Trinity College Trinity College Digital Repository Trinity College Bulletins and Catalogues (1824 - Trinity Publications (Newspapers, Yearbooks, present) Catalogs, etc.) 1-1-1871 Catalogue of Trinity College (Officers and Students), 1871-1872 Trinity College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.trincoll.edu/bulletin Recommended Citation Trinity College, "Catalogue of Trinity College (Officers and Students), 1871-1872" (1871). Trinity College Bulletins and Catalogues (1824 - present). 444. https://digitalrepository.trincoll.edu/bulletin/444 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Trinity Publications (Newspapers, Yearbooks, Catalogs, etc.) at Trinity College Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Trinity College Bulletins and Catalogues (1824 - present) by an authorized administrator of Trinity College Digital Repository. CATALOGUE l OF THE 0FFICERt:3 OF' TRINITY COLLEGE. 1871-72. fRO fCCLESIA ET fATRIA. HAHTFORD: PRIN 'fED BY THE CHURCH PRESS. 1871. CATALOGUE OF THE OFFICERS AND STUDENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE. 1871-72. fRO fCCLESIA ET fA TRIA. HARTFORD: PRINTED BY THE CHURCH PRESS. 1871. COLLEGE CALENDAR. 1871. Sept. 14. Thursday. Christmas Term begins. Nov. 1. All Saints' Day. Holiday. Thanksgiving Day. Dec. 18. Term Examinations. 19. 20. 21. Christmas Vacation begins. 1872. Jan. 18. Th'Ursday. Trinity Term begins. Feb. 14. Ash Wednesday. 22. Holiday. Mar. 29. Good FriGlay. Apr.18-29. Easter Recess. May 9. Ascension Day. 14. Junior Exhibition. 23. Prize Version Declamations. 26. Trinity Sunday. June 13. Senior Examinations. 14. 15. 17. 18. 20. Class Day. June Z7. Annual Examinations. 28. 29. July 1. 2. 3. 4. Independence Day. 5. Examinations for Honors. 6. 7. Baccalaureate Sermon. 9. Examinations of Candidates for admission. 10. Annual Meetings of the Corporation, of the House of Convocation, and of the Board of Fellows. 11. Commencement Day. Trinity Vacation begins. Sept. 11. Examination of Candidates for Admission. 12. Christmas Term begins. VISITORS. The Rt. Rev. The CHANCELLOR. The Rt. Rev. HoRATIO PoTTER, D.D., LL.D., D.C.L. The Rt. Rev. THOMAS MARCH CLARK, D.D., LL.D. The Rt. Rev. HENRY ADAMS NEELY, D.D. The Rt. Rev. WILLIA:!II H. A. BISSELL, D.D. The Rt. Rev. WILLIAM WooDRUFF NILES, D.D. The Rt. Rev. JOHN BARRETT KERFOOT, D.D., LL.D. CORPORATION. CHANCELLOR : The Rt. Rev. JoHN WILLIA 1s, D.D., LL.D., ex-officio PRESIDENT. The Rev. The PRESIDENT OF THE CoLLEGE. The Rev. FREDERICK HoLCOMB, D.D. THOMAS BELKNAP, Esq. The Rev. WILLIAM CooPER MEAD, D.D. The Rev. RoBERT ALEXA DER HALLAM, D.D. JoHN FERGusoN, Esq. J EDEDIAH HuNTINGTON, Esq. The Rev. E. EDWARDs BEARDSLEY, D.D. The Hon. WILLIAM EDMOND CuRTIS, LL.D. HENRY JOEL ScuDDER, M.A. JosEPH E. SHEFFIELD, M.A. The Rev. JACOB L. CLARK, D.D. The Rev. GEORGE H. CLARK, D.D. GEORGE M. BARTHOLOMEW, Esq. wILLIAM c. PETERS, M.A. RICHARD w. H. JARVIS, M.A. CHARLES J. HoADLY, M.A., Secretary. CHARLES H. NoRTHAM, Esq. The Hon. JAMES E. ENGLISH. JAMES GooDWIN, Esq. GEORGE BEACH, Esq. The Rev. BENJAMIN H. PADDOCK, D.D. TREASURER: ri'he Rev. GEORGE s. MALLORY, M.A. FACULTY-. ,-rhe Rev. ABNER JACKSON, D.D., LL.D., PRESIDENT, Hobart Professor of Ethics and Metaphysics. JOHN BROCKLESBY, LL.D., Seabu1·y Professor of Mathematics and Natu1·al Philosophy/ and Bursm·. The Rev. THOMAS R. PYNCHON, D.D., Scovill Professor of Ohemist1·y and Natuml Science/ and Libra1·ian. The Rev. GEORGE S. MALLORY, :M.A., Brownell Professor of Rhet01·ic. The Rev. JOHN T. HUNTINGTON, :M.A., Professor of the Greek Language and Literature. The Rev. EDWIN E. JOHNSON, :M.A., Professor of the English Language and Lite1·atu•re. AUSTIN STICKNEY, M.A., Professor of the Latin Language and Literature. GEORGE 0. HOLBROOKE, B.A., Profess~r of the Modern Languages. The Rev~ SAMUEL HART, M.A., Assistant Professor of Mathematics. 7 The Rt. Rev. JOHN WILL~~1S, D.D., LL.D., Lecture'r on History. The Rev. FRANCIS T. RUSSELL, M.A., Pr()jessor of Oratory. DUNCAN L. STEWART, LL.D., Professor Emeritus qf the Greek and Latin Languages and Literature. GEORGE C. SHATTUCK, M.A., M.D., Professo?' of the Institutes of Medicine. WILLIA~1 A. M. WAINWRIGHT, M.A., M.D., Professor of Anatomy and Physiology. The l-Ion. WILLIAJYI D. SHIPMAN, LL.D., P1·ojessor of Law. SAMUEL ELIOT, LL.D., Lecturer on Political Science and Constitutional Law. WILLIAM CLEVELAND HICKS, M.A., Lectu1•er on Oivil and Mechanical Enginee1·ing. WOOTTON WRIGHT HAWKES, M.A., Lecturer on the English Language and Literature. 8 BOARD OF FELLOWS. FELLOWS. The Rev. CALEB S. HENRY, D.D. CHARLES J. HoADLY, M.A. The Rev. BENJAMIN H. PADDOcK, D.D. LEONARD KiP, M.A. The Rev. JAcOB L. CLARK, D.D. WILLIAM E. CuRTis, LL.D. JUNIOR FELLOWS. The Rev. RuFus EMERY, M.A. GEORGE D. SARGEANT, M.A. The Rev. PETER L. SHEPARD, M.A. WILLIAM .A. M. wAINWRIGHT, M.A., M.D. The Rev. WILLIAM H. VIBBERT, M.A. The Rev. RoBERT .A. BENTON, M.A. OFFICERS OF CONVOCATION. DEAN. The Rev. JOHN ADAMS PAD DOCK, D.D. SUB-DEAN. The Ron. DwiGHT WHITFIELD PARDEE, M.A. REGISTRAR. JOHN HEN~Y BROCKLESBY, M.A. BURSAR. WILLIAM BYRON BucKINGHAM, B.A. STANDING COMMITTEE. JoHN BROCKLESBY, LL.D., The Rev. CHARLES R. FISHER, M.A., JOHN F. MINES, M.A. DEGREES CONFERRED IN 1871. BACHELOR OF .ARTS, in COU?·se. Lucius Waterman, Optimus. Cum honore. In Ethics and Metaphysics and Chemistry and Natural Science, Charles Powhatan Campbell. In Ethics and Metaphysics, Matltematics, Greek, English, and Latin, Henry Scudder Wood. In Ethics and Metaphysics, William Drayton. Wordsworth Young Beaven. Daniel Page Cotton. George William Douglas. Charles Sherman Everest. Thomas Henry Gordon. Robert Hudson. Thoma Chew Lewis. Walter Vaughan Lippincott. Ambrose Spencer Murray, tTr. Arthur Thomas Parsons. William Edward Peck. John Peck Case Shaw. James Stoddard. Chauncey Camp Williams. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE, in course. James Stoddard. MASTER OF .ARTS, in COUrse. Reginald Hart. Frank Louis Norton. The Rev. George Milnor Stanley. 10 Enoch Vine Stoddard, M.D. The Rev. Orlando Witherspoon. Fabius Haywood Busbee, U niv. of N. C. The Rev. Herbert M. Jarvis, King's Coll., N. S. MASTER OF ARTS, ad eundem. The Rev. Charles Louis Hutchins, Williams. The Rev. Abel Anderson Kerfoot, Coll. of St. James. The Rev. Owen Evans Shannon, Jefferson. The Rev. Thomas Gilbert Valpy, Yale. MASTER OF ARTS, honO?·is causa. BANKSON F. MoRGAN, New York City. GEORGE R. FAIR BANKS, Sewannee, Tenn. DOCTOR I DIVINITY. The Rev. GILES HENRY DEsHo.r, B.A., Yale, Recto~;. of St. An­ drew's Church, Meriden, Conn. The Rev. GEORGE MoRGAN HILLS, :M.A., Trinity, Rector of St. Mary's Church, Burlington, N. J., and Lecturer m Burlington College. The Rev. IsAAc PATRICK WRITE, Rector of Trinity Church, Newport, R. I. DOCTOR OF LAW:;. The Rev. NoAH PoRTER, M.A., Yale, D.D., Pre ident of Yale College. The Bon. WILLIAM DAvis SrnPMAN, :M.A. Hon., Trinity, Judge of the District Court of the United States. HA.MILTONLANPHERE s~nnr, ~LA., Yale, Professor of Astronomy and Natural Philosophy in 1-Io bart College. RESIDENT GRADUATE. NAME. ROOM. Lucius Waterman, B.A., 12 J. H. UNDERGRADUATES. SEN,IORS. NAME. RESIDENCE. ROOM. Robert Woodward Barnwell, Beaujo1·t, S. C. 48 J. H. John Mallory Bates, Wate?:fm·d, N. Y. 15 J. H. William Hale Bates, Watmfm·d, N. Y. 15 J. H. George Collin on Burgwin, Pittsbu1·g h, Pa. 7 B. H. Jarvis Barry Buxton, Asheville, N. C. 41 J. H. Horace Russell Chase, Chicago, Ill. 10 B. H. William Covell Flower, New 01·leans, La. 44 J. H. Ja~es Hardin George, Jr., Ma?'ietta, Ga. 16 B. H. John Graham, Butler, Pa. 34 B. H. Frederic William Harriman, Hartford. 12 Trinity St. Robert Clayton Hindley, F1·ankjord, Phila., Pa. 43 J. H. William Denison Morgan, Hartford. 25 J. H. Josiah Bedon Perry, Walterboro', S. C. 28 J. H. James Withers Read, Gem·getown, S. c. 28 J. H.- George Henry Seyms, Hartford. 16 B. H. .Alexander Mackay Smith, New York City. 33 B. H . Edgar Snyder, Chicago, Ill. 27 J. H. 12 NAME. RESIDENCE. ROOM. John Milton Stevens, Stonington, Ct. 16 J.H. Samuel Chalmers Thompson, Cartersville, Ga. 45 J.H. William Augustus Valentine, Charlton, N. Y. 6 B. H. George Washington West, Mt. Vision, N. Y. 38 B. H. Paul Ziegler, JJetroit, Mich. 13 B. H. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. Charles Warren Dyar, Hartfo?·d. 6 B. H. John Watkinson Gray, Hartford. 15 B. H. Elliott Lindsay Shropshire, La G1·ange, Tex. 42 J. H. 13 JUNIORS. NAME. RESIDENCE. ROOM. John Humphrey Barbour, Hartfm·d. 25 J. H. James Tinker Bowdish, Hartfm·d. 29 B. H. Ralph Hart Bowle , Jr., Greenbush, N. Y. 26 J. H. William Howard Bulkley, Southport, Ct. 9 B. H. John Cameron Buxton, Asheville, N. C. 41 J. H. amuel Barstow Carpenter, IJet1·oit, Mich. 24 B. H. Henry Jackson Chase, Brooklyn, Ct. 26 J. H. Theophilus Parker Cheshire, Tawbm·o', N. C. 32 J. H. William Mason Cook, Keeseville, N. Y. 11 J. H. Frederic Ossian Granniss, Utica, N. Y. 47 J. H. Robert Strange H uske, Fayetteville, N. C. 25 B. H. Francis Borden Mace, Beaufort, N. C. 25 B. H. Derrill Hart McCollough, Spartanburg, S. C. 48 J. H. Robert Norfleet, Jr., Tawboro', N. C. 32 J. H. Charles Pomeroy Parker, Cambridge, Mass. 39 B. H. Charles Hayden Proctor, Birmingham, Ct. 11 B. H. Oliver Henry Raftery, New York City. 29 B. H. Leonard Woods Richardson, Geneva, N. Y. 30 B. H. Elbert Burr Taylor, Ridgefield, Ct. 13 B. H. 14 NdlE. RESIDENCE. ROOM. Edward Biddle Watts, Carlisle, Pa. 37 B.
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