lind the dramatic ,,,len' which is part of the The Mayor Barrymore heriilllq8. It bears no similarity to MOYIE-RADIO GUIDE the type of clowning the Gre,,' Prof Ole in­ dulged in-for members of this famous acting CONTENTS of the Town • • • ciM do not need to ste,,1 8&ch other's /lets B ARRYMORES have led the stage acting end techniques. It', Fun to Be Se"enteen! p(ofe~\' on fOf meny ye"rs. They h"ve One resemblence will remo!lin. however. 2 carved a prominent ",ehe for themsel"8s in lionel, piding up the femi y's torch to carry World Serle. D ope I, Dopey, b y Bob Ello n ... motion p·ctures. It is therefore. with pleasure on wf)ere John ~topped, wi cert","ly de'iver Maureen O ' Harl: Home C irl • hut "01 surprse that we learn thet l ionel Bar­ performances thet "re. in the', own wey, liS Valiant L,lIdy (a fiction lutlon by Wiley S . Maloney) rymore 'ntends to ~eep the f"mily n"me high outstMding os John's were in his. in the r"dio billings. listeners are fortu. ( Part 6 ) ...... ......... 6 despite the passing of nete in h"",ong lionel, The Movie Front, by Frsnce. LO"i ... ····· 7 the grellt John. for his s',"d'o. M-G·M. The Rad io Front. by L ieut. Col. CurUs Mitchell. E. K .. y, It win John who long doubted the W;$_ Avery Thompson and 8111 Andrew.... 8 blazed the Barrymore dem of putf ng such ... 10 troil into the great top stars on the "ir· MU I IC, by Ro bert Bilij;llr ... unknown of the air­ W",y5 regularly. They Short W .... e • • by Charles A. Morriion ... 12 w<!Iys. lionel's ro dio h"ve "t I"sl "cceded Complet e Programs for T hl, Week .. 14-32 f.!l me beg,," when he to public demand, Md joined John in verblll by so doing h/llve reno F eminine Forum, by Edith Hllmpton .. 33 stugfesh on the Rudy dered en important What's Coo k Ing! by Georgi. Scott ...... ...... _ . 35 Vallee program. l ater, service to the lovers of Cocer Ph.oLO bit T UII! K cllcU liS John's heltJth failed. drama, To Lever Broth· lionel frequently sub· ers, the sponsor. to Volume 11 . Number !;It Sept, 26 - 0et. 2, 1942 stitu ted for his brother. N Be end to CBS, John, his 10151 ribald which will present the . u........ ,,, ..."..,.; C •• I A. &r.f"CIOdu ......... ~ ...n.,.. M~\h a ...a jest delivered. is gone p rogram Wedne~lty .... ..,...,..... ; 0.1 PI>OH to his rest. It is up to nights be<:!'nn,ng Oc· .....""""" ___ . J .... (l IUadoa BRO THER S BARRYMORE leemed on -............ _. A.o.a 101 __00' )1.0.......... _ ~ II~ !WId l ionel to ~eep ari"e tober 7. a share of our ~r ,.,... Mel _,. I;t. 'orL ...111 ... ,....... .....-. -.... ......._ the Rudy Vallee progrem. Now lionel t"~. "'1>aJ"Ieo" ~ 1iI>o., ......... U," '-'''''_....... __.......-. the family nome in 1I gratitude must go. __ """.101'-:. (f.J cerrie~ on alone in radio dramatics notoriou\ly shorl-mem· There a cedain _ ........ .-.n.uo .. ; SIImkU!. _ ....... u."........ _. CbatIM ~ is C1aronce .... u .... oried profession. poetic iu~t,ce to the &amlOU"," .",. 'uocv .......... .... _, "Ill P l._~u\ C<>~r'. Ct~. lill-. He hlls done just thllt by Iliunching his first pori John Borrymore ployed in estoblishing Moou-Ku,o Ou", ITraM M.n /WI!.Olem U 15 hot oa.. •. Vul_ XI. 1I"",b" stllrring drllmatic r"dio series. "The Mllyor of his brother', rodio success. For yeors ogo, tlo,.rr.... ~~~..:t~u!o!= ..~I=1,o ~::~o:..:;~t!=:~ ~ ~~~~~~'i."i... ~~ ~ .:~'?'rn..',.~::...= the Tow,,' heard 0" NBC Sund"y nighh pre· when the motion picture wa~ a crude lind ..,. I'M!. CIIIIN Oes>at~,. Otl....... C.....-"'=. .. _ ..<I ..... _, .... "",.,,,.... '"-I ..,. 1'naDII~ PUIlobcoo'_ 11>< AU ...., ...... ~ t;ouolIa __-n __ 1>0- &5 0 senh l'Oflel the chief t»ecu!ive of typi nickering ·fad. it w"s lionel who pioneered _~..,. ......-. .u-__ en' ......... .-.... ..II .... _ .. ~ _ 'f> cal Amerieen city, meeting the people and the new dr"motic form for his f"mily. John 1M 1.1 ............1-. '"..,.IPT'OX .._In II.. U • and ~O"" _ DOun,n. of 1M I'o.n ArMrlran solving the problems which are so import""' foHowed lionel into pictures and won f"me PoaI.l UnloQ · oJ. """"ho. U 00, 0". ".••. U.1MI. 8ubO<"I""'" ••tao In ' ......... n DO~n'n .. : th o pori of the office. and forlune. Now lionel foUow$ J ohn into ~~ : .t... ! 4nDl!"; ~::;J.:l :".~~I~~ &:::':::'1 ~...::..~.:.:.,~r':b..,~~V ."::!r I'Inoe .,1<> ... f<>W" ...... k. I", ......... ~ ~! add,,"" I'Mo our..... , ... ""'" old ..,d ""' The progr(lm offers a splendid opportunity r"dio. "nd unless we misjudge the B"rrymore ~~...-P~.:t"'T)~1!I'1J"~~ &1:1 =~...: ~ 10 'bo for the displ(lY of l ione!"s special 1(llenh-· t"lent, he'lI go to the top.-The Editors. .......... .... "... lAY IOlGU, CONSTANCE MOORE. BENA'!' V'NUTA cnd ItONAtD GItA"". four bright stOI"$ in "By Jupiter" ploying ollhe Shubert Theotre in New York City. ERE you are, folks ... a couple H of the biggest hilS ever. " Oy J upiter" for grtmd elllerln;lImclIl ­ a nd Pepsi-Cola for gmllrl drillkillg. Pepsi-Cola'S gOt everything. Grand tallie, g rand flavor and grand s ize- 12 full ounces to the boule. Step right up today ... and ' rcat yourself to a real drink. J ust a nickel gets you plenty, plcnt)', plenty . • * Pepsi· Cola is made only by Pepsi-Cola Company, Long Island City, N. Y. Bottled locally by Authorized Bottlers rrom coast to coast. * II IJI P JOAN LE SLIE is still sandwich. ing lessons be­ tween soenes for pictUflH. out at Wamer Brothers IT'S FUN SEVENTEEN! That's What Teen-Age Star Joan Leslie Said When She Was Interviewed Recently J OAN LESLIE completely upsets all precedents lor a movie star of her age. While most starlets are running around to night-clubs, having romances, and trying to act at least twenty-five, Joan retuses to be anything hut the kid ot seventeen she really is. "I like being young," she said in a burst of confidence. ''It's funl I don't want to grow up. I don't like the idea of being, say, twenty-seven. That's pretty old, isn't it? At that age you have to be awtull;y poised" and sophisticated-you knOW--Bmooth." But even thougb the idea doesn't appeal to Joan in real life, abe comes through with a mighty "smooth" crown-up performance in ''The Hard Way," her next picture. I • • I -I • - - - " • BATIlE..GRO UNO fOf basebal',- most un predictable d ru991e is World Series Dope Yankee Stadium labove). former inas onto the pages of sports history. home of Babe Rutn, Lou Gehrig It has elevated previously buicnltlcant players such as Pepper Martin, Georee Is Dopey Robe and Babe Adam. to the very pinnacle 01 baseball vealnesa, and It Bob Etlan, crock bau:boil reporter has cast rruper-stan luch as Rogertl lor MBS, wu .lated to broadcut hu Hornsby and Ty Cobb in the role of four teenth. WMld Serle. tht. Ilea".. It By BOB ELSON the mOlt ordinazy. It hu produced the wu tn 11." capacttlf cu II bateb4ll ex­ tragic spectacle of the "mOlt valuable" pert that he wrote !hI.. Ctrticle. player' in the American Leacue, ROIer' But Bob Elaon toUt not brOC1dcan Peckinpaugh In 1925, cracking up de­ the 1942 Ink,. He h4J (1 bigger job tn Breaks, Slumps and Flashes 01 fensively In the series .0 completely hand-in 4 bl""et', more de~te as to caft7 his team down to defeat world .1Tie~ .nW. to be pl4i/ed with him. from B.,Un to ToleV'). Greatness Spoil the Dope and Why has it done these thinp? In On Sepumbn 14 the U. S. NIII11I the first place, it matches teams which co.1Ud LihUnGnt Semor GnJdc Robert have been throuah the arduous mental ~. D. V. S., to lICtioe .ervtu. Decide the Baseball Classic and phylJcal strain of 1M gamel dur­ - The Editors. ing the regular schedule. These teams are thrown against each other' (or • O YOU think you have the World maximum o( seven lames. The heav­ Series aU doped out, eb? eve of a crucial game 1 dirt, squirts crazily over iest pressure falls on the Hornsbys, S You've taken the still warm Have you figured in Lindstrom's head, rolls on the Cobbs, the Pcckinpaughs. The National and American League team these possibilities? No? out into left field, aDd Martins, the Adamses, the Rohes. lurk­ and individual statistics, sifted them Well, you'd better, be­ Ruel sprints over the ing in the shadows, nonetheless are down-put each man involved In this cause these aren't possi­ plate with a world cham­ caught up in the tremendous emotion­ 1942 World Series on the delicate bUiUes - they're actua!i­ pionship. al uplift of the series. Therein, base­ scale of baseball averages, player tie. on which world's Thus is completed an ball men say, lies much of the ex­ against player. position against p0- championships have piv_ ama%ing sequence o f planation for the queer byways that sition - and trom this mathematical oted in the past, and on events the sporlina: world, World Series competition takes so analysis have distilled the winner of which they no doubt will for want of an explary.­ otten.
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