October 16, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1379 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PERSONAL EXPLANATION While deployed as a combat controller in rado, who has been honored with the Lifetime November 2016, Staff Sergeant Hunter hero- Business Achievement Award from the Colo- HON. STEVE SCALISE ically and without regard for his personal safe- rado State University—Pueblo. OF LOUISIANA ty, maximized effects on the battlefield by inte- Keith Swerdfeger was born and raised in Pueblo, Colorado, and has had a lifelong pas- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES grating air assets, employing precision fires, and protecting the wounded with his own sion to start a business and make a contribu- Monday, October 16, 2017 body, saving the lives of his teammates. tion to his hometown. In 1968, Keith realized Mr. SCALISE. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoid- As friendly forces entered the village, they his dream of becoming a business owner, ably detained. Had I been present, I would were ambushed by heavy machine gun fire opening Swerdfeger Construction, Inc. with his have voted YEA on Roll Call No. 551, and from insurgents. Staff Sergeant Hunter imme- wife Sharon. This was the beginning of a very YEA on Roll Call No. 552. diately identified the enemy locations and di- successful business venture. Today, f rected multiple ‘‘danger-close’’ strikes so close Swerdfeger Construction, Inc. is a vital part of the team was blasted by dirt. Pueblo’s economy as well as in southern Col- HONORING BLAIRE BARTLETT While under enemy fire, Staff Sergeant Hun- orado and six other states, employing up to ter shielded the wounded with his body and 500 people. Keith readily gives all of the credit HON. DANIEL M. DONOVAN, JR. provided suppressing fire with his rifle. Simul- to his employees for his company’s success, OF NEW YORK taneously, he coordinated close air support while continuing to strive to create more jobs IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES missions, deconflicted airspace, and maxi- and opportunities. Keith is passionate about investing in the Monday, October 16, 2017 mized fire support from the overhead gunships. Pueblo community and firmly believes that Mr. DONOVAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to While attempting to maneuver out of the kill part of his company’s success has come as honor and thank my outgoing Deputy Chief of zone, Staff Sergeant Hunter continued to ac- the result of the work he, his family and em- Staff, Blaire Bartlett. curately direct ‘‘danger-close’’ engagements ployees have done to give back. Keith has Raised in the small town of Westerville, on the massing enemy forces. Due to the been very active with the Pueblo Economic Development Corporation, Pueblo County Ohio, Blaire Marie Bartlett grew up with a de- smoke being so thick the team couldn’t see, United Way, the Colorado Contractors, the sire for enriching the lives of others. After Sergeant Hunter used the overhead aircraft to Distribution Contractor Association, the Great- graduating from Westerville North High direct them through the village. er Pueblo Chamber of Commerce and other School, Blaire enrolled in Spring Hill College At great risk to his life, Staff Sergeant Hun- civic and industry associations. Keith rep- on a golf scholarship where she later obtained ter acted to protect and recover his wounded resented Colorado House of Representatives a B.A. in Hispanic Studies and a B.S. in Inter- teammates. While under heavy fire, he was national Studies. Subsequently, former Con- District 47 from 2011 to 2013 where he served able to direct air strikes via a radio in one on the Economic and Business Development gressman Jim Walsh hired Blaire as his Exec- hand, and use the other to drag the wounded utive Assistant. After working in various of- Committee, the Finance Committee and the to safety. Local Government Committee. He was a fices, both on- and off-Hill, Blaire joined my Staff Sergeant Hunter controlled 31 ‘‘dan- staff in 2015 within weeks of my swearing-in. strong advocate for his District and the com- ger-close’’ missions resulting in an estimated munity of Pueblo and worked diligently to I have seen first-hand just how vital an 27 enemies eliminated and 3 vehicles de- asset Blaire Bartlett is. She is the glue that bring jobs and economic opportunities to the stroyed, with the closest precision strike 9 feet people of southern Colorado. holds an office together. She brings strength, away. intelligence, poise, and humor to a job in Mr. Speaker, Keith Swerdfeger has been a The courage shown by this dedicated Spe- long-time business leader and tireless civic which those qualities are in high demand, but cial Tactics Combat Controller is a true testa- low supply. Her incredible work ethic has volunteer for his hometown of Pueblo, Colo- ment of his character. Staff Sergeant Hunter rado. I’m fortunate to consider him a dear made my office function better than a well- has displayed selfless commitment to service oiled machine. Furthermore, Blaire’s selfless friend. When we tell younger generations of and sacrifice. Puebloans that the keys to a successful life passion for animal welfare and human rights is The exceptional skill that Staff Sergeant are dedication and a strong work ethic, we refreshing to see in a town where many think Hunter demonstrated resulted in 57 total lives can point to Keith as an example. Pueblo is only of themselves. saved. Through his extraordinary heroism, su- Mr. Speaker, after spending almost 12 years grateful to have Keith Swerdfeger as one of its perb airmanship, and aggressiveness in the sons. working in Congress, Blaire is ready for a new face of the enemy, Staff Sergeant Hunter re- f chapter in her life. I will miss having her and flected the highest credit upon himself and the her dog, Monkey, in my office each day. United States Air Force. HONORING THE SHAVERTOWN Nonetheless, I am profoundly grateful for ev- The entire Northwest Florida community is VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT erything she has done for me, my staff, and immensely proud of our District’s tradition of MEDAL OF VALOR RECIPIENTS the citizens of New York’s 11th Congressional military service and support for all those who District. bravely serve our Nation. HON. LOU BARLETTA f On behalf of the United States Congress, it OF PENNSYLVANIA is a true honor to recognize Staff Sergeant RECOGNIZING STAFF SERGEANT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Richard B. Hunter upon this most notable dis- RICHARD B. HUNTER ON RECEIV- Monday, October 16, 2017 tinction. ING THE AIR FORCE CROSS He is truly a remarkable man, and I thank Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, it is with great him for his selfless service to his country. pride that I honor the first responders of the Shavertown Volunteer Fire Department, who HON. MATT GAETZ f OF FLORIDA are being presented with Medals of Valor for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES KEITH SWERDFEGER TRIBUTE their selfless acts to rescue Iilou Warmouth earlier this year during a terrible house fire. Monday, October 16, 2017 HON. SCOTT R. TIPTON On the night of July 4, 2017, the Mr. GAETZ. Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege OF COLORADO Shavertown Volunteer Fire Department re- to pay tribute to Staff Sergeant Richard B. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ceived reports of a massive fire consuming Hunter upon being awarded the Air Force two homes in the nearby Dallas Borough. Cross, the second highest military decoration Monday, October 16, 2017 After arriving at the scene, the firefighters dis- that may be awarded to a member of the Mr. TIPTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to covered that Mrs. Warmouth was trapped in United States Air Force. honor Mr. Keith Swerdfeger of Pueblo, Colo- one of the burning buildings. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:21 Oct 17, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16OC8.001 E16OCPT1 E1380 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 16, 2017 Firefighter Keith Rinehimer found Mrs. Mr. Speaker, I want to congratulate St. cation when he attended the Midwestern Warmouth, selflessly running into the flames Peter’s Boys High School on its 100th anniver- Broadcasting School, which led to his work on to save her. During the rescue, his face mask sary. Its long success in education has bene- WOPA radio in 1959. Only a year later, he or- malfunctioned, forcing him to inhale smoke, fitted not just students, but parents and faculty ganized his first concert featuring B.B. King but he continued to push on. As he helped as well. and Junior Parker and three years later, when carry Mrs. Warmouth through the fire, he was f Leonard and Phil Chess launched WVON, Mr. forced to remove his gloves to help carry her, Spann hosted a regular late night blues slot receiving severe burns on both hands. HONORING RHINE VFW POST NO. and became known as the ‘‘all-night blues Firefighter Ted Sherrill helped Keith 2729 ON ITS 85TH ANNIVERSARY man.’’ His most famous act of the era was Rinehimer move Mrs. Warmouth from the bed- when he hosted an 87-hour ‘‘sleepless sit-in’’ room, through smoke and flames, to the kitch- HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI to raise money for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. en where they were met by Assistant Chief OF ILLINOIS During the 1960s, Mr. Spann managed the Erik Sowga, Captain David Rinehimer, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES careers of leading artists including B.B.
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