March 2011 TALON’SAES’ OFFICIAL STUDENT-RUN NEWSPAPER POST Can AES Clear the Middle East Hurdles? By Gautam Kapur school. Plus, I would think that all this politi- joins MESAC, our athletes will be traveling to Due to political unrest in Cairo, cal tension would stop by next school year.” the Middle East frequently. Nevertheless, it is the Screaming Eagles Track Invitational unwise to assume that the Middle East will be scheduled for March was cancelled. “We “Cairo is scheduled to host track every unstable for a significant period of time. “Six as a school decided to not travel for the year in the new MESAC league, so it months ago, nobody would have thought IN THIS ISSUE safety of our student athletes,” said Mr. will be interesting to see how things that Cairo would fall apart,” added Hoover. Hamilton. Large-scale protests led to Cairo unfold,” said track coach Mr. Hoover. - Genoa MUN American College (CAC), the host school, Cancellation of the highly anticipated deciding to close. Not only CAC, but also MESAC schools currently include the Ameri- track meet disappointed AES athletes. “I - Minicourse Feedback Cairo Japanese School decided to close. can Community School Abu Dhabi, Ameri- was looking forward to running the hurdle After all, safety comes first. However this can School Dubai, Dubai American Acade- event, since we don’t use hurdles in SAISA,” - Danger at Gate 2 raised the question: could Middle East my, American School Doha, and CAC. As AES said Sebastien Derveeuw, a Sophomore. - 3rd Season Sports instability affect our entrance into MESAC? AES has won SAISA Track and Field 15 years - Scott Beale Visit Some political analysts view the Egyptian in a row, with athletes from elementary demonstrations as part of a domino effect school all the way to high school setting in the Middle East. The clamor for political records and wining events. However, ath- reform began in late 2010 with the Tunisian letes recognized the importance of safety. NEWS FEED revolution and spread to Cairo in early 2011. “In the end, safety comes first. Thankfully, we’re hosting SAISA Track and Field this When asked if the Egyptian political year, so I’ll still be able to run for AES,” - Much Ado About Nothing situation would impact AES’s entrance said Benjamin Blackstone, a Freshman. - New Leaders of CHS into the new MESAC sports league, Mr. Hamilton replied, “It does not have any The good news: this year AES will host the - Holi Party Awareness implications. It is a local political issue track meet originally intended to be held - Minicourse Evaluation that occurred in Cairo.” Rebecca Robbins, in Cairo from April 14th to April 17th, so a former student at CAC, stated, “I am not AES athletes will still be able to compete. too concerned that the situation in the MARCH WEATHER: Middle East would affect our entrance into MESAC. CAC is a very secure and safe Temperatures to rise again maxing around 35 degrees Who needs the SAT? celsius. Get ready for summer By Saumya Gulati Prior to and after January 22nd, AES hall- ways were filled with ranting about the invalidity and needlessness of the SATs. Although one could simply pass this off as casual student banter, it raises the question: is the SAT a fair test, and does it warrant the importance it holds for US colleges? The SAT was initially created in order to predict how well a student would suc- ceed in college. However, Bates College, in Maine, has had a standardized testing optional for over 20 years. In 2004, Bates conducted a study based on 20 years of data that showed only a miniscule (0.1%) difference in graduation rates between SAT score submitters and non-submitters. Based on the results, Bates decided that “testing is not necessary for predicting good performance; the academic ratings assigned by Bates admissions staff are highly accurate for both submitters and non-submitters in predicting GPA.” Submit- ting SAT scores continues to be optional for Bates applicants. As other schools replicate reading, and math, because it’s standard- colleges prefer. “The ACT is a more holistic the Bates study, more are choosing to make ized.” test because it has more subject areas and score submission optional. Ms. Rosenfield, Rosenfield supports colleges taking a is more content based versus reasoning AES high school counselor, confirmed this: well-rounded approach: “I think that the ability. Many students who struggle with “More and more schools are jumping on SAT needs to be read very carefully in the the SAT find that they will be more success- the SAT-optional list; I think that’s good.” context of what the student has been ful with the ACT,” according to Rosenfield. Although these studies suggest that the able to do over three or four years of high As much as students would like to believe SAT may not be as important as people per- school when they’re applying and not that the SAT will go away, it’s unlikely that ceive it to be, many students and teachers what they do on a Saturday.” Both GPA and that will happen anytime soon. However, alike still believe that the test should not be SAT scores may be relevant, but those like students can hope to see a growing trend scrapped. A New York Times article stated Rosenfield would give more importance in colleges placing less importance on that the SAT allows for a standardized com- to factors such as the level of the student’s standardized tests and more importance parison of students from all backgrounds. classes. on other aspects of high school achieve- Junior Diksha Gupta agreed: “It’s a good Another option to the SAT is the ACT, ment. way to compare students in writing, critical another standardized test that some SCHOOL NEWS Shaping the World: Speaker Urges Public Service By Pooja Sivaraman on current developments in Egypt and Scot Beale, founder of Atlas Corp, spoke Tunisia, citing young people there as clear to AES students at lunchtime on February examples of the power youth can hold: 2nd. He has given over 500 speeches to “If you say something aloud loud enough, young people all over the world, encourag- you start to believe it, and others start to ing them to take part in service. “We are in believe it too.” a revolutionary period,” according to Beale. Beale emphasized the importance of the Overall, listeners responded positively to younger generation: “Young people have Beale’s speech. Senior Abhinav Tyagarajan the responsibility to change this world, said, “His whole manner was very inspira- and I hope that you step up and shape this tional, although his ideas were fairly sim- revolutionary period.” plistic.” Ms. Garg, head of community ser- vice at AES, enjoyed Beale’s speech, but she Beale began his service activities as a felt that “all of his examples were American, Georgetown University student govern- and he could have used more international ment leader. Since that time, he has started examples.” She also felt that “he could have the non-profit organization, Atlas Corp. had more hands-on examples.” In general, though, Garg found the speech “good for Beale offered three major tips to achieve students,” particularly Beale’s “leap before successful service. First, young people you look” focus on changing the world. “should not wait when you see challenges or want to make a difference”. He discussed Can AES students really make a difference? how people, as they grow older, lose per- Asked if Beale’s suggestions were applica- spective of how the world is. He urged stu- ble to AES, Ms. Garg responded positively: dents to take action: “Don’t assume there’s “Only when you do something, will you a better time.” His second tip was that know if it works.” The AES service council one must “believe in the power you have includes clubs that have made significant to change the world, and get involved.” differences in the community. According He explained that changing the world to Garg, “If five clubs work and three clubs is a daily event, and most feel unable to fail, it’s still okay, for it is more important make a difference. “We choose to believe to focus on the successes rather than the in this powerlessness.” Finally, he focused failures.” EC Update: Inside the Boardroom BY SHANNEN Eikerman and ASC members, and concerned par- to discipline you if they see fit? Some may brought up? What was the condition of ents brainstorm what they really want out find that intimidating. the issue in the past? Students ask: “What does the Executive of the school, and how to deliver that to Council actually do? Why is it necessary?” the students. Also, you know that “Student Student stress is an ongoing issue. It Satisfaction Survey” that you take each year Dr. Hetzel, School Director, member comes up in our Wellness survey, from par- EC’s most important role is representing that often asks extremely awkward ques- of the EdSLC/School Director/dedicated ents and our own observations. Student AES students. EC, together with the Student use of tobacco, drugs and alcohol comes Life Committee (Senior Fari Sattar and this up often whenever its use becomes highly author), Environment and Facilities Com- visible, like the Holi party last spring or kids mittee (Senior Abhinav Tyagarajan, Senior smoking in Malcha Marg. Vikram Kumar, Junior Varun Batta) and the Board (Junior Rishi Sharma, Sophomore Adi Mehra), is tasked with producing an How does the EdSLC board decide environment where students can flourish. what needs to be put on the agenda? What is the process? Besides putting blood, sweat and tears (mostly Mr.
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