51.." 4.7 His friends and influence can take care of almost anything—except perhaps a trial The Hotshot One-Man Roy Last Oct, 8. as the polls showed Richard N ir- spouse wan forthright: Nichols guaranteed that point in his remarkable career nothing could on running substantially ahead in the cam- Morgenthau would be replaced, and Suns be more to Roy Cohn's wishes than the dis- paign for the Presidency. Roy Cohn moved to gave assurance that a way could be found to missal of Morgenthau. In a few weeks Cohn lend a hand. With his law associate, Thomas force Cohen to resign. The luncheon group dia. is scheduled to come to trial on charges of con- ip11t .nase convened a luncheon mertinro-rrer- parsed after signing checks and pledges to the spiracy, mail fraud, bribery, extortion and haps a dozen wealthy New Yorkers at the qui- Nixon-Agnew campaign totaling more than blackmail. The case was developed by Mor- etly genteel Lotos Club in Manhattan's East S40,000. Seven months ago. Hamer H. Budge genthatis office. Thanks mainly to Cohn's 60s. Prominent among those present were two replaced Cohen as head of the SEC. Morgen- noisy insistence that the attorney is persecut- leading Nixon campaigners: chief fund-raiser thau is stiff U.S. Attorney in New York City, ing him., the trial—whose issues will not be Maurice Stans, who would become Nixon's but rumors of his imminent replacement have weighed here—shapes up as the critical con. Secretary of Commerce, and Lolt41;4131,. a recurrently appeared in the press. frontation of a long-run grudge match. former assistant director or the FBI acid, until It Is known that Nixon had expressed din- late last year exec n ve vice president of Schen- satisfaction with Cohen long before his elec- ley Industries. tion and Morgeruhau, in spite of a distin- The battle between the two men goes beck Cohn, a registered Democrat, was blunt guished record as a prosecutor, is a Democrat almost to the start or Morgenthau's first term about his interest in the campaign. He had and can hardly be classed as a Nixon roan. as U.S. Attorney In 1961, when an investip- been having a lot of legal troubles and court Thus Cohn can hardly claim to have engi- tints OrWindler Alexander Guterrna happened actions. What, he asked the visitors, would a neered anything with a campaign contribution. to turn up Cohn. Cuterma went to prison and Nixon administration do about his two chief (His share of the kitty, 59,000, was paid by ultimately Cohn himself was indicted for ob- tormentors, Chairman Manuel Callen of the three bad checks on an account in a bank he structing justice. His first trial, in 1964, ended Securities and Exchange Commission, and controlled in /Ai-riots; only after a number of in a mistrial: his second in acquittal. Robert Morgenthau, U.S. Attorney for the urgent exchanges between Cohn's partner Bo- It was then that Cohn raised the cry of "ven- southern district of New York? Both Nichols lan and bank officials was the check honored, detta" he has been repeating ever since. As he and Sums disclaim any recollection of the dis- after enough funds had been telegraphed to tells It, he had, during his McCarthy Commit- cussion, but others present recall that their re- cover it.) But extent of influence aside, at this tee days, "exposed" the involvement of Mot-- INVESTIGATIVE REPORT Cohn Lobby by WILLIAM LAMBERT genthau's father, Secretary of the Treasury him thrown out, U.S. District Judge Inzer W v- entered private law practice and quickly be- Henry Morgenthau, in the decision to let the ita held "the motives and the feelings of the came head of his awn firm and a corporate ma- Soviet Union use the U.S. occupation curren- United Slates Attorney are of no moment. nipulator of the first arder. He took over Li- cy printing plates at the end of World War . Assuming . that Mr. Morgenthau onel Corporation, lost it, gained control of (Robert Morgenthau's unprintable reply to harbors a 'personal animosity' toward Mr. Fifth Avenue Coach Company in New York that charge, freely translated: "Poppycock...I Cohn and also has a 'dislike for him, this can- and became involved with a succession of There is no question that Morgenthau's pur- not in any way affect the propriety or vitality financial sponsors in a dizzying variety of oth- suit of Cohn has been uncommonly tenacious of an indictment returned by a grand jury." er business ventures. In the process he left be- —comparisons have been drawn to Robert Cohn recognizes no such inhibidonsas those hind a trail of stunned, embittered and in some Kennedy's stalking of Teamster Bass Jimmy binding Morgenthau. He has publicized the cases financially flattened es-friends. In the HotTa. But the U.S. Attorney's supporters vendetta theme wherever he has found is fo- past year substantial sections of his financial —and these include some of the country's best rum. He has appeared us a guest on radio talk structure have begun to buckle faster than they law enforcement people—insist theta Morgen- shows, lectured at law and journalism schools can be re-riveted. Lawsuits have piled up, and thau investigation of suspected wrongdoings and held press conferences, generally on the more than SI million in judgments have fol- is alway0 uncommonly tenacious. None of subject of his "persecution" by Morgenthau. lowed. In large part, these have left Cohn per- these supporters, however, would go so far as sonally untouched, for virtually all his assets to claim that Morgenthau leeks personal feel- —including his elegant Manhattan town ings about Cohn. Legally and ethically en- Roy Marcus Cohn has had a busy time in house, his telephone-equipped limousine with joined from trying his case in the press, Mor- the 1$ years since he and his wealthy young its "RMC" license plates ar,d his 99-foot yacht genthau has been quoted only as saying about sidekick, G. David Schine, helped polarize the Defiance—are leased or held in separate cor- Cohn that "a man is not immune from pros- nation's stews on domestic Communism with porations headed by his nominees. ecution merely because a U.S. Attorney hap- their far-flung and flamboyant investigations A great deal has been written about—and by pens not to like him." in Senator Joe McCarthy's behalf. When the —Roy Cohn as the consummate political and Last June 3, in denying one of Cohn's nu- show ended, Cohn, the son of a well-respect- financial operator. Whatever his qualities in merous attempts to get the indictments against ed New York judge, moved back to New York, these fields, there is no doubt that he is a mils- CONTiNUP 27 Dirksen helped choose his bank directors cowrinueo terra) lobbyist, a lobbyist who manipulates mortal AwuyJ" to three men. Buckley was one. —with considerable success—press, politi- The others were Di rksen and Lewis Rosenstill, cians and the other power centers, a lobbyist then head of Schenley Industries and another with but a single client: Roy Cohn. pervasive figure in Roy Cohn's affairs. Through the years since he first tasted glory The Cohn-Buckley relationship has other as- as chief inquisitor of the McCarthy Commit- pects. Beginning in 1966, Cohn and some ofhis tee, Cohn has carefully cultivated important associates took control of four Chicago hanks, men. He entertains them, praises them effu- in some cases using funds From one bank to buy sively, sets up organizations and foundations the next. One was state-chartered Guaranty to give them awards and campaign contnbu- Bank & Trust Co. The others, Gateway Na- bons. Many—by no means conserva- tional, University National and Mercantile tives, dating back to the McCarthy Committee National, were federally chartered. Cohn im- days. Some arc liberals, identified in many in- mediately began to use his control position to stances with New York's organisation Dem- finance his corporate activities and help his ocrats. His friends include ienallazaJagera friends, among them Columnist Buckley DAsearailllinais, Thomas Dodd orConnect- icut, la.zsIgal of Mississippi and Ed- ward Long of Missouri (LIFE. May 26 and Without bothenng to inform his partners. Nov. 10, 1967), who was defeated in the 1968 Cohn in September 1967 ordered the president Democratic primary. On the House side of of Gateway National to grant a loan to enable Capitol Hill, Cohn has had a warm relation- ,Buckley, a Tan of substantial wealth, to our- ship with many influential congressmen, in- chase a boat. The bank official objected, point- cluding the venerable Emanuel Cenci- of ing out that standard banking practice prohib- Brooklyn, chairman of the House Judiciary ited making such loans outside their service During the McCarthy nearing, in 1954, tot.nv, Committee, and the wide-ranging and busy area. Cohn was furious, and the banker's ob- counsel Roy Cohn (left) exchanged pleasantries Cornelius E. Gallagher of New Jersey (litti, duracy ultimately cost him his job. Aug. 9 and Dec. 25, 1968). After Cohn's 1964 "That was at the time," recalled another of acquittal, he was heard to exult at a Stork Club Cohn's associates, "when the hank examiners with Cohn's guidance, set up an Illinois corpo- victory party, "Cardinal Spellman sent me were raising hell with Roy for making loans ration, Caribbean Enterprises Inc.. to hold title congratulations from Hyannis Port, Mass., outside the 100-mile radius of the bank. Why, to Cyrano. The loan then went to the Illinois where he's on vacation.
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