AN INDEPENDENT SECTION BY MEDIAPLANET TO THE VANCOUVER SUN No.1/September 2011 September 2011 SMART SPENDING MAIN PHOTO: CREDIT NAME HERE BAGGING BAD SPENDING HABITS FOR GOOD PHOTO: JONATHAN CRUZ The co-hosts of “Anna and Kristina’s Grocery Bag” share money saving tips and tricks 3SAVVY TACTICS Double dipping Click for savings Smart card strategy Tips and tricks for TO PAY LESS AND BE to maximize your accessing great REWARDED FOR EVERY DOLLAR SPENT loyalty points buys on the web 2 · SEPTEMBER 2011 AN INDEPENDENT SECTION BY MEDIAPLANET TO THE VANCOUVER SUN CHALLENGES TIP 1 USE YOUR WE RECOMMEND SMARTPHONE AND QR CODES Bag bad habits TO COMPARE Anna Wallner and PRODUCTS AND Kristina Matisic sha- re their saving tips on PRICES their hit show ”Anna & Kristina’s Grocery PAGE 4 Bag”. “Probably our top shopping tip is to learn how to negotiate. This is not something people are initially comfortable with...” The mobile wallet p. 2 New technology makes cash obsolete with a tap of your smartphone. Click for great deals p. 7 Navigate the web to save big on hidden online savings. The current economic climate is making consumers question their spending habits. Smart shoppers know that with a little strategy, they can have it all—and be kind to their wallets. Positive change for your purse strings ou’re home from ney you’re already spending, so loyalty A whole new level of the cottage (boo), programs that reward your core purcha- savings opportunities the kids are back at ses really give you the biggest bang for There are also ways to save when 2 SMART SPENDING school (yay) and your your hard-earned dollars,” says Hlavinka. shopping in the online world. Onli- 1ST EDITION, SEPTEMBER 2011 credit card bill just As shoppers reap the discounts and ne fl ash sales off er discounts of up to 80 Responsible for this issue: arrived (boo). Turns bonuses loyalty programs off er, retailers percent off retail prices on merchandise. Publisher: Candice Font out your fun sum- collect information about their spending The catch is these sales, which usually re- [email protected] mertime activities had a hefty price habits. “Stores and brands know more quire you to sign up for a free member- Designer: Penelope Graham Y [email protected] tag. Now that September is here, fa- about their consumers than ever before ship, are over faster than you can say “click Contributors: Alicia Androich, Pauleanna milies across British Columbia are fo- due to the data captured through partici- and save.” For instance, the sales at Cana- Reid, Andrew Seale, Bob Spence, Patrick Sojka cusing on the dreaded “b” word—bud- pation in loyalty programs,” says Hlavin- dian fashion fl ash sale website The Pea- Managing Director: Justin Guttman get—and getting back into money-sa- ka. “This delivers real value for consume- Alicia Androich cock Parade only last two to four days. [email protected] Consumer and Business writer Business Developer: Josh Nagel ving mode. rs because retailers can then serve them And, as with most fl ash sites, quantities [email protected] MY BEST TIPS One surefi re way to make the most of better through more relevant off ers, pro- are limited, so shoppers need to be quick Photo Credit: All images are from iStock.com your consumer buck is to join some of ducts and services.” with their credit cards—and keyboards. unless otherwise accredited. Pick and choose the loyalty programs retailers and ser- There are also more than merely mo- It’s a small price to pay for, well, paying a Distributed within: vice providers off er. Whether collecting netary advantages to joining loyalty pro- Streamline your loyalty program small price. Vancouver Sun, September 2011 1 This section was created by Mediaplanet points or redeeming them for movie grams. Today, more and more programs cards down to a few favourites, For families wandering the aisles and did not involve The Vancouver Sun or tickets or fl ights abroad, Canadians are give members the option to contribute plus a credit card that earns points of bricks-and-mortar stores, another its Editorial Departments. a loyalty-loving nation. In fact, the aver- their points to charitable causes. “Con- towards the same program, to get the shopping advancement has cropped age Canadian actively participates in 8.9 sumers are looking for more meaning- most value from points-earning up over the past few years. Thanks to loyalty programs, according to a recent ful brand experiences and are voting purchases. encrypted wireless communication study by COLLOQUY, a group focused on with their wallets for ethical companies technologies that store credit card in- the loyalty marketing industry. that refl ect their social and environme- Keep tabs formation, shoppers can swipe their ntal values,” says Hlavinka. “Donating Earn rewards faster by collecting mobile phone against a scanner to ma- FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK AND Reaping the rewards [points] to charitable causes is an ea- 2 points at your favourite retailer, ke payments in some retail outlets. This TWITTER! www.facebook.com/MediaplanetCA There’s a reason these programs are sy way to make a diff erence.” With Bri- paying for everyday purchases with a convenient “e-wallet” system elimina- www.twitter.com/MediaplanetCA 1 so popular. With families looking tish Columbia’s North Shore Credit Uni- co-branded loyalty credit card and ta- tes the need to re-enter the stored data for more value as they spend, programs on, for instance, cardholders in its Choi- king advantage of in-store bonus each time a shopper makes a purchase. Mediaplanet’s business is to create new customers for our advertisers by providing that reward your everyday purchases, ce Rewards loyalty program can donate off ers. Also be sure to read the e-mails With all of these ways to spend mo- readers with high-quality editorial content such as gas and groceries, allow dollars to points to the Canadian Cancer Society and mailings from your loyalty pro- ney wisely and get more value from that motivates them to act. stretch further, says Kelly Hlavinka, ma- and the United Way of Canada’s National grams to cash in on your rewards so they your purchases, it looks as if the “b” naging partner at COLLOQUY. “It’s mo- Children’s Initiative. don’t expire. word isn’t so scary after all. QUOTE Introducing the mobile wallet As security systems on mobi- the average household belongs to more le sensor dongle designed to interface technology to allow customers to pay for “People continue le devices improve, savvy mar- than 18 loyalty programs. with their existing system. their products using their mobile devices. keting firms are restructuring “Nobody wants to carry 18 cards—it’s To activate loyalty points, customers “It’s positive from a retailer’s perspecti- to rate travel as loyalty programs and ushering a mess,” he says. approach the sensor pad with their ve because we’re providing footfall traffi c one of the most in a new era of smart spending Heaney explains the company recent- smartphone. and there’s no POS necessary,” says Pirillo. important features of where your phone is your wallet. ly rolled out a pilot for the program that On the business side of things, Hea- “It also gives them a chance to dip their to- serves small to midsized-businesses in ney says “it gives another platform of es in the NFC waters.” a rewards program. Marketing companies off ering mobile- the Chicago area “with about 20 mer- [marketing] for the smaller merchants He points out that although some busi- It’s something based reward programs, check-ins and chants participating.” who don’t have the drive or the resour- nesses have been sitting on the sidelines targeted advertising are becoming in- “It actually exceeded our expecta- ces to launch a large scale loyalty plan.” waiting to see if the mobile wallet techno- people use to treat creasingly popular. tions,” says Heaney. “We hoped that SparkBase plans to slowly roll out Pay- logy takes off , support is growing —it just themselves.” Take Paycloud for example. This appli- a couple hundred consumers would cloud throughout the U.S. in October. may take a bit for people to get around to —Tracy Hendricks, Vice President, New Bu- cation, a brainchild of Cleveland-head- download it. We had 500.” buying NFC capable mobile phones. siness Development, American Express Ca- quartered SparkBase, lets users keep Benefits for both “It’s interesting because everyone says nada track of their rewards, points and free- Using existing technology consumer and retailer NFC is four to fi ve years off ,” says Pirillo. bies, and locate local businesses and the Unlike Near Field Communication tech- Carlo Pirillo, vice president of digital for “The retailers are ready and the (next pie- deals they have on. nology that some marketing gurus have Maritz Canada, a loyalty marketing com- ces) are the phones and mobile devices.” “Paycloud is essentially a mobile wal- dubbed “the future of digital payments”, pany based in Mississauga, says his com- let that eliminates a need for plastic loy- Paycloud functions with existing point- pany has “a pretty intense focus on loyal- alty cards,” says John Heane, brand di- of-sale (POS) systems. ty” in Canada. ANDREW SEALE rector at SparkBase. Heaney says that The merchant only needs a simp- He says Maritz is looking to utilize NFC [email protected] AN INDEPENDENT SECTION BY MEDIAPLanET TO THE VanCOUVER SUN SEPTEMBER 2011 · 3 NEWS Put your unused points towards making a difference Misunderstanding your loyal- A little goes a long way much as you have received.
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