Ppug Glina Iii. Id Gp 4.12. Mala Solina

Ppug Glina Iii. Id Gp 4.12. Mala Solina

2325 787 142 465/2 Brdo 790/1 140 776/2 792/1 141 135 466/2 785/1 790/2 136 466/1 467/1 513/1 792/2 467/2 779 128/2 778/1 462/2 462/2462/1 468/2 468/1 511 961 129/2 2326 514/1 470 502 POKUPSKA 514/2 514/3 1824 2324 469 778/2 SLATINA 500/1 512/1 101 GORNJA III. IZMJENE I DOPUNE 126 518/1 514/4 BUČICA 793/1 ILOVAČAK 2319 515/1 ZALOJ 517 793/3793/2 475/1 518/2 793/4 23182332 471 501/1 515/2 DONJE PROSTORNOG PLANA UREĐENJA 793/5 DESNI 795/2 GRAČANICA 501/2 793/6 TABORIŠTE 125/1 472/1 512/2 DEGOJ ŠIŠINEČKA 2317 472/2 551/1 2322 516 551/2 DONJA 2331 523/2 473 950 GRADA GLINE Rev. Jandrievac 567 BUČICA 477/2 519 793/7 474 521/1 477/1 794/6 Revir Jandrievac 500/2 552/3 964 GORNJE STANKOVAC 563 1825 DONJE 2316 522 568/1 566/2 552/1 568/2 793/8 TABORIŠTE JAME 475/3 520/1 568/3 794/7 476 550 520/2 568/4 Ledina 475/2 121 547 565/2 563/3 553 565/1 793/9 794/3 125/2 PETRINJA 478 521/2 566/2 125/3 499 546 549 564 948 566/1 566/1 795/1 794/4 GORNJI 575/1 GORNJE 523/1 554 SELKOVAC 500/3 563/2 JAME MALA SOLINA MALA 475/4 938 DONJA 125/4 479/2 498 537/3 537/2 555 563/6 793/10 SOLINA 537/1 545/1 563/4 Potok 2334 545/2 795/7 TRSTENICA BIŠĆANOVO Potok 563/1 2320 480 536 548 563/5 574949 796/1 102/3 103 2323 479/1 569/4 573/1 794/5 VELIKA 524/2 793/11 MARINBROD 1828 2333 122 4.12. SOLINA 795/3 BATURI HAĐER 497 Mazinac 569/3 796/2 526 541/3 572/1 795/4 481 496 541/4 562/6 562/1 573/2 KIHALAC 556 562/3 799/1 Potok DVORIŠĆE 120 562/4 936 102/2 TURČENICA 2335 562/5 796/3 793/12 119 541/6541/7 795/5 NOVO SELO 524/1 569/2 DONJI 117 569/1 799/2 796/4 PREKOPA GLINSKO 488/2 572/2 SELKOVAC DONJI 495/1 524/3 562/2 570 482 488/1 573/3 799/3 105 VIDUŠEVAC 525 544/1 544/2 561 951 483 538 799/4 106 107 GORNJI108/1 572/3 799/5 795/6 495/2 527 540 571/1 794/2 VIDUŠEVAC 560 571/2 573/4 1826 108/2 109 118 534 557 799/6 796/5 *50 1827 541/2 926 799/7 BRNJEUŠKA 484 543 108/3 111 541/1 MAJSKE 2321 493 102/1 110 487 494 799/8 104 114 533/2 533/1 541/5 799/19 GLINA POLJANE 115 485 794/1 ŠATORNJA 486/1 528 529 2312 490/2492/4 799/9 113 490/1 492/3 926 *49 112 486/3 799/16 DONJE TRTNIK 94 489 799/17 799/10 542/4 786 GLINSKI 486/2 492/2 542/6542/5 542/2 559 SELIŠTE 715 714/1 *48 530 542/7 558/4 1837/1 713 542/3 542/1 ROVIŠKA 282 918 491 492/1 712 VLAHOVIĆ 95 531/2 532 558/1 799/11 800/1 785 714/2 283 284 96 531/1 844 810/34 801 GORNJE JOŠEVICA 99 531/3 799/18 716/2 799/12 SKELA SELIŠTE717 286 117 97 107 842/2 1835 711 285 2329 700/3 130/1 842/5 842/6 843 716/1 709 706 710/2 MAJSKI 842/1 963 792/1 1836 787 RAVNO 707DRENOVAC 1873106 842/7 ŠIBINE 721 TRTNIK 115/1 105 109/2 799/13 Potok 788/1 129/7 98 104 BALINAC 718 DOLNJAKI RAŠČE BANSKI 130/2 102 MARTINOVIĆI 288 143/1 144/1 810/33 800/2 710/1 118 848 Mazinac 131 108/1 109/1 849 842/3 842/4 9999/99 799/14 720 842/8 802 699/2 129/6 108/2 853 121/2 108/3 845/1 719 PRIJEKA 722/2 MAJA 705/2 129/5 121/1 101 799/15 784 722/1 116 103 114/1 143/2 144/2 845/3845/2 BIJELE 129/4 108/4 850 845/4 723 115/2 110 854/1 852 847 810/35 810/32 HAJTIĆ783 VODE VELIKI 555 129/3 810/19 937 724/1 *47/1 704 100 108/5 144/3 781 724/2 GRADAC699/1 114/3114/4108/6 142/4 855 SVRAČICA 700/2 129/2 120 114/2 845/5 810/5 TOPUSKO BOROVITA 725 557/1 810/4 705/1 554/1 1874 846 810/2 ŠAŠEVA 726/5 726/1 *47/2 MOMČILOVIĆA 113 145 810/21 782 DRAGOTINA703 804/1 790 KOSA 115/3 112/4 142/3 810/6 DABRINA728/1 2314 2330 122 111 810/1 810/7 788/2 554/2 119 142/1 810/3 810/8 810/20 729/3729/1 112/3 142/2 854/2 851 810/22 789 726/2 729/2 MALI 132 129/1 148/1 146/1 858 Mala Solna 125 123 810/9 810/13810/14 810/17 112/1 148/2 146/2 810/10810/11810/12 810/15810/16 810/18 726/4 *46 GRADAC 556/1 139/1 792/2 726/3 728/2 729/5 182 133134 124 803/1 727/3 730/5 729/4 KOZAPEROVICA Rev. Jandrievac 553 138/1 112/2 956/2 702 148/3 184 126 141 150 728/3 139/2 804/2 803/2 727/4 730/6 700/1 698 556/2 136/2 146/4 146/3 811/1 861/1 727/1 728/4 183 151 859/1 830 827 810/23 MALI 730/1 2315/1 127 810/31 779/2 552 128 140/1 810/24 558 147/2 928 OBLJAJ BUZETA 730/7 429 185 138/4 828 792/3 557/2 136/1 154/1 147/1 861/2 935 GORNJI TRNOVAC 181/1 138/2 140/2 834 727/2 DONJI 152 147/3 810/25 791 KLASNIĆ 730/4 GLINSKI 186/2 Mala Solna 826 VELIKI 697 829 825/1 730/8 KLASNIĆ 730/3 701/1 140/3 835 430 559/3 178/1180 147/6 147/5 OBLJAJ 431 551 186/1 137/2 154/2 147/4 859/2 861/4 811/2 810/26 730/9 181/2 140/4 153 841 839 833 810/27 730/11 432/3 432/4 135 779/3 730/10 *45/1 701/2 731/1 730/2 550 147/7 147/8 779/1 BRESTIK 559/2 187/3 137/1 140/5 155/1 147/9 823 695/1 187/2 138/3 432/2 549 187/1 181/3 176 156 831/2 *45/2 695/3 861/5 1892 1838 BRUBNO 731/2 696/2 559/1 179 695/2 Severov jarak 147/11 825/2 810/28 178/2 155/2 149/1 *12 836 811/3 188/1 177 147/10 838 822 779/4 187/4 175 149/2 734 2328 189/3 415/1 837 820/1 2313 149/3 831/1 811/4 733 693 432/1 467/6 168 157/2 832/2 732 434 173 157/1 831/2 809 805 780/1 BOJNA 694 467/5 174 158 189/1 172 160/1 2315/2 861/3 811/5 Jame 468/3 560 178/3 169/1 415/2 792/5 692/1 548 157/3 864 810/29 435 433 467/4 474/1 BREZOVO 167/4 Mazinac 735 *43 468/2 188/2 171 161/1 160/2 863 691/1 696/1 *11 POLJE 467/2467/3 561/1 193 157/4 869 870 832/1 811/6 467/1 189/2 169/2 862/2 468/1 474/2 547 821 792/6 692/2 546 195 170 160/6 414/2 157/5 416 810/30 736 687 691/2 543 160/3 792/4 *42/1 466 160/5 862/1 866 808 792/7 689 476 561/2 194/2 414/1 883 690 475/1 413 Mazinac 545 167/2 169/3 160/4 876 792/8 475/2 192 408 777 473 544 194/1 196/1 167/3 161/2 1878 688 469 167/1 1875 160/7 871/1 Pećine 794 738 472 477/1 542 196/2 191 190 159/1 417/1 867 871/2 956/1 780/2 *42/3 686 562 159/2 418/1 878 819/1 819/2 816/2813 817 776/1 737 484 477/2 160/8 820/2 818816/1 812 470 565/4 418/2 877 792/9 471 541 1877 412/2 871/3 807 778 482 477/3 565/2 412/1 423 422 417/2 868 881/1 740 481 410 419 879/2 806 *42/2 685/1 483 478 540 539 565/5 167/5 161/4 411 776/2 485 480/3 197 161/3 429/4 409 814 744 743 739 *10 421 872/1 871/4 745 429/3 872/2 486 420/1 875/3 685/2 489 198 872/3 Potok 901 928 792/10 774 479/3 536/1 565/1 427 425/1 881/2 900 1837/2 780/3 41/1 487 480/2 429/5 426/1 872/4 815 763/9 480/1 538 165/3 872/5 741 490 536/2 420/2 565/3 428 872/6 773 463 161/5 426/2 436 874/2 772 742/2 492/2 516/1 536/3 537/1 405/1 425/2 424/1 435/1 880 895 682 2229 435/2 41/2 492/1 497/2 165/1 560/1 Trešnec 491 *166 162 406/1 874/1 763/8 493 537/2 1871 *165/2 879/1 885/2 899 560/2 568/1 424/2 437 771 742/1 531/3 533 429/2 429/6 531/2 537/4 209/2 163 429/1 435/3 873/2 965 780/4 497/1 531/1 424/3 438/1 560/3 770 679 211/1 200/1 1876 *9 439/4 904/1 763/7 678/1 530/2 212 199 211/2211/3 404 438/2 767 746 *41/3 495/3 213 430/1 438/3 439/3 875/1 898 902 532/3 210/1 424/5 442 873/1 874/3 494 214/2 210/2 439/2 680 532/2 214/1 424/4 435/4 443/1 439/1 559/1 2230 530/1 532/1 215/2 403 886 559/2 769/3 678/2 495/2 568/2 200/2 164 406/2405/2 443/2 440/3 466/1 893 894 559/3 561/1 766/1 527/2 1870 209/1 210/3 208/3 1868 *8 440/2 885/1 675 215/1 444 1879 441/1 440/1 466/2 766/3 768 1839 527/1 210/4 430/2 431/5 875/2 529 445 441/2 467/3 676/1 226 435/5 465/1 1881 904/2 561/2 766/2 769/1 747/1 524 278/2 227 210/5 201/5 431/4 441/3 441/6 905 903/1 558/2 769/2 528 570/3 569 278/1 218/1218/2 228/2 208/2 467/1 887 780/5 747/4 221 228/1 402 401 399/2 441/5 441/71880 763/5 763/6 747/2 516/2 216/1 210/6 201/4 432 441/4 465/2 1888 676/2 525 222 201/3 400 446 441/8 892 562/1 793/1 765 677 Čurkovac 219220 225 208/1 201/2 433 467/2 558/1 764 751 674/3 526 570/2 571 278/3 *7/2 447 441/9 460 891 216/2 201/1 464 570/1 216/5 229/2 205/2 *7/1 399/1 470/1 896 523 2291 279/2 277/3 224/2 459/1 461 468 897 903/2 747/3 748 1840 2231 279/1 224/1 229/1 207/2 431/3 463 906 *40/2 GRAĐEVINSKA PODRUČJA NASELJA - LEGENDA 216/3 205/1 434/1 563 *40/1 674/4 572/1 280/1 431/1 557 562/2 747/5 750 522/1 572/2 216/4 217 223 207/1 398/2 Solna mala 458/1 673/2 572/3 277/2 230/1 398/3 398/4 398/6 1858 276/5 1869 204/2 457/2 470/2 763/4 *40/3 674/2 522/2 230/2 206/2 448 457/1 459/2 462 469 888/1 752 673/1 277/1 276/4 *6 431/2 456 458/2 890 763/3 672 280/2 552 564 749/1 517 206/1 453/1 455 565 763/1 762 671/4 518 574/1 281/1 1862/1 276/3 398/1 1945 454 505 93 280/3 233/11 453/2453/3453/4 471/1 1841 674/1 522/3 573 281/2 398/5 434/2 476/3 888/2 793/3793/2 793/4 753 514 276/2 231/1 233/10 472 749/2 671/6 231/3231/4231/5231/6 204/1 793/5 232/5 233/7233/8233/9 202 397/2 393 91/3 282 272 476/2 795/1 S 574/2 749/3 818/4 522/4 576/2 89 280/4 276/1 203/1 452/1 889 515 576/1 92 203/2 451/1 Bielovac 555 566 818/3 671/2 671/1 275 397/3 392/2 449/1 452/2 452/3 754/2 671/5 274 233/6 234/1 396 434/3 391 546/2 553 671/3 232/4 233/5 397/1 570 820/1 668/1 667/1 661 452/5 473 554 795/2 818/2 471/2 795/3 763/2 818/1 1 ha 511 521 90 283 273 271 233/4 235/1 *5/2 394 550/1 1842/2 88 261 270 234/2 234/3 *5/1 1882 820/2 829/2 510 520 85 262 476/1 474 660 231/2 232/1 233/3 *4 378/1 498/1 669 668/2 667/2 509 263 235/2 potok 390 452/4 482/1 546/1 829/1 670 575/1 269 235/3 801/2 754/1 1833 662 84 91/1 477/1 551 376/2 378/2 392/3 545 819 667 663 576/3 80 284/1 264 471/3 567 822 508 86 87 265 268 233/2 376/1 380/1 477/2 498/2 796 817 821 666 79/2 236/1 377 395/1 801/1 659/2 79/1 91/2 260/2 389 477/3 475 830 512 664 284/2 266 378/3 799 828 375 379/1 380/2 498/3 578 284/3 260/1 232/3 233/1 374/2 379/4 477/6 1886 507/1 544 568 797 816/2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300m 78/4 267 449/2 477/4 550/2 802/1 507 78/5 284/4 285 392/1 471/4 571 831/1 838/1 665/2 658/1 575/2 577 579 81 376/3 374/1 374/3 379/2380/5 386/7 507/2 547 556 569 816/4 668 666 582 284/5 232/2 371 379/3 388 482/2 505 541 798/1 800 832 665/1 506 1861 78/6 259 236/2 374/4 380/3 576 798/2 816/5 823/2 836/11842/1 838/2 258 498/4 471/5 *14 802/2 659

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