PARTICIPATION LIST LISTE DES PARTICIPANTS ALBANIA / ALBANIE Kuvendi Mr Servet PËLLUMBI, President Mr Artan BANUSHI, Secretary General Mr Vangjel MITA, Permanent Secretary ANDORRA / ANDORRE Consell General M. Francesc ARENY CASAL, Sindic General M. Valenti MARTl CASTANYER, Secrétaire Général Ms Elisenda VIVES BALMAÑA, Cabinet du Président ARMENIA / ARMÉNIE National Assembly Mr Arthur BAGHDASARYAN, President Mr Hayk KOTANYAN, Secretary General Mr Vahagn ATABEKYAN, Director of External Relations Department Ms Anahit ADAMYAN, Head of Public Relations Department Mr Artak HOVHANNISYAN, Head of Protocol Department Mrs Estera MKRTUMYAN, Secretary of Delegation AUSTRIA / AUTRICHE Bundesrat Ms Anna Elisabeth HASELBACH, Vice President M. Christian HÜTTERER, Secretary of the Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAIDJAN Melli Mejlis Mr Murtuz ALESKEROV, President Mr Samad SEYIDOV, Head of the Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Mr Sirus TABRIZLI, Member of Parliament Mr Safa MIRZAYEV, Secretary General Mr Firufin HAJIYEV, General Manager of the Parliament Mr Ilyas GULIYEV, Advisor in the International Relations Department BELGIUM / BELGIQUE Chambre des Représentants M. Herman DE CROO, Président M. Robert MYTTENAERE, Secrétaire Général M. Daniel LUCION, Conseiller au service des relations internationales Sénat M. Armand DE DECKER, Président M. Georges BRION, Greffier adjoint Mme Christine DE JONGE, Directeur du Service Protocole et relations externes BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / BOSNIE-HERZEGOVINE Dom Naroda Mr Mustafa PAMUK, President Mr Vedran HADŽOVIC, Secretary General Mrs Merdžana IGLICA, Secretary of the Foreign Affairs Committee Mr Zlatko VUKMIROVIC, Head of Public Relations Office Mr Samir COROVIC, Protocol Predstavnicki Dom Mr Martin RAGUŽ, President BULGARIA / BULGARIE Narodno Sobranie Mrs Kamelia KASSABOVA, Vice President Mr Ognyan AVRAMOV, Secretary General Ms Ina KILEVA, Advisor Mr Hristo KRAEVSKI, Advisor – Press Centre Ms Veneta TRIFONOVA, Expert CANADA Senate Mr Daniel HAYS, Speaker Mr Paul BÉLISLE, Greffier du Parlement et du Sénat CROATIA / CROATIE Sabor Mr Vladimir ŠEKS, President Mr Frano MATUŠIC, Head of the Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Mr Josip SESAR, Secretary General Mr Boris ABRAMOVIC, Head of the Office of the President Ms Marina PLOCKINJIC, Advisor, Interpreter Ms Igor ŠRIBAR, Secretary of the Delegation CYPRUS / CHYPRE House of Representatives Mr Demetris CHRISTOFIAS, President Mr Doros CHRISTODOULIDES, Head of the Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Mr Costakis CHRISTOFOROU, Secretary General Mr Panicos POURGOURIDES, International Relations Officer CZECH REPUBLIC / RÉPUBLIQUE TCHÈQUE Poslanecka Snemovna Mr Lubomir ZAORALEK, Speaker Mr Miroslav OUZKý, Head of the Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Mr Petr KYNŠTETR, Secretary General Mr Jan PROKES, Head of the Office of Speaker Mr Libor VACEK, Press Secretary of Speaker Mr Jan VLNA, Protocol Department Senát Mr Petr PITHART, President Mr František KROUPA, Senator Mr Jan KYSELA, Advisor to the President Mr Jaroslav VEIS, Advisor to the President Ms Valerie CIPROVÁ, Protocol DENMARK / DANEMARK Folketing Mr Christian MEJDAHL, Speaker Mr Henrik TVARNØ, Secretary General Mr Jens ADSER SØRENSEN, Director of the Parliamentary Department ESTONIA / ESTONIE Riigikogu Mme Ene ERGMA, President Mr Heiki SIBUL, Secretary General Mr Jüri KAHN, Head of International Relations Department Ms Riina OTSEPP, Head of Protocol FINLAND / FINLANDE Eduskunta Mr Paavo LIPPONEN, Speaker Mr Seppo TIITINEN, Secretary General Mr Tapio PEKKOLA, Spokesman Ms Katriina KUUSINEN, Head of the International Department FRANCE Assemblée Nationale M. Yves BUR, Vice-Président M. Bernard SCHREINER, Président de la Délégation auprès de l’Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l’Europe Mme Corinne LUQUIENS, Directrice du service des Relations internationales M. Jean-Luc LALA, Secrétaire de la Délégation Sénat M. Christian PONCELET, Président M. Daniel HOEFFEL, Premier Vice-Président M. Jean-Claude BECANE, Secrétaire Général M. Jean LAPORTE, Directeur du service des Affaires européennes M. Cyrille ROGEAU, Conseiller diplomatique Mme Claire DOSSIER-CARZOU, Secrétaire de la Délégation GEORGIA / GEORGIE Parliament Ms Nino BURJANADZE, President Mr David BAKRADZE, Member of Parliament Ms Sopho LARTSULIANI, Member of Parliament Ms Tea TEVDORASHVILI, Head of the Office of the President Ms Tinatin MILORAVA, Secretary of the delegation GERMANY / ALLEMAGNE Bundestag Mr Wolfgang THIERSE, President Mr Friedhelm MAIER, Director General, Parliamentary Services Directorate Mr Ulrich SCHÖLER, Director, Parliamentary Relations Directorate Mr Sven VOLLRATH, Head of the Office of the President Mr Thomas RAU, Press Center Ms Birgit SCHRÖDER, Secretary of the Delegation Bundesrat Mr Dirk BROUËR, Secretary General Ms Stefanie ROTHENBERGER, Adviser GREECE / GRÈCE Vouli Ton Ellinon Ms Anna BENAKI, President Mr Haris KARABARBOUNIS, Diplomatic Counsellor Ms Maria APOSTOLOU, Head of the European Relations Department Mr Panaviotis KAMBRAS, Advisor Ms Irini ANASTASOPOULOU, Staff member HUNGARY / HONGRIE Kôztársaság Orszáaggyülése Mrs Katalin SZILI, Speaker Mr Csaba TABAJDI, Head of the Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Mr László SURJÁN, MP, Former Head of Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Mr Attila WÉBER, Head of Cabinet Mr Péter SÁRDI, Head of the Office for Foreign Relations Mr Zoltán HORVÁTH, Head of Department Mr Zoltán SOMFAI, Head of the Protocol Department Mr Zoltán KISFALUDY, Deputy Head of Cabinet ICELAND Althingi Ms Belinda THERIAULT, Director of the International Department IRELAND / IRLANDE Dáil Éireann Mr Séamus PATTISON T.D., Deputy Speaker Mr Peter MALONE, Senior Clerk, Secretary of the Delegation ISRAEL / ISRAËL Knesset Mr Reuven RIVLIN, Speaker Mr Eli BEN-MENACHEM, Member of Knesset Mr Arie HAHN, Secretary General Mr Arie AVIDOR, Ambassador Mr Dan LANDAU, Director of the Speaker’s office Mrs Giora PORDES, Spokesperson Mr Boaz RODKIN, European Affairs Mr Gilbert ROOS, Consul, Delegation Secretary Mrs Gisèle LEVY, Assistant to Israeli Observers ITALY / ITALIE Camera dei Deputati M. Pier Fernando CASINI, Président M. Claudio AZZOLINI, Président de la délégation aurpès de l’Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l’Europe M. Alessandro PALANZA, Vice Secrétaire Général M. Francesco POSTERARO, Vice Secrétaire Général M. Roberto RAO, Porte-parole du Président M. Pietro SEBASTIANI, Conseiller diplomatique Mme Mirella CASSARINO, Conseillère pour les Relations internationales Mme Rita PALANZA, Conseillère pour les Relations avec l’Union Européenne M. Alessandro BELLINI, Protocole Mme Claudia TREZZANI, Secrétaire de Délégation M. Maurizio CONTI, Secrétariat du Président Mme Adelia PEDROLA, Secrétariat du Président Mme Paola SALOMON, Assistante Senato della Repubblica M. Lamberto DINI, Vice Président M. Paolo SANTOMAURO,Secrétaire Général Adjoint Mme Roberta D’ADDIO, Responsable du Protocole M. Giovanni BAIOCCHI, Secrétaire de la délégation LATVIA / LETTONIE Saeima Mrs Ingrida UDRE, Speaker Mr Janis REIRS, Secretary General Ms Liga BERGMANE, Advisor to the Speaker LIECHTENSTEIN Landtag Mr Klaus WANGER, President Mr Josef HILTI, Secretary General LITHUANIA / LITUANIE Seimas Mr Vytenis Povilas ANDRIUKAITIS, Deputy Chairman Mr Arvydas KREGZDE, Secretary General Ms Loreta RAULINAITYTE, Senior Advisor, European Affairs Committee LUXEMBOURG Chambre des Députés M. Claude FRIESEISEN, Secrétaire Général MALTA / MALTE House of Representatives Mr Carmelo ABELA, Vice President Mr Joseph MANGION, Diplomatic Officer MEXICO / MEXIQUE Cámara de Senadores Mr Ernesto GIL-ELORDUY, Head of Delegation Mr Antoni SOTO, Member of the Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe MOLDOVA Parliamentu Mme Eugenia OSTAPCIUC, Présidente Mr Dumitru PRIJMIREANU, Président de la Commission politique étrangère et Chef de la Délégation auprès de l’Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l'Europe Mr Corneliu GURIN, Directeur Général Mr Sergiu VLADICA, Chef du service de presse Mme Rodica IOVU, Secrétaire de la Délégation NETHERLANDS / PAYS-BAS Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal Mrs Yvonne E.M.A. TIMMERMAN-BUCK, President Mr Leendert J. KLAASSEN, Secretary General Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal Mr Frans WEISGLAS, President Mr Willem Hendrik de BEAUFORT, Secretary General Mr Jos JOCHEMSEN, Head of Press, Media and Public Relations NORWAY / NORVÈGE Stortinget Mr Jørgen KOSMO, President Mr Haakon BLANKENBORG, Head of the Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Mr Hans BRATTESTÅ, Secretary General Ms Sissel ELVESTAD, Secretary of the Delegation POLAND / POLOGNE Sejm M. Tadeusz IWINSKI, Chef de délégation auprès de l’Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l'Europe M. Wieslaw STASKIEWICZ, Directeur du Bureau de recherches M. Dobromir DZIEWULAK, Directeur adjoint du Bureau des Relations interparlementaires Mme Hanna KUCHARSKA-LESZCZYNSKA, Secrétaire de délégation Senat M. Longin PASTUSIAK, Maréchal M. Adam WITALEC, Secrétaire Général Mme Anna SZKLENNIK, Directeur du Bureau des Relations internationales Mme Karina PODUSZCZAK, Secrétaire de délégation PORTUGAL Assembleia da República M. Joao Bosco MOTA AMARAL, President Mme Isabel CORTE-REAL, Secretary General M. Nuno MANALVO DOS SANTOS, Political and Diplomatic Advisor to the President M. José Manuel ARAÚJO, Head of the International Relations and
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