www.l henewsenlerprise .com Reservist, attorney in touch with 'local roots' MONDAY'S MAN, A10 MAY 14. 2m • SERYING HARDIN COU NTY SINGE 1974 • HUCH SUBSCRI BER SER YICfS AT mal 5OH110 U ~entl Local campus Girfs struggle holds first graduation msprres• • By SARAH BENNETT A trio of Westem .bmn.u@then. ...... nt..,m"'-com Kentucky University • When Krist; Grant's father was dj· graduates lIKorated their generOSIty agnosed with cancer in 2008, she de­ mortar boardS cided it was time to go LO college and Sunday before cam her four-year degree. taking part In Sunday, ncarly four yean later, the first WKU Grant walked across slage at the regional campus SI'ORIES commencement FROM TIlE Hardin County Schools Perfomling service at the Am Center to accept her diploma Ha.din County HEARTLAND for a Bachelor's of Science dcgrt>e in Sehools middle grades education from Perionnlng Arta Center. Western Kentucky University. Her Alison Kimble said everyone at father was watching in the crowd. Meadowview Elementary School in Twn 10 WKU, AU Radcliff knows Kierslen Washington. "It's not because she's in a wheelchair,~ the teacher said. "It's because she's laughing all the time." A short rolllhrough the school's halls proves Ihe poinL Students and leachers smile at the fourth-grader Working for the weekend and stop 10 chat with and hug her. TIley also have adopted a cause that Kienten and her mother have Area women supported for yean. The girl Wall born at 28 weeks and weighed less than 2 pounds and 5 ounces. She volunteer for needed two months of neonatal care before being $Cnt home with a Habitat build day lung and heart monitor. Her mother, Angela, of Radcliff, By SARAH 8ENNElT said it look a year before medical .oben~'I/ith.t ........",ttrprl~,C(lm experts stopped attributing the More than 20 women ar­ girl'! slow development to her pre­ rived hammer ready Saturday mature birth. She eventually WlLlI 1lI0rning at the comer of diagnosed with cerebral palsy, Haycraft and East Poplar which includes a variety of motor streets in Eliz.l.bethtown for conditions that cause physical dis­ ability in development. Habitat for Humanity's nation­ Kiersten's condition led to her wide Women Build Day. having several surgeries throughout Habitat volunteen already her life, so far on her legs, back have built several homes in and cyes. that area of Eli1.abcthtown. On She also hlL'l had physical and Saturday, 28 women helped occupational therapies to aid in the build a shed and put siding on strengthening in her legs, which re­ what will be Eli7.abethtown quire her to use a wheelchair. She resident Patricia Crandall's currently works with Kids Center home. fOT Pediatric Therapies to move to­ Once completed, Crandall ward her goal of one day being will move into the home with able to walk without any type of her adult son, Kameron aid, She wants to work as a singer Ridings. The soon-to·be new or actress. homeowner already has COIll­ Ginger SlIafll holds a board steady as Deb Hancock drills Saturday while working on a shed at a Habitat for "I just want to be independent pleted her sweat equity, assist­ Humanity house In Elizabethtown. Saturday was tile local build day for tile organization's National Women without having to use any of those ing with about four homes in Build Week. things," she said. addition 10 her own, she said. Kiersten doesn't feel disabled, Crandall's developed a pects of building, she said, but "I fccl kind of like a pio· Elizabethtown resident comfort level with some all- othen still are new to her. neer,~ Crandall said. TID1l lu BUUJ>. All Tum to STORIES, Al2 En garde: CHHS student to fence at Notre Dame By KEI.J.Y CANfRAlJ.. since she was about 10 said. days with fen Cing. ~B\I! I k....,I".u@Ih<-~nl.rprilC,CQ'n years old, when she took a Lee recalls early strug­ kept going, So I must have community education gles with the sport, be­ liked it.~ While many local stu­ class on the sport at cause the motions require Lee's fanlily moved to dentll will be moving on to Eastern Kentucky Uni­ a good deal of coordina­ Elizabethtown when she play sports in college, versity while living in Ra­ tion. was entering her freshman Catherine Lee is likely one venna. She join... -d a fenc­ "When YOll get the year of high school. She of the few whose sport in­ ing club in Lexington after fonn down, stabbing pe0- moved 10 a fencing club in volves a weapon. taking the class. ple is pretty fun," she said, Louisville. She was sad to Lee, a senior at Central She had studied the his­ laughing. leave her teammateS in Hardin High School, will tory of fencing through a Those new to the sport Lexington, but finding a attend the University of _tAAOtH/lIIO~ le!SOn plan dealing with often get bruises because new place to fence was a Notre Dame in the fall and centrat Hardin sentor Catherine Lee Is Coing to Notre Dame on ~The Chronicles of of their lack of skill in de­ priority. be a member of the uni­ an Air Force ROTC scholarship and will be on the fencing Narnia" when she saw tile fending themselves. "Quitting rencing was versity's fe ncing team, team. class advertiwd, ~ I remember being not even really consid ­ which has seven national will attend the school on Force Rare. "And it just sounded bruised and sore and hot a ered,~ she said. championship titles. Lee scholarship through Air Lee has been fencing like a fun thing to do," she lot," she said of her finil Tum 10 f1'.NClNG, A II IHSIDE \lUTHER • TODAY'S OBITUARIES SINCE YOU ASKED SENIDR lIFf Esther Mac ~il Ritchie ABBY ...............A8 MOViES ..... ... 810 Results of Sund>.y's T"1Ie Ntw1-Enkrpri# Fix, 83 CALENDAR ....... "4 NEtGHBORS ..... "S online poD, as of 7 p.m.: CtASSIAEOS ... 86 OBITUARIES ..... A4 Ruby Pearl Straley Cruse COMICS ........ B11 OPtNION .........."S Hill, 101 QUESTION: Who w;u the best "Sitcom HElOtSE •.•.•.•. Bl0 PUZZLES •...•.. 810 Mom?" • CO/dPlLTE OIInUARlES. U LOnERtES •.•.•. B2 SENtOR LIfE .... A9 58 percent """"" l'i peroolt MONOAY'S SPORTS .......... 81 ... ""' ...... 15 percent MAN ............. A.10 TE1£VISION .. 89,10 ....... """" 12 CLOUDY Follow us: """ ...... percent ,--------.. r'-----'j o IlelUnl --TlIOAY'S QUESTlON: Have you ever 75/55 voluntCffed for Habitat for Humanity? • Fkld the POll QUeStiQn..mer the "0(lIni0n- meru at t do to12, 1M __lnt..- c..p. _ .thonelllMlll.."m...- Pago A9 A2 1lIE NEWS-ENTERPRISE MOHO AY , MAY 14, 2m LOCAL NEWS AND NOTES FROM AROUND KENTUGKIANA LOOKING BACK DAILY BRIEFING ON THIS DATE IN 1643, CAV E CITY Louis XIV be<;:ame King of Summer ps France at age 4 upon the Fatal crash closes deatll of his father, Louis • northbound 1-65 XlIl. IN 1804, the Lewis and A fatal crash involving Clark expedition to explore lesson on two tractor-trailers and two the Louisiana Territory as pas5(!nger vehicles closed well as the Pacific Northwest By AM BER COULTER everything and dreaming b ig.~ by keeping their minds active, the northbound lanes of len (amp near present-day """"Itor@th<new..ntorvri ..·<u m The free program begins at JO Stahl.said. Interstule 65 on Sunday at Hartford, Ill. a.m. june 8 at the branch on jim Teresa Morgan, director of de­ the Hart-Barren county line. IN 1900, the Olympi<; Children thi5 summer are being Owen Drive in Elizabethtown. mentary education for Hardin Kentucky State Police encouraged to dream big, so the Ii­ games opened in Pam as StudenlS can be registered by call­ Omnly Schools, said the program say one person in a passen­ brdf)' system posing that challenge part oCthe 1900 World's Fait, ing or visiting the library. The is valuable to area students because ger vehicle was killed in the decided to do that all well. This IN 1973, the United Slates deadline to register isjune I. it is a free way thal they can avoid crash after one of the trac­ year's summer reading theme is launched Skylab I, its lir:o;t The kickoff features nocturnal losing educational momenlum and tor-trailen crossed the me­ ~D r eam Big - Read!" manned space station. animals, such all some birds and forgetting what they learned in dian. The annual pro~;nLJn encourages school. The Kenhlcky Transpor­ IN HARDIN COUNTY ch ildren ages 3 to 18 to read. It also reptiles from Kentucky Down Under in Horse Cave. The rest of "\Ve so appreciate our librarians tation Department expected 30 YEARS AGO, the Eliza­ helps students retain infonnation the closure 10 lasl 10-12 bethtown High &hool girls' the swnmer reaWng program is offering any 5(!rvices to our Sln­ they learned in school. hours. Motorists were de­ golf team finished second in Rene Hutcheson, director of the planned to om from j une II to J uly dents,Hshe said. toured ofT 1-65 at tile Park the stalc tournament. The 13. Morgan said the program also Hardin County l\Iblic Library sys­ City exit and allowed back team, coached by I'at Wise, Other topics and events include helps young people be<:ause it en­ tem. told library board members on al the Horse Cave exit. included PJ Smithso n, Thursday organizers have been looking at scary stories, having a courages a love of reading and gets them to read without being forced Traci Boone, Sheila Riley told to make the best effort )KI$llible pizza.
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