Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-70247-8 - A History of Iraq, Third Edition Charles Tripp Index More information Index Abd al-Hamid, Muhsin 280 Anglo-Iraqi Treaties, the Abd al-Ilah, regent, later crown prince of Iraq (1924) 51–3, 56 ambitions in Syria 116, 122‒3 (1926) 59 becomes crown prince 128 (1927) 62 death of (1958) 142 (1930) 65, 116, 136 and King Faisal II 128‒9, 140 (1948 – Portsmouth Treaty) 116‒18, 129 and Nuri al-Said 109, 116, 124, 128‒9, 132 Ankara Accords, the (1996) 256 political views 96, 109, 114 al-Aqrawi, Aziz 204 and Portsmouth Treaty (1948) 117 Arab Charter, the (1980) 222 in World War II 100‒1, 103, 108‒9 Arab League, the Abdallah, amir, later king of Jordan 39, 116, Iraq and the founding of 115 119 and Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait (1990) 244 Abd al-Nasser, Gamal, president of Egypt and the Kuwait crisis (1961) 160 and Abd al-Karim Qasim 147 Summit, Beirut (2002) 272 and Abd al-Salam Arif 147, 171‒6 Arab Revolt, the (1916–18) 33, 47, 65 and the Bathist regime (1963) 167‒8 Arab Union, the (1958) 140‒1 and Nuri al-Said 136‒7, 140 Arif, Abd al-Rahman, president of Iraq 169, Abd al-Rashid, Maher 240 178‒9, 181‒4 Abd al-Razzaq, Arif 175‒6 and the officer corps 181, 183‒4 Abdulhamid II, Ottoman Sultan-Caliph 16, Arif, Abd al-Salam, president of Iraq 19‒20, 22 and Abd al-Karim Qasim 147‒8, 163 Abdulmecid, Ottoman Sultan-Caliph 14 arrest and trial of (1958) 150 Abu Ghraib prison 291 and the Bathist regime (1963) 164, 168‒9 Abu al-Timman, Jafar 52, 69, 77, 83, 89, 90 death of (1966) 178 Afghanistan 271‒2, 287 and the Free Officers 139, 141, 144–5, 147 Aflaq, Michel 147, 168, 202 and the KDP 172–3, 176 Al-Ahali (newspaper) 82‒3, 85, 89 and the officer corps 168‒71, 173–8 Ahali group, the 82‒3, 86‒7, 89‒90, 94, 111 political views 171–5 al-Ahd 26–9, 33, 36, 65 and the UAR 147‒8 al-Ahd al-Iraqi 36, 39 army, the Iraqi 66, 72, 75–6, 127‒8, 151‒2, 157, Ahl al-Thiqa (people of trust) 209, 216 183‒4, 202 Ahmad, Ibrahim 130, 153‒4, 172 and Arab tribal rebellions 80‒1, 85, 90‒1 Algiers agreement, the (1975) 204, 224 and the Assyrians (1933) 78 Ali Rida Pasha 13‒14 and the British invasion (1941) 102 Ali bin al-Husain, sharif 280 conscription issue 59‒61, 81, 84‒5 Allawi, Ayad 267, 279‒80, 286, 292‒6, 299, dissolution of (2003) 282 302‒3 foundation of (1921) 45 Ammash, Salih Mahdi 167‒8, 184, 187, 190 and the Gulf war (1990–1) 243‒6 al-Amn al-Am (Public Security) 188 and al-Intifada (1991) 246–8 al-Anfal (spoils of war) (1987–8) 235–6, 248, 313 and the Iran–Iraq war (1980–8) 224, 226‒33, Anglo-French Declaration, the (1918) 36 235 349 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-70247-8 - A History of Iraq, Third Edition Charles Tripp Index More information 350 Index army, the Iraqi (cont.) Barzani, Masrour 257 in Kurdistan 54, 66, 72, 110, 157, 160, 166,173, Barzani, Mulla Mustafa 184 180‒1, 203‒5, 235‒6, 248‒9, 256 and the KDP 114, 130, 148, 153‒4, 172‒3, 176 and the Palestine campaign (1948) 119, 122 rebellion (1944–5) 108, 110, 112 reconstitution of (after 2003) 293, 295, 307 rebellion (1961–3) 156‒7, 162, 166 and US-led invasion (2003) 274‒5 rebellion (1964–6) 175‒6, 182 and the Yazidis (1935) 84‒5 rebellion (1968–9) 192‒3 politics of the officer corps rebellion (1974–5) 203‒4 and Abd al-Karim Qasim 147, 151‒2,160, death of (1979) 205, 219‒20 163–4 Barzani, Nechervan 257, 309 and Ahmad Hasan al-Bakr 187‒8, 190‒1 Barzani clan, the 234 and the Arif brothers 169‒70, 175‒7, Barzinji, Shaikh Mahmud 33‒5, 53‒4, 62, 66 179‒85 Basra Electricity and Energy Workers Union and the Bathist regime (1963) 165‒9 298 and the monarchy 76, 86‒7, 90–104, al-Bassam, Sadiq 119 106‒7, 128, 139‒42 Bath (Renaissance) Party, the (Iraq) and Saddam Husain 216, 218, 228‒9, 231‒3, and Abd al-Karim Qasim 147‒8, 153, 162‒4 238‒40, 260, 267 and Abd al-Rahman Arif 182‒5 Artisans’ Society, the (Jamiyya Ashab al-Sana) and Abd al-Salam Arif 168‒9, 174, 176 70‒2 and Ahmad Hasan al-Bakrs leadership al-Asad, Hafiz, president of Syria 202, 211, 214 183‒91, 197, 199‒202 al-Asil, Naji 89 dissolution of (2003) 282 al-Askari, Jafar 27, 36, 46, 56, 59‒61, 86, 95 and the ICP 156, 162, 165, 168, 182, 189‒90, al-Askariyya shrine (Samarra) 306 201, 207, 210 Association of Muslim Scholars, the 297 Military Bureau, the 163, 166‒8, 183‒4, 201 Assyrians, the 31, 72‒3, 77‒8, 255, 258, 284, 302, origins 138 308 7th Regional Congress (1969) 189‒90 al-Awqati, Jalal 163 9th Regional Congress (1982) 228 al-Ayyubi, Ali Jawdat 27 and Saddam Husain’s leadership 208‒12, Aziz, Tariq 221, 245 214‒16, 227‒8 and al-Sadis leadership 156, 163‒9 Baban, Ahmad Mukhtar 141 and the Shia 138, 195, 208‒9, 212‒13 Baban family, the 9 Bath Party, the (Syria) 168, 189, 202, 211‒12 Badr Brigade, the 238, 246, 287, 298, 307 al-Bazzaz, Abd al-Rahman 176‒7, 179‒81, 185 al-Badri, Abd al-Aziz 195 Bell, Gertrude 38‒9, 41 Baghdad Club, the 83‒4, 93 Berwari, Nesreen 304 Baghdad Pact, the 135‒7, 158 Bint al-Huda 221 Baghdad Summit, the (1978) 211, 222 Bitar, Salah al-Din 168 Baghdad Summit, the (1979) 222 Blix, Hans 272 al-Bakr, Ahmad Hasan, president of Iraq Borujerdi, Ayatollah Murtada 265 and the Bath Party 187‒91 Bremer, L. Paul 282‒5, 289, 292 death of (1982) 227 British East India Company, the 9, 13 economic policies 197‒200 al-Bu Muhammad tribe, the 9, 12 and the KDP 192‒4, 203 al-Bu Nasir tribe, the 191, 240 and the Military Bureau of the Bath 164, 167, Bush, President George W. 270‒4, 293, 314‒15 183‒4 ‘Bush Doctrine’ 272 political views 187‒8 resignation of 213‒14 Cairo Conference, the (1921) 45‒7 and Saddam Husain 183, 188, 190‒1, 199, al-Chadirchi, Kamil 83, 89, 90, 111 207‒8, 214, 227, 240 Chalabi, Ahmad 266‒7, 279‒80, 293 and the Shia 195‒7 Chaldeans, the 258 Banu Lam tribal federation, the 9 China 253, 268‒9 Barzani, Shaikh Ahmad 62, 72 Churchill, Sir Winston 45 Barzani, Idris 203, 219‒20 Clayton, Sir Gilbert 62‒3 Barzani, Masoud 205, 219‒20, 255, 257, 309 Clinton, President Bill 269‒70 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-70247-8 - A History of Iraq, Third Edition Charles Tripp Index More information Index 351 Coalition Provisional Authority, the (CPA) and Nuri al-Said 62, 64‒5, 71 278‒93, 304‒5 political views 47‒9 decree laws of 282, 289‒90 and the Shia 48, 56, 77 Commanders’ Council, the 147 Faisal II, king of Iraq 96, 128‒9, 132 Committee for Labour and Social Rights, the death of (1958) 142 299 Falluja, fight for control of (2004) 291, 294‒5 Committee of Union and Progress, the (CUP) Faraj, Muhammad 202 22‒8 Fatlah tribe 9 Constituent Assembly, the (1924) 55‒6 al-Faw constitution, the Iraqi detention camp at 107, 111 (1924) 48, 56‒7 Iranian capture of (1986) 232 (1958) 140‒1 Iraqi recapture of (1988) 238 (1964) 172 oil export terminal at 200, 225, 227 (2005) 300‒1, 304‒5 Fawzi, Husain 91, 98 Constitutional Committee, the 300‒1 federalism 286, 301 Constitutional Union Party, the (CUP) (Hizb federalism law (2006) 301 al-Ittihad al-Dusturi) 123‒5, 131‒2 Fidayi Saddam 274 Consumption Tax, the (1931) 69 France ‘Contact Committee’, the 126‒7 and Iraq 182, 200, 229‒31, 252‒3, 268‒9, 273 Cox, Sir Percy 36‒7, 44, 52–4, 56 Free Officers, the 128, 139‒41, 144‒7, 150‒1, 167, 181 al-Dawud, Abd al-Rahman 184‒5 Futuwa (youth) movement, the 93 Dawud Pasha 13 al-Dawa (the [Islamic] Call) 154‒6, 280, 297, Garner, General Jay 279, 282 300‒3, 307, 310 General elections (January 2005) 295‒6, 304 and Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr 154, 196, 212, General elections (December 2005) 301‒3, 305 opposition to Bathist regime 196, 208, 212, General Federation of Iraqi Women, the 218, 221, 237, 246, 263 304 and SCIRI 237, 296 General Federation of Iraqi Workers, the death squads (after 2003) 289, 308 (GFIW) 299 Democratic Patriotic Alliance of Kurdistan, the Germany 296, 302 and Iraq during World War II 97‒9, 102 Development Board, the 125, 133‒4, 140 Ghaidan, Sadun 184‒5 Development Fund for Iraq, the 290 al-Gharawi, Ayatollah Ali 265 al-Dhari, Hareth 297 Ghazi, king of Iraq 79‒80, 86, 95‒6 Dobbs, Sir Henry 50‒1, 56, 62 Golden Square, the 96–103, 107 Dowson, Sir Ernest (Report) 68, 83 Government of National Defence, the (1941) 100 Dulaim tribe, the 281 Great Britain al-Dulaimi, Naziha 152 and the foundation of the Iraqi state 36–42, al-Duri, Izzat Ibrahim 190, 214, 245 44‒51, 142 and Iraq (see also Anglo-Iraqi Treaties) Egypt under the monarchy 73‒5, 79, 87, 92, and Iraq 122‒3, 135‒7, 140, 160, 167, 171‒6, 95–103, 109, 111, 116‒17 211, 245 under Saddam Husain 230‒1, 253‒4, 273 Electoral Law, the and the Kurds 33‒4, 53‒4, 57‒8, 65‒6, 72 (1922) 48, 57 and Kuwait (1961) 160 (1946) 111 links with Mesopotamia 9, 13, 32 military occupation of Iraq during World al-Fadhila (Islamic Virtue Party) 303, 307, 312 War II 102‒3, 107 Faili Kurds, the 146, 203 military occupation of Mesopotamia during Faisal I, king of Iraq 67, 71, 77 World War I 28, 30‒3 as amir 33, 36, 39 military occupation of southern Iraq (2003) and the British authorities 46‒9, 52‒7 274, 278, 281, 291, 312 death of (1933) 78‒9 and the Mosul question (1925–6) 54, 57‒9 enthronement as king 47 and Palestine 116 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-70247-8 - A History of Iraq, Third Edition Charles Tripp Index More information 352 Index ‘Green Zone’, the 285, 289, 291‒2, 306, 313 strategies under UN sanctions 250‒4 Grobba, Fritz 96 trial of (2005‒6) 313‒14 Gulf war, the (1991) Husain, Qusay 263, 285 air bombardment of Iraq, the (Operation Husain, Uday 241, 262‒3, 285 Desert Thunder) 245 Husain bin Ali, sharif of Mecca 33, 36, 39 cease-fire
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