^anche$iet^ E^nihg Herald TOESDAT, illL t 1W8- tverafo Dsily.Ctroilation too Month of Jane, T hs Ws s Umt . % KBitrgeiicr ^oetor ^ X r o o ? ^ g R aps _ Is Promoted Father K illci^ List Engagement S t^ e n A uto 8 . 2 i > l / ■ , - DOetor M ortli^ E- Moriarty J ad. the Maiiebeater Medical As* ; tndlt OsnSaotd saoderately warm to- ■ociationr^tl, respond to emer<- ] Worker^ Ilere Is . ICiat. ItatM iNiwe of jronBaa gtapy^eelle tdmprrow aftar- j INSULATION N B^atTMt and KIh Itottf Mayar e l , . ^ ■ 'V A C.ky df^VUlttK^ Charm vWaUMNB alPMt lift S a o ^ for a Chamber President Pro- Sgi. Alesci Wpundedv in Car Taken frpm Park­ Expert workmaaefelp. AS stavli 'IM wahi raeatlon at Aabu^ N a . ' N. gnaraiftoed. Seasonable Moea.^ (ClaaolSed Advertioing on Fngn M) m W and Attantii tests Solicitation of Pacifit:; Fathei* Died in ing Lot at liilliardville No obUgntkm far an asHasnlA VOL. LXII., NO. 248 lEgTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. JULY |1,194S (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICK THREE CEN'Rli yvrite ar *^ 0001. Urges Naming . Employees in-Town. France in 1918; • y , ■" s : e l Mon^an Staff Sergeanls.Roger Alescl.-w An autWoblle' owned by Paul Burton Insnlating'Go. atriit ia apmdinc tb i wMk in' The Manchester Chamber of' San Rail Yards in Rome Blasted by Bombers •U riiu , Contiietie Of Assistant Commerce, through Its president. ported in yeat'estlay’s H e ra ld /-^ 'Senne^llle. df. 174 Main street^ ISO Oxford St. £r«ford MIm lOiajor Roulaaii. waa stolen from the parking lot < taL 38-4813 Leon A. Thorp, has asked the woiind^d in the South Pac|ll^ area. at-the Hilllard'vlile plant of the Is a son of a Manche.sjef'Gold Star \ Aviation Student Wealey Bd- Dr. Moor^Suggests Se- Hartford Chamber of Commerce United -Aircraft Corporation 4 VMtrd Vancour, 30, of 310 Spruce to stop a representative of that lero of. the flrs^'W ofld War, aometlme Sunday while Mr. Sen- ftraet, Mancbaater, Conn., haa an* lectmeiiypeek Recbm- organUatioff5from soliciting em- Srio Alesci^.-'-'As'stated yeater- nevHIC' waa at his work Iri the /J tacad the Canter at NaahvlUe, plant. He reported the toss to a ALICE OOFRAN mejidation af Doctors. plcjyeea in the, Manchester area. daX Sergeant AMscI was Mth guard at the plant and it waa al­ (Known Aa Qoeen Alice) - , Tann. A t thie Center Student Van- Company K when it was Inducted SPnUTUAL 61EOIUM , - ' 00^ will take ph'yalcal .and pey- Mr. 'thorp’s action has been inti). Federal service arid,; there­ so reported' to local police. Enna; The- Selectmen t acting on the praised by local employers who The car was recovered in Hert­ Seventh Daughter of a Sevanth Son cbolaSioal examinationa to deter- fore, w ^ one .of the ;Arat men to Bom With n Veil • .Mine for'whlch branch '«»< aircrew recommendation of Dr. D. C. T. feel that the employment situa­ :leave.to'wH. for serviceHn the sec­ ford yesterday afid Mr. Seniievllle aarvlce, bohtterdlerlnK, ' ndvilgat- tion here is acute and that It is went there to bring it back Readlhga DaUy, hHsIwpbg Snnday, Moore, will accept the nomntatlpn ond W orld^ar. ' 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. p i By. Appoint- ins or pHoUnS ha,' la beirt^tted. unfair of outside employers to oms. - He found the machine un- \ M ya lcJ tralninS^, ^ctulmnlc atudy, of a member of the Manchester Solicit workers here. Mis father with Company, C amhged but reports iome tools nienL In the Servlee of the Peo>- Cruiser atid vTwo De­ ; and military drill aTeAlao part of Medical Association to act as- Ss- Mr. Thorp's letter to the Hart­ 59th tJ. 8. InfaiUty, American Kx- missing. The automobile tak- ple tor SO Yenra. cadet training at the Center. Thla -peditlonary F o r ^ He was killed «n despite the fact that the Owner 169 Church Street, Hertford, Conn. stroyers of^CoHyoy At­ si^tant medical examiner. Dr- ford ChamMr follows; during an air rai^pb August 1, Phone 6-3034 ■-Ja the llrat atopJA a traftSng pro- Moore has Men medical /xaminer "Hartford Chamber ot Oommeros, Ca|>t. Jasnee C. BayHee Ueat. Ir M. Shields had hia keya with him In the ^gram that wllHventually gfaduate 1918 and he is buiiMyin the Amer plant. tempting to Rbii ' Al­ since the death of Dr. William R. 50 Lewia Street* ,- lean cemetery in t»s Foret-de- Italians Report Evacu­ Student Vancour aa a commlialon* Hartford, Conn. Mrs. Jamea C. Baytlw of Plano Mr. and Mra. C. W. Shields, e l aid otflcer. with winga. in the Army Tinker several yeprs ago. Fere, France, . lied Blockade Ardund i Power Units Dr. Bdmund R. Zaglio Served as "Dear Mr. Cameron: ' / Place haa received news of the 136 School street, announce the en-. ation of Central Si­ Air Boireea. Student Vancour is a "Thla will confirm Mrs. TVacy’s HGtnda Airbase Arej al Withdrawal as R4 uate of Manchester High. He assistant medical examiner of the promotion of her husband from town before his entry Into the conversation with you thla morn­ lieutenant to captain. Captain gagement of their daughter, Lieut.' cilian Town Control­ sistance in. Sicil married to the former Florence ing ,,regardlng the canvassing, of Shower Is Givei Irene May Shields to Lieut. James WANTED OLD Sent to the Bottom. ! Upon Barges j ^Kane of Mancheiter. Army Medical corps s«ven months Baylisa haa been' etationed with ago. ■' - , ."v . ■ Manchester for workers. We an anti-tank unit In toe Paelflc Darrell Tanlfee, eon e l Mr. and y f ,^ ' y ling: S up^y and Com­ Weakens ' Hourly The nomination will Be aded on strongly protest this practice be­ area ~ for nearly two years, and For Miss Hert^ Mra. K. O. Yankee of Oelveaton, Young man^fo^ worif RECORDS Allied Headquarters in t: tedietd Profe$$ion Top$ munications R on t e s Girl Scout Troop 11 .will meet at. the next meeting of the board. cause of our own ehorteg* of Texas. Most he tnined in for anl- Being Built most to Point/ oi at the leader’s "home, 63 Lyneas was formerly with Company K, Southwest Pacific, July— All in Earningg for manpower for .Our- Induetries and 169th infantry. Me has not aeen Lieutenant Shields waa gradu­ in hardware store and vage K. yon wnab to keep (A*)^American bombe^were Aci^oss Island; 'Los» Collapse; ® M Street, Wednesday at 7:00 p. m. etores here in town, and aleo his wife or snaall daughter Marlon ated from the R artford Hospital playing toa'new onea,- \Womeni 'teachers Badges will be distributed and ra- know toat the War Manpower since the lattW.^was four months A showir^ k» honor of Mias Flor­ School of Nursing in 1941 and an- S^iO eaeh paid far oM rae> credited today with^nking a Cuts Axis Divisions First of Four . Flopt~ Eighth Army liamnlersi ahmenta will be served. As this Tax Exemption Co'miplSslon will not tolerate ol(l. Mrs. Bayliss. was the former ence Herter qt 68 Lyneas street, tered\Uie Army last September. drivs , delivery truck. otda UieapeeMva at qnanttty. cruiser and tw^' destroyers hi Lower Brackets. In West frotil. East. iaill be the last meeting all mem- ' pirating of workers. We also do waa ^ven Saturday evening at the She IsN^tloned at Seymour John­ ing Plants to Aid At Catan^x Doorg;! b m gre requested to be presents... Mias Flsrence Plailo,^ of a Japanese convoy- at­ not understand how anyone ffom ■“T- hqme of Mies Violet Krmuae of 631 son-Flelil N. C. New York, July 21— If It's your office' could corns Into Man Ueutenrint Yankee received Ida tempting vainly to run the London, July 21.—</F)—- War Effort to Be Report Issu^ Hartford Road- The many attrac­ Apply’^ xKEMP'S Allied sea and air blockade a high, paying job that Milady's Allied He^quarters, NortM All^iqmbers of tbe'Mona-Tpres cheater when you are soliciting piiot'a wlngqin Canada and la now . I ‘ \ ;■ taw. Enna, central Sicilian - town Ready on July 26. ^rica, Jul\ 21.—(A*)—Amer-j Auxiliary'are reminded of the par­ Greater Hartford area—certainly T o wn W ork^i^ tive and useful gifts were asaem- stationed atVort Myers, Florida. 788 Main St. M . 8886 around «the "big Munda air­ looking for, tho medical profession bontroiling Axis supply and ty to be h ^ on Friday evening on Auditor Also Makes Re­ we are not Included in toat terri­ bled beneath a small watering can No date hai^been tet for the Blish Hardware Co. base in the Solomons. A force of is the best bet and New Mexico Is lean a ^ Canadian tro the lawn, at toe home of Mrs. An­ tory. from which fell "shower” stream- wedding. three, light cruisers, six destroy- the spot to set up business. cohiinunication routes across Washington, July 21 — (jP) have ^ zed Enna — defeniel nie McKinney, on Chestnut street port oil Old Age Tax ; "We are eure yon win eooper- G et In crease era of blue and yellow. A cake, "‘-ers and two transports, undoubt­ So says the'^National FederatlttS-^ the inland, has been evacuat­ fhe first of four floating power- prop/o/' all central Sicily—J planning to attend are re- ate In this matter. adorri^^^th- good j ^ k - horeahpe edly sMki|ig to aid the hard- of Business and Professional Worn- | ed, the^talian communique plants, .any one of which could cu^n^SQff large numbers ■ to get In touch with the, Abatiements in Town.
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