They anil many other* now stand realy to take hold o . iMrUUL. Off Floret about Sept 12, Penobtcot, Carr, Nam. with 110 InvilnttM lovers work and renew 5 half chests >1 00 JO 57Jo Ms aiun. BILLIARDS..OUiFitldnnectlillylhi* amusement, to call at Bt»*fnrd'« Koouu, over the Cli AUCTION SALES AMUSEMENTS. the vigorously, jtheir if the "" subacription, Id 96 U4 do 66 At Mo wee April 6, Cherokee, Adam*. NB. 600 sp; Gratitude, in i* K H i.l X'lii iU« l. * Im--f \ is do oi III management changed. With the wreck^of the American 1J do 76 Stetson do, 260. choice mey be had y .. 8lau, Marble, Iron, I'llOMA* HKM. NIKLO'it UAHUKN. Life and Trust North American Trust and At Geottraphr Bay Feb 2fl, Gold Hunter, Wood, Fall River, or Mah »gauv, with in lu Rubbi r, (Toth oi Compoeitiou Cash iSt irfM Sot. 72 .inn and II) f\Uon >lr«< ) Comjuuiy, Congou. w ith 100 wit and GO aptn.bad lott two anckora m a ^ale iu the ions, in combination with all the late Kuro|»*.tu improve menu Benefit of ihr LtHin' Da< oaitory. in will lind the Saturday! BL'T ONE OF THK 9F.ASON. Hanking Company, the Varmors' Loan, and the United 167 chests 35 Bay th tof F md had replaced thcin from Viaitor* bar, either Wa&hiugUmiau, or others ue Al I0>% o'clock in tli« tale* room, LAST NIUHT wrecked thi(it Sornl Wright and Gov Fudicott. n SUT twit their (Wy. U9 lmu9ec IMMENSE A TTRAC TION. Status Bank before their eyes, will trust their funds Souchonh. Bale of ii>lru<li<i |>iano forle*. choice luintiu;, curtain*. they 30 10 do HOI) 8K MOiXiili and Amber Syrup of *tock. Ate. u|>hoDtery The WomUrAil Havel Family to men who the last and who 30 half chests 39 Vpoken* QI'OAR lor a of bankrupted company year, OH do 40 do from ouality family uae. for tale iu hhda. tiercea andauperiorAI«o, lame additional lot *U|ienor tccouil haiul furniture In A NEW I'A.N'J'O.MI ME. rroeireil nightly with great a 374 36$ Vistula, New Orleans for Hull, Hug. Oct 16, 60 milet et the Ameri lb inn., jb of all >lc*cri|iCiou*. anil the gorgeous iierlaclr oimif Pantomime o wish to terminate the road at Piermont for private pur 40 do withdrawu 40 do withdrawn from 8W Paat. btrrtbi mim No Leonard at, I'lautr, Home Porta. by THE NIGHT OWL. pjsrs? The stockholder* along thw line, the contractor* POW I' HONG. oHM»r TVLEB h MAPKH At 1034 o'clock, at the auction room. PoRTLAWD.Oet 16.Arr United State*. Keater, Philadelphia, Sale of Stoves.A slock of valuable stoves comprising the THIS EV'NO, Or! if9ili,*h» performance will commence al w ho hope'for their pay, cannot expect it. A thorough SchestsMohea 44$ 14 do withdrawn NYork; Fame, Ro inaoa Miebiti Niv York. VTOTICE..The proprietors of the Saint George Hotel have best of store, cliurch, and cooking stoves of half peat ' with 30 boxes 48 Otia%Bakei wr, li v t a lew ro una tu descriptions |>arlor, o'clock, in the will all the of 38lb 63 36 do Old laadon SpriMi uba Mary, Smith P iektburt single ukai lor too winter. Alao one the best patents aud of all sues. Housekeeper* will do well to AN OVUIiTlJkK change management bring enterprise do 30 38 30 do34 Portsmouth, Oct 26.Arr below, McKenzie, Belfast or two suites of room for ainall families. Gentlemen wiahiug atu ud this sale. After which Ruby, - New York to its bat no one will ruth on certain ruin. for NC. t.. ..w-r. ._TllII J aid, 100 do 36$ 357 do33 Wilmimtfou, hem TUESDAY, ELLEN; or. Triali of Trae Lore. Truit no one with The management 30 36do 384 do Salkm, Oct 26.Cld Sra Mew, Harriiiicton, Afiioa. At 1tlVu o'clock ill the sale rooms. Admiral, Mum Dauvrrgne ( Muter of Asylum, J Kara! proxies. present withdrawn Bo#ton-, Oct October 17'h. It43. o27 31 i«*r E&teusivr vale Officer*. (I W liter k A llivrl Kn mi. Mnni Fe ria them 30 do 17.Ait kibillv, Johnson, Caluolta: of dry goods, lancy and pledged articles; 5 have several agents out soliciting proxies. Trust 35$ Warren, Antwerp; Mauto, Lane, Palermo. Cid Champion, G Y M N A trunks excellent clothing; a lance luvoice of Loudon Cloths, Oequiw Gabnel Havel ( Mxtmc, M me Jerome Caldwell, Savannah; t'vno S'i U M , Cassuuerts aud in reinuants to suit I not, even though theyipretend to .be in.opposition to the Gilbert, Given, A(mlarhicola;Dorchcster, vetting*, purchaseni. t.plain, Well. Ellen, Mile I^ulreviTl# Married. Macloon, do; Father. Finery, Baltimore; Palm, Atkiua, nre,SPARRING SCHOOL v PISTOL GALLERY. Also, hosieiy, gloves, muslins, sheetings, shirtings, guns, Mate, Leon Javrlli I Julia, Mia* Well* present incumbents. Trust no itenerant editor. Trust no Philadelphia- Su.nau, Matthews, do; Mary Chilton, Port uu HUDSON ^ OTTIGNON respectfully inform hardware cutlery, splendid iewe|iy, he. Indian Chief, Mr Price | On the 39th at Prince. Arr 23d, France* Norfolk. MKSSRS.the Hemic men of New (Lit theireiuuiive roomi at Buck.nor old ram. instant, Hudson, John W. Cobi.ies, ot Hallett, Crowell, York. WEDNESDAY. To be followed by this city, to 1'hkhit, daughter of late William (iruen, of New Bedford. Oct 20. Arr Win Peuu. NVork. Accooim 1,1 BrMdwi um! ( mabttiitiwtt i»»r Sparrm*, At 1034 o'clock, iu the sales room. A Co mr tkeur by tlie Lapland Dwarf*. We have received the of Govi rnor Pennington, Athens. Fall Hiver, Oct 20.Arr Ftcel, Duuuitn;, New York; 23d, OymiMiUci ana Pistol practice, <*re mow open for the nana Sale of elegant City mace Cabinet Furniture After which message Ninir^'.un not been or interest, it Mastaaoit, Brown, AIImiiv; Yantic, Stewart, New York; 24th, IMftfOTIIMUl id iuioQl hlVI l(trl\ HMO# BY RIELL k ARCULAKIl Kr.w on Havel'. A* oiii.Ioiik Contortion*. ol New Jersey. It contains very little Lvdv Helen. Smith. Kimdnut-- \lormna Star HmwGm Tluv km the Oynia»Him, which will aoa t»« fonnd insvsr) respect Succeeded by the and the distribution ol the public Died, niAs; Mrridiau, Beuuett, NYork; «6lh, Talleyrtud, Norton, «nemlrle and «'<iu il to iu> ottiei in th«- couutrv for athletic es AN OVERTURE. putts tariff, praises Baltimore. cwv SATURDAY. On Friday, 37th instant, Pktfb Parks, M. D., 43 At 1034 o'clock, in the sales rooin. Tocouolude Willi(41th turn (the inamitlicru(Comic I'taUiaisa lands as follows:. aged Proviuknck, Oct #r.Arr AKriinri't, Audros, Cadi*; Oiuty, Anarriuir taught on the inost approved principle!*. Gentle* Elegant Kuruiture, riauos, kc MAUZUI.ME OH, THE NIGHT OWL. to years. Crowell. Turks Island. Br Hmry, from men the Put >1 Galh i, will be with of the I 11 lcr the law of Congress, it became mv^duty His friends and to low, Sears, visiting smpplked Pistols MONDAY. Oct. 31st, Mauiulin, Night Owl, >lr Walla ol this relatives are requested attend his Sid Shamrock, Sriutli, Mobil**: T ine, Garrison,Philadelphia.and seperiorqwuuy. Terms moderate. Gentlemen are Invited at Chevaltrr Bariano, Jerome some suitable on the State, to m. At 1034 o'clock, the auction room, luval person part designate from the residence of his late father, No. 3 funerali *ul Jones, Swell, Suffolk, Va; H Nanseinoud; call it ant li du iug the day oil I in I IJahriel I e its share of the revenues,arising from the sale of the Forsyth Walker,Terry, Broadclollis, cassimeres, he..XI pieces hroadclollis, beaver Kinilr; Rare recuivstreet, this afternoon, at hall past 3 o'clock. Chraap*akr, Post, Baltimore. T 1 V OLI cloths, kc, in lots to suit purchasers. Mac km, Amnio* llaral lands on the tiist of Julv. It was confidently On NawpoAT.Oct 24.Air MarinerScudder, Frankfort for Pin- SALO OS. public Wednesday, 36th inst., James, aged 4 years, and on LAIUiKST ami most splendid Saloon in the city for Also, line otter ea|is, muffs, aud two machines for cutting Uahaiuam, Man. Uauvargn that a payment would then have lioen made, ami 1 ladr'phi*. Cld Craven, Godfrey, k rauklm, La. qMIEI fun. Mariana, Peaaaitt, M'tne J amine H*v*l was expectedFriday, Elenob, children of Jaiuesand Elouisa Orogan. Oct 27.Arr Irons Muiul Sniiec, Concert., Assemblies, Vliliury Ball., ipor to that such the of the Thylo/i ntlll 1^ k.-UI .W» .... U .11 . -V. Hartford, des, Marsliman, Julie, Ilkr M'lle have reason belivc expectation »u«l Philadelphia. Private aud Public Uiuii r At S before 7 o'clock, in the evening. daughter, «U.I~ Cld Cabot, Stuart, New York; Partita, Political a Circaa.iau Jloulrevill* of the Treasurer, as I received a circular from Christiana, Gaines, do; Tryall, distinction of party. The ever annum to A valuable colleetiou of |uiiritings with a ixirtfnlin of Zuliina, Slave, Mi*. Well* Secretary o'clock- The are Turney, do; Ho|k* St Smallv, do. Proprietor, Meetings.wiihoutgain The (Jnrden at *it the name ot the agent who should be Iriendtandacquaintance*of thetumily Susan, to himself aud thi. establishment a of belonging to the estate of the late Win Dunlup. eugraviugs, o|*tu half |*st -"Performance. Com Bene* that officer desiring invited to attend tho funeral, at the residence ofthe Bi'pkai.o, Oct B-Air Sandusky. Floyd, Detroit; rc|iutatiou ( iudr|ieiideiit hrlf i art aayen. I accordingly named the Treasurer of the father, grent profit) has leased from the owner on audi term, aa will TUESDAY. Nov 1st.
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