SECTION ONE RED SECTION ONE VOLUME LXIII, NO! 47, RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1941. PAGES 1 TO 12 Establish Tax Rodger Gilbert Buys Oratorio Society Monmouth Boat Club Liquor License Denied—Line Between To Sing "St. Paul" But Don't Tell Anybody Two Boroughs Choice Rumson Estate Tuesday, May 27 , Plans For Regatta Agreement Reached William H. Hintelmann Sells J. Stanley Farrar to Comnutteemen Tell Reporter Not To Print by Officials of Red Direct Concert at Long Committee Sets May 30 For Story After Quiet Discussion; Tsk, Tsk Bank and Fair Haven "Echota" Acreage On Ridge Road Branch High School Opening Of Racing Season Roger Gilbert of Rumson, has pur- -+ Kenneth Fields and John Rohrey, A resolution to equalize the collec- chased . the property known as The Monmouth Oratorio society, Plans for the Memorial Day tailing tion of taxes on properties.which lie under the direction of J, Stanl\y regatta, which annually mark* the Shrewsbury township committeemen, Ruth Draper To ".Echota" owned by the estate of Ed- New Managers For will not like thin story—they said Flower Show partly in Red Bank ana partly in ward Dean Adams, situated on the Farrar, will close its season by sing- opening of the Monmouth Boat not to write it—but the following Fair Haven, by establishing a tax. di- south Bide of Ridge road, adjoining Ing Mendelssohn's oratorio, "St. club's season, were completed yes- vision line to compensate for the Paul," at Long Branch high school terday by the regatta committee. procedure was followed • at last Dates Announced Appear At Benefit the property of the Rumson School, Monarch Laundry Thursday's meeting'of the township curved-boundary line of Red Bank, auditorium Tuesday.'night, May 27. Races will start promptly at 2 p. was adopted by the mayor and coun- Inc. The property has a frontage on committee concerning an application Ridge road of 393 feet and comprises The assisting artists will.be mem- m. Friday, May 30, from the com- cil of Fair Haven Monday night Friday, May 30 M. V. B. Smock Will mittee boat moored off the publlo for a liquor license by Alice Town- Proceeds to Be Given 3.73 acres. The improvements in- bers of a quartet from St. Barthol- send of Reeveytown: Mayor Augustus M. Mlnton explained omew's Episcopal church, New York. dock a\ tho foot of Wharf avenue. that an agreement had been reached clude a modern residence and gar- Retire From Firm > After a' lengthly discussion, Mr. to County Red Cross Entire Proceeds to Be They will bo directed by Dr. David A race will be scheduled for the va- by the mayors, assessors and engin- age which Mr. Adams built in 1028. Williams.. Members of .the quartet rious classes as soon as owners or Rohrey oflered a motion, which was eers of the two municipalities and The sale was effected by William H. seconded by Wellington WUklns, Sr., The Monmouth , County horticul- Given to British War are Dorothy Baker, soprano; Salda The Monarch Laundry company" of skippers sign registration forms that a similar resolution must be Hintelmann of Rumson. Knoic, contralto; Luciano Meti, tenor, White street, Red Bank, is now un- which may be obtained at the club- that the application be denied on tural society JEBL. hold Its annual passed by Red Bank. The residence, which is of frame flower show September "17 and 18 ac- Relief Society and Glenn Darwin, bast. der new management, according to house. All residents of Red Bank grounds that a license covering the The. resolution provides that all construction with slate roof, con- and surrounding communities or premises mentioned in the applica- cording to' plans announced at a. tains six master, bedrooms, five mas- Mr. Farrar told a Register reporter an announcement Issued yesterday. meeting Thursday at Red Men's hall properties lying to the north and yesterday that he believes the so- members of any recognized yacht tion had previously been refused and west of the, new division line may be Ruth Draper, stage star, will give ter baths, four maids' rooms, maids' club may enter their boats. Prizes the committee's action was upheld at Rumson, Frank T. Edington Is bath, living room, enclosed sun ciety Is fortunate in having this general chairman. ' ' assessed fully by the borough of Red a series of original character quartet, as all of Its members are will be awarded by the Monmouth by Commissioner Burnett's office. Bank and all properties lying to the sketches at Long Branch high school porch, solarium, library, central hall, Boat club to tho wifaners in tha va- The motion was dictated to Mrs. The net proceeds of the show will outstanding as soloists In recital and south and east of the line may be auditorium Friday night, May 30. powder room, dining room, butler's oratorio music. The oratorio " "St. rious classes. Margretta L. Reed, clerk, and re- bo given to the county Red Cross pantry, kitchen, maids' dining room assessed fully by the borough of Fair The entire proceeds from' the pro- Paul" tells of the conversion of Saul, If there are sufficient entries, corded by her, and laundry. It la equipped with oil Haven. gram, being arranged by the Mon- a persecutor of the early Christians, races will be scheduled for the fol- The committee then, discussed the Adoption of the resolution does not mouth county committee of the Brit- burning hot water heat. Thero is applicant and her proposed tavern in the changing of his name to Paul, lowing classes of boats and (heir alter the territorial boundary line be- ish War Relief society, will bo given garage space available for four cars and his life thereafter. start will be in the same order: (1) extremely low voices. Following the tween.the two boroughs, but there is to British War Relief. and there is a chauffeur's apartment discussion; none of which was re- The society was formed In 1039, knockabouts, (2) lightnings, (3) bird some agitation in favor of establish- Ruth Draper needs no introduction of five rooms and bath on the second and since that timo hno given va- boats, (4) comets, (5) Class A sneak- cordedin the minutes, Mr. Fields ing a new boundary line by using to theater-goers. The late Percy floor of the garage. told a reporter not to print anything rious concerts, as well as singing boxes, (6) Class B sneakboxes, (1) street center lines, Hammond, drama critic ot the Her- The grounds are beautifully land- Handel's "Messiah" at St. Goorge'B snipes, (8) penguins. If there ara concerning the application. In an- The new tax division'line Is de- ald Tribune, once wrote in his col- scaped, and are well shaded with find not enough boats entered in several swer to the reporter's question if the Episcopal church, Rumson, at holi- scribed in the resolution as follows: umn "My decision Is that Ruth specimen trees, evergreens and flow* day time. The society recently gave of the above classes to schedule a committee's action was not a matter Beginning, at a point In the high Draper 1B the best actress In "the erlng shrubs. a special program of sacred music separate race, the committee will of record, Mr, Rohrey said, "No, we water line of the North Shrewsbury world." Alexander Wolcott, well Mr, Gilbert expects to occupy the for Bundles for Britain at the Bap- hold an open event. just took it off." When;the meeting river, which point Is a continuation property as his all-year residence on in a northerly direction, of the center known author and critic, once said tist church. Tickets may be secured The regatta committee has ex- was adjourned, Mr.. Rohrey said the "Carnegie Hall is not a bit too large June 15, from Arthur Fawcett, chairman, or committee would deny the applica- line of Haddon place and the high pressed a desire to see the entire water line of the North Shrewsbury for the New York folk who would The property has been leased to any singing member of the socloty. family enjoy, the sailing season • this tion, but wished to conduct an in- river; thence (1) in a southerly direc- enjoy the art of Ruth Draper." Walter W. Huntley for th0 past three vestigation before announcing its de- Members who will participate are summer. While plans for the point tion In a straight line connecting With only a shawl, a chair, or years. Mr. Huntley has leased the Mrs. Gladys Bovle, Mrs, A. B. Craw- events, sponsored annually by the cision. with the center line of Haddon place, some other article, Miss Draper gives Logan property on the oppoosite side In referring to liquor licenses in and continuing in a southerly direc- ford, Mrs. Bruce W. Campbell, Mrs. club, are not yet completed, the com- tion along the center line of Haddon her own lnterperatlon of a number of Ridge road, through the agency John Z. Faber, Mrs. Arthur H. Faw- mittee has announced that races will the township, Mr. Field said *M be place 1,026 feet, more or less, to a of characters. • She is known for her of William H, Hlntelmann. Mrs. cett, Mrs. W. E. Gerklns, Mrs. Helen bo held for a senior division provided proud of Shrewsbury township and point in the center line of East Front ability to become the sort of person Huntley is having the residence com- Husenltza, Mrs, Harold Johnson, Mrs. sufficient interest is shown. raise the flag, If there wasn't one in street; thence (2) In a westerly di- she Is interperatlng.
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