Volu"'6 12 • No. 9 Wodnesdoy, Fob. ZS-, 1970 THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF STERN COLLEGE FOR WOMEN Emergency Meeting at Stern In Protest of Wrongs to Israel; RS Program to be Reconstrllltld; Picketing Scheduled Today··~. Dr. Appel- Heals-New Ceallfttee The Ad Hoc Committee to Pro- everyone to attend rallies Mon- The opportunity to structure a fallen into the dean's lap; due to Chin, a first year student whose test Arab Terrorism has an- day, March 2, when French Pres- new religious studies program at lack of a religious studies depart­ credits from Michlala give her nounced plans to picket several ident George Pompidou arriv~ in Stem was anngunced by Dean ment head. junior standing, and Ch,qa Spatz, airline offices on Fifth Ave. today N.Y. One rally will take place at Mirsky on February 4. Additional members chosen for a senior who spent the past year and tomorrow from 9-5 and to the U.N.'s Dag Hammerskjold The appointment of a three­ the larger committee are Rabbi at Hebrew University. stage a rally in front ot the Arab Plaza from 12-2 p.m., and the other member executive committee con­ Morris J. Besd:jn, Director of Miss Horowitz explained her Information Center tomorrow at at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel from sisting of Dr. Gersion Appel, James Striar School and Rabbi strong interest in serving on. the 4:30. 5-9 p.m. _ chainnan, (SCW), Rabbi David committee by saying that she had Today's picketing will be direct- Bleich (SCW and RIETS), and applied to Stem hoping to take an ed mainly against British Over- French Are Pro-Israel Rabbi Norman Lamm (EMC} has intensive .religious studies pro,.. seas Airways Corp. Airline em- ·- J Dr. Yehoshua Be'ery related that been confirmed by President Sam­ gram. During her first semester ployees in London refused yester- there would also be a rally Sun- uel Belkin. she took only one Hebrew and one day to service planes bound for day night at ~unter College. He The co·mmittee has a two-fold philosophy course. Her greatest Arab countries. The pickets will stressed the significance of large purpose. It will begin immediate­ disappointment came in meeting attempt to influence BOAC to atteqdance. -- R-egarding the Pam- ly to coordinate courses and con­ a friend who had entered Yeshiva adopt a ban on all flights to Arab pidoll rallies, Dr. Be'ery stressed duct advisement for students. The College at the same time as she nations as official company policy. the importance of peaceiul demon- committee's longer range purpose entered Stern. They had similar backgrou.nds, but he was already Memorial Demonstration ~!:e~onth! ; ~:c~~: ~e:~ !s!:t~:f:iz;r:u~arf:· :;::~:~ 6 ~~· able to study Chumash on his own, At the Arab Information Center populations is pro-I~l There- and reconstruct the Judaic stu­ while she was still studying on tomorrow, Stern students will join fore, it is imperative to establish dies program. the most elementary level, demonstrators from YC, National that the rallies are not against the The committee held its first Miss Horowitz feels that Stern Council of Synagogue Youth, the French people, but merely against meeting February 11. Beginning should offer diffetent pr.ograms !~:nt~:~a=~e<;o!~~!:~s aa:: ;:~;~ government policy. Consequently, it this week, the Rabbis will be for students of different back­ is felt that any violence would de- available for consultation. Rabbi grounds just ~ ~~va. h~ .dif- groups for a memorial service to feat the purpose of the rallies. Appel will hold office hours on :i:e d:~~tr~~io:a~;e;:~~ Dr. Meir Havazelet summarized Monday and Wednesday, 2:15- 2 from the Center, at 405 Lexington ~'cin!e~:~\~1!:~:gth:h;:w~eiss~:~ :;!~· !:,~~!::;, ~~;:;0, :~~ :~tab M~ha~~~=~~· Dean Ave., to the Isaiah wall at tbe UN. right to scr\am," just as the Jews Rabbi Lamm on alternate Wed- Student representa.Uv~ __will Rabbi Ste'!'en Riskin ...'Will speak,· had ,jone. in: Egypt: vayi~ we' nesdays, 5:00-6:00. They- will also su~p-~t -~·;,~.~~~:,: ;S~ ., ~ -=~.=-.~.s.·~.;,... ::.,.:.1fi· :'ed•:~m~~~gr:!t ~~\;::- !:P~:~~--.~-~:~~=~ -~~~~~;···e1;.:~ , __,Em:tJ.cseYffi__girl~ will. ~?ITY__J_ort__y ___ :_r~, a~~---~~~e answer~-~~--~~:___ questions Which, until now, have mentary Hebtew level, Chanli ~:!~0 [~~:~.°;;,n~l::u~~.;.~::z Faculty Airs Cruciarlssues- Stern's participation in the rally Unlimited cuts, calendar chang­ lowered for excesslve absences. Mrs. Laurel Hatvary explained had been urged at an emergency es, £rading practices, and teacher The faculty representatives agreed that under the present system stu­ meeting called Mondai to discuss evaluation were among the many that while teach~rs have the right dents who might have deserved a the French government's pro­ crucial issues brought before the to demand a student's attendance C- had to be given a D+ because Arab policies and the repeated faculty-student committee at its on a particular day to give an their achievement did not equal Arab bombing of Israel bound air February 16 meeting. · oral report or take an exam., they that of others who had received craft. Dr. Morris Epstein, chairman of ' cannot arbitrarily reduce a stu­ a C. Rally Against Pompidou the committee, reported that the dent's gr~de for merely overcut­ The faculty evaluation, begun ferent schools with various levels Rabbi Avi Weiss opened the pass-no-credit system scheduled ting. The committee recommended last spring by the student body of religious emphasis. meeting with the comment that for evaluation this year has been that any . student who has been but never compiled, was recalled One- sew alumna wµl be ap­ the Jews are constantly disillu­ extended through next January. penalized unjustly for absence at the meeting. The evaluation pointed by Dean :Mirsky. In dis­ sioned with a world which is sud­ The unlimited cuts system will be should report the incident to the team's failure to present a com­ cussing the committee's role, Rab­ denly quiet when .Jews are attack­ examined this spring. dean. pleted report was blamed on lack bi Appel said that the ideal sit­ ed. But we will not be guilty of Students have recently com­ No Calendar Change ot response, and the inability of uatiqn would. be to have two silence. Rabbi Weiss encouraged plained that their marks were The committee appointed Eileen the chairmen to meet during the groups; a large 'idea-gathering Garfinkel to meet with the regis­ summer. group, in close contact with stu.. trar on,- the possibility of altering Dr. Epstein read a letter writ­ dent feelings, and the smaller, the spring semester -calendar, ten by Dr. Samuel Belkin to the have an understanding of present YU Bound by Blaine A•ndment lengthening the Passover vacation faculty student commi~stating recommendations. The committee The power to grant doctorates, The necessity\ to retain a non­ or shortening the finals period. that a critique of courses or teach­ will also consult the Judaic stu­ master's and bachelor's degrees in sectarian classification was widely Miss Garfinkel later discussed the ers was not in violation of any dies faculty and other department.a the areas of religious education emphasized by administrators last problem with Registrar MoITis precept of Judaism. A subcommit­ for advice with specific prob- and Hebrew literature was for­ semester as the university waited Silverman, and was informed that tee was chosen to study evalua­ mally removed from Yeshiva Uni­ final decision on its request for the calendar could not be short­ tions conducted at other colleges le~e larger commit~ ·is not versity last .month when the New a grant under the Bundy Prograin. ened. For each unit of. credit a such as Columbia, CCNY, and intended as a p·ermanent body,_ ·York State Board of Regents ap­ Decision on the allotment of funds course yields, it must meet at Yale, and institute an organized Its purpose is to determine the proved the petition for a charter is controlled by the Blaine least 14 times. Elimination of any faculty evaluation at Stern. (Continued on l'll&"e 3, OoL Z) amendment. The same amendment Amendment to the New York day of classes would make it im­ grants the university, the power to State Constitution which prohibits possible to satisfy this require­ confer two new degrees, the state aid to "any school . in ment. Washington Protest Bachelor of Education and the which any denominational tenet A discussion on revision of the Bachelor of Science in Education. or doctrine is taught .. .'' grading system produced two op­ "Somewhat VIOient" According to Dean David Mirsky, Although both houses of the posing viewpoints on the coune of Twenty five Stern women joined ception in front of t.ge National this does not necessarily mean state legislature have voted within action to be taken. The ineQuity approximately 1,000 pro-Israel de­ Press Club where President Pom­ that Stern will offer the degrees, the past two weeks for repeal of of the present system that in­ monstrators ill a Jewish Defense pidou wrui scheduled. to spp1t. JDL but it is legally entitled to insti­ the Blaine Amendment, this ac­ cludes plusses but not minuses was League sponsored rally in Wash­ representatives delivered opl)(Mliq tute B.Fp. or B.S. in Ed. pro­ tion will have no immediate ef­ generally agreed upon, btit wheth­ ington D.C, yesterday. The protest speeches outside the club building. grams if it so chooses. fect on Yeshiva's position. In or­ er to solve the problem by ex­ was directed against French Pres­ During the afternoon, protestera The University had requested a der to be repealed, the amend­ cluding plusses or by adding mi­ ident Pompidou's Middle-East pol­ kept up ~ady picketing in front change in charter last November ment will have to gain the 'ap­ nuses was debated.
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