CONTENTS Why Pay More ? Vol. 16. JANUARY. 1952. The "SILENT KNIGHT" is the greatest Refrigerator at the EDITORIAL. Lowest Price. .V. "DONTKOON"—10.500 The Coming Era of Spec-Ships and Satellite, M tor Survival at Sea Trials MELBOURNE De Luxe Model £86-0-0 New British Jet Fighter Eatt.it in World (Gas or Electric) Dry Dock Hygiene STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. Standard Model £81-0-0 ARTICLES. (Kerosene, Gas or Electric) HEAD OFFICE: H.M.S. "Eagle" Joint the FI.et 7 Smoke Elimination at S.a 9 31 King St., Melbourne. Prices F.O.R. Sydney. Packing and Installation Extra. Fiv. Centuries of Dead R.ckonina 10 BRANCHES OR AGENCIES IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OBTAINABLE. "Vanguard" To Be British Home Fleet Flagship 12 AT ALL PORTS. The Famous "Calliope" Ends H.r Days 13 MANAGING AGENTS • No Motor, no Noise, no Vibration. • Aluminium Ice Block Trays. M.rchant Navy Engina.rs' Awards 25 for Royal Naval Rhine Flotilla • Non-rusting Metal Exterior. • Cream, Green or White. 27 HOBSONS BAY DOCK AND ENGINEERING • Porcelain Enamel Interior and Base. • Five Years' Guarantee. FEATURES. COY. PTY. LTD. • Heavy Chromium Plated Hardware. • An Australian Product. Personal Paragraphs 22 SHIP REPAIRERS. ETC Book Review 23 Work.: Sea Oddities 24 Willianutown, Victoria. HALLSTROMS PTY. LTD. Speaking of Ships 26 462 Willoughby Rood, Willoughby, N.S.W. OVERSEAS NEWS. M.ritim. N.ws of th. World 15 N.ws of th. World's Navias 19 ASSOCIATIONS, CLUBS. it is a Ex-N.v.l Man's Association of Australia 29 THE UNITED SHIP SERVICES S.a Cad.t Corps Unit N.ws 30 pleasure PTY. LTD. Published by The N.vy League, Royal Exchange Building, 54a Pitt Str.at, to smoke Sydney, N.S.W. T.l.phon.: BU 5808 Subscription Rate: 12 issues post free in the British Empire. 18/-. CAPSTAN Copi.s of "H.rald" photographs us.d may b. obtain.d dir.ct from Photo Sal.s, Sydn.y Morning H.rald, Hunt.r Str.at, Sydn.y. cigarettes NETTLEFOLDS SCREWS Are Used In Every British Ship • TIME ALL GLASSES OF SHIP REPAIRS AND FITTINGS FOR A UNDERTAKEN NETTLEFOLDS PTY. LTD. CAPSTAN SUNSHINE, VICTORIA THE EMPIRE'S FAVOURED CKUMTTTE 88-102 NORMANBY RD„ STH. MELBOURNE, VIC. Telephone*: MX 5231 (6 line*). January, 1952. I The Navy League Patron: H.M. The King KEMBLA Head Ofict: Grand Buddings, Trafalgar Square, London, W.C.2. "YES SIR!" Branch**: COPPER, BRASS AND Great Britain, New Zealand, Ceylon, • Continuously Rhodesia. OTHER NON-FERROUS Affiliated League*: The Navy League of Canada, The • Economically WIRE CABLES & TUBES Navy League of South Africa, The Navy League of Australia. ^^^^^^^^^^^ • Promptly THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA Pr«*d«nt: PORT KEMBLA. N.S.W. Commander(i) J. D. Bate. V.R.D., R.A.N.R. D«puty Prttidint: SELLINC AGENTS Captain L. A. W. Spooner, O.B.E. (with Distributor* in 4II Statu) R.N.(Rtd.). Hon. Stcmur: TUBES * BBASS WIRE ».. WISE a CABLES Lieutenant(s) F. G. Evan*. R.AN.V.R. !OX SCHLAPPPTY. LTD* BRITISH INSULATED Hon. Ttwttr: CALLENDER'S CABLES Lieutenant(s) J. H. Paterson, M.B.E., LTD ollins Hotise, Melbourne - R.A.N.R. 84 William St., Melbourne New South Wales Division Smbta Building, Sydney .44 Margaret St.. Sydney. Pttron: Hi, Excellency The Governor of New South Wale, Pmtdrat: T. H. Silt, Esq., MICE., M.I.N.A. Secretary: Gordon Coleman. Hon. Trenitirera: D'A. M. Shelley, Esq., Commander Winn L. Reilly. ZINC Victorian Division Patron: His Excellency The Governor of Without this essential metal there would be Victoria. Willard Preaident: Commander R. A. Nettlefold, D.S.C., NO GALVANIZED PRODUCTS and V.R.D., R.A.N.R. ••« tk* power to carry on I S*t r»t«r\: NO BRASS. Brig. Guy N. Moore, C.B.E., D.F.C. Hon. Trtauttr: C. W. Lucai. Esq ZINC is also used extensively in lead-free PAINTS and in DIE CASTING and is a basic require- South Australian Division ment for many industries. Hi, Excellency The Governor of South Australia. j High-grade ZINC is produced in Australia, using zinc concentrate from Broken Hill, N.S.W., and Pnlfat: from Rosebery. Tasmania, and electric power generated by the Hydro-Hectric Commi' ion of Commander S. R. Symonds, R.A.N. I Tasmania. For the Best Soft Drinks Lieut. (.) L. T." Ewens, R.A.N.V.R. Australian Sea Cadet Council Always say . Sole Australian producers dUpnMtrtativM of TU Ntrd Board I Director of Naval Reserve, (Captain A. S. Rosenthal, D.S.O.,' R.A.N., ELECTROLYTIC ZINC COY. of AUSTRALASIA Ltd. (Chairman), Commander F. R. James, MARCHANTS R.A.N. (Rcprcar ntiti v«i of tha Navy I tft1 Head Office — 360 COLLINS STREET, MELBOURNE Captain L. A. W. Spooner, O.B.E. PLEASE! R.N. (retired), L. G. Pearson. E«q, L. Forsythe, Esq. Works — RISDON, TASMANIA (Honorary Stttttm)' Office Si Factory: 34 YORK ST., RICHMOND, VICTORIA Lieut.(s) F. G. Evans, R.A.N.V.R. •Phone: JA 3151. "Appointed by N.B. (on recommendation of the N/L Council). 2 Tki Navy January, 1952. and tensions to the people than exist now. "Just as we have learned by then to live in peace NEW BRITISH JET FIGHTER FASTEST on our own planet, we may find ourselves involved IN WORLD. not only in rivalries of conquest for other planets but also in conflict with living creatures in different With its removal from the secret list shortly worlds." before it was demonstrated at the Farnborough Thus, all too swiftly for the layman's comprehen- Show of the Society of British Aircraft Constructors, sion, we move into the era of space exploration and the twin jet engine Supcrmarine 508 was claimed inter-planet travel. Philosophers, biologists, and to be the fastest and most powerful naval fighter economists all come within the research sphere of aircraft in the world. Messrs. Vickers-Armstrongs, the ultimate effect of these amazing aeronautical the makers, announced that the aircraft made its advances. It would be interesting, and probably maiden flight at the Royal Air Force Station, of great value, to have their opinions on the matter. Boscombe Down, Wiltshire, on August 13th, 1951, As for the public, what instruction is it being with Lieutenant-Commander H J. Lithgow, the given in these matters? Practically nothing at all. Supcrmarine chief test pilot at the controls. As pointed out in our editorial of December, this This bears out our contention, as stated by us in is perhaps the most pressing educational problem "The Navy's" editorial for August, 1951, that of our time. The conclusion to be reached is fairly "there can be little wrong with aircraft engine obvious. Every man and woman, in civil life or in development" in Britain. And even greater pos- the Services, must be taught the facts and effects sibilities are potentially inherent in the work that of Science as they apply to the daily life of the is still on the British secret list. community as a whole. The new naval fighter aircraft is equipped with Only by a general recognition of this fact can the two Rolls-Royce Avon jet engines, and is designed permanent human values be adequately understood for carrior-borne operations. Its performance and and adjusted in terms appropriate to a scientific age. equipment cannot as yet be disclosed. In spite of its high performance, the landing speed has been SURVIVAL AT SEA TRIALS. kept down within the requirements for carrier- borne operations by the use of special life devices To continue a scries of trials concerned with on its thin wings. scopes, and radio receivers, for the study of cosmic ..nti-sea sickness drugs, arrangements were recently Vol. 16. January, 1952. No. I rays, ultra-violet sunlight, and extra-terrestrial radio made in Britain for 150 soldiers to take part in waves in outer space, above the disturbing and experiments in the Portobello Bathing Pixil, Edin- DRY DOCK HYGIENE. blanketing influences of the earth's atmosphere." burgh, where an artificial wave-making machine has THE COMING ERA OF SPACE-SHIPS The statement quoted above was made as recently been installed. Waves can be made to rise more Toilet facilities in industrial dockyards in Britain AND SATELLITES. as July of last year. That Dr. Martyn gave no than three feet in height. and abroad have long been the subject of criticism time-limit to the attainment of these advances was The soldiers, all volunteers, were given various —and justifiably so. The conditions of many of certainly not due to any lack of opinion on the ..nti-vomiting drugs and placed in rubber life floats, these crude places are vile and almost beyond belief, "We arc on the verge of an era in which man- matter. Just what that time-limit may be, plus a careful record being made of their reactions. and arc presumably based on hygienic values of an made structures will project themselves intu space." the effect of it all on the social conditions of the Soldiers were chosen as subjects in these trials earlier century. The man who wrote those words, Dr. D. F. because they are less likely to be accustomed to the human race, comes now, however, from America. In self defence, therefore, some shipmasters have Martyn, is Chief Scientist of the Radio Research motion of the sea than sailors. The experiments Major Alexander dc Seversky, the prominent been considering alternative arrangements. Board of the Commonwealth Scientific and Indus- U.S. aeronautical engineer and inventor, said in were continued for about a fortnight. One of these is a galvanised funnel connecting trial Research Organisation—so he knows what he New York on December 8th last lhat within fifty The trials were devised by the Survival at Sea with a galvanised pipe slung just under the W.C.
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