L.A. Free Press Stud Groups &Lolnich) 1 1,iay 70 (re-print ed from. People's World, 11 Apr 7U) other men. Page 28 The license plate of Vallee's car, 311 ORF New York, Skolnick claims is "linked or registered to JFK & Hampton Lee Harvey Oswald." But efforts by William Corley, Chicago NBC television news director at the lime, to trace the plates, turned murders linked up an aFBI freeze" on the regis- tration. Others who have tried to BOB KAUFMAN Three documents, accidentally trace the .plates have been haras- SAN FRANCISCO—Evidence was classified, are said to reveal Val- sed by the FBI, Skolniek charges. revealed this week in Chicago of lee was stopped one hour before On the police record of Vallee's a possible link between the as- Kennedy was scheduled to arrive arrest, in the slot for aliases sassination of President John F. in Chicago Nov. 2, 1963. are the words "Ml rifle." But Kennedy and the assassination of Vallee was charged with a mi- Groth testified the only weapon Black Panther party leader Fred nor traffic violation, but the FBI Vallee had was a hunting knife. Hampton. entered the case and in its report The hunting knife as well as The thread of this story—which and linked it with an attempt on the car was returned to Vallee, reads like the rough notes for the the life of the President. and he has since apparently dis- script of the movie "Z"—begins The documents revealed that appeared. with a mysterious black Secret the witness against Vallee was Bolden's name has come up be- Service agent who was in Ken- David Groth, who was not at the fore in connection with the Ken- nedy's private guard. nedy assassination. News stories The charge is now that this time referred to as a policeman, and was not the arresting officer. at the time mentioned a black se- agent was railroaded to jail when cret service agent charging some he tried to tell the Warren Com- ATTACK ON PANTHERS Secret Service men were drunk in mission what he knew of a plot to This is the story Skolnick is tell- Chicago. But that was not all he kill Kennedy, not in Dallas but ing. charged. three weeks earlier in Chicago, at Last December the same Grath, (Please turn to Page 30) a football game, an appearance now a sergeant in the Illinois the President • never made be- States Attorney's Police, led the . cause he had a cold. assault on Fred Hampton's apart- JFK & Hampton The plot being described in ment. The States Attorney who or- (from page 28) Chicago is also linked to Lee Har- ganized the raid is Edward V. RACIST AGENTS vey Oswald, the man accused of Hanrahan. In 1964 Hanrahan was Among the things Boden wanted killing the President. United States Attorney for the to tell the Warren Commission This is the story uncovered by Northern District of Illinois. was that some agents were bitter well known Chicago corruption in- It was to Hanrahan's office racists, who hated Kennedy be- vestigator Sherman Skolnick after that Secret Service Agent Bolden cause of his pro-civil rights stand. he became interested in the case was escorted May 18, 1964, the Chicago has also figured in the of black former secret service day after Bolden's effort to see agent Abraham Bolden. the Chief Counsel of the Warren case, before. Jack Ruby, the man Skolnick says he has uncovered Commission, J. Lee Rankin, was who killed Lee Harvey Oswald be- a mass of evidence, leading not thwarted by the Secret Service. fore he could talk, came from only to a Chicago plot or plots un- Bolden was ordered back to Chicago. Oswald bought his rifle mentioned in;the Warren Commis- Chicago on a pretext. It was not mailorder from a store in Chic- sion report, but also a mass of until he got to Hanrahan's office ago. trails leading to apparent com- that he was told he had been in- Skolnick claims he has only re- plicity of the Federal Bureau of dicted. for selling evidence to leased 10% of the evidence he has Investigation, the Secret Service, counterfeiters. collected. He says he doesn't trust Chicago judges, and the man who Bolden got a hung jury in his Chicago judges and he has good organized and led the raid that first trial. In his second trial two reason not to. He is the head of the killed Panther leaders Hampton counterfeiters who were also po- Citizen's Committee to Clean up and Mark Clark. lice informers testified against the Courts. Last Year through his him and he was convicted and seri- efforts a corruption scandal forced CHICAGO PLOT? - e The story surfaced Monday when termed-to six years in jail. In their the Chief Justice of the Illinois Skolnick, with the aid of Chicago own trial later the counterfeiters Supreme Court to resign. He re- Metromedia station WCFL, filed admitted they had lied against cently turned up evidence that suit against the National Archives Bolden. forced the Chicago City Council in Washington, charging them with. After the Warren court (the same to redistrict. withholding documents pointing to Earl Warren of the Warren Com- —from People's Wor a Chicago plot. mission) refused to hear his case, Though the story was released Bolden served 39 months. Monday, only the Chicago Daily LICENSE PLATES News carried it in that city, and After the story broke Tuesday, the Associated Press waited eight Bolden was called in by his pro- hours before sending only a small ' bation advisor. Skolnick said Bol- part of it out over their wire. den was in effect told to keep his Key figure in the story is a mouth shut or go back to prison. Thomas Arthur Vallee, who was 30 Bolden is said to have known in 1963 and is described as look- about the Chicago plot. One of the ing very much like Lee Harvey documents Skolnick's suit seeks .
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