*T« » J nj / r 4-//J - wuc -- X J A MODEL FOR THE DISPERSION OF POLLUTION FROM A ROAD NETWORK Jari Harkonen, Esko Valkonen, Jaakko Kukkonen, Erkki Rantakrans, Kimmo Lahtinen, Ari Karppinen and Liisa Jalkanen OCT 131998 OSTI llmatieteen laitos Meteorologiska institutet Finnish Meteorological Institute Helsinki 1996 DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. ILMANSUO JELUN JULKAISUJA LUFTVARDS PUBLIKATIONER PUBLICATIONS ON AIR QUALITY No. 23 504.054 504.064.2 519.24 A MODEL FOR THE DISPERSION OF POLLUTION FROM A ROAD NETWORK Jari Harkonen, Esko Valkonen, Jaakko Kukkonen, Erkki Rantakrans, Kimmo Lahtinen, Ari Karppinen and Liisa Jalkanen Ilmatieteen laitos Meteorologiska institutet Finnish Meteorological Institute Helsinki 1996 ISBN 951-697-449-X ISSN 0782-6095 Yliopistopaino Helsinki 1996 Series title, number and report code of publication Published by Publications on Air Quality No. 23 FMI-AQ-23 Finnish Meteorological Institute _______________________________________________________ P.O.Box 503 Date FiN-00101 Helsinki 13 j^e 1996 Finland Authors Name of project Jari Harkonen, Esko Valkonen, Jaakko Development of a road dispersion model Kukkonen, Erkki Rantakrans, Kimmo Lahtinen, Commissioned by Ari Karppinen and Liisa Jalkanen Ministry of Environment Finnish National Road Administration Title A model for the dispersion of pollution from a road network Abstract We present a mathematical model for predicting the dispersion of pollution from a road network, for use in a regulatory context. The model includes an emission model, a treatment of the meteorological and background concentration time series, a dispersion model, statistical analysis of the computed time series of concentrations and a Windows-based user interface. The dispersion model is based on a partly analytical solution of the Gaussian diffusion equation for a finite line source. It allows for any wind direction with respect to the road. The dispersion parameters are modelled in a form which facilitates the use of the meteorological pre­ processor. The chemical transformation is modelled by using a modified form of the discrete parcel method, developed in this study. The chemistry model contains the basic reactions of nitrogen oxides, oxygen and ozone. We have also presented an operational model for evaluating the meteorological and background concentration data for the model applications. The model does not take into account the influence of buildings and inhomogeneous terrain on the dispersion processes. The validity of the mathematical solution presented has been tested against a more detailed numerical model. The overall differences are reasonable, and the solution can be used with confidence in an operational model. The program has been implemented on a personal computer and on a main-frame computer, and in the later case also executed on a Cray C94 supercomputer. The validation of the model against experimental data is reported elsewhere. Testing of the model near a major road (Turunvayla, Finland, 1994) showed that the overall agreement of the measured and predicted values for NOx and NO2 concentrations was fairly good. Publishing unit Air Quality Research Classification (UDC) Keywords 504.054; 504.064.2; 519.24 Air pollution, dispersion, model, road, line source, traffic ISSN and series title 0782-6095 Publications on Air Quality Language ISBN English 951-697-449-X Sold by Pages Price Finnish Meteorological Institute, Library 34 P.O. Box 503 Note FIN-00101 Helsinki Julkalsija Julkaisun saija, numero Ja raporttikoodi limafieteen laRos nmansuojelunjulkaisujaNo. 23 FMI-AQ-23 fiVWYYa Vuorikatu 24 _________________ _________________________________ PL 503 Julkaisuaika 00101 HELSINKI 13.6.1996 TeMjafl) Projektin nimi Jari Harkonen, Esko Valkonen, Jaakko Maantieliikenteen paastojen leviamismalli Kukkonen, Erkki Rantakrans, Kimmo Lahtinen, Toimeksiantaja Ari Karppinen and Liisa Jalkanen Ymparistoministerio Tielaitos Nimeke Maantieliikenteen paastojen leviamismalli Tirvistelma Julkaisussa esitetaan matemaattinen malli tieverkoston aiheuttamien ilman epapuhtauksien leviamiselle. Malli on keMtetty liikenne-ja kaupunkisuunnittelun seka ymparistoviranomaisten kayttoa varten. Malli arvioi liikenteen paastot, meteorologisen aineiston ja taustapitoisuuksien aikasaqan, epapuhtauksien leviamisen ja kemiallisen muutunnan, seka analysoi tilastollisesti lasketun pitoisuusaikasajjan. Mallissa on helppokayttoinen Windows-kayttaj aliittyma. Tuloksia esitetaan mm. graafisesti tilastollisina tunnuslukuina, joita voidaan verrata ilmanlaadun ohjearvoihin. Leviamismalli pemstuu Gaussin leviamisyhtalon osittain analyyttiseen ratkaisuun aarellisen viivalahteen tapauksessa. Leviamisparametrit lasketaan kayttaen meteorologisen aineiston kasittelymallilla, joka pemstuu ilmakehan rajakerroksen similariteettiteoriaan. Malli arvioi typenoksidien kemiallisen muuntuman menetelmalla, jossa tarkastellaan reaktioita kutakin havaintopistetta vastaavassa erillisessa ilmapaketissa. Kemialliset reaktiot sisaltavat typenoksidien ja otsonin perusyhtalot Malli ei ota yksityiskohtaisesd huomioon rakennusten ja maastomnuotojen vaikutusta leviamiseen. Esitetyn matemaattisen difhtusioyhtalon ratkaisun tarkkuutta on analysoitu vertaamalla tuloksia yksityiskohtaisemman numeerisen ratkaisun tuloksiin. Tulokset osoittavat, etta mallin matemaattinen ratkaisu on riittavan tarkka operatiivisiin sovelluksiin. Mallista on kaytettavissa mikrotietokoneelle sovitettu versio ja supertietokoneella (Cray C94) ratkaistava versio. Mallin todentaminen kokeellisen aineiston pemsteella kuvataan muissa julkaisuissa. Mallin testaaminen Espoossa Tumnvaylan laheisyydessa (1994) osoitti, etta ennustetut NOx ja N02 -pitoisuudet vastasivat keskimaarin hyvin mitattuja arvoja. Julkaisijayksikko Umadeteen laitos, Ilmanlaadun tutkimus Luokitus (UDK) Asiasanat 504.054; 504.064.2; 519.24 Umanlaatu, leviaminen, malli, maantie, viivalahde, liikenne ISSN Ja avainnimeke 0782-6095 Umansuojelun julkaisuja Kieli ISBN England 951-697-449-X Myynti Sivumaara Hinta Ilmatieteen laitos, Khjasto 34 PL 503 Lisalietoja 00101 Helsinki Acknowledgements We wish to thank Ms. Sari Korhonen and Ms. Mervi Karhula (Finnish National Road Administration, FNRA) and Ms. Taya Lahtinen (Ministry of Environment in Finland) for useful discussions in developing the model. The emission model presented has been developed at the FNRA. Our thanks are also due to Mr. Jukka Ristikartano (FNRA) and Mr. Kari Makela (Technical Research Centre of Finland) for their valuable help on the analysis of emissions. The model development has taken advantage of earlier work on road dispersion models by Mr. Pentti Vaajama (Finnish Meteorological Institute, retired). We thank Dr. Veli-Matti Kerminen and Mr. Ukka Valkama for their useful comments on the manuscript. We would also like to thank Mr. Robin King for linguistic assistance with the manuscript. Financial support from the Ministry of Environment in Finland, the Finnish Road Administration and the Academy of Finland is gratefully acknowledged. Contents Abstracts Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................................5 Nomenclature .............................................................................................................................8 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 9 2. The mathematical model ..................................................................................................... 12 2.1 Dispersion equations for a finite line source .......................................................12 2.2 Dispersion parameters......................................................................................... 14 2.3 Traffic-originated turbulence ...............................................................................15 2.4 Chemical transformation ...................................................................................... 16 2.4.1 The chemical reactions ......................................................................16 2.4.2 The discrete parcel method .............................................................. 17 3. The numerical solution ........................................................................................................ 19 3.1 The numerical solution near the source .............................................................. 19 3.2 The validity of the numerical solution ................................................................ 21 4. The integrated model .......................................................................................................... 24 5. The meteorological and background concentration data .................................................. 25 5.1 The meteorological data ......................................................................................25 5.2 The background concentrations............................................................................. 26 5.2.1 The regional variation of background concentrations......................26 5.2.2 The temporal variation of background concentrations ...................27 6. Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 28 7. References..........................................................................................................................
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