SCIENCE FICTION SPRING T>T7T TTU'TXr number 46 1983 Xvj!i V X Jli W $2.00 INTERVIEW: JOHN SLADEK PROFILE: LARRY NIVEN SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW (ISSN; 003^8377) P.O. BOX 11408 Formerly THE ALIEN CRITIC PORTLAND, OR 97211 FEBRUARY^ 1983 - VOL. 12^ NO. 1 PHONE: (503) 282-0381 WHOLE NUMBER 46 RICHARD E. GEIS—editor & publisher PAULETTE MINARE', ASSOCIATE EDITOR (DVER BY STEPHE]^ FABIAN PUBLISHED QUARTERLY TEN YEARS AGO IN SF FEB.., MAY., AUG.. NOV. BY ROBERT SABELLA.36 ALIEN THOUGHTS SINGLE COPY - $2.00 BY THE EDITOR.4 THE VIVISECTOR BY DARRELL SCHWEITZER.37 THE LAST VKTORIAN A POEM BY STEVE ENG. .5 Sim PRESS MAGAZINES REVIEWS BY DARRELL SCHWEITZER....42 (HANGE INTERIOR ART- A POEM BY BLAKE SOUTHFORK.. .7 RAISING HACKLES TiM KIRK— BY ELTON T. ELLIOTT.47 A^^s„5iuLiU ^ " INTERVIEW: JOHN SLADEK CONDUCTED BY DAVID LANGFORD, ..8 LETTERS.49 BRUCe"CONKLIN-7 JOHN MILLER GIUSEPPE MANGONI-8 TEH YEARS AGO IN SF LARRY NIVEN JAMES MCQUADE 14.48 BY RCBERT SABELLA... .14 DARRELL SCHWEITZER DAVID TRANSUE ATOM— ED ROM ARNOLD M. FENNER GEORGE KOCHELL—^. TRADERS OF THE WORST BARK R. REGINALD ALLEN KOSZOWSKI—^4 BY JOHN BRUNNER.14 ROBERT BLOCH BRAD W. FOSTER-26 JOHN HARLLEE OLE PETTERSON-40 ALAN DEAN FOSTER ALEXANDER-44 ONCE OVER LIGKTLY JERRY POURNELLE RAYMOND H. ALLARD-49 BOOK REVIEWS BY GENE DEWEESE.15 RICH BROWN MIKE GILBERT-57 BRUCE GILLESPIE WILLIAM ROTSLER-59 NEAL WILGUS TAD MARKHAM-61 HOW 1^ TO WRITE SCIENCE FICTION JEAN WEBBER BY RICHARD WILSON.18 MARK H. CAMPOS ELTON T. ELLIOTT PROFILE: LARRY NIVEN BY CHARLES PLATT.21 Sm PRESS NOTES BY THE EDITOR.60 NO ADVERTISING WILL BE ACCEPTED OTHER VOICES BOOK REVIEWS BY ALIEN CONCLUSIONS Second Class Postage Paid JOHN SHIRLEY BY THE EDITOR.63 at Portland, OR 97208 ELTON T. ELLIOTT MARK WILLARD ALUEN VARNEY Copyright (c) 1983 by Richard E. DEAN R. LAMBE Geis. One-time rights only have G.B. CHAMBERLAIN been acquired from signed or cred¬ JOHN DIPRETE ited contributors, and all other ANDREW ANDREWS rights are hereby assigned to the PAUL MCGUIRE contributors. SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW is published THE ARCHIVES at 1525 N.E. Ainsworth, Portland, BOOKS RECEIVED WITH COMMENTARY OR 97211 AND OCCASIONAL REVIEWS.29 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW, STANDING BY JERICHO FOB 11408, BY STEVE GALLAGHER.35 Portland, OR 97211 'Because you are one of the im¬ ALIEN THOUGHTS portant opinion leaders in field of science fiction, we were asked by Mr. L. Ron Hubbard to seek your ad¬ BY THE EDITOR M vice in making known his new Sci¬ ence Fiction Book, BATTLEFIELD EARTH, which is arriving in all major bookstores now by their de- # CHICON IV SENT ^E MY HUGO AT LAST 'During these first days of I was beginning to think Mike publication, the book is becoming Glyer had shot the horses and burned a runaway best seller. It has al¬ the stagecoach in which it was journ¬ ready gained for the author the eying from there to here. But Will¬ Golden Scroll Award of Merit.' iam Leininger sent it parcel post, Fred goes on to say that BAT¬ and for over $5. the postal service TLEFIELD EARTH is on its 3rd house put it on a fast train...1 think. printing in as many weeks, and It's a most handsome Hugo, I he asserts that the novel is spear¬ must say, and gleams with an im¬ heading a new drive to bring mil¬ pressive phallic glow of polished lions of new readers "into the Sci¬ nickel in spaceship form. ence Fiction Field." So, therefore, Thanks again to all who nominat¬ it "pays every SF fan and author to ed me and voted for me. I'll humbly get behind it." try to gag you all to the max with Sure. We get behind it and brilliant and wise fan writing now push the $24 book and L.Ron Hub¬ and in the future. bard gets the profit. Has anyone ever heard of the Golden Scroll Award of Merit? does in the U.S.A. She enclosed If anyone wishes to give Mr. a one-page synopsis of two proposed Harris advice, the address of # GL£ANINGS FROM PLBUSHERS WEEKLY stories about two young women who AUTHOR SERVICES, INC. is; I subscribed in November and re¬ travel in time and "get out of the 6464 Sunset Blvd., Suite 900, ceived my first copy in early Decem¬ most incredible fixes." Hollywood, CA 90028. ber. Here are some items of inter¬ Not enclosed was any return Oh, I notice on an accompanying est to sf readers and writers. postage. brochure that the Golden Scroll A- I cannot respond to this kind # 'Pocket Books president Ron ward of Merit was awarded by the of amateur. These types ask one Busch charged that pressure by "au¬ Academ of Science Fiction and Hor¬ to perform, gratis, time-consiming thors, agents, paper sheiks, whole¬ ror. Interesting name. Real Holly¬ salers and retailers" has led to a tasks which can and should be per¬ wood thinking. formed by the amateur; there are critical situation for mass market publishers.' writers magazines which specialize in market reports, addresses, etc. 'In the last year, he noted, # I HAVE RAILED MIGHTILY AGAINST four of the 12 mass market publish¬ This young woman got SFR's ad¬ free verse in Small Press Notes ing companies have either disappear¬ dress SOTiewhere and decided to let this issue, and from that you ed or been absorbed by larger firms. me do her work for her. might think I'd never, ever publish "In the next six months," Busch pre¬ From the skill-level and word- any of that stuff in SFR. However, dicted, "at least one more house and choices in her synopses, I'd say I admire vivid writing, bizarre possibly three will be gone." she hasn't a prayer of selling her imagery, wild thinking that somehow [Word of mouth is that those stories to anyone. just might make sense if approached three are Dell, Avon, and possibly All editors and publishers re¬ just so.... Signet/NAL.] 12-3-82 ceive Dumb Letters from Dumb Ama¬ So, in this issue, and in sub¬ teurs. Professional writers receive sequent issues, you'll stumble # William P. McGivem, long-time their share of letters from un¬ across some surrealistic free verse pulp writer and lately known best thinking, Dumb Amateurs if the by a local poet/madman name of as a mystery/detective writer, dies pro is unfortunate enough to have Blake Southfork. Make of it what of cancer November 18, 1982 at his his address known to the general you will. home in Palm Desert, CA. He was 60. public. It's a hazard of the I knew him best for his 1940s trade. A certain amount of this and 1950s sf stories. 12-3-82 sort of thing goes with the terri¬ tory. A SHORT INTERVIEW WITH ALTER EGO I choose to swear and curse and "Hi, Geis." not respond. *Gasp!* Who said that? § An announcement from John and I do respond to Smart Amateurs, "Me, Alter. Your long lost mind- Beatrice Alexandra Shirley arrived however, who are considerate. mate." announcing the birth of their twins, *Shudder* W-what are you doing two boys; BYRON JOHN and PERRY FRAN¬ back in my mind? CIS. Bom the morning of September # AUTHOR SERVICES SENTSFRA PUFF "Uimm, just visiting. Slumming. 14, 1982 in Ollioules, France. package promoting L. Ron Hubbard's Wondering what you've been up to." Congratulations John and Bea¬ monster-size new sf novel, BATTLE¬ I've been happy while you've trice. FIELD EARTH. Their letterhead is been gone. Alter. Let's keep it iiipressively embossed and gilt on that way, please. # Received a letter from an Ameri" heavy tan paper. Fred M. Harris "Oh, don't worry. I've found a can woman in Italy vdio wishes to addresses SFR thus: far, far better mind to stay with. know if I publish science fiction I was just...curious. I sort of and if not, who [addresses please] 4 miss the old synapse collection. You have the oddest synapses, Gels. Errr... thanks, I think. "They bring a good price on the THE LAST VICTORIAN: STANTON A. COBLENTZ used synapse niarket, by the way. (Aug. 24, 1896 - Sept. 6, 1982) And yours are unique--sort of half- He was an Atlantean seer decades ago baked on one side and underfired In "science fiction," though he'd not yet heard the word: on the other, and a lovely purple In poetry his fantasies would flow in color. Quite striking." Uhhh. Who are you tormenting Ecstatic toward the stars. A stellar, lyric bird. Then...Armageddon's shadow seemed to grow now? Any body I know? And cloud his verse. He warned-but was unheard. "No. 1 can tell you 1 was in your cat, Kookie, for a few weeks. But -Steve Eng that was just for rest and recuper¬ ation. I had a ball tickling her little brain into constantly jump¬ ing up on your desk and sitting ex¬ off the System--like the thousands actly on the copy you were typing, cocoon till—about 15 or 16 years of age? of psychologists, psychiatrists and or smack on the book or manuscript That's the theory. That's the therapists, extra police, etc.) is you were reading." Aha! 1 wondered- New Liberal Morality. A precious terrified their con game will be ex¬ "And I loved bugging Elton when he golden age of security and fun and posed.
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