John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 10-25-1990 The aC rroll News- Vol. 79, No. 7 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 79, No. 7" (1990). The Carroll News. 964. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/964 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. f Serving the John Carroll University I Community Vol. 79, No.7 John Carroll Uttiversity, Uttiversity Heights, Ohio 44118 October 25, 1990 Schlegel leaves JCU Euclid Mayor speaks to Carroll students for lJSF presidency narrow four percent against the ~ By Alice Carl~· ... ,• powerful coalition mayor in of­ News Editor flee at the ume. He believes that hardesl part was his decision tt:f h1 s door to door campaigning was by Mary Ellen Brenkus lcaveJCU. Euclid Mayor and John Carroll the major lactorofh1s victory. to "The decision to go San graduate, Dav1d Lynch spoke to "I've got a job where I can do • As reponed in last wcc~'s Francisco was simple; it wa<; the Carroll students last Tuesday about things and make things happen," lheCarroU News, Rev. John P. decision to JeaveCarroJllhat was his experiences as mayor. Lynch sa1d Lynch. Schlegcl,S.J.hasbcenappointed hard,"said ScblegeJ. won the Best Young Mayors Since Lynch has taken office, the 26th president of th~: Univer­ is a Although USF Jesuit Uni­ Award sponsored by the l·mted unemployment has dropped from sity of San Francisco and will be versity, he commented on the dif­ search involving more than 60 States Association of the Cham­ nine percent to 2.8 percent, the$4 leaving John CarroU after the ference between schools. candidates. bers of Commerce th1s year. milliondeficithasbceneliminated, 1991 Spring semester. "USF has a more urban set­ Commenting on the enthusi­ Lynch won the office by a continued on page 5 Schlegel has been academic Ling with roughly 6700 students, asm of USF's success with the vice president since 1988 and and some programs of studies in­ current president and his accom­ Colony stabber pleads guilty to became the executive vice presi­ clude nursing, education, business plishments, "Reverend Schlegel's dent in 1989. His responsibilities and law schools," be said. appoi ntmcnt sustains this momen­ aggrevated assault charges being the .academic matters and Mel Swig, chairman of the LumandexcJtement,"Swigsaidin presented the county 's case said, internal running of tb¢ urtivcr­ Universityof San.Fnmcisco Board a press release last week. by Kathleen B. Colon "There IS a great likelihood he sity. of Trnstees;·=., ma'de the an· Schlegel replaces Father Lo News Reporter [Guarino] will receive probation. Schlegel was excited about Schiavo who announced his in· nmmcmen.t\J~;,t.r:u,e~.• Oct l6, This was an unfonunate isolated this move but sWd that the ;;:,1:afs() • ending d' J)i~~!w€,~lli ,,national tentions lO retire 1a$L February. :v ·:-:-:*'•• ·... ::=:;:;;-: ••• - ··:.:. ·<~· Michael Guarino,a former John incident and he has no previous Carroll student from SLrongsville, criminal record." McCormick speaks on racism in pleaded guilty to five counts of Aggravated assault is a 4th aggravated assault on October 12 degree felony and cames a pos­ · .IAe Apr.U.J £labbeaa .et' five sible six mon&hs eeaaeaad a biAf na iona e ectoral politics women in the Colony bar at 2299 years in prison as well as a fi ne of Lee Road in Cleveland Heights. up to 52,500 for each count. arena." in politics. Guarino was a John Carroll Uni­ Guarino is accused of stabbing by Mario Thomas He gave specific attention to "In my judgement, the Afri­ versity freshman at the time of the the five women in the upper thighs Copy Editor the way in which the black vote can-American community in this incident and buttocks in the crowded bar has been used by the two major country does not face very aurac­ Guarino's case is being re­ on the night of April 7. Joseph P. McCormick, associ­ political parties and the way in tive choices in 1992," said viewed in a pre-sentencing inves­ He allegedly walked around the ate professor of political science which blacks have used their votes McCormick. "Although we may tigation by the Cuyahoga County bar and randomly stabbed the at Howard University in Wash­ asameansofaddressingeconomic see some victories, such as a man probation department. Dunng this women with a small pen-knife. ingtOn, spoke here last Thursday and political problems. named White in Cleveland as signs phase of the proceedings, proba­ All five women received stitches about race and electoral politics. "Recently, I have devoted some of racial progress in America, there tion officers will check into Guar­ but were not seriously injured. His speech examined the black attention to a phenomenon in elec­ are indeed some bothersome signs ino's background, school records Guarino was apprehended in race's role in national electoral toral politics that has been charac­ of potentially destructive retro­ and history before they pr.~ent the parking lot behind the bar when politics since the Civil War. terized as de-racialization," said gression." their recommendation to Cuya­ another patron noticed him walk­ "This speech is designed to McCormick. McCormick teaches several hoga County ~ommon Pleas Judge ing away from the bar with a knife open up our minds about the va­ De-racialization is a tactic used courses at Howard University and Frank J. Gorman on how to sen­ with blood on it. rieties of the Afro-American ex­ by African-American politicians is the director of their political tence him. When asked why he was car­ perience," said McCormick. "It is running in a white majority area to science department's Master of Cuyahoga County Assistant rying the knife, Guarino replied, my intention to talk about some of de-e111phasize the racial issues in the Arts of Public Administration Prosecutor, Craig Weintraub, who "I need it to protect myself." theexperiencesof African-Ameri­ their contests. program. cans in electoral politics with He was not, however, optimis­ He has also served as a Visiting particular emphasis on the national tic about future advances of blacks Scholar in the Office of Policy Development and Research, U.S. Department of Housing and Ur­ Gambling not ban Development; as a consultant an economic w1th the Joint Center for Political cure for Ohio Studies; and as a technical advisor to the Mayor's Tenant-Housing Prov1derCommitteeon Rent Con­ Lrol in Washington, D.C. He is a member of the editorial Campus prepares for board of the Policy Studies Re­ Parents Weekend view and is the former natiooal Mystery membership secretary of the Na­ tional Conference of Black Politi­ surrounds cal Scientists. maze of tun­ Lacrosse beats McCormick earned h~s bache­ nels beneath lor's, master' sand Ph.D. in politi­ KSU to finish Joseph McCormick offered his thoughts on the innuence or the campus cal science from the University of third in tourney race in electoral politics in his speech on Oct. 18. -pbolo by Marcellus Neally Pittsburgh. Page 2 EDITORIAL The Carroll News, October 25,1990 No Sacrifice Possible for First Amendment "Congress shall make no faw respecting an establishment of religion, or Supreme Court's interpretation of obscenity. She insisted that community prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, members should have the power to censor speech or art they consider or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to obscene. She disagreed with the Mapplethorpe decision. She publicly petition the Government for redress of grievances." criticized the governor's wife, Dagmar Celeste, for using a sexually explicit Most students would not recognize the above words as the First Amend­ slang term in quoting a lesbian activist at a gay-rights rally. And Vail battled ment to the Constitution of the United States. Most students were unaware the American Civil Liberties Union and the Mayfield School Board when of First Amendment issues until the recent censorship cases of Robert the Board determined that her daughter singing a religious song in a public Mapplethorpe's photographs and 2 Live Crew's performances. Most school would be a violation of the separation of church and state clause of students do not realize that the Ohio Senate Republican candidate for this the First Amendment. district favors severe restrictions on First Amendment rights. Attitudes such as Vail's present a great danger to our rights as citizens of A few weeks ago, a jury acquitted Cincinnati art museum director the United States. Fortunately, for the present the law favors free speech. Dennis Barrie of exhibiting allegedly obscene photographs taken by But the Supreme Court is becoming increasingly more conservative in Robert Mapplethorpe. Using the Supreme Court's threefold test for interpreting the Constitution, and legislators ultimately have the power to obscenity, jurors found the pictures not obscene because, though sexually change the Jaw. If politicians like Vail have their way, our rights of explicit and outside the bounds of community standards, they have expression will be stripped from us. redeeming artistic value. Imagine a racist community that decides that speeches, books and movies Last week, a jury in Ft. Lauderdale acquitted Luther Campbell and two about equality and civil rights are obscene. The moment such material is other members of the rap group 2 Live Crew.
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