T " ^ r ■ P i A Member of Audit Bureau of Circulatione Content* Copyrighted by the Catholic P reu Society, Inc., 1948—Permieiion to Eeprodnce, Except on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. Westwood Dedication Is Sept. 29 DENVER CATHOUC Archbishop Blesses Church Parishioner Gives As Shrine of Our Lady for All Life Savings for Spanish-speaking Catholics turned out in numbers that packed the new Churc^ of REGISTER Our Lady of Guadalupe, W. 36th avenue and Kalamath street, Wednesday morning, for the solemn dedication. Pews, Monstrance The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller “This has not been established as a national church, for people of any nationality or The dedication pf the,new St. Anthony church in West- Services, NCWC and Religious News Photos. Price of papy 8 cents a copy._________ any race are welcome,In any Catholic church of the Denver archdiocese,” said Archbishop wood has been set for Wednesday, Sept. 29. Archbishop Ur­ Urban J. Vehr. “We have set up this church as a Shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe, who is VOL. XLin. No. 51. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1948. $1 PER YEAR ban j. Vehr will officiate. The Rev. Michael Maher, admin­ particularly loved by the Latin Americans, and who is well named the Queen of the istrator of the parish, announces that a dinner for the clergy Americas.” and special donors will be held in the Aeroplhne ballroom on 3,952 TAUGHT IN 71 CENTERS His Grace announced that the an outstanding tribute to Father church had cost, with its furnish­ Andrew Burguera, Theatine F-a- W. Alameda following the Solemn Mass eoram Arckiepiscopo. School Calendar It it hoped to have the work on ing, approximately 8100,000. It is ther in charge, whose unending Convent'* Blessing fully equipped, with lovely atoine<2 work made the building possible. the edifice, located at W. Ohio and glass windows, marble altars, mod­ although the Archbishop asserted 1 9 4 8 4 9 S. Newton, completed by that time. Is Slated Aug. 17 Great Spiritual Work Is Done If not entirely done, it will be far ern floors, exquisite Stations of that when it was first proposed to Archdiocese of Denver enough along so that the dedica­ the Cross especially painted for him by Father Andrew and Father Sept. 7—Opening day it, and a large organ. The job is aj John Ordinas, the Theatine supe­ Oct. 21 and 22—Teachen’ meet. tion may be held. Workmen are Children to Get finished one. rior, he quailed at the thought of putting asbestos shingles on the ing» roof now. The floor is still to be In Vacation School Classes The remaining debt, the Arch­ trying to raise the money. Nov. 1—Feait of All Saint*, bishop said, is $25,000. He paid At the dinner following the holy day laid and the sanctuary to be built. Extra Vacation Mass, the Archbishop announced Nov. 11— Arraittice day, holiday Some painting remains to be done. A total of 3,952 students were enrolled in the 71 religious There is not a great amount of vacation schools conducted this summer in the Archdiocese the names of a group of clergymen Nov. 2S a*td 26— Thanktgiving New Sacred Heart Pastor who had promised together to get vacation this, however, as the brick of the At St. James' of Denver by 133 teachers. $5,000 more to help pay off the Nov. 27— Pontifical Ma** of Re­ walls will not need decorating.' These figures are contained in debt. quiem for decea*ed religiou* The lower part of the walls is There is a group of children in the report released by the Very Governor Knotvi Speaki Dec. 8—Fea*t of Immaculate of dark red pressed brick and the Denver who probably will be happy Rev. Gregory Smith, pastor of St. Conception, holy day upper part of wire cut buff brick. to learn this news. School will Saint Roses Governor Lee Knous of Colorado The ceiling is being finished in Francis de Sales’, Denver, who, as was one of the speakers at this Dec. 18 to Jan. 2, inclu*ive— not open for them until about Oct. director of the Confraternity of dinner. He expressed his delight Chri*tma* holiday* an acoustical plaster board of a 1, a fact that gives them an extra Christian Doctrine in the archdio­ Chapel Gets over the beauty of the church and April 14 to 18, inclu*iva— complementary buff color. month’s vacation. cese, is in chaige of the vacation what it promises to do for the dis­ Ea*ter holiday* Father Maher recently w'as given Although work is being rushed school program. trict in which it has been erected, May 26—A*cen*ion Thur*day, $2,250, a parishioner’s life savings, on the new- St. James’ school, the Statistics regarding attendance New Windows and he gave a powerful statement holy day $2,000 for pews and $250 for a auditorium of which will serve as fail to tell the whole story of such about the complete necessity of re­ June 10— End of *chool year monstrance. The donor had as a a temporary church, the pastor. T?e Franciscan Sisters of the lifelong dream the idea of giving schools, but the great work accom­ St. Rose 'Residence, 10th and ligion if any nation or any state Father William V. Powers, be- \ plished in a few short weeks is is to survive. stained-glass windows for a church. lieves that it will not be ready for Champa streets, Denver, have an­ Nun, Native of Denver, I Since there will be no stained-glass classes until about Oct. 1. clearly indicated by the facts that nounced that stained-glass win­ Other speakers at the dinner 35 children were baptized, 695 A private blessing of the nuns’ dows will replace the plain-glass were Denver City Councilmen Er­ Transferred to Howaii thqny’s, the money was turned to were prepared for First Holy Com­ windows in the rear of the chapel. nest Marranzino, James Fresques, convent at 1205 Oneida will be munion, 132 were confirmed, nine Sister Francis de Sales Wren, an other uses. conducted by Archbishop Urban J. The side windows, stained glass, Edward Mapel, and George Cavan- The parish will hold a bazaar returned to the sacraments, six were installed at the time of con­ der, Father John Ordinas of St. alumna of St. Francis de Sales’ Vehr Tuesday, Aug. 17, at 8 a.m. were, brought into the Church as high school and the first religious Aug. 27, 28, and 29 to help pay The Archbishop will offer the first struction. The windows are being Cajetan’s church, Monsignors Wil­ for the building cost*. The carni­ converts, and 133 children prom­ storm-proofed and repaired. liam Higgins, Matthew Smith, and vocation from that school, spent Mass in the convent chapel. ised to attend parochial schools. Charles H. Hagus, Father Andrew, last week in Denver en route to val will be held on the parking Six Sisters of St. Joseph have The chapel, built during the Tounds of the Aeroplane ballroom. The total figures ^or the arch­ summer of 1897, when an addi­ and Judge Lerg, grand knight of Holy Rosary school, Paia, in the arrived in Denver to teach in the diocese are divided as follows: the Denver K. of C. John Noriega Hawaiian islands, where she has A heavy yearling steer, slaughtered school, which will include a kinder­ tion was put up, was dedicated been assigned. She is the daughter and packaged by a frozen food garten and eight grades. Regis­ Denver city parishe.s: Fifteen the following November. The cost was toastmaster. Women of the parish served the dinner, which of Mrs. Arthur Wren, 845 Emer­ locker concern, will be the main tration is being held Aug. 23, 24, schools, 35 teachers, 1,447 stu­ amounted to $18,933. .At the time son. SJie and four other Sisters of attraction. Members of the 40 and and 25 from 9 to 11 a.m. in the dents, one baptized, 176 first com­ the sisters were engaged in pro­ was held in the old church, a con­ verted store room, now turned St. Joseph of Carondelet sailed 8 of the American Legion will have Montclair Civic building. Addi­ municants, three returned to sac­ viding for orphans a n d the Wednesday, Aug. 11, for their re- charge of the games. Parishioners tions to the convent are planned raments, 124 children who prom­ residence was then known at St. THE REV. JOHN E. CASEY, S.J., left,.a native of into an excellent hall and recrea­ tion center. It stands on the same spective missions in Honolulu, are assembling a wide variety of at a later date to make accommo­ ised to attend parochial schools; Clara’s convent. Denver and a graduate of Sacred Heart high school, re­ Paia, and Waipohu on the islands. attractions. dations for from 12 to 14 sisters. Denver suburban parishes: Six corner as the yw church across Settlement in Denver turns to this parish Aug. 16 as pastor. His predecessor, the Rev. the street. ^ schools, 16 teachers, 463 students, A. S. Dimichino, SJ., right, will remain in Denver several days to In 1888 Coadjutor Bishop N. The dedication of the new 57 first communicants, fou/ re­ C. Matz, later Bishop of Denver, acquaint Father Casey with the parish routine. Father Dimichino turned to the sacraments; jmd one then will take up duties in Our Lady of Mt.
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