ifd M 24 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., Jan. 19, 1983 Counselor dismissed; now practices what he preaches 'Fame 'difficult' *arents tune in Now isnt time household at 22282 Caminito Tiburon money talk about taking extended is helping make his job hunt possi­ “The job search is likely to take By James V. Heallon There it was in black and white for four to six months. Therefore, the Jerry Vastano, occasional outplace­ in Laguna Hills, Calif. holidays'or long vacations. “The job ble. fo r n e w program United Press International “ Some executives I have search is difficult enough without "Perhaps the worst part of losing immediate or short-term financial to a deaf child ment counselor whose outplacement goal is to develop ah organized forMHS teacher package from Air Cal consisted of counseled were so ashamed of being having to overcome the effects of a your job, aside from the NEW HAVEN (UPI) - For 12 dehumanization, is the financial un­ budget to cover rent or mortgage, years, Jerry Vastano was a per­ two week’s severance pay and two without a job they neglected to tell long vacation,” he says. page 6 anybody — even spouses—what had Vastano is in his fourth month of certainty. Worries about paying the food, clothing and other necesMry. page 3 . page 11 sonnel specialist whose varied words repeated over and over, expenditures during the period.” I duties included telling discharged ’’Good luck.” happened. Elach day they’d leave looking for suitable work and came mortgage, providing food and As he read and re-read his own their homes under the pretense of East to try to find it. He says clothing for your family, health in­ He doesn’t Uke rejection per­ executives how to cope. He is un­ sonally and malntains/i positive out­ employed today and determined to layoff notice, he recalled some of going to work. Instead, they would organizing family finances by surance, and ail the other bills are follow his own advice to prove that the 7,000 people he counseled in­ spend their days in coffee shops, budgeting necessities is a must and likely to be overwhelming. look. it really works. dividually and in workshops and stores and libraries. He left Aetna Life & Casualty, the seminars in the dozen years since “By sharing the burden of your \ Connecticut-based insurer, for a his graduation from Trinity College joblessness, the whole family, your NOW ENROLLING 843,000 a year job in July 1981 with in Hartford. friends and acquaintances can work (• THURSDAY ONLY ‘Where children are tpecial people' Manchester, Conn. Air Cal, a California airline with 2,- ’’The abstractness of the theories together in conserving resources Cold tonight; 200 employees. At 35, he wanted to I taught was vividly replaced by the and generating money-saving ideas. entire stock of Valentines ^ Thursday, Jan. 20, 1983 broaden his experience as Air Cal’s concreteness of my experience: No Remember, the key to finding a job sunny Friday manager of management training job, no income, no health coverage is through networking. Bringing Boys & Girls 25 Cents and organization development. and a family of four to support.” your situation to the attention of Gym nastics — See page 2 For others in the same bind — others is actually the first step in Even though he later realized he Agat 5'/^ to 10 yro. could be laid off or fired because of those who get fired, furloughed, the job search.” niiGE i unstable conditions in the airline in­ laid-off or whatever — Vastano has He said it’s a time to weigh all doM not Include packagM.' wa dustry and the worsening economy, catalogued some do’s and.dont’s. decisions carefully. have a wondarlul aalactlon for Tumbla Ipto Spring he was still tossed for a loss when he The first: don’t deny your feelings “Two people I counseled were Irland or family. read the first sentence of a cor­ when the pink slip arrives. He Aetna executives. One guy went out porate goodbye letter; didn’t. At first, he said he was dis­ and became a distributor for a steak Pro achool Gymnaatica Agaa 2 'h -i'h "I regret to inform you that as a believing, angry and hostile. company and another bought into a ' ' ^ '^every i Soya ft Oirla compatitiva taama 0 and up Reagan admits it result of a reduction in force, you But once he confronted the fact he firm in Florida.” Both were dis­ lillle * CALL NOW will be furloughed from your pre­ was unemployed and decided to do illusioned. ^ sent position effective at the close of something about it, there was And some executives with their the mitroele af m JalSC i WIningers Gynastics business on Sept. 30, 1982.” acceptance and hope in the Vastano bankbook bulging with severance (towdtown manehester J Pmoitdfl|r« 701 MAIN 8T. MANCHESTER 646-3687 No deficit 'dream' YourlnsuranceNeeds WASHINGTON (UPI) - On the "I think he is upbeat because he eve of his second anniversary in feels the economic plan is taking office. President Reagan conceded hold and beginning to work,” said the’ balanced budget^he promised one aide. “He expects to propose a as a candidate is mow just a budget that will make pretty good "personal dream.” strides iii reducing the deficit.” Reagan, who reached the mid­ The federal deficit has been a point of his first term today, was thorn in Reagan's side for the last said by an aide to be “upteat” two years and has forced him to about the next two years, but still retreat from two fundamentals of LIFE battling perceptions the ambitious his economic program — an goals he set out two years ago unparalleled increase in defense reamin tar from his grasp. spending and a strident opposition Despite a lingering recession to higher taxes. and the highest unemployment The significance of the deficit since the Great Depression, Rea­ was not lost as Reagan cam­ Herald photo by Pinto gan prepared an optimistic speech paigned Wednesday evening on AUTOMOBILE for delivery today to a group df behalf of Sen. Charles Percy,, Puck handlers political appointees in his R-III., at a $1 million fund-raising administration. dinner. The White House also planned to In his speech, Reagan said the Youngsters practice their hockey in a makeshift rink made from ciearing the snow from the ice at the Center Springs Park pond. parade his top four advisers before agreement reached last weekend reporters to present a second on a bipartisan solutio’n to the anniversary report card that problems of the Social Security / claims accomplishments on the system was “one of the most $343 million to build plants HOMEOWNERS economic front and in other exciting moments of my term so critical areas over the last two far.” >- years. Reagan called for “bipartisan J One Reagan aide said the cooperation” to solve problems on second-year report would stress the budget. DEP outlines waste progress in reducing inflation and “Our budget must be fair to all interest rates while outlining “the our people, (uid finally ... tnust. foundation we've put into place to move steadily toward' tlur day ' . 6 4 6 - 7 0 M date and what we expect in the when they are balanced,” Reagan HARTFORD (UPI) - A $343- current landfill space was being Manchester’s landfill is ex­ extended period through user fees Broad exhausted and there was little pected to be usable for at least and revenues raised by selling the future.” said. "I should add that I also have million plan to help °cities and Reagan spent much of Wednes­ a personal dream I will see the day towns build resource recovery additional space suited for refuse several more years. Town officials materials recovered from refuse day in Chicago on a trip heavy with we not only balance the budget but plants to dispose of the 2.25-milIion disposal. have resisted proposals to join at the facilities. political overtones and reflective begin to make paydients on the tons of garbage generated annu­ “If the state does not take a other Greater Hartford towns and Anderson was directed by Gov. of a new effort by the White House national debt.” ally in Connecticut has been strong stand now on this problem ship Manchester’s garbage to a William O’Neill to study solid to rebound from the lowest mid­ Earlier in the day, Reagan paid a unveiled by state officials. in two years we’re going to have a centralized disposal facility as waste issues in light of the failure term approval rating of any of his return visit to Providence St. Mel The Department of Environmen­ tremendous solid waste crisis long as the town landfill is of the state’s first garbage-lo- four elected predecessors and High School, a predominantly tal Protection plan also called for because there’s just no place to available. energy plant, which went into perceptions his administration is black school on the southwest side restructuring the Connecticut Re­ go," Anderson said at a news The DEP recommended the operation in Bridgeport in Febru­ in disarray. of Chicago, which he first visited sources Recovery Authority, a conference. state provide $343 million in bond ary 1979 and shut down in October White House aides said Reagan last May and portrayed as a quasi-public agency created 10 The DEP predicts the state’s funds to pay 75 percent of the cost 1980. ‘T /ie c / 4c tiv e of building an expected 15 resource will address current economic shining example of private-sector years ago to implement the state's current landfill space will be problems in his State of the Union initiative and volunteerism.
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