No. 4453 Official Agenda of the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon o AgendaNumbers 1 - 39 o Summary of the Legislative and Administrative Matters to be consiclered by the Councii at its next regular session to be held at 9:30 4.M., Wednesday, January 6, lggg 2:00 P.M., Wednesday, January 6, lggg o Compiled by GARY BLACKMER, Auditor of the City of porfland O T I'I C Iì IIS O F PO IìT' t,A N D' S C I ]'Y G OV E RN IvI E N 1' ELECTED OFFICIALS APPOINTED OFFICIALS Mayor Vera Katz City Attorney Jeffrey L. Rogers President of the Counctl Charlie Hales Chief of Bureau of Fire Robert R. Wall Commissioner #1 Jim Francesconi Chief of Bureau of Police Charles Moose Commissioner #2 Erik Sten Dir. Offìce of Finance and Administration ïimothy Grewe Commissioner #3 Dan Saltzman Dir. Bureau of Buildings Margaret Mahoney Commissioner #4 Charlie Hales Dir. Bureau of Environmental Services Dean Marriott City Auditor Gary Blackmer Dir, Bureau of General Services David Kish Dir. Bureau of Parks Charles Jordan Dir. Bureau of Personnel Janice Deardorff Dir. Bureau of Planning David Knowles VERA KATZ, MAYOR Dir. Offlce of Transportation Vic Rhodes Commissioner of Finance and Admínistration Adm. Bureau of Water Works Michael Rosenberger Dir. Portland Development Commission Felicia Trader Offlce of Finance and Administration City Engineer Brant Williams Bureaus of Admin. Services/Financial Planning/Personnel City Treasurer David Smith Bureau of Police Purchasing Agent (lnterim) Susan Schreiber Bureau of Purchases and Stores Offìce of the City Altorney ERIK STEN Office of Government Relations Commissioner of Public Works Office of lnternational Relations Position Number 2 Portland Development Commission Bureau of Housing and Community Development Liaison Responsibilities Bureau of Hydroelectric Power Civil Service Board Bureau of Water Works Educat¡on Advocate Office of Cable Communications and Franchise Management Fire & Police Disability and Retirement Board Portland Energy Office Leaders Roundtable Mayor's Business Roundtable Liaison Responsibilities Police lnternal lnvestigations Auditing Committee Examiner Endangered Species Plan Portland/Multnomah Progress Board Housing Authority of Portland Portland/Oregon Visitors Association Housing and Community Development Commission Public Safety Coordtnating Council Mt. Hood Cable Regulatory Commission Regional Arts and Culture Council Portland Development Commission Housing Programs Workforce Development Board Water Quality Advisory Committee DAN SALTZMAN . iff lF 5Ìf,l"n'li,,,,,, Commissioner of Public Affairs "'."illl " " Position Number 1 Position Number 3 Bureau of Emergency Communications Bureau of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services Bureau of Environmental Services Bureau of General Services Offìce of Neighborhood lnvolvement Bureau of Licenses Liaison Responsibilities Bureau of Parks and Recreation BOEC Users Group Liaison Responsibilities Elders in Action Eusiness License Board of Appeals Metro PolÌcy Advisory Committee Citywide Asian Long-Horned Beetle Eradication Efforts Metro Solid Waste Advisory Committee EMS Policy Board Metropolitan Exposition and Recreation Commission Fire Code Boad of Appeals Multnomah County An¡mal Control Mayor's Buslness Roundtable Public Safety Coordinating Council Metropolitan Human Rights Commissìon Sustainable Portland Commission Pioneer Courthouse Square Pittock Mansion Advisory Committee Regional Drug lnitiative CHARLIE HALES Rose Festival Association Commissioner of Public Safety Taxicab Board of Review Position Number 4 Towing Board of Review Bureau of Buildings Bureau of Planning Offìce of Transportation GARY BLACKMER Bu reaus of Maintenance/Traffìc Mg mt./Transp. Engineering Auditor of the City of Portland Liaison Responsibilities Assessments and Liens Adjustment Committee Audit Services Bureau of Buildings Board of Appeals City Elections Design Commission Contracts and Disbursements League of Oregon Cities Council Clerk Metro J-PACT Commissìon Hearings Oflcers Metro Policy Advisory Committee Records and Archives Portland Planning Commission Porlland Historic Landmarks Cornmission Secretary; Fire & Police Disability and Retirement Fund Board 1/9S JANUARY6,l9g9 DISPOSITION PORTLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA City Hall - l22l SW Fourth Ayenue R TIME CERTAIN: 9:30 AM - Brief Council on the Service Efforts and Accomplishments: 1997-9g report on City ACCEPTED Government performance (Report introduced by Auditor Blackmer) CONSENT AGENDA . NO DISCUSSION Accept bid of Portland Excavating, Inc. to fulnish NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. from NE Failing to NE Shaver Streets ACCEPTED sidewalk improvements for 982,642 (purchasing Report _ Rebid 99051 SMP) PREPARE CONTRACT Accept bid of Stride Construction for the NE precinct front desk remodel for $50,000 (purchasing Report - Rebid ACCEPTED 990s5) PREPARE CONTRACT Accept bid of Natt McDougall Cornpany for CSCC Segment 3, Interstate 5 to NE l3th Avenue, for g7,750,000 ACCEPTED (Purchasing Repoft - Bid 99082) PREPARE CONTRACT Accept bid of Andersen Pacific Contractors, Inc. to furnish ACCEPTED Cathedral Park improvernents for $163,S50 (purchasing Report - Bid 99095) PREPARE CONTRACT Accept bid of IKON Office Solutions to furnish annual supply of Canon copier maintenance for an estimated ACCEPTED amount of $539,580 (Purchasing Report - Bid 99103) PREPARE CONTRACT Mayor Vera Katz Pay claim of James Lyle (Ordinance) 172981 Commissioner Jim Francesconi *8 Authorize the solicitation of three bids for a three phase remodel of the 12th floor of the portland Building for the Bureau of General Services, the Office of Finance and Administration and its Accounting Division, enter into 172982 contracts with the lowest responsible bidders and provide for paynent (Ordinance) PAGE l of 5 JANUARY6,1999 DISPOSITION *9 Lease office space at 421 SW 6th Avenue for the Bureau of Housing and Community Development (Ordinance) 172983 *10 Authorize agreernent for acquisition of the Cornelison Property adjacent to Leach Botanical Garden and Johnson Creek in the Botanical Gardens Local Share t72984 TargetArea (Ordinance) *11 Authorize application to the Oregon Department of Forestry for a grant in the amount of $3,000 for an interactive 172985 Urban Forestry display (Ordinance) *12 Authorize application to the Meyer Memorial Trust for a grant in the amount of $9,830 for the Neighborhood Tree L72986 Liaison program (Ordinance) *13 Authorize contract alnendrnent with Beery and Elsner LLp for additional legal ser.vices related to a plan District and Master Plan at Portland International Raceway 172987 (Ordinance; amend Contract No. 3 l693) *14 Amend agreement with SMG/Columbia Consulting Group/ Seattle, increase the amount by $24,720 and extend the completion date (Ordinance; amend Contract No. 31952) 172988 Commissioner Charlie Hales 15 Accept contract with J.P. Contractors, Inc. for Ed Benedict Park improvements as substantially complete, authorize final payment and release retainage (Report; Contract ACCEPTED No.30260) l6 Accept completion of Plaza Blocks improvements by Andersen Pacific Contl'actors, make fìnal payment and ACCEPTEI) release retainage (Report; Contlact No. 31721) l7 Accept completion of PlazaBlocks Park restrooln renovation by Platinum Construction Services, make final payment and lelease retainage (Report; Contract No. 31802) ACCEPTEI) l8 Accept contt'act with Nutter Underground Utilities, Inc. for improvements on NE Marine Drive at NE Gantenbein Avenue as cornplete, make final payment and release ACCEPTED retainage (Report; Contract No. 3 1825) *lg Authorize a contract and provide for payment for Mt. Scott Community Center and site improvernents (Ordinance) t72989 PAGE 2 of 5 JANUARY6,I999 DISPOSITION *20 Amend contract with Northwest Geotech, Inc. to increase the amount by $9,500 (Ordinance; amend Contract No. 31123) 172990 *21 Increase contlact with Pacific Cascade Controls for the installation of energy lnanagement and control systems in Portland Parks community centers by the sum of 172991 $20, I 06 (Ordinance; arnend Conû'act No. 3 I 364) Commissioner Dan Saltzman ,,1 Accept completion of the Midcounty sewer cleanup project Package "D," Project No. 6365 and authorize final payment to Nutter Underground Utilities Co. (Report; ACCEPTED Contract No. 31832) J7, Accept completion of the Midcounty sewer cleanup project Package "D," Project No. 6366 and authorize final payment to Nutter Underground Utilities Co. (Report; ACCEPTED Contract No. 31833) 24 Accept completion of the NW Davis sewer reconstruction project, Project No. 6041 and authorize final payment to ACCEPTED S-2 Contlactors, Inc. (Report; Contract No. 3 1834) *25 Amend Title 17 of the City Code to extend the deadline for requesting recalculation of the stormwater system development charge from December 3l, 1998 to April 30, L72992 1999 (Ordinance; amend Code Chapter 17.35) *26 Authorize sales agreement with Pacific Power for purchase and installation of service transforrner for Inverness 172993 wastewater pump station, Project No. 5152 (Ordinance) Amend contract with Black & Veatch for professional engineering services for Columbia Boulevard Wastewater PASSED TO SECOND READING Treatment Plant digester modification project and provide for payment (Ordinance) JANUARY 13, 1999 AT 9:30 AM Commissioner Erik Sten *28 Amend agreement with Central City Concern to increase the general funds by up to $6,000 and to rnodify the scope of work (Ordinance; amend Agreement No. 31897) 172994 PAGE3 of 5 JANUARY6,I999 DISPOSITION *29 Grant a temporary, revocable permit to TCG Oregon
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