■ .■■I ■' 'h ■ I ■'i■I- ■ ^ 1 . X /• f ■ FOUBTEElf MONDAY,, NOVEMBER 18, 1984 ■f iHanr^eati^r lEtn^tting Average Daily Net Presa Rmi r*r the Week Epided Tha Weathor- In the granting of a divorce last St. Elisabeth Mothers Circle The ■ immaiguiate ^ Conception man of oommunlty sorvico com­ Not. IS, 1M4 •« o. tv WMtaw I week to Jean Ambrose Phancuf, .will me^t Wednesday at 8 p. m. at Mothers Circle will meet with Mrs. Potluck Supper mittee, requests all members' Who' AboutTown 135 Branford St.', from Eufene the home of. Mrs. Harold Wals, 20 Cornelius Foley, 49 Scarborough hsve not as yet made their Thanks­ 1 1 , . 5 2 3 <*eedy, swt 6* c«M tealgl^Lew i Phaneuf, the plaintiff was given Femdale Dr. Rd., at 8 o’clock Wednesday night. the right to use her maiden name. Planned by PTA giving donations to bring them to Group C of the Oenter Oongre- the meeting.. Members who cannot Member af the AiMUt akmrt 48. Cleedjr, •eeaMbaal rM gationid Church. Mrti. Clyde Beck­ The Army and Navy Club will Lakota Council No. 61, Degree I EASTERN STAR FAIR Rerestt ef Clrecdatio* Wedneadar. Vgh 88-88. The Ladles Aid Sqciety of the attend the meeting may leave their with leader, will meet tomorrow hold a card party tonight at 8:15 of Pocahontas, will meet Wednea- Members of the Manchester i Mmtehmster^A City of ViUaito Charm Emanuel Lutheran Church will hold donations at Leonards Shoe Store, mim n lfht at 8 o’clock in the Robbinx a t' the. clubhouse. da, night at 8 o’clock In Odd Fel­ 881 Main St., or contact either ^ KkwooicToffiplo.TlNindoy.Nov-ll, 2p.nL ^ Room. IV o members, of Senior Girl a work meeting at the home of Green PTA will enjoy a potluck lows Hall. Members are urged to supper Wednesday at 7 p. m. In Mrs. Reynolds, 286 W. Center St., Scout Troop 1 who went to Europe Mra. IMward Noren, 28 Roosevelt The Past Chief Dku^ters of attend and to bring oUier members ^ APRONS, FANCY GIFTS, FOOD, HOME NAbE CANDY V 0L. LXXIV, NO. 40 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) last aunimer will tell about their St., tomorrow morning at . 10 orddrs. Foster Williams, eo-chalr- MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16,1954 (Clasalfled Adrertlatog m Page 18) Helen Davidson Lodge No. 98. along with them. the school cafeteria, followed by a man S3 Fairview St. < 4 "WHITE ELEPHANT" TABLE . t 4 , PRICE n VS CENTS trip. Members' are reminded to o’clock. Diapers for the hoepital Daughters of Scotia, will meet'at program featuring two movies, brihs'articles for the thrift shop will be hemmed, as well as the the home of Miss Catherine Mal­ "Jewish ..Holidays," and "The Lit- Refreshments will be served fol­ Aftornoofl Too, .2:30 fro 4:30 oa- sewing of aprons done. Coffee and Due to the Thanksgiving and lowing the 'Tupper Plastic party. a t Piedmont College. colm, 689 Main St., at 7:45 tomor­ Christmas holidays, it has been de­ t)est Angel.” Rabbi Leon Wind of i Suppor 5 fro 7 p.m.—>$1.25 dessert will be fumlahed by the row night. Temple ^ t h Sholom and the Rev. All numbers ave urged to attend. The Manchester Messiah Chorus hostess. Those attending are asked cided to combine the November ^ For Reservatloae—Phene M-S-S485, 9-1108, 8-1197 ^ Dulles Says and. December meetings of the John R. Neubert. minister of the Britain Joins U. S. will meet at 8 o’clock tonight in to bring their owm aandwichea.. A daughter, their first child, MancheMer Fine Art Assn, in one Community Baptist Church at the Luther Hall of the Emanuel was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Green, wilt be present to answer Lutheran Church. New members meeting, tp be held Wednesday, Xi Gamma Chapter of Beta J . Doering. 14 Brainard P1„ yes­ Dfc. 8, at 8 p.m. st the Whiton questions. C. S. Policy will still be accepted in this com­ Sigma Phi will meet tomorrow eve­ terday at the Hartford Hospital. PTA members wishing to attend munity chorus. Jle'morial Library.' Election of of- By A Hotting A toni ning at 8 o'clock at the home of fleer'h will be held and an effbrt the kupper who have not been con­ TRUCK Mrs. Henry Matson, 261 Spruce The Keeney Street “Scbool PTA tacted are requested to get In Miss Helen Lyons. 281 O n ter Is fteihg made, to provide a speak­ St. will meet tomorrow night at 8 er for the evening. touch V ith Mrs. Edward Saari, 8s ate St., and Miss Barbara Prindiviile o’clock at the school. The guest Plymouth La., who is chairman of of Hartford, both secretiaries at the All members of Manchester As­ speaker win be the Rev. Joseph the room mothers’ committee DRIVERS Material to A^ool Phoenix Fire Insurance Co. in sembly No. T5, Order of Raln^w Gates, former chaplain of the making arrangements. Washington, Nov. ife (/P)— Hartford, flew, via Eastern Air­ for Girls, who plan to take part in Wethersfield State Prison. Henlic Conducts Secretary of State Dulles lines, Friday night to Miami the Rainbow Miilatrel Show, to be Wanted immediately, quali­ Ry MAX HARRBLBON Yiwtlonal agency which will handle Beach, Fla. for a two weeks vaca­ said today he believes Eisen­ presented early in 1955, are re­ St. Bernadette's Mothers Circle Square Daiiciiig Plaiiuiiig Parly fied truck drivers for house­ United Nations, N. Y., tha distribution of the fiaaionable hower edministration.foreign romise on tion. quested to meet at Mra. Olive Re­ will meet tonight at 8 o'clock at hold fueldelivery. Excellent BINGO Nov. 16 (JP) — Britain joined materials. the home of Mrs; Irene McNally, 6 Informed quarters indicated the policy adequately covers pres­ cave's “Little Folks Studio.’’ 55 working conditions. Experi­ the United-States today in St. Francis Xavier Mothers Cir- School St., tomorrow at 7 p. m. Morse Rd. The adult square dance . club, For Ettdilein Club ELKS CARRIAGE HOUSE Western countries had turned ent needs and he knows of no «le vrtll meet Wednesday evening and to bring sheet music. Plans conducted by the Reci-eation enced preferred. Apply in earmarking a quantity of doWn the main Soviet amendment emergency requiring an ex­ . at 8:15 at the home of Mrs. ’Theo­ St. Rita’s Mothers Circle will Dept., will haye a dance .tonight ROCKVILLE —to place under the security coun­ for the minstrel will be outlined at Mrs. Raymond Bills, chairman person only. atomic material for. use un- traordinary review. New Latuicher for Guided l^issile dore Kasek. 76 Oliver Rd. The co­ this time. meet at the home of Mrs. Robert at the-Ea.st Side R ec.T h e dance, d^ President Eisenhower's cil, where Russia has the veto. hostess will be Mrs. John Fri^- Alexander, 87 Thomas Dr. tomor­ which is open to any resideht in of the social committee of the U. 8 . Chief I>elegate Henry He thus appeared at a * news mann. row night at 8 o’clock. atoms-for-peace program to conference to place himself in op­ Test Vote Due Mra. Katherine Ginolfi of 77 town who would like to learn to Manchester Emblem 0|ub No. 251, EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT Cabot Lodge. Jr., however, ex­ :square dance, or who already BAfilTLY build experimental reactors pressed confidence that the 7- position to the call voiced yester­ Birch St. was among ihoae ad­ S t' Jude Thaddeus Mothers Cir­ announces a 'Tupper PIm Uc party, day by Sen. Knowland iRC alifi mitted to cltiacnahip in the mass knows how and would like to par­ to be given by Mrs. Ruth Shea in other countries. power resolution still might be cle will meet Wednesday night at ticipate, will begin at 8 p.m. and OIL €0>lne. Prcf^Transtwrtation by Silver LdmU Bus approved by a imanihipua vote in for a congreasional review of poli­ m RANGE naturalisation aession at the following the regular \business British Minister of State An­ cies to see whether a "baaic nell in Hartford Thursdav. Her 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs, will continue until 10 p.m. meeting Wednesday in XTlnkes' thony Nutting told the General substantially Ita present form. Jam es Creamer, 90 Helaine Rd. Dance instruction will be under Lesving Orange Hall at 7 P. M. ch a ^ e in direction’’ ia needed. By Next Week nanqe waa inadvertently ' omitted Hall, at 8 p. m. \ 331 MAIN STREET Assembly's 60 - nation Political This leaves the exact relationship Dulles also appeared to dispute from the Hat pubjlahed in Friday’s Members are reminded to bring the direction of Jim Herdic with Mrs. Joseph R. Reynolds, chair­ Committee that Britain had alio-, of the U.N. and the agency to be FUEL OIL articles for the rummage sale. music by. records. Knowland’s contention that an Herald of those from this area who cated 20 kilograms (44 pounds) of determined by negotiations, but atomic stalamate between the GASOLINE were granted ciUsensbIp. She came fiMipnabie material to tw added to suggests that the two be linked \ United States, and Russia could to this country from Austria. the '220 pounds set aside by the in the same .manner a.i the U.N. mean the weakening of the free Washington, Nov. 16 (;p>—Sen. Watkins (R-Utah), noting United States yesterday. and its specialised agencies. world through "nibbling aggres­ Sen. McCarthy has accused him of being “-cowardly,” asked At a special communication to Delegatee HaU UJB.
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