roncnesfer Evening Herald 8ATDHBAT, ^ T n CMBEK 11,1948 Your Dollars Can If I S m Can’t-^ B u y War Bonds Mm . W. Alee Diekson, wtf* of theater building at Bray’s store la Lieut. W. A. Dickson of Camp Receives Rating a sign that says the store is closed About Town Shelby, Mlsa.-, is visMlng her par- Heard Along Main Street for two weeke while he is on a You are invited to attend the enta Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Chagnot, vacation. The Weather of North Coventry, and plans to re­ The explanation: Mr. Bray had Average Daily Circulation Browne Barr, eeeoclate And on Some of MancheHer*»"Side Street*, Too. Foreceet of U. S. Weather Rnrenn turn to Mississippi In- October. his store in the Farr building be­ For the Month of Auguet, M4S iBlniater of tHo Center Oongrega- Lieutenant Dickson is with the fore he moved a number of years BENEFIT tlonal church haa returned from newly activated 65th Division at „There never was a time in the : precaution to get any Information ago, and he must have forgotten Contimied eool t<^y and to­ hie vacaticiv and la malting hit Camp Shelby. history of the country when so as. to the procedure to be followed. to take the sign with him. 8^58 night; gentle to moderate wtoda. Ba«M iB ttM Centennial Apart- So in this instance, evidently, the IMaurtotPr llrfaUl iuaiiti tm Cheatnut atreet. much Interest was displayed In local K. of C. carnival committee GARDEN CARD PARTY Member of the Audit Rev. W. Ralph Ward, Jr., pastor gardening and canning as the pres­ A prominent local citizen haa Bureau of Clrculntloas of South Methodist church will be members were a .step ahead of the advanced an idea for the*erectlon Manchefter— A City of Village Charm . 'S. Mr. and Mra. Gerhard Richter ent season. Prudent and patriotic professional promoters. F of Memorial Hospital Auxiliary and son Gerald of Anaonla, are ex­ heard tomorrow morning over of a suitable memorial to our housewives all over town have been pected today for a tIbU with their radio station WDRC on a relig­ World War I in Manchester. He (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN'TS putting up an immense amount of Community spirit . that thing parenta. Rev. and Mra Karl Rich­ ious broadca.st beginning at 9:15 propases. (and has the plans for (CieeaUled Advertialng on Page 10) ter of Winter atreet and Mr. and o’clock. This program ‘"rhe Voice Vegetables, and as many fruits as which moldq any community into it), to erect a Memorial shaft on TUESDAY, SEPT. 14, 2 :30 P. M. OL. LXIL, NO. 293 M ra Jacob Klein of Fairfield of Religion," which has been for thVy have been able to secure, a solid front la still evident at the the top of the hill in Center Park thereby freeing commercially North End. The bond drive open­ Street. - nine consecutive years an informal and would place around Its base, MISS MARY CHAPMAN’S GARDEN discussion among ministers of dif­ eanneoN!oods for consumption by ing and Field Day held at the in a circle, granite slabs on which 75 Forest Street our amrved forces or our allies. Y. M. C. last Monday gave’am­ Fire Sweeps Pennsylvania’ s Philadelphia Station ferent denominations has been re­ bronze placqties might be at* If Rainy^ in Miss Chapman’s and NeighborinK Homes. cently conducted ^ by individual The cannlnJ^sSea.son is drawing to ple proof that this spirit still lives tached, containing the names of Bloody Battle Raging a close, there aee still tomatoes____ _ to north of the turnpike. Further Germans Jubilant ministers of Hartford and vicinity. all the men and women from Prizes At Each Table. Refreshments. > m. 'jaw m Brittsh- Mr. Ward will take as his subject jar. or to conve into juice,, chili proof, given grudgingly by C dyed- Manchester who served. 'What Religion Does For Us." sauce or pickles, antlthere maV be in-the-wool South Ender was all At the present time few people For Reservations Call 6080 a few wild or cultivated.grapea’ not that, was needed to make it cer­ ever visit the top of the hill at many. Americdn Club Miantonomoh Tribe No. ,58, Im­ tain. Said this man, "The people the flagpole in Center Park. There Over Own Reports at the North End are still in har­ At Salerno Bridgehead: proved Order of Red Men, will In spite of the drawbacks, the is ample area there for the con­ hold its regular meeting In the drouth, and the Jap bcetleaXthe mony with one another. The Fire struction of a s\iitable War Me- Zipser club Monday evening at 8 Victory gardens have yielilpd department and Improvement A st- ihorlal, and if it were desired, the BINGO o'clock sharp. splendid crops, and it haa been sociation put on this show for one entire fiagpole area might be ^irpose of selling bonds but it Of II Duce Rescue Howard L. Hohnen great satisfaction to thousands of closed In within a building to con­ Aviation Cadet CTarence O. Ma- families all over the country to ed something else again. We tain relics and momentoes of the produce their own food aunplies fct tfte..South End," said the South WE WISH TO EXPRESS Nazi Force ron, won of Mr., and .Min. John E. Howard L. Holmes, eldest son hoped for final conflict of arms. and pre.serve them for winter use. Ender,\’’are bigger, scattered TONiqHT Johnson of 48 Cllntoh^atreet has of Mr. snd Mrs. Mark Holme.s, of Certainly the Idea haa many la y Mussolini Freed D raft, reported to the Army Ajr Force The local town farm haa per­ around iwve and have many new­ fine qualities. It Is adjacent to 28 Wnodbridge street, who hss haps the large.st garden ' acreage comers w ho^e hardly acquainted By Parachute Troops; Basic Flying School, CoHUland. the central section of town, Mu­ OUR TH AN KS For Fifth Day, Encoun Fla., for his .third phase of bgaic been taking a pharmacista’ mate and a greater number to provide with each other But over there," nicipal building, post office. Main _‘r for than any other household. The Call it Strike of a ORANGE HALL training. course at the Chelsea Naval Hospl- he concluded, "tWcomm,unify spir­ atreet. It Is elevated, sightly, Peace Issues ter- Grows More Bittci matron is always able to display More Italian Warships it still lives and t(^ ^y mind it’s a and within a designated quiet Master; Declare News ;al, Chelsea, Mass., has received more than a thousand jars at this great way to get together and re­ For the Patronage That As Geriiians Fight Des hlbsthlrd class petty officer’s rating, time of year. Mra. Otto Hermann park area. Little would have to new old acqualntancesNand greet be done to the ground to put the Is Hailed as Sensation­ 4re Up Fii-st BIG PRIZES! came next last .-year with 786 jars, new friends.” All of whictr brings perately . to Prevenl and will be aent for advanced train­ plan into operation. 432 of them vegetables. Mrs. El- to mind the remark made b^H en- al by Swedish Press. Arriving at Malta IF YOU WANT ing to aimther school. ■, Manchester's relics of all the Has Been Extended .To Us SeamarK^olnies received his wopd Walker was third on the list ry Mallory,, chairman of the ARP Piercing of Their Posi with 625. We haven’t checked up who said; "Morale is many smak^ wars have been kicked around from Admissron 25c "boot" traim<ig at Newport and since the Civil War, ■ and miiny London- tions by the Americat from there wa)k.^8naferred to the tp And who leads this season; there things piit together." The North 'itave become lost. There are Since Our Opening Summer Recess To­ Naval Training stetlon at Ports­ will be more additions to the pre­ End residents are a bit old-fash­ Ohe German radio chortled Battleship, a Seaplane ]> f o t e d G c r H i a i l Fifth Army; Britisl HELP mouth, Va., then Ip the Chelsea serve closets the lest of the month ioned but not backward. They many relics of all the wars now oday over the Nazi-reported morrow ; Problems of Carrier, Four Destroy­ Hospital. He was graduated with if frost holds off. staged four stamp shows during in hoines, which, were we to con­ _escue____ of__ former___ Premier Streaming No;rthward the 1941 claa.s from Manchester August that drew some ten thous­ struct a World War I and II, Civil War Also on Program. ers and Some Subs; Spanish-Arperican War museum. ienito Mussolini and some of U-Boat Chief, NOTICE for planning any sort High school and has aasfht^ his Of all the Italian residents in and people out to buy the stamps lis henchmen. Twelve hours Allied Headquarters, Nortl fgther. Undertaker Mgrk Hblmes. town, one young man must have and then had the honor of starting Would mak^-gn attractive spot to. 38 Warships Thus Far. visit when thb..patriotic ebb flow The Twin Park ifter his release by German W’ashington, Sept. 13 —■ UP) Africa, Sept. 13.—-</P)— O IL USERS He was home on a short furloi felt happy when the. fall of Mus­ the September war bond campaign. Congress returns from a summer War Prisoner of a banquet or cater* recently to say. goodby to solini and Italy, was announced. And they did it with a whole­ runs out.
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