Naturalization And Declaration of Intent Books San Luis Obispo County, CA July 2011 Type of Book Cert Range Volume # Miscellaneous Notes Certificate of Citizenship 1 - 503 1 Two Petitions per Page Certificate of Citizenship 1 - 80 1.5 Two Petitions per Page Certificate of Citizenship 1 - 44 2 Two Petitions per Page Certificate of Citizenship 100 - 189 C1 Certificate of Citizenship 537651 - 537700 Dept of Labor Certificate of Citizenship 1 - 12 No # Certificate of Citizenship 1 - 32 No # Declaration of Intent 1 - 498 1 Two Declarations per Page Declaration of Intent 1 - 163 2 Two Declarations per Page Declaration of Intent 1 - 300 3 Declaration of Intent 301 - 800 4 Declaration of Intent 801 - 890 5 Declaration of Intent 891 - 991 11 Declaration of Intent 992 - 1091 12 Declaration of Intent 1092 - 1291 13 Declaration of Intent 1292 - 1491 14 Declaration of Intent 1492 - 1597 15 Declaration of Intent 1 - 284 C 1 Fee Book, Probate Court 56 - 262 Fee Petitions 1 - 150 4 Petitions 151 - 250 5 Petitions 251 - 350 6 Petitions 351 - 450 7 Petitions 451 - 532 8 Petitions 584 - 634 9 Petitions 635 - 685 10 Petitions 686 - 737 11 Petitions 738 - 837 12 Petitions 838 - 937 13 Petitions 938 - 1037 14 Petitions 1038 - 1137 15 Petitions 1138 - 1237M 16 Petitions 1238 - 1337 17 Petitions 1338 - 1447 18 Petitions 1448 - 1547 19 Petitions 1548 - 1647 20 1 Naturalization And Declaration of Intent Books San Luis Obispo County, CA July 2011 Type of Book Cert Range Volume # Miscellaneous Notes Petitions 1648 - 1747 21 Petitions 1748 - 1847 22 Petitions 1848 - 1947 23 Petitions 1948 - 2047 24 Petitions 2048 - 2147 25 Petitions 2148 - 2247 26 Petitions 2248 - 2347 27 Petitions 2348 - 2447 28 Petitions 2448 - 2547 29 Petitions 2548 - 2647 30 Petitions 2648 - 3075 31 Petitions 3076 - 3449 32 Petitions 3450M - 3800M 33 Petitions 3801M - 4200M 34 Petitions 4201 - 4500 35 Petitions 4501 - 4800 36 Petitions 4801 - 5100 37 Petitions 5101 - 5399 38 Petitions 5400 - 5575 39 Petitions 5764 - 5905 40 Petitions 5906 - 6047 41 Petitions 6048 - 6149 42 Petitions 6150 - 6208? 43 Petitions 6231 - 6354 44 Petitions 6355 - 6448 45 Petitions 6449 - 6549 46 Petitions 6550 - 6561 47 Petitions 5576 - 5763 39 a Petitions 533 - 583 8 a Petitions 3801 - 3886 8 b Petitions [Old Books] 1 - 189 A Transfer of Petition TR 1 - TR 18 TR 2 Naturalization And Declaration of Intent Books San Luis Obispo County, CA July 2011 Book Petition # Name Nativity Dec/Int Cert/Arr Year/Nat 1 26 ??itancourt, Augustine Portugal N N 1884 32 3253M Aarnes, Asbjorn Kornelius [Arnes, Osborn Cornelius]* Norway N Y 1944 23 1878M Abad, Otillio Vergara Philippines N N 1943 40 5863 Abadjian, Barkev Boghos Lebanon N N 1982 34a 3807M Abalos, Demitrio Dilia [ Abalos, Dick] Philippines N N 1945 41 6007 Abalos, Eulalia Zarate Philippines N N 1984 31 2744M Abang, Felipe Quirobin Philippines N N 1944 23 1848M Abaya,Pacifico Adarme [Abaya, Rosalino] Philippines N N 1943 1.5 36 Abbey, Eleanor Nichelson England N N 1898 1 449 Abbey, Thomas Francis Jr England N N 1887 1 89 Abbey, Thomas Francis Sr England N N 1887 39A 5742 Abdallah, Sanad Mohamad Egypt N N 1979 34 3954 Abella, Raymond Cabras [Abella, Ray Cabras]* Philippines N N 1945 1 92 Abeloe, Michael Germany N N 1887 C 1 159 Abeloe, Peter Andreas Denmark N N 1879 C2 21 Abely, Hans Peter Germany N N 1880 A 211 Abely, Haus Peter [Hans?] Germany N N 1877 34 3960 Abenoja, Antonio Abenes [Abenes, Tony Abenoja]* Philippines N N 1945 29 2483M Aberbach, Julius Germany N Y 1944 C 1 89 Abernathy, Henry Canada N N 1877 A 190 Abernathy, Robert Great Britain/Ireland N N 1877 22 1818M Abinsay, Socorro Salvador Presto [Abinsay, Salvador Presto]* Philippines N N 1943 37 4913 Abolins, Roberts Voldemars [Abolins, Robert Voldemar]* Latvia N N 1959 46 6465 Abraham, Eleshwa Dadisho Iraq N N 1989 18 1435M Abrahams, Maurice [Abrams, Maurice]* Australia N Y 1942 1 224 Abrahamson, J Gust Sweden N N 1892 36 4772 Abrams, Maigonis [Norans, Maigonis]* Latvia N N 1955 35 4350M Abutas, Isaias Villazor [Abutas, Cy Villazor]* Philippines N N 1947 35 4407 Abutas, Nicasio Villazor [Arbutas][Arbutus, Nicasio Villazor]* Philippines N N 1947 33 3573M Acadimia, Bernaldo Baybado [Academia, Bernardo] Phillipines N Y 1944 1 43 Acebez, Anastacio Mexico N N 1884 27 2256M Aceves, Lauro Quiros Mexico N Y 1944 32 3289M Aceves, Moises [Aceves, Moises Ricardo] [Aceves, Richard Moises]* Mexico N Y 1944 46 6455 Achadjian, Araxie Hovsep Lebanon N N 1989 3 Naturalization And Declaration of Intent Books San Luis Obispo County, CA July 2011 Book Petition # Name Nativity Dec/Int Cert/Arr Year/Nat 40 5902 Achadjian, Khatchik Hratchia Lebanon N N 1982 41 5966 Achdjian, Marie Hrachia Turkey N N 1983 35 4347M Acierto, Rafael Antonio [Acierto, Ralph Antonio]* Philippines N N 1946 42 6082 Aclan, Arsenio Concha Jr [ Aclan, Arsenio Concha]* Philippines N N 1984 34 3974 Acosta, Alfonso Dionisio Mexico N Y 1945 36 4550 Acosta, Anne Marie [ Monciaux] Belgium N Y 1951 37 4855 Acosta, Humberto Landeros [Acosta, Bert]* Mexico N N 1958 33 3593M Acosta, Jose Jesus Julio Garcia [Acosta, Jesus Garcia]* Mexico N Y 1944 22 1809M Acosta, Mariano Vergara Philippines N N 1943 35 4336M Acosta, Miguel Lopez [Acosta, Mike L] Mexico N N 1946 28 2418M Acosta, Pedro Leterato Phillipines N N 1944 35 4235M Acosta, Roberto Valles Mexico N Y 1945 36 4794 Acquistapace, Iride [Acquistapace, Edith]* Italy N N 1955 1.5 39 Acquistapace, Joe Italy N N 1898 C2 6 Acuna, Angel Mexico N N 1875 C 1 31 Acuna, Manuel Mexico N N 1875 34 3998 Adame, Jesus Chuey [ Adams, Jay Chuey][Adams, Jesus Chuey]* Mexico N Y 1945 37 4972 Adams, Hazel Beatrice Canada N N 1960 37 4973 Adams, James Leonard Canada N N 1961 37 4974 Adams, Roy Edmund Canada N N 1960 24 2043M Adler, Siegbert Germany N Y 1943 22 1830M Adriano, Pedro Santiago Philippines N N 1943 32 3433M Aduja, Pedro [Alsinio] [Adoja] [Aduja, Peter Aquino]* Philippines N N 1944 26 2244M Afonin, Daniel Mexico N Y 1944 17 1253M Africa, Marciano Manglicmot Philippines N N 1942 42 6050 Agapay, Benedicto Cardenas [ Agapay, Ben Cardenas]* Philippines N N 1984 46 6525 Agapay, Eduardo Tugas Philippines N N 1990 42 6143 Agapay, Eugenio Cardenas [ Agapay, Eugene Cardenas]* Philippines N N 1985 42 6049 Agapay, Josephine Aurelio Philippines N N 1984 33 3751M Agbalog, Godofredo Corpuz [Godfrey] Philippines N N 1945 C 1 15 Agnellini, Pedro Italy N N 1873 30 2615 Agostini, Umberto Davideo [Agostini, Bert]* [Albert] Italy N Y 1944 31 2904M Agpaoa, Simon Orque Philippines N N 1944 22 1816M Agpawa, Delfin Diamsay Philippines N N 1943 4 Naturalization And Declaration of Intent Books San Luis Obispo County, CA July 2011 Book Petition # Name Nativity Dec/Int Cert/Arr Year/Nat 4 5 Aguayo, Guadalupe Mexico Y N 1907 1 350 Aguayo, Loreto Mexico N N 1896 24 1997M Aguda, Rafael Villa Philippines N N 1943 15 1108 Agueda, Maria Rosario Portugal [Azores] Y N 1942 35 4254M Aguiar, Adriano Jr [Aguiar y de los Reyes, Adriano] Cuba N Y 1945 13 937 Aguiar, Antonio Manuel [Aguian] Portugal [Azores] Y Y 1940 32 3111M Aguilar, Fernando Jr [Aguilar, Fernando]* Mexico N Y 1944 31 2683M Aguilar, Heriberto Villavicencio [Aguilar, Herbert]* Mexico N Y 1944 33 3729M Aguilar, Melesio [Aguilar, Malley]* Mexico N Y 1945 36 4691 Aguilar, Miguel Mexico N N 1955 32 3409M Aguilar, Rafael Martinez [Aguilar, Ralph Martinez]* Mexico N Y 1944 33 3727M Aguilar, Teodoro Antonio Mexico N Y 1945 20 1622M Aguilar, Tiofilo Preciado [Aguilar, Frank Preciado]* Mexico Y Y 1943 22 1831M Aguimbag, Timoteo [Alisen, Vincent]* Philippines N N 1943 31 2807M Aguirre, Pablo [Paul] Philippines N N 1944 31 3041M Aguirre, Silverio [Lopez] Mexico N Y 1944 35 4420 Agustin, Aguedo Topenio Philippines N N 1947 44 6345 Ahler, Kameron Seong-Cheol Korea N N 1987 39 5530 Ahmad, Nisar India N N 1975 45 6430 Ahn, Chang Min [ Ahn, John]* Korea N N 1988 C2 13 Ahrens, William Henry Prussia N N 1877 31 2852M Ahropheim, Erich [Ahronheim, Eric]* Germany N Y 1944 38 5317 Aiken, U Meau [Aiken, Donna May]* Taiwan N N 1968 46 6529 Akers, Virginia Villanueva [Villanueva, Virginia C.]* Philippines N N 1990 21 1656 Akesson, Nils Olof Bernhard [Oakeson, Nels]* Sweden Y Y 1943 32 3083M Aksberg, Olaf Gerhardt [Oluf] [ Ingman, Olaf Gerhardt]* Norway N Y 1944 22 1836M Alag, Norberto Masangcay Philippines N N 1943 34 3911 Alamillo, Pedro Gonzales[Alamillo, Peter Gonzales]* Mexico N Y 1945 35 4220M Alan, Jack [Adelstein, Jackie] [Adelman, Jack] Canada N Y 1945 35 4338M Alarcio, Camilo Serraon Philippines N N 1946 34 3997 Alarcon, Armando Flores Mexico N Y 1945 39A 5753 Alarcon, Yolanda Mexico N N 1980 28 2391M Alarid y Licon, Eduardo Mexico N N 1944 22 1823M Alba, Exequiel Villalino [Alba, John Villalino]* Philippines N N 1943 5 Naturalization And Declaration of Intent Books San Luis Obispo County, CA July 2011 Book Petition # Name Nativity Dec/Int Cert/Arr Year/Nat 32 3341M Alba, Luis [Alva, Louis]* Mexico N Y 1944 35 4201M Alba, Rodolfo Melchor [Alba, Rudolph Melchor]* Mexico N Y 1945 31 2721M Albergo, Francesco Italy N Y 1944 19 1460M Albert [Kohler], Charles Andre [Mach, Charles Andre Rachelle]* France Y Y 1943 A 156 Albert, Preve France N N 1876 7 400 Albertoni, Delfino Switzerland N N Spoiled 1923 7 412 Albertoni, Delfino Switzerland N N Denied 1924 1.5 77 Albertoni, John C Switzerland N N 1902 38 5374 Albertoni, Mario Giuseppe Switzerland N N 1969 1 229 Albertoni, Nicolo Switzerland N N 1892 1.5 8 Albini, Joe Switzerland N N 1895 35 4490 Alcan, Fred Philippines N N 1950 34a 3868M Alcantara, Melencio Baetiong [Alcantara, Mel Baetiong]* Philippines N N 1945 18 1380M Alcina, Valeriano [Alcina, Adriano Dulay]*
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