H7686 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 3, 2017 voiceless, and I kneel in submission to When the people are allowed to keep I have visited community health cen- the author of life and ask for His bless- more of their hard-earned dollars in- ters in my district, including White ings on this country and this initia- stead of turning them over to an al- House Clinics, Sterling Health Solu- tive. ready bloated Federal Government, we tions, Family Care of Bluegrass, and f will unleash the free market again. HealthFirst Bluegrass, and I have wit- It is well past time we get our econ- nessed firsthand what a difference HONORING PALM SPRINGS POLICE omy back on track, and passing mean- these organizations make in providing OFFICERS JOSE VEGA AND LES- ingful tax reform is a crucial first step much needed care to at-risk Kentuck- LEY ZEREBNY in completing that mission. ians. (Mr. RUIZ asked and was given per- Without the support of the Commu- f mission to address the House for 1 nity Health Center Fund, these CHCs minute.) PAYING TRIBUTE TO RICHARD may soon be forced to cut back serv- Mr. RUIZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise to THELEN ices, lay off staff, or even shut down honor the lives of Palm Springs Police (Mr. BISHOP of Michigan asked and clinics. Officers Jose ‘‘Gil’’ Vega and Lesley was given permission to address the Mr. Speaker, admittedly, there is a Zerebny, who were tragically shot and House for 1 minute and to revise and robust debate in this country and a killed 1 year ago in the line of duty. extend his remarks.) wide diversity of opinion about Officer Vega lived by the mantra of Mr. BISHOP of Michigan. Mr. Speak- healthcare reform, the ACA, and what ‘‘To Serve and Protect.’’ He served our repeal and replacing the ACA should community for nearly 35 years and was er, I rise today to pay tribute to an in- credible constituent in my district, look like, but we should all agree that just 2 months away from retirement community health centers are part of when he was taken from his family and Richard Thelen. Seventy-two years ago, Mr. Thelen the solution. our community. f Officer Lesley Zerebny had recently was aboard the USS Indianapolis with returned to work following the birth of nearly 1,200 others when it was hit by PROTECTING THE UNBORN her daughter, Cora. Now a year old, two Japanese torpedoes and sank with- (Mr. ABRAHAM asked and was given Cora will never hold her mother. in a matter of minutes. He and 318 men permission to address the House for 1 Lesley’s community will always re- of the crew survived 5 days in the minute.) member her as a fighter and a pro- ocean surrounded by sharks without Mr. ABRAHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise tector. any food or drinking water. He defied today to offer my support to the Pain- This weekend, the entire Coachella truly remarkable odds. Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Valley community will honor their After this ordeal, Mr. Thelen went on This legislation is crucial toward memory by dedicating a 4-mile stretch to finish high school and was honor- protecting the most vulnerable among of Highway 111 in their honor. I am ably discharged from the Navy. He was us: the unborn. proud of our community for supporting a truck driver for more than 40 years As a doctor, it is my job to stay cur- the Vega and Zerebny families. Let’s and raised six children. Today, he is 89 rent with the latest medical research, come together to ensure they have years young, and it is a privilege to and I have done so in my job in Con- what they need to mourn, recover, and have him as a part of the Eighth Dis- gress, too. prosper. trict community. The research overwhelmingly shows Officers Vega, Zerebny, and family: Mr. Speaker, I would like to inform that children 20 weeks or less are capa- We honor you for your sacrifice, and we this body that I am prepared to intro- ble of showing pain. This is brought are grateful for your service. Officer duce legislation to honor Mr. Thelen of forth by the fact that when an in-utero Vega and Officer Zerebny, end of Lansing, Michigan, and the rest of his procedure is done, both the mother and watch, October 8, 2016. shipmates, with the Congressional Gold the unborn child are given anesthesia. Not to do so allows that child to recoil f Medal award. As we remember the survivors of this in pain and show a stress response in IN SUPPORT OF TAX REFORM terrible tragedy, those we lost, and the the uterus. (Mr. JOHNSON of Louisiana asked recent finding of the ship itself, we I have heard, personally, as a physi- and was given permission to address thank you, Mr. Thelen, for your val- cian, heartbeats in babies as early as 6 the House for 1 minute and to revise iant service to our country. weeks of age in utero. So this legislation is critical, it is and extend his remarks.) f Mr. JOHNSON of Louisiana. Mr. needed, it is past due, and I urge my Speaker, I rise today to speak in sup- b 1230 colleagues to support this. port of H. Con. Res. 71. It has been said COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS f frequently that our Federal Tax Code PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION today is more than 60 times longer (Mr. BARR asked and was given per- mission to address the House for 1 OF H.R. 36, PAIN-CAPABLE UN- than the Bible, and it contains none of BORN CHILD PROTECTION ACT the good news. minute and to revise and extend his re- It has been more than 30 years since marks.) Ms. CHENEY. Mr. Speaker, by direc- we updated our tax system, and many Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today tion of the Committee on Rules, I call up House Resolution 548 and ask for its Americans are struggling to make ends to urge my colleagues to act quickly to immediate consideration. meet, to find decent paying jobs and reauthorize the Community Health Center Fund, which expired last week The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- prepare for retirement. lows: No matter where I travel in my dis- on September 30. trict, Mr. Speaker, Louisiana’s Fourth Community health centers provide H. RES. 548 District, I hear story after story about cost-effective and accessible primary Resolved, That upon adoption of this res- care, mental health counseling, and olution it shall be in order to consider in the how our excessive Tax Code and bur- House the bill (H.R. 36) to amend title 18, densome regulations continue to substance abuse treatment for over 27 United States Code, to protect pain-capable hinder our businesses and stunt our million patients nationally, including unborn children, and for other purposes. All economic growth. over 200,000 of my constituents in Ken- points of order against consideration of the Congress must act now and deliver a tucky’s Sixth District. bill are waived. The bill shall be considered Tax Code that meets the current de- The upfront Federal investment in as read. All points of order against provi- mands of the 21st century economy. community health centers leads to sav- sions in the bill are waived. The previous Fortunately, my Republican col- ings down the road by fighting the question shall be considered as ordered on leagues and I have put forth a frame- cycle of opioid addiction, preventing the bill and on any amendment thereto to final passage without intervening motion ex- work to do exactly that. Our plan will more complex health conditions, and cept: (1) one hour of debate equally divided create more jobs, fairer taxes, and big- diverting patients away from higher and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- ger paychecks for working class Ameri- cost centers of care, such as the emer- nority member of the Committee on the Ju- cans and small businesses. gency room. diciary; and (2) one motion to recommit. VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:46 Oct 04, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K03OC7.023 H03OCPT1 October 3, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7687 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- nificant increase in babies’ stress hor- interference by the government or tlewoman from Wyoming is recognized mone levels during medical procedures. other third parties that causes a physi- for 1 hour. Mr. Speaker, late-term abortions, cian to compromise his or her medical Ms. CHENEY. Mr. Speaker, for the usually performed by inducing labor judgment as to what information or purpose of debate only, I yield the cus- after the fetus has been injected with a treatment is in the best interest of the tomary 30 minutes to the gentlewoman lethal pharmacological agent or by the patient.’’ from New York (Ms. SLAUGHTER), pend- horrific practice of dismemberment, Conservative political groups have ing which I yield myself such time as I causing babies intense pain, should be also been pushing the bill to try to use may consume. During consideration of illegal, and that is what this bill en- it to run up the score in the next elec- this resolution, all time yielded is for sures. tion. Why do they do it? Well, the main the purpose of debate only. I believe, Mr. Speaker, that this bill sponsor of this bill has admitted—and I GENERAL LEAVE also takes important steps to protect hope everybody hears this; this is a Ms.
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