THE WORLD'S THE WORLD'S LARGEST PEANUT LARGEST PEANUT MARKETING MARKETING CENTER Orman rogrrss CENTER SERVING THE HEART OF THE RICHEST AGRICULTURAL CENTER OF TEXAS VOLUME NO. XXXXI GORMAN, EASTLAND COUNTY TEXAS, THURSDAY, OCT. 2, 1941 NUMBER 34 4 SPEECH STUDENTS TO GET RADIO Movie Trainer to Be at Dog Show BLACKWELL SANITARIUM TO BE (CC° EXPERIENCE TUESDAY NIGHT ENLARGED FOR FIFTH TIME 0-Ge* fcva% The Speech Class with assistance) The Blackwell Sanitarium, an Peanut Harvest of an orchestra from the Gorman Buy Registered institution of which we are all I Band will go on the air for the proud, is to be enlarged again, this Now Underway first time over KFPL, Dublin, Cows At Abilene making the fifth since its found- THE FIRST TOUCH 'of Fall next Tuesday, Oct. 7. The pro- ing by the brothers whose name weather has reached us and gram comes on at 6:00 and will Farmers in many sections of the Gorman went a step further in it bears. when the Gorman Panthers meet last 30 tnniutes. Mrs. Rodway is This time it will go up and plans community have begun the har- getting , its registered cattle's the Dublin Lions there Friday directing this work in connection vesting of the 1941 peanut crop popularity increased Wednesday at tc date are for a complete third night it will be . still another with her Speech instruction in the during the past two weeks, and the West Texas Hereford Sale at story which will add about twenty- evidence of the approaching of the school. The nature of this first soon the harvest will be in full Abilene, Texas. Dr. George Black- eight rooms. The contract went new season. The first football program will be the founding of swing unless weather conditions well bought the grand champion to T. S. Ross of Gorman and game for the Panthers at home, Gorman and later developments. prevent. cow which is to be retained by its work began yesterday. under the bright lights WILL NOT The rains of Tuesday and The experience these pupils will former owner, Ernest Grissom, All the details are not available be tomorrow night, but the dedi- receive in the broadcast will, be Wednesday were most unwelcome until , the Fort Worth Fat Stock at the present, but the addition cation of the splendid Athletic and it will cause the hay to be helpful in other phases of speech Show where she will be exhibited; will accommodate a large per- development. Field will follow biter. The game dark, but if dry weather follows then she will be brought to Dr. centage of their ever-growing at Dublin begins at 8 o'clock. Are for a week threshing will follow The student announcer will be George's ranch here. Don Moor- patronage list' and will' continue to you planning to back them with at once. The yield is a variable Weldon Kirk, and Marjorie West- man bought two fine registered remind us that we are very the encouragement of your one but it is expected now to be moreland will he narrator. Others cows, Dr. Brandon bought one, and fortunate to have this institution presence? better than it was thought possible on the program for this broad- Dr. Rodgers, one. This collection which has meant so much to the r • during the Spring and Summer cast will be James Jobe, Dale will add greatly to the already welfare of our own citizenship as Glasson, Nadine Cunningham and well as that of surrounding com- ONE OF THE HA itoEsT jobs months. The care of the nuts fine herds in the Gorman terri- after they are plowed up will add Ettory Scittern. Others in the tory. munities and towns. But their in a small town or city is that of patrons do not stop even there— being a telephone operator! Most greatly to the value of the nuts class will be used later. 0 They have arranged their they come from everywhere. of us have never had that ex- for the market. In some instances material for the broadcast from perience—and perhaps it's better the hay crop is thought to be some of the pioneers and from NELL KINNISON ELECTED that we haven't for many con- much better than the'nut crop. 1-H Boys Start various old papers. PANTHER FOOTBALL QUEEN cerned. But have you ever stop- More No. 2 grade have bees ped to think how much PATIENCE sold to date bringing around $1.23 Lamb Feeding per bushel. Nell Kinnison was elected it takes to answer, "Thank you" Church of Christ Panther Queen for 1941-42 in a in a calm, sweet voice in responce More than one hundred lambs spirited contest which closed to a harsh one at the other end have been started on feed by Tuesday at 1 p. m. Nell is a 10:00 a. of the line? , You hear ninny users Gorman Wins Many m., Bible Class. Eastland County 4-H club boys Junior and worked for this of the telephone growl when 10:45 a. m., Morning worship. during the past few days under coveted honor as did her class- operator sometimes says, "Line's Ribbons At Fair 7:00 p. m., .Young people's the direction of the county agent mates. Dorothy Short was in busy." But if you want to be hour. and his assistant. The lambs, all second place and is a Senior. They fair to her, what is better for 7:45 p. in.; Evening worship. Ace, shown here with a pretty ad- ise, a pointer; Satan, a Great Dane; The Gorman ladies, according to of which were produced in East- solicited votes from their friends you to say, "I'll call later," or 7:45 p. nr., Wednesday, . Bible mirer and the famous dog trainer, Champion Hallwire Halbert, wire land county, will be fed on home all report, received by far the haired fox terrier bred in Dallas; by asking for pennies—each penny "Thank you"—furthermore, what Study. Earl Johnson, is one of six canine largest percentage of ribbons than and two mongrels, Zero and Daisy, raised peanut hay and grain and accounting for ten votes. Nell re- can an _impatient telephone user 3:00 p. in., Friday, Ladies movie stars who will perform as an those of any other town or com- the latter a "female impersonator" will be marketed fat lambs in ceived 27,210 with Dorothy follow- do about it? Bible class. added attraction at the All-Breed of the dog in the comic strip munity at the County Fair just 120 days. ing dangerously near with 22,250 The public is invited to all Dog Show, Oct. 7 and 8, at the State "Blondie." Johnson will give dem- The Telephone Industry has closed. Fair of Texas. The others are Prom- onstrations of dog training. "Our main reasons for encourag- The Sophomore's, candidate, Betty grown along with others which the these services. June Pritchard, received 8,180 The completed list of entries ing 4-H club boys to feed lambs." public could ill afford to be with- —A. S. Werner, minister. while, Joan Day, Freshman, had will be given next week. The stated Elmo V. Cook, county out. Our present management is 2,000 when the final count came. Gorman Community booth and the agent, "are to supply a market making improvements which we JUNIOR GIRLS AUXILIARY , Bass Lake Home Demonstration Governor To Crown Excelsior Club for the peanut hay produced in See the Coronation ceremonies enjoy, and we think the users of ORGANIZED MONDAY booths both placed, and the Gor- the county, to keep livestock in at Panther " Park at the first the Gorman . Telephone system .the country until ready for slaugh- man 4-H Club's exhibit was . ex- Monday afternoon-.---the -Junior. Texas. Queen The Excelsior Club sheld their home game—it promises to be appreciate this fact. first meeting Tuesday, Sept. 23, ter and to teach our ything farmers cellent and erew much praise. Girls Auxiliary met to organize colorful! But back to Courtesy—it costs in the home of Mrs. Luther Wright. how to feed livestock". Cook points at the Baptist church with Mrs. T. Dallas, Texas, Sept., 29—The Fay McCulley Chosen-Yell Leader nothing—yet brings big returns to Prizes and ribbons were awarded The president, Mrs. S. E. Richey, out that Eastland county produces 0. Shelley as. leader. There were State Fair of Texas show window also in the Livestock Division. presided over the business meet- 'great suplus of peanut hay which Fay McCulley was elected by a all who will practice it. seven girls present; and the follow- of Texas will open Saturday. More Dick Gray won on a Saddle Colt ing. After the Flag Salute was is shipped to livestock feeding sec- large majority as yell leader this ing officers were elected: presi- than 150,000 persons, representing It is said those who make the and Saddle Mare; and the Black- given the different committees tions and is beginning to produce week to take the place of Nell dent, Imolene Short; vice-presi- every walk of life and every sec- most noise usually accomplish the well brothers, on beef cattle gave their reports. Mr. Rex feeder lambs which are customarily Kinnison who was elected Football dent, Janette Isbell. secretary, tion of the Lone Star empire, will under 1 year; also on 1 year and Carnes, band instructor, appeared shipped out of ; the county to Queen. Both girls are members of least. Martha Louise Smith; treasurer, push through clicking turnstiles to under 2.
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