u.'t.ru'ii./'K'hvri,i:/'i;Y (T'/’lf- I (3 %^ ^ %g ^OQS $ti ^.utljurxty. THE MONTHLY AIR FORCE LIST , NOVEMBER DECEMBER, 1920. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses : Imperial House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2, and 28, Abingdon Street, London, S.W.l; 37, Peter Street, Manchester; 1, St. Andrew’s Crescent, Cardiff ; 23, Forth Street, Edinburgh ; or from E. PONSONBY, Ltd., 116, Grafton Street, Dublin. 1920. [Price One Shilling and Sixpence, Net.] THE MONTHLY AIR FORCE LIST NOVEMBER DECEMBER, 1920. CONTENTS o^tfoi. Abbreviations _ _ 2 Area Commands — Coastal Area 56 Advisory Board on Chaplaincy Services... 1152 Inland Area 51 Air Council ... ... ... 11 No. 11 (Irish) Wing ... 55 Air Force Agents 3 R.A.F. Headquarters, Oranwell ... 58 Air Ministry K.A.F. Headquarters, Halton ... ... 58a Chaplains, Department of 1151-1152 Air Historical Branch ... ... ... 13 Commands R.A.F. (Overseas) Chief of the Air Staff, Department of 14 Independent Units 5# ... 61 Committees ._ ._ 31-50 MediterraneanIndia Group 62 Controller-General of Civil Aviation, Middle East Area 59 Department of ... 20 Rhine ... 59 Director-General of Supply, and Re- Deaths, List of _ ... 3052 search, Department of Dental Officers, List of Directorate of Contracts ... 13a Gradation List 101-1000 Directorate of Equipment ... ... 15 Judge Advocate General 12 Directorate of Lands ... 13a Medical Service R.A.F 1001-1013 Directorate of K.A.F. Medical Services 16 Meteorological Stations 685 Directorategence of Operations and Intelli- 14 OfficersCommissions Holding Temporary Honorary 2001-2050 Directorate of Personnel 15 t Relinquishments, Resignations, etc. ... 3053 Directorate of Training and Organ- t Retired List ... „. 2051-3050 isation ... 14 Telegraphic Addresses, List of ... ... 4 Directorate of Works and Buildings... 19 Units, List of, with Officers serving ... 1451 Finance Department 13a t Victoria Cross 3051 Secretary’s Department ... ... 13 Wireless Telegraphy Stations 58c t Alphabetical lists—not shewn in Index. 2 EXPLANATIONS OF ABBREVIATIONS. A Aeroplane. 0 Observer. A. & S Aeroplane and Seaplane. A’shp Airship. P.' On Probation. A'shp (E)...Technicalfled as OfficersFlying (Engines)(A’shp) whilstclass!- P T Physical Training. holdingterms of anA.M.W.0.1294/18. appointment under S Seaplane. D Dental. K.B Kite Balloon. S O Staff Officer. Med Medical. St Stores. M.B Motor Boat. T Technical. p.s.c. .. Staff College Graduate (Camberley or Quetta), * Officers whose m e marked thus. (*) , [a), bold permanent. or_ short_ s _ _ Army,missions, are orretained (6) are inre-seconded, order to complete or (c) hatime ing for previous pension. pensionable service in the Navy o BranchThe to whichabbreviation he is attached.inserted after an Officer’s name in the Gradation List indicates tin ORDERS AND HONORARY DISTINCTIONS. ..Victoria Cross. G.B.E... ..Knight of the Garter. K.B.E... Knight Commander of the k-r. ..Knight of the Thistle. C. ...Commander British B.E.... K.P. ..Knight of St. Patrick. O.B.E.... .Officer Empire. iG.C.B.., ..Knight Grand Cross) M.B.E... Member K.C.B ..Knight Commander >of the Bath. D. S.O.... C.B.. .Companion J r.s.o don of the Imperial Servi. e O.M. ..Member of the Order of Merit. 'b.c.s.'i.. ..Knight Grand Commander 1 of th0 D.S.C. nt of Distinguished K.C.S.I.. ..Knight Commander i Starnc ia- of C.S.I. ..Companion ) * * M.C. .Recipient of Military Cross. G.C.M.G. .Knight Grand Cross ) D.f.C.... .Distinguished Flying Cross. K.C.M.G. f S A.f.C. .. •Air Force Cross. C.il.G. ... .Companion•Knight Commander )L° nd ^“. AM. .Albert Medal. G.C.I.E... .KnightCommander Grand )/ D.C.M. K.C.I.E... onheIndian C.I.E. .Companion■Knight Commander j/ Empire. D.S.M. G.C.V.O.,,.Knight Grand Cross \ MM.... ..Recipient of Military Medal. K.C KO....Knight Commander / g0ya® D.F.M.. ..Distinguished Flying Medal. a r.o,... .Commander / VictorianOrder. A.FM. ..Air Force Medal. M.VO..,. •Member of the 4th or 5th RC -Privy CogjiciRor. A 3 NOTES. Officers whoso names are marked thus * (a) hold Permanent or Short Service Commissions or (A) have been re-seconded or (<?) having previous pensionable service in the Navy or Army ate retained in order to complete time for pension. All Commissions are temporary except where shown as above. No appointments gazetted after November 9th are included in this Li't. Appointments gazetted between November 10th and December 9th will appear in the January, 1921, List. Officers on the Retired List must communicate annually, between Jan. 1st and March 31st, with the Secretary of the Air Ministry, otherwise they will be presumed to be deceased and their names will be removed from the Air Force List. Officers who succeed to peerages, baronetcies, or courtesy titles are responsible for immediately notifying the same to the Secretary of the Air Ministry in order that the necessary alterations may be made in the Air Force List and in the official records of the Air Ministry. All communications regarding entries in this publication should be addressed as follows :— Questions of Seniority, Rank, &c., through the usual Official Channels ; other communications direct to :— The Secretary, (Air Force List), Air Ministry, Kingsway, W.C.2 j AIR FORCE AGENTS. Messrs. Cox & Co., 108-111, St. Martin’s Lane, London, W.C 2 (For Staff and Flying Officers only.) Messrs. Holt & Co., 8, Whitehall Place, London, S.W. (hoi Technical and Administrative, including Medical Officers. 0-10 Telegraphic Addresses -(continued). PRO VINCI AX—continued. Station. Telegraphic Address. I Unit stationed there. SouthSmoogroo Farnborough ... Photrain,Aeronautics, South Orphir Farnborough ...... j R.4.F.School ofPractice Photography. Base. South Farnborough ... Aeronautics,Ballooning, SouthSouth Farnborough | No.R.A.F. 4 Sqdn. Met. Station. Bpittlegate ... Aeronautics, Grantham ... I No. a6 F.T.S.Group (Cadre).H.Q. Stonehenge ... Aeronautics, Salisbury WirelessC. Fit. No. Station. 4 Sqdn. Upavon (Marlboro') ... Aeronautics, Upavon SchoolC.F.S. of Army Co-op. Uxbridge ... Aeronautics, Uxbridge CentralR.A.F. Depot. Band. DischargeRecord Office Centre. Detach. W/TSob. ofStation. Phys. Training and Drill. ... Airgenarcb,Aeronautics, UxbridgeWoking CentralInland Area Pay Office.H.Q. Worthy Down ... Aeronautics, Winchester SectionBase Pay of Office, School France. of Army Co-op. RECRUITING OFFICES. Telegraphic Address. 1 Aberdeen Ocredep, Aberdeen Recruitingracks, Aberdeen Office, Fonthlll Bar- Belfast | Ocredep, Belfast RecruitingCentral Hotel, Office, Belfast. No. 3, Grand Birmingham i Ocredep, Birmingham AssistantCrown InspectorBuildings, of James Recruiting, Watt Chatham Ocredep, Chatham RecruitingStreet, Birmingham. Office, Lower Dock Dublin Ocredep, Dublin RecruitingRoad, Chatham. Office, 194, Great Bruns- Edinburgh Ocredep, Edinburgh Recruitingwick Street, Office, Dublin. 39, South Bridge, Glasgow Ocredep, Glasgow ScottishEdinburgh. Recruiting Headquarters, Inverness Ocredep, Inverness Recruiting198, Bath Street,Office, GlasgowCastle Street, Ocredep, Leeds RecruitingInverness. Office, 69, Clarendon Liverpool Ocredep, Liverpool RecruitingRoad, Leeds. Office, 37a, Manchester London Ocredep, London LondonStreet, Recruiting Liverpool. Depot, Royal CoventAir Force, Garden, 4, Henrietta W.C.2 Street, Manchester Ocredep, Manchester RecruitingSchools.Oldham Office, Rd.. St. Man George's Chester. Newcastle-on-Tyne Ocredep, Newcastle-on-T> in RecruitingStreet, Newcastle-on Office, 71, Tyne. Pilgrim Plymouth Ocredep, Plymouth RecruitingStreet, Plymouth. Office. 15 Old Town Portsmouth Ocrcdep, Portsmouth RecruitingRoad Barracks, Office, Portsmouth. White Hart Sheffield Ocredep, Sheffield Recruitingville Road. Office, Sheffield. The Farm, Gran- 11 THE KING Chief of the Royal Air Force - 1 Aug-. 19. AIR COUNCIL. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE WINSTON SPENCER CHURCHILL, M.P. Secretary of State for Air, (President of the Air Council.) THE RT. HON. THE MARQUESS OF LONDONDERRY, K.G., M.V.O. Under-Secretary(nee.President of theof StateAir Council.) for Air, AIR MARSHAL SIR H. M. TRENCHARD, Bart., K.C.B., D.S.O. Chief of the Air Staff. MAJOR-GENERALController-General SIR F. H. SYKES,of Civil Aviation.G.B.E., K.C.B., C.M.G. AIR VICE-MARSHAL SIRE. L. ELLINGTON, B.C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E., p.s.c.Di rector-General of Supply and Research, SIR JAMES STEVENSON,Additional Bart. Member. REAR*ADMIRAL SIR C. F. LAMBERT, K.C.B, Additional Member. W. F. INICHOLSON, Esq., C.B. Secretary of the Air Ministry. 12 AIR MINISTRY. Secretary ot State for Air. THE RIGHT HON. W. S. CHURCHILL, M.P. Parliamentary Private Secretary... Lieut.-Col. J. T. C. Moore-Biabazon, M. P.. M.C. Air Secretary and Private Secretary Group Captain A. J. L. Scott, C.B., M.C., A.f.C. Assistant Private Secretary ... Flight Lieut. G. W. Dobson, O.B.E. Under Secretary of State for Air. THE RIGHT HON. THE MARQUESS OF LONDONDERRY, K.G., M.V.O. Private Secretaries P.Hon. J. Oldfield,O. E. Vesey, Esq. C.B.E. Secretary of the Air Ministry. W. F. NICHOLSON, Esq., C.B. Assistant Secretaries of the Air Ministry. H. W. W. McAnally, Esq., C.B. C. R. Brigstocke, Esq., C.B. J. A. Webster, Esq., D.S.O. (Joint ServiceJudge for Advocate-General. War Office and Air Ministry), Sir F. Cassel, Bt., K.C. (58, Victoria Street, S.W.l.) TOct.lfi Deputy Judge Advocate-General. Lt.-Col. (Jam. Brig..Gen.) J. G. S. Mellor, C.B., C.M.G., Bes. of Off., K.C. ARKistnnt AHintnnt J Bt. Maj. (temp. Lt.-Col. in Army 6 Apr. 18) H. D. ( Assistant Adjutant-General j p MacGeagh>Ban c.B.E.,s 0 B 5 Bn.TD Lond.7 R. (temp.) ...j Deputy Assutant AdjutanUGeneraL.^^f- « > - f - ' Lend. it. j 23Feb.l78 Jan. 19 Capt, F. N. Syms, 5 Bn. North’d Fus. (temp.) 30 Sept. 19 Staff Captains Lt.(temp.) (temp. ...Capt. 29... J'eti. 20)... W. ft. F.Osmond, R.F.A. lMar.20 V.<R.3 Bn.
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