incorporation of colloidal Sufficient) would render these compounds fung Zinc compound with silver iodide preparations istatic, that is, their solution would be substan imparts to their solutions the property of in tially resistant to mold growth. The silver hibiting mold growth. We have also found that 30 iodide preparations containing colloidal zinc al the incorporation of colloidal zinc compound so provided stable solutions showing remarkable stabilizes the silver iodide compounds to light resistance to light and chemical deterioration. in a marked degree, particularly in cases when The following are specific examples of useful it is desired to prepare these compounds free preparations: from excessive amounts of alkali iodide. We A method of preparing a suitable colloidal zinc also found that the addition of colloidal zinc compound will be described because we found compound stabilizes the solution of colloidal sil that colloidal zinc preparations were not com ver iodide compounds against precipitation or mercially available. To prepare a colloidal zinc chemical deterioration. compound suitable for the purposes of the in A colloidal silver iodide compound of good 40 vention herein disclosed, 60 grams of gelatin quality should form a translucent Solution are dissolved in 120 cc. of hot water and heated when first prepared and it should preserve its to 175° F. 3 grams of Sodium hydroxide are dis translucency as long as possible. It has been Solved in 10 cc. of water and mixed with the found that Some commercial preparations are gelatin solution. The mixture is heated for two only slightly translucent when freshly prepared 45 hours at 180° F. in a water bath.. A half gram and in a few days become opaque and form a of infuSOrial earth and 55 cc. of Water are then sediment or precipitate, indicating chemical in added to the mixture and the mixture filtered. stability. After being allowed to cool there is mixed quick The following silver iodide compounds, both ly thereinto a solution of 7.8 grams of zinc chlo commercial and specially prepared by uS, were ride dissolved in as little water as possible, there tested and found to permit mold growth: by forming a Solution which is clear by trans No. 1. Two well known market preparations mitted light but appears cloudy when viewed by of Silver iodide compounds. reflected light. This resulting solution contains No. 2. Silver iodide compound prepared by uS Zinc in the form of a colloidal compound suit from “Argyrol' by the methcd described in the 55 able for the purposes of this invention and may 2 2,249,023 be directly added to silver iodide preparations or Eacample II (colloidal silver iodide, No. 4) it may be dried and re-dissolved as needed. 50 grams of gelatin is boiled with 2 grams of Several complete methods of preparing the sodium hydroxide in 625 cc. of water for One product of this invention will now be described half hour under a reflux condenser. The Soul in detail, including the methods which were en tion is allowed to cool and is filtered. One-fifth ployed for preparing the silver iodide compounds Of this Solution is reserved for addition later. of Examples No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4, listed above. The remainder is placed in a two-liter beaker Eacample I (colloidal silver iodide, No. 2) provided with vigorous stirring and a shield of A mixture of 47 grams of gelatin, 43 cc. of paper to keep out direct light. A solution of 7.5 4% sodium hydroxide, and 180 cc. of water is O grams of silver nitrate in 100 cc. of water and heated at the boiling temperature for about five a solution of 2.65 grams of sodium chloride in minutes. This mixture is then cooled a little, 100 cc. of water are added slowly and simul filtered, and divided into two equal parts. One taneously to the gelatin solution, care being part is mixed with a solution of 50 grams of taken to always keep the sodium chloride pres "Argyrol' or other mild silver protein in 250 cc. 5 ent in excess. After these solutions have been of water. 12 grams of iodine Crystals are placed added a Solution of 11 grams of sodium iodide in in a mortar and ground with the "Argyrol'- 300 cc. of water is added slowly by means of a gelatin solution until the solution is light yellow dropping funnel. This addition requires two in color. The resulting colloidal silver iodide is hours and the solution is stirred an additional decanted from the excess iodine and mixed with 90 hour. The reserved portion of the gelatin solu the other or remaining part of the gelatin Solu tion is now added and the preparation placed in tion. The pH value of the final mixture is then a pig bladder suspended in running water and adjusted to about 7.0 to 9.0 with a suitable acid, dialyzed forty hours. It is then spread on glass such as acetic acid. The preparation is then plates and dried in a current of air at 180° E. dried on plates at 180 F. in a stream of air. The 25 This preparation is in accordance with the dried product contains about 20% of silver method described in U. S. Patent No. 1783,334. iodide. This preparation, it may be noted, is in Eacample II-A (colloidal silver iodide with col accordance with the method described in U. S. loidal 2inc compound) Patent No. 1,610,391. Speaking generally, to prepare the product of 30 50 grams of gelatin is boiled with 2 grams of this invention, to a solution of the above colloidal Sodium hydroxide in 625 cc. of water for one silver iodide compound, either before drying or half hour under a reflux condenser. The solu by re-dissolving the dried product, there is added tion is allowed to cool and is filtered. One-fifth a calculated amount of colloidal zinc prepara of this solution is reserved for use in the prepa tion and the final solution evaporated and the 35 ration of colloidal zinc compound. The remain product dried. der is placed in a two-liter beaker provided with In order to produce the product of this in vigorous stirring and a shield of paper to keep vention in the proper proportions the following out direct light. A solution of 7.5 grains of sil complete procedure should be followed when ver nitrate in 100 cc. of water and a solution preparing a product in which the colloidal silver 40 of 2.65 grams of sodium chloride in 100 cc. of iodide compound is made in accordance with the water are added slowly and simultaneously to method of Example I. the gelatin Solution, care being taken to always Eacample I-A (colloidal silver iodide with col keep the sodium chloride present in excess. After loidal ainc compound) these Solutions have been added a solution of 11.
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