-«30TOmANS-PUBLiC LIBRAE 1927 BARTLE AVENUE - Serving Seed, Plains an, Fan.ood Since ,959 - $QQ JQy \U * SCOTCH PlAlWS THE TIMES of FANWOOD Scotch Plains - Fanwood Published Thursday, January 9,1997 Every Thursday 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS WALKING TRAIL IN BROOKSIDE PARK PROPOSED BY NEW MAYOR Mrs. Schmidt Takes Oath as Mayor; Mrs. Papen Named Deputy Mayor; Dr. Marks Joins Township Council By JEANNE WHITNEY year terms on the all-Republican Tompkin, Maria Sartor and Victor Specially Writtrnfor The Times for the coming year, with an empha- governing body. Councilman Rob- DiFrancesco. Joseph Doyle and ' sis on planning in order to avoid Veteran Scotch Plains Republi- ert E. Johnston was appointed to Steven Prato will serve as first and over-development of the township's can Council woman Irene T. Schmidt the Planning Board and will serve second alternates for two years. remaining open spaces while look- was sworn in as Mayor of the town- as the township's representative to Board of Adjustment members ing at zoning laws and natural re- ship for the fourth time, at a New the Plainfield Area Regional Sew- Thomas Barth and Timothy Livolsi sources. Year's Day reorganization meeting erage Authority. New Jersey State were reappointed for four-year Mayor Schmidt said she is also before approximately 100 people Senator Donald T. DiFrancesco was terms and Francis Rossi will be interested in protecting historical fea- in the Municipal Building. Coun- reappointed as Township Attorney. second alternate for a two-year pe- tures of the township, revitalization cilwoman Joan Papen will be William A. Burke for The Tlmtta Temporary budget appropriations riod. of the downtown and looking at traf- Deputy Mayor. TAKING HIS OATH...Dr. Martin Marks takes the oath oFflfRce New Year's were adopted by the new Mayor Among other duties, Councilman fic flow on main avenues, incorpo- Day to become the newest member of the Scotch Plains Township Council. At the same time, Councilman and Township Council for McClintock will serve as Council rating the use of new technology, Looking on are his wife and children. He takes the seat of Alan M.Augustine who William E. McClintock, Jr. and $4,018,245. Liaison to the Board of Education. upgrading the sewerage pumping sta- retired in order to fully concentrate his efforts at the state level where he serves newly-elected Councilman Dr. Mar- Residents appointed to the Plan- Mayor Schmidt, who last served tions and preserving community in the Assembly. tin Marks were sworn in for four- ning Board for four years are George as Mayor in 1992, and in 1987 and safety. 1984 before that, will complete her "We must be ever mindful of the fourth term on the council at the quality-of-life issues, reflective of Councilmen Jung and Kline Take Oath of Office; end of this year. She is a legislative our cultural and traditional values aide in Senator DiFrancesco's local and planning for those issues is the office. key to maintaining and enhancing Mrs. Schmidt's selection as that which we hold dear in Scotch Mayor Recalls 'Firsts and Farewells' of '96 Mayor by the council, follows the By SUZETTE STALKER reorganization meeting, when nomi- Plains. At the same time we need to bers of the Scotch Plains-Fanwood departure of Alan M. Augustine Specially Written for T)\e Time.\ nations for Mr. Jung and incumbent The second resolution designated be efficient in our delivery of gov- High School DECA, the return of the the official media for borough adver- from the council after more than 20 The Fanwood Borough Council Council President Bruce H. Walsh, a ernment services," Mrs. Schmidt cicadas after 17 years last summer tisingfor 1997, with The rimes among years when he completed his one- kicked off 1997 with the swearing in Democrat, were both met with votes said. and the demise of the cherished Fan- the official newspapers. year term as Mayor last year. He is of Councilmen Louis C. Jung and of 3-3. The Mayor's vote resulted in Another project Mrs. Schmidt said wood Oak in November. also an Assemblyman from the 22nd Stuart S. Kline during the governing the re-election of Mr. Walsh. A third resolution, designating the she would like to see happen is the Legislative District to the State body's annual reorganization meel- official depositories for borough creation of a "walking trail" in the This year, the Mayor administered She also remembered in her ad- Legislature, which includes Scotch ing, broadcast on Municipal Access funds for 1997, was amended at the township. "Perhaps around the pe- the oath of office to members of the dress two distinguished Fanwood Plains and Fanwood. Cable Channel 35, which began at Fanwood Fire Department and the residents who died last year. They request of Councilman Populus, the rimeter of Brookside Park or in the noon on New Year's Day before a Fanwood Rescue Squad during the included former Mayor Patricia new chairman of the council's Ad- Senator DiFrancesco, who said he Ash Brook Reservation," she added. standing room-only crowd of family reorganization meeting, which tradi- MacDonald Kuran, the first woman ministration and Finance Commit- usually does not request an opportu- Mayor Schmidt said she came to members, colleagues and other well- tionally had been done separately at a and the first Democrat to serve as tee, in order to give the committee an nity to speak while performing his service in municipal government as wishers. dinner-dance which included the in- Mayor of Fanwood, who died of leu- opportunity to meet with Borough role as Township Attorney during a Planning Board secretary years Following the invocation by the stallation of officers. She noted after- kemia on No vember 19, and Walter J. Clerk Eleanor McGovern and Finan- council meetings, described Mr. Au- ago and was also a member of the Reverend Kenneth Hetzel of the Wil- wards that "we're very fortunate to Murphy, a sales executive with AT&T, cial Officer Barbara Brennan to dis- 'gustine as having been "a terrific Board of Adjustment. She was ac- low Grove Presbyterian Church in have all of these volunteers willing to who was killed in an airplane crash in cuss proposals for consolidating the council member and Mayor, who is companied at the swearing-in by her Scotch Plains, who also gave the serve for us." the Balkans April 3 while accompa- municipality's funds. The resolution honest and hardworking. We should five grandchildren, with the young- Benediction at the close of the meet- is expected to be voted on by the have more people in government est holding the Bible. The Mayor also announced the nying United States Commerce Sec- ing, the oath of office was adminis- governing body in February. like Alan." Among those attending the cer- appointments of borough officials; retary Ronald Brown as part of a tered to the two Republican council- The final two resolutions approved ' In her Mayor's message, Mayor emony were Union County Free- members of boards and commissions, trade delegation. men by Superior Court Jud<;e Mel vi n professional service contracts for Mr. Schmidt encouraged more residents holder Henry W. Kurz as well as otherrepresentati ves, and herappoint- S. Whitken. Councilman Jung was Finally,,ths Mayor ga.o a l>.-,cf EslUasaheBorougiiAttoincyandfor io come forward to participate on foi-my» .<. •:. i;sJiip Mayors Gabe ments of standing council commit- sworn in for his second term, while overview of several long-term goals the Elizabeth firm of Suplee, Clooney township committees. Mayor Spera, Alfred Theurer and Mauro tees for 1997. Council woman Karen Councilman Kline took his oath as a for the community which are already as the Borough Auditor. Schmidt highlighted several topics Checchio. Mr. Checchio is the uncle M. Schurtz was reappointed as the first-time member of the governing underway, including having munici- of Senator DiFrancesco. Freeholder council's representative to the Fan- body. pal departments and the Fanwood Kurz wished Mayor Schmidt well wood Planning Board for a one-year He succeeded former Councilman Memorial Library equipped with on her term as Mayor. term, and Llewyellen Fisher was re- Andrew J. MacDonald, A Republi- modern technology; improving com- appointed as council representative Mr. Augustine took the opportu- can who retired after 12 years of munications between local govern- to the Union County Revenue Shar- nity to briefly review his past years council service. ment and residents through newslet- ing Committee. of service to the township. He called The Democrats continue to hold a ters, coverage of council meetings on Dennis Estis was reappointed as Cable Channel 35, and community the present council "a council of 4-3 majority on the governing body, Borough Attorney, prompting Coun- former Mayors" since all, except with Mayor Maryanne S. Connelly events and the pending redevelop- cilman William E. Populus, Jr., to ment of the downtown. Dr. Marks, had at one time served serving as the tie-breaker. The Mayor remark that Fanwood is "very fortu- in that capacity. He emphasized the twice acted as tie-breakerduringelec- nate to have an attorney like Mr. Four resolutions were also passed importance of "teamwork" and said tion of the Council President at the Estis," who is a partner with the by the council, with a fifth amended he looks forward to the day when Woodbridge law firm of Greenbaum, during the meeting in anticipation of "all residents have come to truly Rowe, Smith, Ravin, Davis and it being voted on at a later date. The believe municipal officials have More Clarification Himmel. Mr. Populus added that first resolution designated the regu- their well-being first and foremost while Mr.
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