6652 Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 23 / Friday, February 3, 1995 / Rules and Regulations decision on whether to grant or deny the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) (SB) No. 2255, Revision V, dated request. has received several reports of these October 1993. improved design trusses cracking in Interested persons have been afforded PART 339ÐFUNCTIONS AND DUTIES Area A (as specified in the service an opportunity to participate in the OF CLERKS OF COURT REGARDING information) of the engine truss. This making of this amendment. Due NATURALIZATION PROCEEDINGS action retains the currently required consideration has been given to the two repetitive inspections, but shortens the comments received. 14. The authority citation for part 339 One commenter concurs with the continues to read as follows: repetitive inspection interval in Area A and eliminates the inspection- proposal as written. Authority: 8 U.S.C. 1103, 1433, 1448. terminating replacement option; and The other commenter concurs with 15. Section 339.2 is amended by also incorporates the Beech Models the actions specified in the proposal, adding a new paragraph (e) to read as 1900C and 1900D airplanes that have but states that the engine trusses on the follows: engine trusses of this same type design Beech Model 1900 airplanes are hard to installed at manufacture. The actions identify. This commenter states that § 339.2 Monthly reports. specified by this AD are intended to Beechcraft 1900 Airliner Communique * * * * * prevent failure of the engine truss No. 27, dated February 1993, presents (e) Use of reports for accounting assembly caused by a cracked engine information that helps identify the older purposes. Form N±4 shall be used by truss. engine trusses, and recommends that the FAA reference this document in the state and federal courts as a monthly DATES: Effective March 25, 1995. billing document, submitted to the proposal. The FAA concurs that the The incorporation by reference of Service for reimbursement in Beech Model 1900 airplane engine certain publications listed in the accordance with section 344(f)(1) of the trusses are hard to identify, and that regulations is approved by the Director Act. The Service shall use the Beechcraft 1900 Airliner Communique of the Federal Register as of March 25, information submitted on this form to No. 27, dated February 1993, helps 1995. calculate costs incurred by courts in identify these trusses. A NOTE has been performing their naturalization ADDRESSES: Service information that added in the proposal that references functions. State and federal courts will applies to this AD may be obtained from this service communique as a document be reimbursed pursuant to terms set the Beech Aircraft Corporation, P.O. Box that could be used in identifying engine forth in annual agreements entered into 85, Wichita, Kansas 67201±0085. This trusses. In addition, Beech has revised SB between the Service and the information may also be examined at 2255 to the Revision VI level (dated Administrative Office of United States the FAA, Central Region, Office of the August 1994). This document revises Courts. Assistant Chief Counsel, Room 1558, 601 E. 12th Street, Kansas City, Missouri the inspection schedule for airplanes Dated: January 26, 1995. 64106; or at the Office of the Federal having engine truss part number 129± Janet Reno, Register, 800 North Capitol Street NW., 910032±79. Implementation of this Attorney General. suite 700, Washington, DC. schedule would be a reduction from that [FR Doc. 95±2645 Filed 2±2±95; 8:45 am] already proposed. The FAA has FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. BILLING CODE 4410±10±M determined that this SB should be Steven E. Potter, Wichita Aircraft incorporated into the proposal. Certification Office, FAA, 1801 Airport After careful review of all available Road, Mid-Continent Airport, Wichita, information including the comments DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Kansas 67209; telephone (316) 946± referenced above, the FAA has 4124; facsimile (316) 946±4407. Federal Aviation Administration determined that air safety and the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A public interest require the adoption of 14 CFR Part 39 proposal to amend part 39 of the Federal the rule as proposed except for the Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 39) to addition of the NOTE, the incorporation [Docket No. 93±CE±41±AD; Amendment 39± include an AD that would apply to of Beech SB No. 2255, Revision VI, 9136; AD 95±02±18] Beech Model 1900 and certain Model dated August 1994, and minor editorial Airworthiness Directives; Beech 1900C airplanes was published in the corrections. The FAA has determined Aircraft Corporation Models 1900, Federal Register on December 1, 1993 that this minor addition, the SB 1900C, and 1900D Airplanes (58 FR 63305). The action proposed to incorporation, and the editorial supersede AD 92±06±09 with a new AD corrections will not change the meaning AGENCY: Federal Aviation that would (1) retain the repetitive of the AD or add any additional burden Administration, DOT. inspection requirements of AD 92±06± upon the public than was already ACTION: Final rule. 09, extend the applicability to include proposed. Beech Models 1900C and 1900D The FAA estimates that 279 airplanes SUMMARY: This amendment supersedes airplanes that have a part number 129± in the U.S. registry will be affected by Airworthiness Directive (AD) 92±06±09, 910032±79 engine truss installed, and this AD, that it will take approximately which currently requires repetitively shorten the repetitive inspection 16 workhours per airplane to inspecting the engine trusses for cracks interval of Area A (as specified in the accomplish the required inspection on Beech Aircraft Corporation (Beech) service information) of the engine truss (one-time in all applicable areas), and Model 1900 and certain Model 1900C to 100 hours TIS; and (2) eliminate the that the average labor rate is airplanes, repairing or replacing any option of terminating the repetitive approximately $60 an hour. Based on cracked engine truss, and installing inspections on the Beech Model 1900 these figures, the total cost impact of the reinforcement doublers. That AD also and 1900C airplanes if an improved AD on U.S. operators is estimated to be provides the option of installing an design engine truss, 129±910032±79, is $267,840. The only additional cost engine truss of improved design as installed. The inspections were impact on U.S. operators by the required terminating action for the repetitive proposed to be accomplished in action over that which is currently inspections. Since issuing that AD, the accordance with Beech Service Bulletin required by AD 92±06±09 is the Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 23 / Friday, February 3, 1995 / Rules and Regulations 6653 required inspections on 77 Beech substantial number of small entities and by adding a new AD to read as Models 1900C and 1900D airplanes or under the criteria of the Regulatory follows: × × $73,920 (16 workhours $60 77 Flexibility Act. A copy of the final 95±02±18 Beech Aircraft Corporation: airplanes). These figures are based on evaluation prepared for this action is Amendment 39±9136; Docket No. 93± the assumption that no affected airplane contained in the Rules Docket. A copy CE±41±AD. Supersedes AD 92±06±09, owner/operator has accomplished the of it may be obtained by contacting the Amendment 39±8189. required initial inspection, and do not Rules Docket at the location provided Applicability: Models 1900, 1900C, and account for the cost of repetitive under the caption ADDRESSES. 1900D airplanes (all serial numbers), inspections. The FAA has no way of List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39 certificated in any category. determining the number of repetitive Compliance: Required as indicated in the inspections each owner/operator would Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation body of this AD, unless already incur. safety, Incorporation by reference, accomplished. Safety. To prevent failure of the engine truss The regulations adopted herein will assembly caused by a cracked engine truss, not have substantial direct effects on the Adoption of the Amendment accomplish the following: States, on the relationship between the Accordingly, pursuant to the (a) For Models 1900 and 1900C airplanes national government and the States, or authority delegated to me by the with either engine truss part number (P/N) on the distribution of power and Administrator, the Federal Aviation 114±910025±1 or P/N 118±910025±1 responsibilities among the various Administration amends part 39 of the installed that is not equipped with levels of government. Therefore, in reinforcement doublers at the engine firewall Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR attachment bosses, upon the accumulation of accordance with Executive Order 12612, part 39) as follows: it is determined that this final rule does 1,400 hours TIS or within the next 100 hours TIS after the effective date of this AD, not have sufficient federalism PART 39ÐAIRWORTHINESS whichever occurs later, install reinforcement implications to warrant the preparation DIRECTIVES doublers in accordance with the of a Federalism Assessment. 1. The authority citation for part 39 ACCOMPLISHMENT INSTRUCTIONS For the reasons discussed above, I continues to read as follows: section of Beech Service Bulletin (SB) No. certify that this action (1) is not a 2255, Revision VI, dated August 1994. ``significant regulatory action'' under Authority: 49 U.S.C. App. 1354(a), 1421 (b) For all affected airplanes having engine and 1423; 49 U.S.C. 106(g); and 14 CFR Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a truss P/N 129±910032±79 installed, initially 11.89. and repetitively inspect the engine truss for ``significant rule'' under DOT cracks at the weld joints in accordance with § 39.13 [Amended] Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 the ACCOMPLISHMENT INSTRUCTIONS FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and (3) 2. Section 39.13 is amended by section of Beech SB 2255, Revision VI, dated will not have a significant economic removing AD 92±06±09, Amendment August 1994, at the times specified in the impact, positive or negative, on a 39±8189 (57 FR 8060, March 6, 1992), following chart: Area specified in figure Models 1 of Beech SB No.
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