• Racial Issue, Eases 1m Cambridge ch CAMBRIDGE, Md. t.ft - The nounced that relaxation was be­ tary of the National Association 01 policemen and citizens, will the Advancement of Colored e x p los i v e race issue. which ing considered. for the Advancement of Colored not be tolerated." People asked the Federal appeals brought virtual guerrilla war to -Militant Negro leader Gloria People, said: Wayne County Prosecutor Sam· court Tuesday to require the this city, eased Tuesday night, if Richardson had aDDounced only "U nothing comes out of the uel Olsen, who has exonerated Jackson. Miss., public school sys­ only temporarily. Monday night. after being freed bi·racial commlttee by 3 p.m. to­ the policemen involved in the tem to admit seven Negro pupils from a brief period of detention morrow, then we start demon· shootings, turned down the Negro to previously all-white schools Negro leaders decreed a 24- strations again." hour moratorium on marches. for leading a picket march on a group's request for an investiga­ this [all. segregated drugstore, that an­ IN DITROIT police were au­ pickeUng or other demoostra· other demonstraUon was aet {or thorized Tuesday to tighten the tion of the shooting July 5 o[ a The NAACP altorneys filed an lions. They said they wanted to 3 p.m. Tuesday. reins. 011 antipolice demonstra­ Negro prostitllte. appeal [rom U.S. Dist. Judge Sid· give a new biracial committee a But Monday night Mayor Cal· tions - racial or not - after riot­ "If this orIice were to recom­ ney C. Mize's dismissal of an in­ chance to start operating. vin W. Mowbray and the City trained o({icers Monday night had mend a criminal warrant in this tegration suit rued in Federal The National Guard chief here Council appointed a Human Re· to break up a rook·throwlng mob. case. it would not be a legal war­ Court for the Soutbern District of rant but a political warrant cal· announced to an uproarious lations Committee of s eve n Two separate incidents in MissisSippi last March. crowd of businessmen, enraged whites and four ~egroes to help wbieb police fatally shot persons culated to appeal to a minority by curbs under militia law. that tackle the race controversy, in they were trying to arrest have group. The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of curfew rules were being relaxed which Negroos are trying to de_ resulted in a SatlJrday rally by "Such action could result in a Appeals recently ordered deseg­ immediately. Businesses can stay Segregate restaurants aDd lodging 800 Negroes ootside police bead­ complete breakdown of law en­ regation in public schools' at Mo­ open until 9 p.m. instead of 7, places and knock down other bar­ quarters and the melee Monday forcemtnt in this city," he said. bile, Ala., aad Birmingham, Ala. and people can travel the streets .-iers. night ootside a precinct station • But be added that if new evi· The NAACP, acting In behalf cluh WI. a",~ the II. t ",inuto and the "Itlonll Guard troops w... rlng "I' ",Ilk, .­ \lntil 10 p.m. ioatead of 9. So Tuesday afternoon, Negre Mayor Jerome Cavanagh Tues­ dence is turned up, this could of the parents of the seven chil­ ...ulpped with tWir "I' Ind blYOMted rifles pre.. cIe"'if1d' of the N,,,roe. for thl rtl.IM of 14 of THERI! WAS NO immediate 3eaders met and announced the day sternly warned "mob fury, change his decision. dren, asked the tribunal to set a ,.". to '""t 10"" 500 Nil/nil. whl _rt lbout to thair nu",ber arrl,ted .arller In thI diY, WI. change in the total ban on sales moratorillm on demonstrations. which leads to the destruction of IN NEW ORLEANS attorneys hearing date as early as possible IMrch In d.",onltration In CI",brld,l, Md. Thl ",of. -AP Wirtphoto of alcoholic drink, but it was an· But Stanley Branche, £ield secre· property and the serious Injury for tbe National AssociatJon for on the Jackson case. Jury Indi~ts Castro for Peace; oil owan 4 Russians; Criticizes U.S. Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City Bail Denied Eltabllahed In 1868 10 Cents Per Copy Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday, July 17, 1963 NEW YORK t.ft - The Soviet ita Political Parties Government threw weight Tues­ day behind two Russian nationals By DANIEL HARKER peace: the Russian people want accused of spying against the (IDITOIt" NOTI: AP correspond· ."t D."I.I Hltk., was the o"ly peace, and we want peace. Who United States. However, bail was new ....." preM'" whe" P,lm. MI,,· does not want peace?" denied the pair despite a plea that lit., Castro dlscuSMd culM" ."d ,.,.1,,, .H.lrs with • group of As [or U.S. political parties, be they are entitled to diplomatic im­ dlplom.ts I" H.VI". Monclly "Ight.) • munity lrom prosecution in this IlAVANA IA'I - Prime Minister said: country. "You see the Republicans yelling The couple, Ivan D. Egorov, 41. Fidel Castro declared himself a a personnel officer with the United supporter of peaceful coexistence Cor an invasion of Cuba and making ·reval 5 States Sec.retariat, and his wire, at a French Embassy reception bellicose statements because they Aleksaodra; 39, were not present Monday night. This is the line tak­ are opposing Kennedy's Govern· when the ball motion was argued en by Premier Khrushchev In his ment. But I will tell you that i! before the U.S. Court of Appeals. the Republicans win the next - In the courtroom, however, were ideological dispute with Red China. 1964 - presidential election. they Nikolai Reznichenko, second secre· The bearded C\lban leader ex­ will suddenly assume responsibility tary of the Soviet Embassy, and pressed his views on coexistence and begin to ask for caution. And July Vorontsov, counselor of the and other matters ...... 1~..--- I am pretty sure that the Demo­ Soviet U.N. mission. to a group of sev. crats then would begin to ask lor The Egorovs were arrested in eral diplomats In­ an invasion." QUeens July 2, at the same time eluding S 0 vie t Caslro expressed belief that 5 another couple, named as Ro~rt A mba s s ad or many people in the United States an a and Joy Ann Baltch, were seIZed A I e x ei Alexeiev est "really expect some kind of an in Washington. All were Indicted He criticized U.S: internal rebellion in Cuba and be­ Monday by a Brooklyn Federal pol itical parties, lieve the people are surrering and grand jury, which accused them of saying their poli­ and hating the government." British Diplomats operating a spy ring here since cies shilted with "They can wait for that rebel­ McNamara u.s., 1957. flu c t u ations in lion unlil the end of their days," Russian Propaganda Papers The Baltchs are being beld with· power He said hia he said. "The revolutionary gov­ out bail in Washington lor a hear· go v ~ rnment has CASTRO ernment and the revolution have Ing on their removal to New York. never been safer than now from the never been safer than now. We are Gives Ruling Confer with I Gromyko Their real identities have not been . made public by the government. possibility of a counter·revoluhon. going to stay for a long time." He Press Anti-China Campaign MOSCOW (AP) - U.S. and British diplomats met with The four defendants are accused "I want peace as everyone does," claimed the Cuban people are back , of him . MOSCOW t.ft - Red China's en· munist party abo\lt the Moscow­ Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko for about three bours or setting up a spy ring six years Castro said. "r am for peace[uI To Services "They are understanding our voys to Moscow's Communist par­ Peking split said trade between the Tuesday in the renewed quest for a nuclear test ban agreement, ago, heavily fInanced by Moscow, coexistence. and I do not think ty '~peace talks" retired to the se· two countries had dropped 67 per WASHINGTON IA'I - In the lace and of sending to Russia by short purposes . • and they are begin. c1usion or theJr embassy Tuesday cent during the past three years. and left smiling broadly. wave radio. from Washington se· there is a person in this world ning to oUer us any help we need," of protests that the Pentagon was who wants to die in a nuclear a8 -Soviet propaganda brickbats The atmospbere on both sides exchange of pledges bet wee n cret data on American rocket pads. he said. "They have unJierslj)od Dew past their ears. encouraging military personnel to seemed optimistic, though there is Khrushchev and Kennedy in which atomic arms shipments and troop holocaust. the logical difficulties we have take part in racial demonstrations, a good chance that some of this each would pledge not to take ai­ movements. "The American people want had." The Chinese delegates were be· Don't Return Secretary of Defense Robert S. lIeved drilling for parleys with So. may fade in later negotiations. gressive action to change the prel­ McNamara sharply restricted such ent alignment in ·Europe. viet spokesmen which Communist activity. U.S. Undersecretary of State W. sources said would be resumed 'Due' Books Averell Harriman and Lord Hail· It has been clear from the begin­ -SUI Beauty Reigns at Grinnell- Wednesday. "It is highly inappropriate and sham of Britain beamed at the ning that both sides lelt there was , Teng Hsiao.ping. head of the Iowa City's Public Library has a unnecessary for military person· close of the second round of the a good chance now {or an agree· I delegation to the lO-day.old Soviet.
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