E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 149 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2003 No. 124—Part II House of Representatives MOTION TO INSTRUCT CONFEREES aration pay and hostile fire pay. I keep As a former soldier, as a member of the ON H.R. 1588, NATIONAL DEFENSE asking myself, Why? Our government House Armed Services Committee, as an AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FIS- is giving away billions of dollars to American, as a human being . I am ap- CAL YEAR 2004—Continued help other countries and millions just palled at the insensitivity of the administration for information. Yet they are going to b 2100 in not adequately providing hazard pay for our cut our benefits by $225. If anything, soldiers at a time when our mission in Iraq is Mr. EDWARDS. Mr. Speaker, I yield our military should be getting paid not yet accomplished. Nor, more importantly, myself the balance of my time. more, not less.’’ is our mission in the larger war on terror. First let me again thank the gen- The second letter, reflecting also the I very much understand the dynamic that tleman from New York (Mr. MCHUGH) confusion out there across our military led us to this place—this nation simply cannot for his incredible leadership year in families: ‘‘Congressman, is it true that afford the cost to our Nation to wage a world- and year out to our servicemen and the government is trying to make ob- wide war, and raise taxes on our children -women. As the person in this House solete the family separation allowance through tax cuts now. Our economic policy who has responsibility for overseeing and the hazardous duty hostile fire pay has become folly in the 21st Century. personnel matters, he has been a tre- that soldiers are receiving while they But that is a topic for another debate—today mendous leader and I thank him. Our are overseas? My husband is over in my colleague from Texas, Mr. EDWARDS, of- military families are living a better Iraq and he works hard for his country fers a very important matter for the House to quality of life because of his leader- to see that his family has a safe life consider. Today conferees are meeting on the ship. over here. I’m trying to convince him Defense Authorization bill and I join my col- I am very grateful that today we are to reenlist, but with what the govern- league from Texas in urging the conferees to not disagreeing with the vote on this ment is doing to these soldiers, it’s permanently increase hazard pay for our mili- motion to instruct, while there may be hard to try and convince them that the tary personnel fighting our wars overseas— some subtle difference in what the ap- military is the best way to go.’’ and to permanently increase family separation proach should be. In terms of respond- The letter goes on to talk about the pay. ing to the gentleman’s comments, I sacrifices of the families. I think it The administration should be ashamed. This just say, I would welcome his leader- just emphasizes the point that, right or Congress should be ashamed, too, if we do ship in helping us work on a bipartisan wrong, there is confusion across the not support the motion by my Texas colleague basis to address any inequities to our country with our military families and follow this issue to the end of the process. servicemen and -women that are single about whether their separation pay and For if we only instruct our conferees, yet do parents. Obviously, a single parent hostile fire pay is going to be cut in the not actually change the policy, we will not with two children back home that is next several weeks. If the conferees have done the job. separated from those children has an will accept this motion to instruct, Mr. Speaker, any member of this chamber additional cost of living. I am not sure then we can get rid of those rumors, would be hard-pressed to find anyone in this either the House or Senate position on get rid of the uncertainty and send a nation who disagreed with the prospect of in- this bill really addresses that inequity. clear message that we do respect our creasing the pay of our soldiers currently I thank the gentleman for pointing out servicemen and -women, their families dodging bullets in Iraq—and always in danger that problem, and I hope we could work and their sacrifices with our actions in Afghanistan and elsewhere. We would also together with him on that. and not just with our words. be hard-pressed to find anybody who dis- Let me just conclude by saying, Mr. Mr. Speaker, I would ask all my col- agreed with the prospect of offering a supple- Speaker, why I think clarity is so im- leagues on a bipartisan basis to support ment to the families of military personnel, who portant, and I do not think the gen- this motion to instruct, support our are making do on less salary and are all alone tleman argues with this at all. Let me troops wherever they might be serving in raising their children and conducting the read some excerpts from some letters in harm’s way. We can thank them to- business of the household—while their loved from soldiers in my district where Fort night with a meaningful commitment one is fighting a war we sent them to fight. Hood is represented, the only two-divi- to ensure that their pay is not going to We all knew a war would be expensive. The sion Army installation in America be cut in the weeks ahead. cost of a war is high in the blood of Ameri- today, an installation that presently Mr. ORTIZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of cans, in the loss to the family income of Re- has over 18,000 troops deployed to Iraq. the motion by the gentleman from Texas, to serve and Guard troops called to service, and One letter said to me, ‘‘Congressman, permanently raise the hazard pay for all mem- most directly, in the actual expense of building I am sickened with the flow of informa- bers of the U.S. military and family separation and maintaining equipment and prosecuting tion regarding the upcoming cut in sep- pay for those they left behind. the war. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H8177 . VerDate jul 14 2003 23:44 Sep 11, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K10SE7.175 H10PT2 H8178 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 10, 2003 We send young people to war from this members of the National Guard has been par- later than the second legislative day after branch of government. Let us not abandon ticularly devastating. adoption of this motion. them on combat pay. Let us not abandon their Let’s keep our promise to those in uniform. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- families as they live their lives as best they Vote for this motion to instruct the conferees ant to clause 7(b) of rule XXII, the gen- can without their loved ones, and without the and authorize the necessary funds to help tleman from Tennessee (Mr. DAVIS) and salary their loved one brings to the family if those who are fighting for us, for our families, the gentleman from California (Mr. they are in the Guard or Reserve. and our future. THOMAS) each will control 30 minutes. Mr. ISRAEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to support Mr. EDWARDS. Mr. Speaker, I yield The Chair recognizes the gentleman this motion to stop outrageous plans to cut back the balance of my time. from Tennessee (Mr. DAVIS). hazard and separation pay for troops. In fact, The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Mr. DAVIS of Tennessee. Mr. Speak- Mr. Speaker, I think it’s appalling that we HASTINGS of Washington). Without ob- er, I yield myself such time as I may would balance the budget on the backs of our jection, the previous question is or- consume. troops. dered on the motion to instruct. Mr. Speaker, sometimes we ask our- It is critical that we make the increase in im- There was no objection. selves, why would I introduce this mo- minent danger pay and the family separation The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tion to instruct the conference com- allowance permanent for our Armed Services question is on the motion to instruct mittee? Seventeen other times this and their families and make it available to ev- offered by the gentleman from Texas motion has been here on the floor. And eryone in imminent danger, no matter where (Mr. EDWARDS). you think, really, would it make a dif- they are serving. The question was taken; and the ference? Maybe it will not. But there In April, Congress approved a much de- Speaker pro tempore announced that are a lot of people who live in my dis- served pay raise for our men and women in the ayes appeared to have it. trict that hope that this one will be Iraq and Afghanistan. Mr. EDWARDS. Mr. Speaker, on that successful. This was the least we could do for those I demand the yeas and nays.
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