LUXOR Luminary THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF LUXOR SHRINERS Luxor Shriners Head Office, 14 McLaughlin Crescent, P.O. Box 2084, Saint John, NB E2L 3T5 Vol 76 • No. 1 • Spring 2016 2016 Potentate Ill. Sir Donald E. Demmings & Lady Julie Phone: 506 652 2832 • Fax: 506 658 9231 Website: www.luxorshriners.com • E–mail: [email protected] Page 2 Luxor Luminary Spring 2016 Spring 2016 Luxor Luminary Page 3 A Message from our A Message from our IMPERIAL POTENTATE ILLUSTRIOUS POTENTATE forth by each one of us ev- Nobles, if you have not seen ery day - that will ultimately or participated in a Northeast make the difference in our Fall Field Days ,here is your membership and patient re- chance and we at Luxor need cruitment efforts. your support and Help. Donate Shriners International a few hours of your time and Awareness Day is June 6. your Lady can assist as well. This is the perfect opportu- Make plans to come to Freder- nity for every noble to reach icton for a few hours and join out in some way in their in the Fellowship. We will greet community and showcase you with a welcoming smile and our fraternity, and its impor- a hand shake. See you there! tance locally and globally. It All Nobles of Luxor must is also a perfect time for ev- make a trip to your Shrine Cen- ery temple to open the doors tre. I get excited every time I Ill. Sir Donald E. Demmings Imperial Sir Jerry G. Gantt and invite the community - visit the Shrine Centre. There Illustrious Potentate Imperial Potentate and the media - in. We often is always some more finished Luxor Shrine Shriners International say that our fraternity makes regarding the renovations and Greetings All, the world a better place. It we are getting it done. Things Dear Fellow Nobles, Here we are, well into 2016, does - but making that dif- are really starting to take shape. The Shriners Hospitals for and I can tell you that so far, there ference begins locally - and The upstairs renovation is Children Open, East-West has not been a dull moment. every temple should be able done and the temple is lovely and Shrine Game® and the Rose These are exciting times and to point to how it reaches great for our stated meetings, as Parade have all ended until you need to know about them, and changes its commmuni- well as for other organizations next season, but the potential such as, watching the Clown ty for the better. Think about and clubs now using our Centre. provided by these events and Unit growing and working to- it. How does your temple The downstairs renovation is the newly incalculable media ward the Mid-Winter meetings impact your community? nearing completion with a great they generated will benefit which Luxor hosted in March. If you have a great answer, kitchen and lounge. Also, there our organizations for some The Mid-Winter was just a share it with someone new. are additional washrooms on time. If you were on hand at dress rehearsal for the Fall If you don't have a great an- this level. The great room, at the any of these events, you took Field Days in September. The swer, we challenge you to time of this writing is gyproced advantage of the chance to Fall Field Days is something change that - and make that and crack fill can’t be far off. meet new people and share no Shriner and his family will difference. We will soon have a open ban- your personal story of the want to miss. We will have a Yours in the faith, quet / meeting room. Believe meaning and importance of huge parade in Fredericton on me, when I say- every No- Shriners International and September 24, 2016. This pa- ble should really, really come Shriners Hospitals for Chil- rade will be unlike most of us and visit our Shrine Centre. dren® in your life. It is that has EVER seen-except on TV. There is much more going at kind of personal effort - put There will be clown competi- Luxor then is mentioned here tions, with clowns from all over but you will have to attend the the Northeast. Also, there will stated meetings (Spring Cere- be Mini vehicle and full vehicle monial June 17/18) and get out competitions where the public when we are having parades can come watch and enjoy. You or special events. No doubt, need to book a room and enjoy you will be pleasantly sur- the great meetings and fellow- prised with what we are up to. ship in a city that is anxiously Leave your FEZ box in waiting for us to arrive. The city the car and put your FEZ have thrown their doors open on and join us, again! for us and they have even of- fered free transportation for the Yours In The Faith full time we are here in Septem- Ill. Sir Don Demmings ber. This will be a great event Potentate, 2016 for the City but a greater event for all Shriners that attend. Page 4 Luxor Luminary Spring 2016 LUXOR SHRINE 2016 PHOTOS Elected Divan 2016 Potentate Chief Rabban Assistant Rabban Ill. Sir Donald Demmings, Fredericton Noble Blaine Brooks, Bristol Noble Douglas Swan, Woodstock [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] High Priest & Prophet Oriental Guide Recorder Treasurer Noble William Harrington, Saint John Noble Raymond Maber, Saint John Noble Gordon Thorne, Saint John [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Appointed Divan 2016 First Ceremonial Master Second Ceremonial Master Marshall Noble William Ryan Noble Richard Wood Noble William Johnson [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Captain of the Guard Director Outer Guard Noble Brian Francis Noble Frank McKiel Noble Terrance Spence [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Representatives to the Imperial Council 2016 Ill. Sir Donald Demmings Noble Blaine Brooks Spring 2016 Luxor Luminary Page 5 LUXOR SHRINE 2016 PHOTOS Presidents of Shrine Clubs Noble Ken Downey Noble Shane Walsh Noble Grant Donnelly Noble Tim Hill Charlotte County Fredericton Miramichi Moncton Noble Harvey Spence Noble Roy Sellars Ill. Sir Doug Cosman, PP Noble David Bishop North Shore Saint John Sussex USJRV Presidents of Units Noble Norman Bubar Noble Rick Wood Noble Will Johnson Noble Frank McKiel Noble Kenneth Manderville Caboose Unit Classic Wheels Unit Clown Unit Directors Staff Unit Facts & Figures Unit Noble Charlie Ross Noble Roger Leavitt Noble Doug Sussey Ill. Sir Doug Cosman, PP Noble Paul Innes Fire Brigade Unit Flag Unit Loyalist Unit Maple Leaf Unit Mini Kar Unit Noble Ray Maber Noble Danny Sooley Noble Frank EvansRail- Noble Robert Dunham Motor Corp Unit Provost Unit way Unit Transport Unit Page 6 Luxor Luminary Spring 2016 From Your Editorial Team Table of Contents Nobles, your Luminary Canada Post and which has New Hospital Dedication ................................................. 2 Committee consists of No- resulted in a huge saving to Illustrious Potentate's Message ........................................ 3 ble Ches Piercey, Noble Luxor. If there is material New Nobles Welcomed .................................................... 3 Randy Nelson, Noble Dale that you would like to see in Imperial Potentate's Biography ........................................ 4 Stevens, Noble Dave Ross, the Luminary, please don’t Luxor 50/50 Lottery ......................................................... 4 Noble LeRoy Hoffman – PP, hesitate to contact Shelly at Editorial Team Comments ................................................ 5 and myself, Noble Bill Har- the office, any member of Grand Master's Message .................................................. 6 rington – HP&P. Noble Ches the Committee or by e-mail- Divan Photos .................................................................... 7 is invaluable to our commit- ing luminary@luxorshri- Club & Unit President's Photos ....................................... 8 tee as he sets up the finished ners.com. Donations - Hospital & Transportation ............................ 9 Appointments for One Year Only ................................... 10 product and gets it ready for Nobles...Nobles...No- Chief Rabban's Report ................................................... 11 the printer. Noble Dale chas- bles...Urgent Request! We Boston Hospital Report .................................................. 11 es down all our advertisers need some help on our Lumi- Donation Recognized ..................................................... 12 and encourages all Nobles nary Committee with setting to seek out other advertisers. Permanent Contributing Member .................................. 12 up the document and getting Northeast Shrine Association 2016 ................................ 13 Noble Dave edits and cor- it printer ready. If you have Sneaker Fund ................................................................. 13 rects spelling, grammatical lots of computer knowledge Luxor Clown Unit Report .............................................. 14 and punctuation errors while and would like to help out, Curling Funspiel............................................................. 15 Noble LeRoy acts as our please contact any member Booster Club Donations ................................................. 16 learned advisor and keeps of the Luminary Commit- Luxor Transportation Report.......................................... 17 the team on track. We meet tee or me, Bill Harrington at Assistant Rabban's Report ............................................. 17 regularly as most of the ma- Phone 214-0752 (R) or 977- Treasurer's Report .......................................................... 18 terial we
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