cda journal, vol 28, nº 10 CDA Journal Volume 28, Number 10 Journal october 2000 departments 727 The Editor/Achieving Consensus 733 Impressions/Building the Multi-Generation Dental Team 812 Dr. Bob/A Breath of Fresh Air features 745 CURRENT ISSUES IN OCCLUSION An introduction to the issue. By Donald A. Curtis, DMD, and Richard T. Kao, DDS, PhD 748 OCCLUSION: WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IT IS NOT Management of the occlusion is directly correlated to the successful treatment and maintenance of the teeth, but it has not been scientifically proven that it is directly correlated to the musculoskeletal disorders that affect the jaw. By Charles McNeill, DDS 760 OCCLUSAL CONSIDERATIONS IN DETERMINING TREATMENT PROGNOSIS Occlusion influences the prognosis of individual teeth and the overall treatment prognosis. By Richard T. Kao, DDS, PhD; Raymond Chu, DDS; and Donald A. Curtis, DMD 771 OCCLUSAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR IMPLANT RESTORATIONS IN THE PARTIALLY EDENTULOUS PATIENT Appropriate occlusal considerations can decrease restorative complications. By Donald A. Curtis, DMD, Arun Sharma, BDS, MS; Fredrick C. Finzen, DDS; and Richard T. Kao, DDS, PhD 780 OCCLUSION: AN ORTHODONTIC PERSPECTIVE Excellent static occlusal and functional goals are critical elements in the long-term stability of orthodontic treatment. By Paul M. Kasrovi, DDS, MS; Michael Meyer, DDS; Gerald D. Nelson, DDS 792 A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO OCCLUSAL MANAGEMENT FOR THE GENERAL PRACTITIONER An classification system outlined in this article can assist the general dentist in the diagnosis, treatment planning, and management of problems associated with the stomatognathic system. By Gordon D. Douglass, DDS, MS; Larry Jenson, DDS; and Daniel Mendoza, DDS head Editor cda journal, vol 28, n 10 º Achieving Consensus Jack F. Conley, DDS he CDA Applied Strategic have been adopted by the CDA House. Planning Committee completed the majority of Phase I of the In the spirit of the education and 2004 Strategic Plan for the membership goals of the Strategic Plan, association with its draft report we believe that dissemination and review Tto the Board of Trustees in mid-August. by interested members is important at The Board accepted that report, which this time. Therefore, we are providing includes a vision statement, a mission a brief summary along with comment statement, core values, and goals for the in this space. Your comments should association. be directed to the members of your Yet to be completed in Phase I at component society delegation well in the time of this writing, is a review of advance of the Nov. 19-21 session of the feedback received from shadow teams CDA House of Delegates. and the Board that was the subject of In our opinion, the new vision, discussion at a final meeting of the mission, and core values statements committee on Sept. 9. Shadow teams of (see box) for CDA have been carefully association stakeholders (people with developed by the Applied Strategic an interest and stake in the outcome Planning Committee and should be of the Strategic Plan), representing a embraced by all membership. Taken wide range of association membership together, they provide an excellent interests, were identified by each of the foundation for the future of organized 25 members of the committee. The role dentistry in California. of these groups was to provide feedback Goals and objectives that address to the committee during its development the first section of the plan, corporate of the Strategic Plan. At the September operations, may not immediately meeting, the committee completed minor hold the attention of the membership modifications and editorial revisions at large. However, they speak to the based upon the feedback it received, importance of achieving shared visions completing Phase I of the Applied and guiding practices of all subsidiaries Strategic Planning process and departments of the association, the The process has now entered Phase adjustment of internal staff structure, and II, with the effort to inform component the commitment of all employees to serve society leaders and delegates and other the best interests of the members of the interested members of organized California Dental Association. dentistry about the plan in advance Governance goals and objectives of the 2000 CDA House of Delegates include a restructuring of the volunteer next month in San Diego. The proposed leadership, a recruitment and training 2004 CDA vision, mission, core values, program to develop a corps of qualified and goals will be placed before the and effective leaders, and a fully House of Delegates for adoption, which operational charitable and educational is Phase III of the process. Phase IV foundation. In this space, we have -- implementation -- is the ultimate commented annually about the lack objective once the elements of the plan of a more robust pool of volunteer october 2000 727 editor cda journal, vol 28, nº 10 Proposed Strategic Plan CDA Vision CDA, celebrating the diversity and unity of the dental family, is the source of inspiration, motivation, empowerment and pride for all oral health care professionals. The organiza- Several other membership goals tion embodies a spirit of respect, synergistic cooperation and commitment. Through include activities often requested by public policy and advocacy, education and other means, CDA promotes the health of the the association members, including an public, the profession and the individuals it serves. aggressive marketing program, addressing the allied dental health personnel CDA Mission The mission of the California Dental Association is to be the recognized symbol of needs of members, and an ombudsman excellence in education, advocacy and innovation, serving its members and assisting the program to assist them in dealing with dental community in their responsibility to the public. third-party payer issues. The committee also recognized a severe professional CDA Core Values problem area when they vowed to form Service collaboration with entities such as health Respect Education care foundations, dental schools, and Inclusive the legislature to consider student debt Integrity issues and formulate a plan to address Oral health and its impact on overall health this significant problem for younger practitioners. Public policy goals are also an important part of the Strategic Plan. They include aggressive representation leaders. Implementation of this part of effectively convey to the public the benefit of the profession by the association and the strategic plan is vital to an effective of choosing a CDA member dentist. This the promotion of the health of the public organization in the future. A good goal also speaks to an effective public before legislative and regulatory bodies training program in leadership skills relations program by CDA regarding these in order to become recognized as the is also fundamental to a successful, initiatives. respected voice on oral health issues. CDA volunteer-driven organization. The membership goals include a would become established as a leader Central to the education section of the comprehensive membership resource in improving access to oral health care Strategic Plan is development of a learning center that provides exceptional service services, be recognized as a major player center concept, which uses existing CDA and programs that are desired by the in influencing the outcome of legislative educational vehicles such as publications, membership. It will seek to survey what elections, and ultimately seek to create Online, and Sessions. It expresses a members need and want on an ongoing a new win-win-win model of dental commitment to lifelong learning and year- basis. Also included is a contact center to reimbursement. round virtual distance learning, including provide response to membership inquiries The rationale for strategic planning interactive continuing education programs. and a plan to maintain interactive provided by the committee provided Included in the plan are implementations cooperative meetings for the membership, some principal reasons why this process of system protocols for exchange of including virtual, Web, town hall, and face- is important to organized dentistry in pertinent information, which will allow to-face. Another membership goal directly California. Three of these impress us a continuum of information that ranges seeks to increase CDA membership to with their importance based upon our from responses to basic member inquiries, represent a greater percentage of dentists observations of the workings of the to comprehensive educational information. and reflect the diversity of licensed association in recent years. First on the It also speaks to an association dentists in California. This goal focuses on list is “to better represent and serve commitment to support efforts of the recruitment of students at all educational the members,” followed by “to raise the dental schools to obtain necessary funding levels to careers in dentistry, development perceived value for membership in CDA to fill faculty openings with quality people. of an innovative dues structure that raises among all California dentists.” We believe Another goal seeks support for continuous the perceived value of membership, and a that the first will lead to the second. quality improvement (and the QUIL3 membership recruitment plan for dental Various sources of input have clearly program) by the membership if CDA is to faculty. shown a need for improvement of the 728 0ctober 2000 editor cda journal, vol 28, nº 10
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