§ 520.2645 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–14 Edition) feed; and for the control of porcine pro- (3) Limitations. Federal law restricts liferative enteropathies (PPE, ileitis) this drug to use by or on the order of a associated with Lawsonia intracellularis licensed veterinarian. when followed immediately by tylosin [77 FR 55415, Sept. 10, 2012] phosphate medicated feed. (B) For the treatment and control of PART 522—IMPLANTATION OR swine dysentery associated with Brachyspira hyodysenteriae. INJECTABLE DOSAGE FORM NEW (iii) Limitations. Prepare a fresh solu- ANIMAL DRUGS tion daily. Do not administer within 48 Sec. hours of slaughter. As indicated in 522.23 Acepromazine. paragraph (d)(3)(ii)(A) of this section, 522.52 Alfaxalone. follow with tylosin phosphate medi- 522.56 Amikacin. cated feed as in § 558.625(f)(1)(vi)(c) of 522.62 Aminopentamide. this chapter. 522.82 Aminopropazine. (4) Honey bees—(i) Amount. Mix 200 522.84 Beta-aminopropionitrile. milligrams tylosin in 20 grams confec- 522.88 Amoxicillin. 522.90 Ampicillin injectable dosage forms. tioners’/powdered sugar. Use imme- 522.90a Ampicillin trihydrate suspension. diately. Apply (dust) this mixture over 522.90b Ampicillin trihydrate powder for in- the top bars of the brood chamber once jection. weekly for 3 weeks. 522.90c Ampicillin sodium. (ii) Indications for use. For the control 522.144 Arsenamide. of American foulbrood (Paenibacillus 522.147 Atipamezole. 522.150 Azaperone. larvae). 522.161 Betamethasone. (iii) Limitations. The drug should be 522.163 Betamethasone dipropionate and fed early in the spring or fall and con- betamethasone sodium phosphate aque- sumed by the bees before the main ous suspension. honey flow begins, to avoid contamina- 522.204 Boldenone. tion of production honey. Complete 522.234 Butamisole. 522.246 Butorphanol. treatments at least 4 weeks before 522.275 N-Butylscopolammonium. main honey flow. 522.300 Carfentanil. 522.304 Carprofen. [40 FR 13838, Mar. 27, 1975, as amended at 50 522.311 Cefovecin. FR 49841, Dec. 5, 1985; 59 FR 14365, Mar. 28, 522.313 Ceftiofur injectable dosage forms. 1994; 62 FR 39443, July 23, 1997; 68 FR 24879, 522.313a Ceftiofur crystalline free acid. May 9, 2003; 70 FR 69439, Nov. 16, 2005; 73 FR 522.313b Ceftiofur hydrochloride. 76946, Dec. 18, 2008; 75 FR 76259, Dec. 8, 2010; 522.313c Ceftiofur sodium. 76 FR 59024, Sept. 23, 2011; 77 FR 29217, May 522.380 Chloral hydrate, pentobarbital, and 17, 2012] magnesium sulfate. 522.390 Chloramphenicol. § 520.2645 Tylvalosin. 522.460 Cloprostenol. (a) Specifications. Granules containing 522.468 Colistimethate sodium powder for 62.5 percent tylvalosin (w/w) as injection. 522.480 Corticotropin. tylvalosin tartrate. 522.518 Cupric glycinate injection. (b) Sponsor. See No. 066916 in 522.522 Danofloxacin. § 510.600(c) of this chapter. 522.533 Deslorelin. (c) Related tolerances. See § 556.748 of 522.535 Desoxycorticosterone. this chapter. 522.536 Detomidine. 522.540 Dexamethasone solution. (d) Conditions of use in swine—(1) 522.542 Dexamethasone suspension. Amount. Administer 50 parts per mil- 522.558 Dexmedetomidine. lion tylvalosin in drinking water for 5 522.563 Diatrizoate. consecutive days. 522.650 Dihydrostreptomycin sulfate injec- (2) Indications for use. For the control tion. of porcine proliferative enteropathy 522.690 Dinoprost solution. 522.723 Diprenorphine. (PPE) associated with Lawsonia 522.770 Doramectin. intracellularis infection in groups of 522.775 Doxapram. swine in buildings experiencing an out- 522.784 Doxylamine. break of PPE. 522.800 Droperidol and fentanyl. 240 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:09 Aug 04, 2014 Jkt 232075 PO 00000 Frm 00250 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\232075.XXX 232075 wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with CFR Food and Drug Administration, HHS Pt. 522 522.810 Embutramide, chloroquine, and lido- 522.1367 Meloxicam. caine solution. 522.1372 Mepivacaine. 522.812 Enrofloxacin. 522.1380 Methocarbamol. 522.814 Eprinomectin. 522.1410 Methylprednisolone. 522.820 Erythromycin. 522.1450 Moxidectin solution. 522.840 Estradiol. 522.1451 Moxidectin microspheres for injec- 522.842 Estradiol benzoate and testosterone tion. propionate. 522.1452 Nalorphine. 522.850 Estradiol valerate and norgestomet 522.1465 Naltrexone. in combination. 522.1468 Naproxen for injection. 522.863 Ethylisobutrazine. 522.1484 Neomycin. 522.870 Etodolac. 522.1503 Neostigmine. 522.883 Etorphine. 522.1610 Oleate sodium. 522.900 Euthanasia solution. 522.1620 Orgotein for injection. 522.914 Fenprostalene. 522.1660 Oxytetracycline injectable dosage 522.930 Firocoxib. forms. 522.955 Florfenicol. 522.1660a Oxytetracycline solution, 200 mil- 522.956 Florfenicol and flunixin. ligrams/milliliter. 522.960 Flumethasone injectable dosage 522.1660b Oxytetracycline solution, 300 mil- forms. ligrams/milliliter. 522.960a Flumethasone suspension. 522.1662 Oxytetracycline hydrochloride im- 522.960b Flumethasone acetate solution. plantation or injectable dosage forms. 522.960c Flumethasone solution. 522.1662a Oxytetracycline hydrochloride in- 522.970 Flunixin. jection. 522.995 Fluprostenol. 522.1662b Oxytetracycline hydrochloride 522.1002 Follicle stimulating hormone. with lidocaine injection. 522.1004 Fomepizole. 522.1662 Oxytetracycline and flunixin. 522.1010 Furosemide. 522.1680 Oxytocin. 522.1014 Gamithromycin. 522.1696 Penicillin G procaine injectable 522.1020 Gelatin. dosage forms. 522.1044 Gentamicin. 522.1696a Penicillin G benzathine and peni- 522.1066 Glycopyrrolate. cillin G procaine suspension. 522.1073 Gonadorelin acetate. 522.1696b Penicillin G procaine aqueous sus- 522.1075 Gonadorelin diacetate tetra- pension. hydrate. 522.1696c Penicillin G procaine in oil. 522.1077 Gonadorelin hydrochloride. 522.1698 Pentazocine. 522.1079 Serum gonadotropin and chorionic 522.1704 Pentobarbital. gonadotropin. 522.1720 Phenylbutazone. 522.1081 Chorionic gonadotropin for injec- 522.1820 Pituitary luteinizing hormone pow- tion; chorionic gonadotropin suspension. der for injection. 522.1083 Gonadotropin releasing factor ana- 522.1850 Polysulfated glycosaminoglycan. log-diphtheria toxoid conjugate. 522.1862 Pralidoxime powder for injection. 522.1085 Guaifenesin powder for injection. 522.1870 Praziquantel. 522.1086 Guaifenesin solution. 522.1881 Prednisolone acetate. 522.1125 Hemoglobin glutamer-200 (bovine). 522.1883 Prednisolone sodium phosphate. 522.1145 Hyaluronate. 522.1884 Prednisolone sodium succinate. 522.1150 Hydrochlorothiazide. 522.1885 Prednisolone tertiary butylacetate. 522.1155 Imidocarb powder for injection. 522.1890 Sterile prednisone suspension. 522.1156 Imidocarb solution. 522.1920 Prochlorperazine and isopropamide. 522.1160 Insulin. 522.1940 Progesterone and estradiol ben- 522.1182 Iron injection. zoate. 522.1185 Isoflupredone. 522.1962 Promazine. 522.1192 Ivermectin. 522.2002 Propiopromazine. 522.1193 Ivermectin and clorsulon. 522.2005 Propofol. 522.1204 Kanamycin. 522.2012 Prostalene. 522.1222 Ketamine. 522.2063 Pyrilamine. 522.1223 Ketamine, promazine, and 522.2076 Romifidine. aminopentamide. 522.2100 Selenium and vitamin E. 522.1225 Ketoprofen. 522.2112 Sometribove zinc suspension. 522.1242 Levamisole. 522.2120 Spectinomycin dihydrochloride in- 522.1260 Lincomycin. jection. 522.1289 Lufenuron. 522.2121 Spectinomycin sulfate. 522.1290 Luprostiol. 522.2150 Stanozolol. 522.1315 Maropitant. 522.2200 Sulfachlorpyridazine. 522.1335 Medetomidine. 522.2220 Sulfadimethoxine. 522.1350 Melatonin implant. 522.2240 Sulfaethoxypyridazine. 522.1362 Melarsomine powder for injection. 522.2260 Sulfamethazine. 241 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:09 Aug 04, 2014 Jkt 232075 PO 00000 Frm 00251 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\232075.XXX 232075 wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with CFR § 522.23 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–14 Edition) 522.2340 Sulfomyxin. venous injection over approximately 60 522.2404 Thialbarbitone sodium for injec- seconds or until clinical signs show the tion. onset of anesthesia, 2.2 to 9.7 mg/kilo- 522.2424 Thiamylal. gram (kg) for cats that did not receive 522.2444 Thiopental injectable dosage forms. 522.2444a Thiopental powder for injection. a preanesthetic or 1.0 to 10.8 mg/kg for 522.2444b Thiopental and pentobarbital pow- cats that received a preanesthetic. der for injection. (B) Maintenance of general anesthesia 522.2460 Tildipirosin. following induction. Administer an in- 522.2470 Tiletamine and zolazepam for injec- travenous bolus containing 1.1 to 1.3 tion. mg/kg to provide an additional 7 to 8 522.2471 Tilmicosin. minutes of anesthesia in 522.2473 Tiludronate. preanesthetized cats; a dose containing 522.2474 Tolazoline. 1.4 to 1.5 mg/kg provides an additional 522.2476 Trenbolone acetate. 522.2477 Trenbolone acetate and estradiol. 3 to 5 minutes anesthesia in 522.2478 Trenbolone acetate and estradiol unpreanesthetized cats. benzoate. (ii) Dogs—(A) Induction of general an- 522.2483 Triamcinolone. esthesia. Administer by intravenous in- 522.2582 Triflupromazine. jection over approximately 60 seconds 522.2610 Trimethoprim and sulfadiazine. or until clinical signs show the onset of 522.2615 Tripelennamine. anesthesia, 1.5 to 4.5 mg/kg for dogs 522.2630 Tulathromycin. that did not receive a preanesthetic or 522.2640 Tylosin. 0.2 to 3.5 mg/kg for dogs that received 522.2662 Xylazine. 522.2670 Yohimbine. a preanesthetic. 522.2680 Zeranol. (B) Maintenance of general anesthesia 522.2690 Zinc gluconate. following induction. Administer an in- travenous bolus containing 1.2 to 1.4 AUTHORITY: 21 U.S.C. 360b. mg/kg to provide an additional 6 to 8 SOURCE: 40 FR 13858, Mar. 27, 1975, unless minutes of anesthesia in otherwise noted. preanesthetized
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