MEMBERSHIP Mayor Clare McLaughlin Cr Irene Adair Cr David Knox Cr Joanne Marshall Cr Tamy Pond Cr Rick Santucci Cr Bill Simpson Cr Soto Stuppos Cr Phill Stone Cr Zia Westerman NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING TO HER WORSHIP THE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF COUNCIL NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 83 of the Local Government Act that the next Ordinary COUNCIL MEETING will be held in the Council Chamber, Darling Terrace, Whyalla on MONDAY 15 FEBRUARY 2021 commencing at 5.30 pm. A copy of the Agenda for the above meeting is supplied as required. JUSTIN COMMONS CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Dated: 11 February 2021 COUNCIL MEETING – 15.02.21 Page 2 AGENDA COUNCIL MEETING – MONDAY 15 FEBRUARY 2021 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT “We acknowledge that this meeting is held on Barngarla Land and we give thanks for the use of this Land.” 2. OPENING PRAYER AND WELCOME “Almighty God, we humbly beseech thee to grant thy blessing upon the works of this Council; to direct and prosper its deliberations to the advancement of this City; and for the true and lasting welfare of the people of this municipality.” 3. OBITUARY NOTICES 4. ATTENDANCE RECORD Apologies – Nil Leave of Absence 5. DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ CONFLICT OF INTERESTS 6. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 6.1 Confirmation of the Minutes of the previous Ordinary Council Meeting held on Monday 18 January 2021 Recommendation That the Minutes of the previous Ordinary Council Meeting held on Monday 18 January 2021, as per copies supplied to Members, be adopted as a true and correct record to that meeting. 7. PRESENTATIONS – Nil 8. PETITIONS 9. MATTERS ADJOURNED / DEFERRED 9.1 Resubmission of Report – Former WHYTEC Building (Item 19.2.1 of the Council Meeting held on Monday 18 November 2019; resolution C539‐2019) COUNCIL MEETING – 15.02.21 Page 3 10. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Public Question Time Protocol The Mayor will read submitted Questions (on the Public Question Time Template) at the time of the meeting and will give an officer’s response at the time of the meeting. (A written response will be given if an officer’s response is not available.) 11. ELECTED MEMBERS ACTIVITIES 12. REPORTS – COUNCIL OFFICERS 12.1 Office of the Chief Executive – Ordinary Reports 12.1.1 Foreshore Master Plan – Award Contract Page 5 12.1.2 Chief Executive Officer’s Action Report – February 2021 Page 42 12.1.3 Clean Seas Page 50 12.2 Corporate Services – Ordinary Reports 12.2.1 Building Upgrade Finance Page 112 12.2.2 Rate Remission Update – February 2021 Page 121 12.2.3 Engagement of Contract Service Provider for the Development and Delivery of an Economic Development Strategy Page 124 12.2.4 Foreshore Cafe Page 127 12.2.5 Annual Review of Confidential Orders Page 195 12.3 City Growth – Ordinary Reports 12.3.1 Whyalla Child Care Centre Review Page 250 12.3.2 Whyalla Child Care Centre – 2021 Status Report Page 255 12.3.3 Community Grants Page 268 12.3.4 Community Services Department – Information Only Report Page 272 12.3.5 Events Department – Information Only Page 285 12.3.6 Whyalla Sports Advisory Group Meeting Minutes – Information Only Page 291 12.4 City Infrastructure – Ordinary Reports 12.4.1 Point Lowly Cottages Page 298 13. INFORMATION REPORTS 13.1 Mayor C McLaughlin – List of Engagements Page 307 14. NOTICES OF MOTION – Nil 15. QUESTIONS ON NOTICE – Nil COUNCIL MEETING – 15.02.21 Page 4 16. QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE Page 310 17. MOTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE Page 310 18. COMMITTEE REPORTS 18.1 Audit Committee Meeting 18.1.1 Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting held on Monday 1 February 2021 Confirmation of Minutes Page 311 Budget Review 2020/21 – Quarter 2 Page 315 Corporate Reporting Page 326 Prudential Management Policy Page 372 19. CONSIDERATION OF CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 19.1 City Infrastructure 19.1.1 ADANI Extension of Time – Agreement to Lease – CONFIDENTIAL Page 386 19.1.2 SIMEC Operations Extension of Time – Agreement to Lease – CONFIDENTIAL Page 391 20. CLOSE 21. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Elected Members Informal Gathering – Monday 1 March 2021 Ordinary Council Meeting – Monday 15 March 2021 Page 5 12.1 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE 12.1.1 Foreshore Master Plan – Award Contract Council Meeting: 15 February 2021 Author’s Title: Chief Executive Officer File No.: 3‐116 Directorate: Office of the Chief Executive Annexures: A – Request for Proposals / Consultants Briefing Document Officer Direct or Indirect Conflict of Interest: Status: In accordance with Local Government Act 1999, Information classified confidential under Section 120 Section 90(2) of the Local Government Act Yes No Yes No Reason – Not applicable PURPOSE To seek Council approval to award the tender, to develop a master plan for the Whyalla Foreshore Precinct. SUMMARY As reported at the 16 November 2020 Ordinary Meeting, Council has a need to commence master planning for the Whyalla Foreshore precinct. The Whyalla Foreshore Precinct is a key asset for the local community and with appropriate planned investment over time, will deliver significant social, economic and environmental outcomes for coming decades. The following are key drivers for the Council to undertake master planning of this precinct at this time: the success of the new jetty; the potential hotel development at the site of the existing Foreshore Motor Inn; the potential development of a new Surf Life Saving facility; the potential upgrade, renewal or new café facility; and the impending closure of the Whyalla High School site at the end of 2021. Requests for Proposal have been called and received for the Development of a Whyalla Foreshore Revitalisation Master Plan. Council officers have evaluated responses received with details of this evaluation provided under separate confidential cover. RECOMMENDATION That Council approve for the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate with_________ [insert preferred tender] for the development of the Whyalla Foreshore Revitalisation Master Plan, in accordance with the Tender Evaluation Report, up to a maximum Lump Sum fee not exceeding $_______ [insert amount], ex GST. Page 6 12.1.1 Foreshore Master Plan – Award Contract REPORT BACKGROUND Council, at its meeting held 16 November 2020, resolved: C3886‐2020 “That Council: 1. endorse the vision and suggested engagement strategy regarding the future use of the Edward John Eyre High School and Whyalla High School sites, as outlined in the Briefing Paper: A Future Plan for Civic Park, Foreshore and Northern Coast Precincts (refer Annexure “B”); 2. write to the State Government to formally request a roundtable meeting with relevant State Government Ministers, agencies and key stakeholders regarding the future use of these two sites, prior to the formal PC114 process being initiated; 3. commence discussions with key stakeholders to socialise Council’s vision for the two sites; and 4. call for expressions of interest from consultants/consortia to develop a master plan for the Whyalla Foreshore, with the subject area for this master plan to include the land currently occupied by the Whyalla High School.” DISCUSSION On 18 December 2020, prospective companies and/or consortiums were invited to submit a proposal for the Development of a Whyalla Foreshore Revitalisation Master Plan via a select tender process (refer Annexure “A”). The submission for proposals closed on Friday 29 January 2021, with six responses received. A review panel comprising Justin Commons, Chief Executive Officer; Kristen Clark, Director City Infrastructure and Shanti Ditter, Planning Consultant, undertook the evaluation of the responses received against the evaluation criteria listed below. As the evaluation was not completed at the time of writing this report, the final recommendation regarding the preferred tenderer is not included in the agenda papers. This information will be tabled at the Council meeting to inform Council decision making. The responses received, together with the evaluation results once finalised will be provided to Council under separate confidential cover. The evaluation results will underpin the officer’s final recommendation(s). Page 7 Summary Detailed Criteria Weighting Criteria Capability An understanding of the key issues identified in 30% the scope of work Degree of innovation and creativity Experience in similar tasks Possession of any additional or unique skills or resources for use in the project Experience with identification and management of stakeholders Capacity Calibre of professional expertise of project 25% personnel Range of professional expertise offered Implications of Assumptions on Council resources Methodology Suitability of the methodology 30% Approach to engaging with council Approach to engaging with the Whyalla community Suitability of the Project Plan Suitability of timelines Implications of Assumptions on Project outcomes Value Add Cost Suitability of the fee estimate (inclusive of GST) 15% Based on this evaluation, it is recommended that negotiations are undertaken with ____________ [insert preferred tenderer] to finalise the scope and cost of works, with total costs expected to be lower than the tendered amount. Financial Implications The total tender amount exceeds the current budget allocation for master planning in the current financial year. Whilst there are financial impacts associated with awarding the tender, the investment in planning for the future development of the Whyalla Foreshore Precinct is of strategic importance to Council and the community. It is proposed that a budget allocation of up to $[insert amount] is required to ensure that the process is undertaken with the required level of rigour. It is proposed that this allocation occur over both 2020/21 and 2021/22, with the current year to be funded from existing budget and next year’s allocation to be included through the 2021/22 Annual Business Plan and Budget process. For this reason, there are no impacts on Council’s budget and Long Term Financial Plan from proceeding with this course of action.
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