E OF THE U IVERSITY OF M I ESOTA ALUM I ASSOCIATIO JAIUAI' • FE.IUAI Itt. At last, an alumni appeal that asks you to put something into your wanet. Introducing The Minnesota Alumni Cards. Now, you can g t mor out of your redit card and give more to your alumni as ociation at th am tim . With our Minnesota Alumni A 0 iation Exclu iv Edition Vi a® ard. The only cr dit ard p cifi ally designed for Minn ota alumni. It's a unique way to njoy all th advantag of a Visa ard, to display s hool prid , and to help rai mon y for alumni as ociati n program . All at no addi­ tional co t to you! Infact,withitslow16.99% annualp r ntag rat , and our special fe waiver off r, itju t might b th best ard you could carry. Call today. 1-800-227-1817, extension 77. And be sure to apply for the card of your choice. MINNESOTA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 100 MORRILL HALL 100 CHURCH STREET S .E . MINNEAPOLIS, MN !554!5!5 \' , lu m e 89 • Number 3 januar y ' February 1990 MINNESOTA U N IVERSITY OF MINNESOTA ALUMN I A S SOC I A TI ON FEATURES 8 Is the Party Over? Two veteran observer of the political 5cene-alumnus and ~ rmer governor Elmer L. nder en and niver It) professor H}man Berman-put Minnesota's DFL and IR parties m per pective. As fold to jlfll Thorntoll I 6 Inauguration 1989 Come with us for an in Ide look at the inauguration of the COlver it) of Minnesota's thlfteenrh pre Ident, • 'ds Has elmo. I 8 Access to Excellence In hi inauguration addre s. ni\'erslty Presidenr 'ils Ha elmo set the ni\er~ity's agenda for the 1990 By 'its Hasselmo 2 3 Networking Made Easy A primer on the University' 1990 legislame funding request and legislati\e network. look at ho\~ alumm can support the 'm\er ity by contacting their legi lato~ during the commg se ion B'I 'I/sall \ ollwur 2 6 For Peat's Sake Facult\ at the Unl\·erslt\.' Limnologlcal Reearch enrer are among tho e fighting to presen~ Imnesota's I !!O:OOO acre' of peatland-among the fe\\ re~aining ~atlands in the world The pos ibility of gold beneath their urface has greatly mcrea ed the stake. By jacque/Ille alld 8./.171 lefto COLUMNS 3 I M I N N E SOT A A l U M N I ASS 0 C I A T ION : Something Old, Something New TradltJ n mixed with inno\'atJ nat Ilomecommg 19 9 a the Uni\er 'ity celebrated With parades, royalty. a block part~. football game. facult)·- taff luncheon. and academiC and re earch re\ le\\ s and exhIbitions. By Aafte GU/ldmldso/l 3 3 A l U M N I : At Home in the Mayor's Office Little Fall mayor Pat ' pence I a home economic alumnu' \\ h mL\e~ busmess \\ Ith polItic -and I \es it. 8.'1 'ben Bm'lI 3 5 S P 0 R T S : Pool Resources The \\ om n S\\ Imming team IS hopmg to make a national pb h \\ tth ne\\ s\\ im facilittes and an inrernational cast of athletes. Plu a look at men's basketball Jnd more. 8.v Bml11 O.. bn;g DEPARTMENTS In Focus ........................... 5 Colleges and Schools Digest . .. 42 Contributors ...................... 7 Minnesota Alumni Association ....... 31 Calendar . .. 32 National President . .. 47 In Brief .......................... 41 Executive Director .. .. 49 CO V E R: Photlgraph Class Notes . .. 39 letters .......................... SO b\ Paul hambroom llilfl "'4 I publl hed bllJlomhh b, the: \tlnnc<;or.l \lumnl \ \\'l\;I.lt!lln 1,1r It m~lnbc:f'\ ~nd otht:r(\)!M'ut:N tnt:nl.hol the L' nl\C'f'm I"lt \\lOnC'oollU \tcmfx:r.hlp l~vJXn h,) all f"!l! t MlJ r~nt' -rudc-"". f'::ul v. ,,,,h . •lnd other (nend .... "ho "I h to bt 1I1\(\h t In the u.h .lnI.:: clllt:nt 01 thl.: L'nllef'm \nnuJI Jun 3rt 1~ 'Inglt. '~huslund. \\ 1ft: L.r mcmlX"n.hlp Jue; .... l~ -" 'lOgiC'. :"1'0 hu.. b<iod. \\ lte lib InleO( life mcmbcr,h,p\ IIrt '}\~IIJblt . rur mCOlUcr....lup mlunnJlltUl tlr ~\:nl(,c . 1.:,\11 ur \\rUe \'lOn (It:.1 \IUO\1U \"ll(IJ{Jlln, 100 \tl)mllll.lll, 1110 ~ hun:h frttf 'Sf . \tmnt: p"lh ... \t' ,qH. bl:. 6 ~'" ' 21 Cop' right lQQ() b, lhe \tmnc\vtJ \lul1l1u \ ...... \Xl,)tlfln In the near future, we'll be contacting you that traditional funding just doesn't allOw. for our annual fund-raising drive. So when you hear from the University of And when we do, we hope you'll respond Minnesota Foundation, we ask that you consider with an open heart And an open pocketbook a personal pledge of support Because itS fmandal support from alumni Just by opening one small book, you could like you that allows us to go beyond the ordinary. open up a whole n w world for a University To give students the challenges and opportunities of Minnesota student THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA UNIvA1I V! 120 Mornll Hall. 100 Church Street SE Mtnneapoli • MN 55455 612 624-3333 I SOT E ..,.. Jean '13ne H.mlllOn A- tEdltM Ter Scalzo c.. .butln,Editor v'c'" uVlg C P1 Editor O .. ne Ilellekson , uctIon " ....unt IUth) Fischer '" lUte um .ldson 1It.C" Black Dog Graplucs, hurch".rd Hopp 19o A I_ales tPhoto~r Rlch Ryan N FOe U S HINNESOTA ALUHNI ASSOCIATION Encuti.. Oinctol' \!argare! ughrue Carlson • to Enom.. Oinct.ol' Jane Whiteside Pruldont te>en Goldstem Protodent-E1«t ue Bennm This Is the Day -roa Pruld.. t Jnhn 0 F reocn Trusu~r \I.chad Unger \tcnt>rf Janie ,"-b}'eron hstPruidtnt Chip Gia r Board of Dl rectors uther Dan'ille ha been convicted naughty." mcutinCcmmiUH \brci2 -\ppel, ue Bennen, That the rest of us are being good ThOma5 H Bonnan, Frank F.cU>amck, Lof \ indling mone~ ' from the lini­ J nn 0 French, h.p Glaser, \'ersit)', the lanonal ollegiate th- usually mean little to the general pub­ te-en Id telll, uuns . ruk, lic, or at least the media. And that' the Jarue \byeron, J ph lur, letic ociation ha reopened it f.nul~ -\nne uple \llchad Unger inve tigarion of men' athletic, and the tricky part of " preading the good AI-lMJ< Hombon Knstme Black, niver ity is under flre for its policy, new ." Fact i there are 1, people \lan Lou Chmtensen, Edward L Duren, or la k of a policy. regarding admini - who work here everyday because of the EzcU Jon ,u" rence uukka. on \Ie~ er, trati\'e leaves, abbatical ,and pay. good new . There are -4, 0 tudents Pam. '.chols, John P~ytOn, ue Pbtou, Ikb Pot TI h Re~n Id . If the niver ity i in the new ,then getting an educan n here because of the ea.s..ndra RO~l'>On . Oudl~ , 'anc) dleck. thi must be the January -ebruary issue Cni\'er ity quality pr gram . \rlcoe 'un fi Id.James R urnerbnd, Jim "cnson. Paul Tay lor andra Turner f Minnesota . It eem like the C niver­ \Vhen people find out that omeone works at the Cni\'ersity, invariably the)' ltJoonal R.pl'tsonutiYu Ouan L Burnham. icy never end a year on a g d note. I frank Farrell (e' e Francisco. It may be a little late, but if thi i the k two que ti n : \\'hat' going on at \lIehael H.rlc, O,d Johnson. Harold \1e1on, January ebruary i ue, then it al 0 the " l,'""? How' m rale? The\' are both .eorgc \\ \Ierne". Budd Pobody. John W Pc:rry, Rn~n , Pc:tason time for ome year-end ob en'arion : very difficult que tion to an wer lIoonaouR.pI'ounutiv.. Alfred France. Jr.. This one come fr m Jackie ~lason , becau e if you w rk here, your feelin~ \brgam \b,alamakJ. con eI n. AB ' " hicken oup" r feop philo - do not go up and down with the media Ikn Trochlil. eorge \ ·ogel. I opher: veryb dy I \'es yesterda~' and \'0-\"0. ,""une W,lson . pencer tom ITO\, but ever. y hat today. There are Students and facult\' here­ b_H.... ~" ,udent Bod) Pres.dent. Bnan Bergson. \1 .nn ota Foundation Board But toda ' i the yesterday we'll all recall mo tofthem, really-who ha\'e ne\'er (.fTrustees. Luella Id~rg; "cmal Relation no talgically tomorrow, and it' the attended am' athletic event or met a Vice Pr .dent. Rlchard B Heydonger; future that we looked £ rward t \'e ­ niver ity pre ident. They and we go Lnovers.n Pr "dent. ,'.1 Has Imo terdav. \Yhich lead u to recall the on about our bu ine ,working \\ith w rd f niver ity Pr ident "Til tudent , teaching, en-ing. re earch­ Ha elmo who told an alumni gr up ing. yen in my nonteaching job a that he ure wa tired of dealing with editor I ha\'e worked ide b\" ide with pr blem fr my terda:'-in thi a e fourteen tuden and watched them ne, even two r three year f y ter­ graduate, find j b ,and m ve on. There day . He' com'in ed that he' g t the i nothing like it. Tho e of u who \\ rk right team in plac today to avoid cala­ at the ni\'er ity get th benefit of mitie like Luther Dan'ille tom rr w.
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