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This concisely written textbook is intended for an physics, and representation theory. Written by lead in g introductory course in graph theory for undergraduate mathematicians, the text is broadly divided into two Contributors include: V.V. Fock, E. Frenkel, mathematics majors or advanced undergraduate and section s: th e fir st is devoted to developments at the D. Gaitsgory, A.B. Goncharov, E. Hrushovski, graduate st ud ents from the many field s that benefit intersection of geometry and phys ics, and the seco nd to Y. lhara, D. Kazhdan, M. Kisin, I. Krichever, from graph-theoreti c applications. This revised and rep resentation theory and alge braic geometry. G. Laumon, Yu. Manin, and V. Schechtmann. expanded seco nd edition contains new chapters on Contents: H. Cartan: Preface * I. M. Gelfand: labe ling and communications netwo rks and small 2006/APPROX 608 PP., 10 ILLUS./HAR DCOVER Mathematics as an Adequate Language * M. 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