Final Green Infrastructure Strategy - Appendices June 2010 PUSH_GI_Strategy_Appendices_Adopted_June_10 UE Associates Ltd © 2010 Final Green Infrastructure Strategy - Appendices June 2010 PUSH_GI_Strategy_Appendices_Adopted_June_10 This page is intentionally blank. UE Associates Ltd © 2010 Final Green Infrastructure Strategy - Appendix A June 2010 PUSH_GI_Strategy_Appendices_Adopted_June_10 Appendix A: Planning – National Planning Policy and SE Plan Policies UE Associates Ltd © 2010 A-1 Final Green Infrastructure Strategy - Appendix A June 2010 PUSH_GI_Strategy_Appendices_Adopted_June_10 This page is intentionally blank. UE Associates Ltd © 2010 A-2 Final Green Infrastructure Strategy - Appendix A June 2010 PUSH_GI_Strategy_Appendices_Adopted_June_10 Appendix A: Planning – National Planning Policy and SE Plan Policies This Appendix provides details about national Planning Policy Guidance relevant to green infrastructure and regional planning policies in the South East Plan (2009) which are relevant to green infrastructure. Table A.1: National planning policy documents relevant to green infrastructure Planning Policy Statement on Eco-towns – supplement to PPS1 Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable Development Planning Policy Statement: Planning and Climate Change - Supplement to PPS 1 Planning Policy Statement 3: Housing Planning Policy Statement 6: Planning for Town Centres Planning Policy Statement 7: Sustainable Development in Rural Areas Planning Policy Statement 9: Biodiversity and Geological Conservation Planning Policy Statement 12: Local Spatial Planning Planning Policy Guidance 15: Planning and the Historic Environment Planning Policy Guidance 16: Archaeology and Planning Planning Policy Guidance 17: Planning for Open space, Sport and Recreation Assessing Needs and Opportunities: A Companion Guide to PPG17 Planning Policy Guidance 20 : Coastal Planning Planning Policy Statement 22: Renewable Energy Planning Policy Statement 23: Planning and Pollution Control Planning Policy Statement 25: Development and Flood Risk Table A.2: Policies in the adopted South East Plan (2009) which relate to green infrastructure in PUSH Policy No. Title Relevance to green infrastructure in PUSH SP2 Regional hubs Increased green infrastructure in regional hubs (Portsmouth and Southampton) CC2 Climate change Shading and flood management NRM2 Water quality Increased number of SUDS NRM3 Strategic water resources development Havant Thicket UE Associates Ltd © 2010 A-3 Final Green Infrastructure Strategy - Appendix A June 2010 PUSH_GI_Strategy_Appendices_Adopted_June_10 Policy No. Title Relevance to green infrastructure in PUSH NRM4 Sustainable flood risk management SUDS and de-culverted rivers, and managed re- alignment NRM5 Conservation and improvement of Protection of European sites biodiversity NRM7 Woodlands Ancient Woodland ( especially the Forest of Bere Land Management Initiative proposal) and wood fuel NRM8 Coastal management Important to balance the needs of biodiversity with recreation at various locations C4 Landscape and countryside management Important principles to protect the sub-region’s landscape character and manage the open countryside C5 Managing the urban rural fringe Relevant to various GI themes at a range of locations C6 Countryside and rights of way management Enhancing existing routes and encouraging strategic multi-functional non-motorised opportunities to travel TSR1 Coastal resorts Related to the CZ sub-regional initiative; relevant for coastal resort of Portsmouth, Hayling Island and Southampton TSR2 Rural tourism Various locations in the sub-region especially the proposed Forest of Bere Land Management Initiative. S1 Supporting healthy communities Community access to parks and open spaces S5 Cultural and sporting activity Greenspaces such as playing fields and outdoor sports facilities BE1 Management for an urban renaissance Development and implement public realm and open space strategies BE6 Management of the historic environment Protecting, conserving and enhancing the historic environment CC6 Sustainable communities and character of High quality environment with a rich heritage of the environment historic buildings, landscapes and habitats, which contribute to quality of life CC8 Green Infrastructure Requires Local Authorities to plan for GI in their LDFs. Core Strategies and SPDs must address the need for networks of multi-functioning green space. UE Associates Ltd © 2010 A-4 Final Green Infrastructure Strategy - Appendix B June 2010 PUSH_GI_Strategy_Appendices_Adopted_June_10 Appendix B: HRA issues identified from LDFs in the sub- region UE Associates Ltd © 2010 B-1111 Final Green Infrastructure Strategy - Appendix B June 2010 PUSH_GI_Strategy_Appendices_Adopted_June_10 This page is intentionally blank. UE Associates Ltd © 2010 B-2222 Final Green Infrastructure Strategy - Appendix B June 2010 PUSH_GI_Strategy_Appendices_Adopted_June_10 Appendix B: HRA issues identified from LDFs in the sub-region HRA Mitigation proposed New Forest HRA of the New Forest District Core Strategy Submission Document - Tesserae Environmental Consultants (September 2008) (Appropriate Assessment) Adequate protection of international sites from all direct and indirect effects of development, which would allow control of development if adverse effects were identified in the future, with particular reference to in-combination effects of visitor pressure. Promotion of the role of green infrastructure and commitment to resourcing its delivery across a wide area (e.g. the PUSH area) to reduce in-combination effects (i.e. provision of new country parks or other informal open space attractions) Appropriate levels of open space provision within new development and addressing shortfalls in existing provision. In particular for development areas close to the walkers Management of the sites to address additional recreational pressures and the ability to secure resources from new development to contribute to this where necessary Measures to establish a partnership monitoring strategy for the interest features of the sites to inform management measures and trigger additional mitigation if required Commitment to active partnership working with key stakeholders in the region to deliver the necessary open space, green infrastructure and site access management measures Test Valley HRA of the Test Valley District Core Strategy Submission Version - Tesserae Environmental Consultants (March 2009) (Appropriate Assessment) Recreational Disturbance Mitigation The Test Valley Borough Local Plan 2006 (saved) policy ESN22 requires provision of public open space for proposals including a net increase in the number of dwellings where there is an identified deficit of POS. It is acknowledged that the open space standards sought are designed to meet the requirements of the residents and do not include an additional provision for the mitigation of recreational disturbances to European sites. However, the provision of public open space in line with ESN22 has the potential to aid in meeting the day to day needs of residents, therefore reducing the need to utilise the designated sites. Chapter 4, Conserving the Environment, details the Council’s intention to “protect and conserve the Borough’s natural… environment, including wildlife, landscapes, natural resources…” The Council has submitted a Core Strategy to the Secretary of State (March 2009) but was subsequently withdrawn. This incorporated greater reference to the provision of green infrastructure UE Associates Ltd © 2010 B-3333 Final Green Infrastructure Strategy - Appendix B June 2010 PUSH_GI_Strategy_Appendices_Adopted_June_10 and the work currently being undertaken at the subregional scale. The plan included the proposal for a Forest Park (policy SCSP12) which would have formed part of the green infrastructure network. It would have provided an alternative local green space, thus potentially reducing the need to utilise the European designations for this purpose. Work on a revised Core Strategy is under way and the merits of retaining the Forest Park provision can be considered. Air Quality Mitigation Work is currently being undertaken in relation to this matter by PUSH; as such it is likely that appropriate mitigation measures will be developed at the sub-regional scale. The plan has been developed to try and minimise the level of traffic generated as a result of proposed development. Strategic sites have been located so as to take account of their accessibility and commuter patterns, with additional details on expected pedestrian and cycle links being provided. The plan also promotes sustainable modes of transport. These measures alone are not considered to provide sufficient certainty that there will not be a significant effect on the designations as a result of changes in air quality. However, when accounting for the requirements for mitigation, it is considered that there is sufficient scope for lower level plans and planning applications to provide the necessary level of mitigation in relation to air quality changes to enable the conclusion of no adverse effect on the European designations either alone or in-combination. Winchester HRA for Proposed Allocation of Francis Gardens, Winchester as a Local Reserve Site (May 2006) (Appropriate Assessment) Any residual impacts arising from the development to either the SAC or nearby SSSIs can be mitigated by either site layout considerations or planning conditions at the planning application stage, and planning policies currently
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