INDEX A Drum Stande - 75 O Altoe, Perfection *2 Druiii Bells '. , .76 Oboes ., , OS Altos, ProfessionaJ Circular 4S Drummers' Traps- ..., , 76-77 Oboes, Reeds •* Accordeons 81-82 Dulcimers . ...'..... J.... 78 Oboes, Reed Cases .66 Accordcons, Bismark t 81 Obtjes, Cases ...... j,.,,.;..,.. fl8 AccordeonSf Spaethe , .> y- , , 82 e Orchestra Bells -.. '. 78 Accordeons, Blow L 85 Euphoniums 29 Ocarinas .91 Autoharps ^'. ....•...'.... 90 P Antobarp Furnishings 98 F Free Music Lessons 2-3 Plating . , 46 B Formation of Bands 6 PicccJoS . 69 triuegel Hern. Bb *0 Piccolo Supplies ,. 60 Bandurrias ,. 16 Polishes for Band Instruments .99 Banjos . , .' 19-20 Fluegel Horn, C , 40 Banjo Piccolo — i, :., .20 French Horns , -41 S Banjo Guitar 20 Fifes . ..58 Fife Mouthpieces ,' .'— 58 Saxophones utO-&l Banjo Maiidolin .20 Strings for all Instruments tt-9S Banjo Manjorette or Mandolin 20 Flageolets > ,. 68 Flutes, Moning .....J ,61 St^•ing Gauges L........97 Banjorine . , 20 Sonophones , ; ..>. ...; ....,-. 161 Banjo Trimmings ......' ., 20 Flutes. D. & C 68-63 Band Instruments ' 21 to 44 Flute Trimmings ,. 1 ,. 64 T Fanfares German '. 79 Band Instruments, Artist Symphony 22-23 Trombones, Slide; 39-31 Band Inetruments, Presentation .^.... 24 Ti-ombones, Valve .,. 30-31 Band Instruments, Artist Original Excelsior.. .27-28-29-30 a Trumpets .... .,, 8M3-45 Band Instruments, Perfection 33 Guitars 13-14 Trombotie in C. ^. , ...40 Band Instruments, Monarch ^ ,. 84 Guitar Outfits ,16 Tympani . ; Vs Band Instruments, Professional 35-36-37 Guitar Mandolin 16 Tamb'burinfts . 1 .01 Band Instruments, Reliable .......',,.'.. .38 Guitar Trimmings" ,,, ....^98 Triangles .....91 Band Instruments in C and I^b — 40 Glue, Liquid ....,....,..........'- 100 Triangle Beater »l Bugles ., 43-44 Tuning Pipes 94 Brass loBtruipents, Supplied ' ; 46-47 H Tuning Forks „., .94 Brass Inatruraehts, Covers and Cases ,...;.. .48-49 Harps 86.S7 Tools for Rejiairing Violins 96 Bassoons . 66 Talking Machines and Supplies.; , H9-104 Bassoons, Reeds ':t 66 HanBonicas ,,, ..^..,^ ., 88-89 Batons '.....,,... ,.100 Harmonica Holders ...89 Hohnerettes .89 V B<uies or Qappers ; 100 Violtes a t» JS Violin Strings .92 J C Viola Strings , »2 Cornet Outfits v 2«-87 Jewsiiarpe , ., .94 Violoncello Trimmings 94 Comets, Presentation 34 'Violin Wood ...^ ;. 95 Concert Horn, Perfection 41 K Violin Repairs , 95 Concert Horn, Professional ... 41 Kinder Symphony Instruments 77 Violin Tools ., ^ ,95 Comophones 42 Violin Varnish : 9e Violin Cases 96 Clarionets 63-58 M Clarionets, Alto 'i.. .66 Violin Trimmings M4T-M CUrionets, Bass • S6 Mandolins 16-17 Violin Bow Rosin H Clarionet Outfits 64 Mandolin Outfits 18 Vjolin Bows, ».i...86 Clarionet Supplies 854i«-67 Mouthpieces , . 45 Votiophones ' , ..,.,.191 Cymbal Attachment Bracket 76 Musettes . ., gg Cmicertinaa S6 Music Stands .,,..,.• 80 W Music Mending Tissue ; 94 Whittles j , ,,.JH Music Rolls ..94 D Music Satchels 04 X Drnms, U. S. Military 43 Music Bags 94 Xylophones ^ ^j Directioiu for Measuring Inetnunents for Cues 49 Mandolin Trimmings ,, ,98 Smms W to 7S Mandolin Picks gg Z Drommer's Outfit, Trap 1 70 Music Leaf Holder .... ,. 100 Zither, Cblnmbia 90 Vnm and Cymbal Beator 71 Music Blank Books jgj Zither, Guitar *.*.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.96 Drom Mnffler atid Snare Stminer Combined 71 Music Writing Paper --........,..•.,,,,,.... 102 Zither, Piano ,,......90 Drammer Supplies 7«-73-74 Mnsic Blank Cards ..^ 108 Zither, Concert _ 9^ Drums, Kettle 76 Music Pens ,.., JM Zither, Harp ...!...!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!« Illustrated Catalogue and Net Price List No. 69 OF THE. CE,LEBRATE.D MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Comprising: a Large and Select Line of BAND AND ORCHESTRA I ^^ INSTRUMENTS ^^ OLD AND NEW VIOLINS, GUITARS, MANDOLINS, BANJOS AND ORCHESTRAL HARPS. Also a Complete Line of MUSICAL STRINGS AND BAND AND ORCHESTRA MUSIC GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE INSTRUCTION BOOKS, FOLIOS, ETC. THE RUDOLPH WURLITZER CO. CINCINNATI Importers, Manufacturers and Publishers, THE RUDOLPH WURLITZER CO., CINCINNATI, O. TO OUR PATROrNS===One years course in the Siegel=Myers Correspondence School of Music. RBAD F>ARTICIJL.A.RS OIS ISEXT PAOB. FREE MUSIC LESSONS FOR OUR CUSTOMERS ^-^^-f^fet^kfeS^^^^^^^^ OFFICERS AND FACULTY OF THE SCHOOL GEORGE CRAMPTON FRANK W. VAN DUSEN WM. FODEN F.J.BACON ARTHUR HEFT Guitar Banjo Voice Violin Organ Students Praise the Siegel-Myers Students Praise the Siegel-Myers System of Teaching System of Teaching H. A. Castle, of Lamar. Mo., says : '•''1 have just John C. Tverberg, of Grafton, N. Dak., says received ihc diploma ihowing I have finished my *'After graduating, 1 am glad to inform you that the course, 1 thank you for it, but thank you more for eourse I took from you some time ago was of great making the lessons so plain. 1 have nothing but value to me, as 1 am now able to play rather good words for your system of teaching music. Con­ difficult classical music, while before I was hardly sidering the fact that I am 55 years of age, 1 think able to play easy selections,'^ I learned better than 1 could have done from a per­ Mr. W, A. Howard, of J akin, Ga., says : '"1 am so sonal teacher. 1 think it speaks well for your School, much pleased v/iih the lessons tha^ I don't miss a and younger persons ought to be encouraged to try.' spare moment that I can get to practice them. I study G, M. Mills, of Paoli, Kansas, says: "I have no them at night, as well as in the day. They are so trouble in getting the correct positions from your easy and plain that I cannot help but learn. I am very photographs. I want the whole course so that I can much pleased with the instruction I get through the have something to refer to, 1 ihink this isone ofthe examination papers " greatest features of your School, as it insures some- Ben Skidmore, of Onawa, lowa, who was thirteen years old the day he graduated from the i'chooI,says; thingYoucannotgetanywheteelse. lam very much ^j^^^lEL PROTHEROE Mus. Doc, A. F. WELDON pleased with wliat I have already learned. Band Instruments ''In some respects, your course is better than private Advanced Harmony and Compo­ teachersj I believe it will pay anyone to take it, Mr. A. B. Welsh, of Alluvve, Okla., says : "•! am sition and Singing getting along fine. Every time 1 am in doubt as to whether he has studied mi.isic or not." anything, I refer to the illustrations in the lessons, and settle the question at once. J.W. Lewis, of Dixon, 111.,says:"! can already play eight numbersofthc music you As far as 1 can see, I consider the lessons even superior to personal instruction." sent me recently, although I never played anything previous to taking your course.^' John Hacker, of Colorado Springs, Colorado, says : "I can hardly think of words Alex W, Ewing, of Pickens, W. Va., says: "I have only had the first four lessons, that will express my thanks to you for the lessons. You cannot think ofthe pleasure and am satisfied that I have received a great deal of benefit. Those four lessons have I take in your Icss'ins. You may depend that every opportunity I will lend a helping done me more good than all the practicing I did before I had them, as I was not play­ hand and apeak well ofthe School/'' ing right, although 1 had been playing cornet for several years." Reduced Facsimile of the Free Scholarship We Issue to Our Customers l^'^^SCmS&^jimSISTS^. - ^1 ncaei: MYEKS it COHRCjPCkODKB SCHQOJ. Sf'tlUS. <? ^ / « ^^"^ r me S ELSL MYERS 3? ji f ccfirnareorpfiof c CNcr hi p t« i c feaeasBefessE^BEas! , laSassi;2!5asE",=KSSSS£Sa:C ! •^-^i0M Read Our Offer of Free Music Lessons on the Following Pages This is an unusual offer and NVIU be taken advantage of by tHousands who do not have the opportunity of securing; a competent Teacher. The Siegei-IVtyer CoufS© ts thorough. THE RUDOLPH WURLITZER CO., CINCINNATI, O. FREE MUSIC LESSONS TO OUR CUSTOMERS OUK OFFE.R We now include, free, with every Piano, Organ, Violin, Mandolin, Banjo, Mr. Wm. Foden, eminent Composer and Soloist, one of the most widely Guitar, Cornet, Baritone, Tenor, Alto, Valve Trombone, Mellophone, B Flat known masters of the Guitar now living. Composer and Director of the Guitar Bass and Euphonium sold by us, a Certificate of Free Scholarship, which Course. entitles the purchaser lo a thorough course of instruction upon his instrument, Mr. Frederick Bacon, America's Renowned Banjoist, head of the Banjo by the University Extent ion Method, under teachers of national reputation, Department. given through the Siegel-Myers School of Music, Steinway Hall, Chicago. The lessons are absolutely free; the pupil pays the school merely ,a nominal sum to defray the cost of stationery used in the examinations, extra music, postage, studies, etc., which we guarantee not to exceed I25/2 cents per lesson, YOU ARE UNDER A PERSONAL TEACHER. payable $1.00 every two months, which covers all expense for eight lessons; The correct possitions for playing are taught by photographs from life, the cost of the actual instruction is charged to us, and yau are at liberty to and each lesson is accompanied by an examination paper. After you have discontinue the payments and lessons at any time. We have made this arrange­ mastered the instruction of the lesson, you return the examination paper to ment in order that no one who wishes to purchase an instrument need hesi­ the School, where it is carefully gone over, graded and sent back to you with tate on account of the impossibility of learning to play. By this arrangement helpful suggestions, together with the next lessons. Thus, while you are it is now possible for you to learn to play the instrument of your choice studying by correspondence, you are under 1 personal teacher all the time.
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