. , - r - / FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1961 FAffll TWENTY ^anrliirBtpr CnrninQ ffi^raUt ATenge Dally Net Preu Bob For Om WMk JM M The Weather Hay «, IN I roreoMt of U. S. Weather BeriM The Keeiaey FTA will aponaor a the holiday Is an oocaaton for «on- bake sale tomorrow at 8:S0 a.m. at 'Jews Will Note flrmatlon and . for aehoOl servioes. About Town House and Hale department store. Hospital Not^ Seniors of the Temple Hlfli 1 3 ^ 3 2 6 Claer, eogl, tonight. Ixtw 88-44. Feast of Weeks School wrho will redelve gradua­ VMttag boors are X to t pas. tion certificates are Edwraird Bor- HOUSE &. HALE Member of the Audit Sunday moetly gimny, onotlaaed Tha MaadHwter Hod and Gun The enmul dinner meeting of Barean of Gtronlatloii cool, l ^ h in 6de. Club win hold lU annual gpring the Planned Parenthood League of for aU areas except matoroity The Jewish holiday of Shaviios. gtda, Susan Cohen, Louise Cooper, MAIN STREET— MANCHESTER where they are X to 4:S« aad «:SV Martin Ooodstine, Nancy Hall, Manchester^—A City of Village Charm cleanup at the clubhouse on Daly Connecticut will be held at the or Feast of Weeks, 'wHi be ob- Hi), Coventry, Sunday, Dinner will New Haven Lawn Club In New to 8 p.m.; Slid private reoim Jo-Unda Leib, Barry Snyder, be served. Haven Wednesday, May >4, at T where they are I t a.m. to * pjm* eerved beginning at eundown to­ Phyllis Solomon, and Gerald p.m. Visitors are requested met to morrow and ending at sundown Wallach. VOL. LXXX, NO. 196 (TEN PAGES—TV SECH'ION) MANCHESTER, CONN:, SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1961 (Claealfled AdvertUlng on Page S) PRICE n V E CBNTB The Rev. Charles K. Shaw, prln- smoke la patieata* rooms. No more Monday. George Sandala, chairman of dpsl of the new EU«t Catholic The annual potluck for Girl than two visitors at one time, per Holiday services at Tenqile the Temple school committee, 'will Scout adults in Manchester. Bol­ patient. present the certificates. Mrs. Louis Hilgh School which will open In the Beth Sholom will be at 10 a.m. fan. win be guest speaker at a ton and Glastonbury will be held Hurwitx, president of the Ibmple Heeds Plea by Junta nMHrting of the Klwanis Club of i in Neill Hall at St. Mary's Eplaco- ADMITTED YESTERDAY: on Sunday, at which nine seniora Sisterhood, will present each gred- Alabama *s State News Manchester Tuesday noon at the ipal Church Monday at 6:30 p.m. John Horan, Bolton; Linda Wake­ of the Temple High School will uate with a Bible es a gift from Manchester Country Club. field. RFO 3, Rockville; Otto be graduated; a Yiskor memorial the Sisterhood. Thomas P. DeUlastro, 19. son Wicke, Massack Boarding Home, service at 10 a.m. on Monday, Advertisement- Buses Bar ROK President Yun Roundup of Mr, and Mrs. Peter J. DelJIas- Rockville; Peter Sierth, South and a sarviob for parenta and chil­ Anderson Shea Auxiliary, VF\V. tro. 27 Essex St., and John P. Windsor; Mrs. Prances Korner. 63 Kennedy, Nikita Talk will sponsor a public oard party to­ Humphrey. 18. son of Mr. and dren at 11 ajn. Monday. Get charcoal in rtew 10 lb.‘-sixe EIro St.; Mrs. Pauline Janelle, Shavuos ii'obseryed aqven weaka and 5, 10 and 20 Ib. Briquets at night at 8 at the post home. Mrs. Patrick W. Humphrey, 86 104 Union St., Rockville; Mra. Bias Foes Linden St., have been assigned to after Passover. In ancient Pales­ Plnehurst, Saturday. Hod Carrier Evangeline Delnicki, South Wind­ tine. it marked the end of the Cancels Resignation Mrs. Edward J. Moriarty. 27 K Co. of the 2nd training regiment sor; Mrs. Beryl Wilson, Broad Kensington St-, was elected vice at Ft. DLx. N. J., for eight weeks' grnin harvMt Which began on Blymlngham, Ala., May 20 Brook; David Behrmann, Hebron Passover and wrais tielebmted with Picket Lines president, suid Mrs. Peter E. basic -training in the A m y Re­ Rd, Bolton; William Auden, V (/P)— A Greyhound bos polled Kaktenia 12S Adelaide Rd., cor­ serves. After six months’ train­ a pllgrimaga to Jerusalem to Seoul, Koreg, May 20 (ff)— f^un from expressing regreU about Durkin St.; Mrs. Louise M il'e's. Presents Recital bring flrat fruits of the new har­ out o t here today with a ra­ the revolt that overthrew' the Halt Trucks responding secretary of Mount ing. both will assume hometown Scott Dr., Vernon; Mra. Paulihe Bowing to pleas of rebel gen­ Saint Joseph Academy Alumnae duty with the 169th Infantry of Miaa Pamela S- Parker, 17, a vest. to the Temple, cially mixed group on board. elected government. Seen First of Series erals, President Yun Po-sun Association at its annual meeting the National Guard in Manches­ Joseph. East HuTford; Mrs. Jean senior at Manchester High School Of greater, aignifleaneb, how­ The young Negroes and white "The military coup d’etat seems Hartford, May 20 (/P)— A recently at the Academy in West ter. Willard, 76 S t^ p Hollow Lane; ever, ie the fact that 50 days after people had waited at the sta­ today ‘’.withdrew his one-day to give the people many encourag­ new complication has devel­ Catherine Koebler, 170 Maple St.; will be presented in a second aolo the first Passover,, the Israelites old resignation to give South ing hopes for the future although Hartford. Both will serve two-year piano recital Monday at 8:15 p.ni. Sincere end lielpful guid- tion almost 18 hours trying to it wss quite regrettable and I wish oped in the 42-day-old hod term a Tne car wash, achedul^ by John Mrs. Charlotte Overley,' 9 Eva Clr., recrived the Ten -Commandments Korea’s new military regime Rockville; David Scott, 572* Cen­ in the chapel of South Methodist on Mt. Sinai. For : thousands of ence in the selection el get on board the bus for it had.never occured in this coun­ carrier strike. Mather Chapter of DeMolay for Itnitaj your lemily mdsumooL constitutional status. try,” lie said. tomorrow, has been postpone un­ ter St.; Mrs. Kathleen Boudreau, Church. The recital will be the years, the Jewish people have ob­ Montgomery. The wily pas­ Several Hartford area contrac­ Deep River; Mrs. Mabel Loomis, served Shavuos as the anniversary Consult os without oblifition. The 6S-year-oId elder statesman And he warned that he would re­ tors have complained that they President May Get til Saturday, May 27. fourth in the spring aeries by atu- sengers were the almost two sinnounced that he had agreed to 248 School St.; David Grlllo, 24 of the revelation of God to their dozen members of the racial­ sign again if the new regime takes are encountering difficulties in ATLANTIC Highland Dr., Wapping. dents of the Werner Studio. ancestors at Sinai, and' the accept­ stay on as the civilian figurehead a direction of which he disap­ storing newly-arrived supplies be­ The American Legion Depart­ THOMAS FINNIE ly integrated group. chief-of-state to avoid "interna­ cause union truck drivers are re­ FURNACE OIL ment of Connecticut will hold its ADMITTED TODAY: Linda The pianls^ daughter of_Mr. ance there of the Torah with Its tional repercussions.” proves. Jean Topping. 88 Hillside Dr.; and Mrs. Leo Parker of Lowell, divine laws and teachings. It is in 328 CH.\RTER OAK SlAtBET In lightning raids during the fusing to cross picket lines... Aatemadc Delivery annual Gold Star Mothers tea Sun­ MANCHESTER Birmingham, Ala,, May 20 Foreign diplomats are credited Some of the supplies, they said Moscow Invitation day at 3 p.m. at the Legion Home. Florence Boucher, Haziirdville. Ma.ss„ will be graduated! with hon­ this spirit that the holiday is ob­ to the president and United States night. South Korea's military 2 yesterday, have had to be shipped L T. WOOD CO. 556 Enfield St.. Thompsonvnlje. BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son ors from Manchester High where served today, and for this reason. —A band of young Negroes officials take the view that Yun rulers Jailed members of deposed Phoae »P 3-im to Mr. and Mrs. Roger Burke. 30 .she is a member of the Na^tlonal Premier John M. Chang's cabinet elsewhere. A majority of the firms Mrs. Charles Johnson and Mrs. and white persons today re­ remaining in office would make have also sent delay orders to their By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Victor Zableskas pf the Manches- Pleasant St., Rockville; a daugh­ Honor Society and the High School recognition of the new regime au­ and generals who refused to back newed efforts to crack racial Tuesday’s coup. suppliers asking them to postpone Washington, May 20 (ff*) — President Kennedy’s meeting : ter Auxiliary will be in charge. ter to Mr. and Mrs., William Ban- World staff. tomatic. deliveries. : Gold Star mothers from Manches- nard Jr,. Cbventrv. bairiers on buses in Alabama The president announced with­ The 61-year-old ousted premier with Premier Khrushchev at Vienna next month may be the She will play the entire program but drivers continued to re­ Meanwhile, the latest attempt to I ter who will be guests are Mrs. BIRTHS TODAY: A son to Mr. from memory. The first part of the drawal of his resignation at a news reportedly talked himself out of settle the strike again ended in first of a series of U.S.-Soviet summit level talks extending ' William Zukia. Mrs. Anna Bensche. and Mrs. Earle Reichle, Abby Rd., Parker recital will consist of Ed­ fuse to carry them.
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