S8188 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 30, 2015 the three holds I have on ambassa- to be with our families and give thanks Republicans to consider calling on the dorial nominations: Mr. Samuel Heins, for all of the great goodness we have floor of the Senate—in light of all of who is nominated to be the U.S. Am- had showered on us as individuals and this gun violence—commonsense re- bassador to Norway, and Ms. Azita those lucky enough to live in this great forms that would keep guns out of the Raji, who is nominated to be the U.S. Nation, but for many families this was hands of dangerous people. Ambassador to Sweden. I believe both a painful holiday weekend. It is sober- Whether or not you own a gun, are qualified to represent our Nation ing to realize how many American fam- whether or not you hunt, whatever abroad, and we have significant inter- ilies have their lives impacted by gun your view is of the Constitution, can’t ests in Scandinavia. My hope is that violence in America every single day. we all basically agree that people who both nominees receive a vote and are Sadly, the past holiday weekend was have been convicted of a felony and confirmed in the Senate sooner rather no exception. those who are mentally unstable than later. In my home State of Illinois, in the should not be allowed to buy a gun? I will retain, however, the hold on city of Chicago, gun violence has taken That, to me, is just common sense. President Obama’s Ambassador to the a devastating toll. There have been 436 There are many people in my own fam- Bahamas. This is because the Depart- homicides in Chicago this year—most ily who are sportsmen and hunters and ment of Justice has yet to initiate an of them by gunfire. In Chicago, the enjoy the firearms they bought as kids investigation into the unauthorized ac- news this morning was that 8 people and went hunting with their dads and cess and dissemination of Congressman were killed and at least 20 others were really appreciate it. It is part of the CHAFFETZ’s personal records. wounded in shootings over the holiday Midwestern culture. I have yet to meet The DHS inspector general has testi- weekend. Today the University of Chi- a single person who owns a gun and fied to Congress that he believes crimi- cago has closed its campus in Hyde uses it responsibly who doesn’t agree nal violations of the Privacy Act oc- Park because of a shooting threat that with the statement that we should curred. Secret Service Director Clancy, was made against the campus commu- keep guns out of the hands of convicted in his own testimony to Congress, nity. Classes and activities are can- felons and also out of the hands of agreed with the inspector general, ac- celed. Extra security has been pro- those who are mentally unstable. knowledging that the violations con- vided. At a high school in Barrington, It is also hard to imagine why there stituted, in his words, ‘‘a criminal of- IL, in the suburbs of Chicago, students is opposition to this issue. Did you fense.’’ With such agreement between saw a lockdown after a student came to know that even if you are on the gov- the Department of Homeland Security school with a gun and was arrested. ernment’s terrorist watch list—a per- IG and the Secret Service Director, I The fact is, there is too much gun vi- son who is suspected of terrorism—you retain the hope and fully expect that a olence in America. All across the coun- can legally buy a gun in America? I am criminal investigation of these offenses try we have seen such terrible stories. not talking about gun show loopholes, by the Department of Justice will be On Friday, in Biloxi, MS, a patron at where there are no questions asked; I forthcoming. a Waffle House restaurant shot and am talking about the law in America That investigation and the discipline killed Julia Brightwell, a waitress, which allows suspected terrorists to currently being meted out by the De- after she asked him not to smoke in buy firearms. In light of what happened partment of Homeland Security are the restaurant. in Paris, France, does it make sense important to send the message that po- In Atlanta, on Saturday, 6-year-old that someone on the terrorist watch litically motivated crimes will not be Ja’Mecca Smith found a loaded hand- list can buy an assault weapon? God tolerated. Consequences are needed to gun in the cushions of a sofa and fa- only knows where they would take it make clear that the separation of pow- tally shot herself—6 years old. or what they would do with it and ulti- ers will be respected and that Members In Rome, NY, a 7-month-old infant mately how many innocent people of Congress acting on behalf of the peo- was shot and killed on Saturday when would be killed. We can’t even have a ple will not be intimidated. a nearby 18-year-old was cleaning and conversation about that on the floor of I also reserve the right to place new loading a shotgun that was discharged. the U.S. Senate. No way. The National holds on future administration nomi- In Colorado Springs, CO, a gunman Rifle Association would not approve. nees. What we cannot have is impunity burst into a Planned Parenthood build- The gun lobby does not want us dis- for criminal offenses. If the discipline ing and killed three people, including cussing these issues. We are talking for the Secret Service leadership is too police officer Garrett Swasey, and about a Second Amendment absolute, weak or if a criminal investigation is wounded nine others. The Governor of inviolate right, in their eyes, and I not initiated, I may place additional Colorado called this domestic ter- think we are talking about something holds in order to again remind the rorism, and I agree. that is impossible to explain and de- White House of the seriousness of this An average of 297 Americans are shot fend, from my point of view. matter, but in the meantime I look for- every day, 89 of them fatally. They are I will stand up for Second Amend- ward to continuing to work with the shot in homicides, assaults, suicides, ment rights—the rights of people to administration to ensure that dis- accidental shootings, mass shootings, own and use guns responsibly and store cipline is appropriate and a criminal and even domestic terrorism attacks them safely away from children. I will investigation on this matter is initi- like the one we just witnessed at the stand up for their rights, but we also ated. Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado have to come together and acknowl- Madam President, I yield the floor. Springs. By one count, there have been edge that those who would misuse fire- I suggest the absence of a quorum. at least 351 mass shootings in America arms because they have a criminal in- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The so far this year—that is more than one tent, with a criminal record, are men- clerk will call the roll. every single day—and there have been tally unstable, or are on a suspected The bill clerk proceeded to call the more than 50 shootings in American terrorist watch list—for goodness’ roll. schools so far this year. There are some sake, we ought to be able to draw that The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- people who think that the Founding line in the United States of America. ator from Illinois. Fathers, when they envisioned the fu- f Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, I ask ture of America, envisioned an armed unanimous consent that the order for America with absolute, inviolate gun SYRIAN REFUGEES the quorum call be rescinded. rights. I don’t believe it. I don’t believe Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, it The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without for a minute they had any vision of was just a few weeks ago that—I guess objection, it is so ordered. this level of wanton violence which is 10 days ago, actually—the Republican f taking place. Presidential candidates went to the Several weeks ago, I joined with my Presiding Officer’s State to meet with GUN VIOLENCE Senate Democratic colleagues. We religious leaders, Christian leaders, Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, hav- went to the steps of the Capitol and and were seeking their support. Of ing just finished the Thanksgiving hol- called on the Republican majority in course they all want the support of ev- iday season, many of us had a chance the Senate to do something. We urged eryone living in Iowa because the Iowa VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:46 Dec 01, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G30NO6.016 S30NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE.
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